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Joe Biden out crazies Trevor Noah on stupid question!

The Sniffler Creepy Joe Biden said that “I’ve Thought About What Would Happen if Trump Refused to Leave Office…” Oh you mean what the DemocRATS have been doing the last 4 years? Not accepting they lost to Trump? Well not to worry Joe you should be in prison, and I hope you get your day in front of a judge and go to prison. During an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of Comedy Central’s “Daily Show,” the 2020 Democratic wannabe presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden said that he has thought about what would happen if he won the election and President Trump refused to leave office and that he believes the military would remove President Trump “from the White House with great dispatch” if such a scenario took place. Host Trevor Noah asked, [relevant exchange begins around 16:30] “Let me ask you this, and I know this is a strange question to ask an American politician, may be easier around the world, but have you ever considered what would happen if the election resu