
Showing posts with the label Black unemployment

Black unemployment fell to a record low in August!

Guess what folks CNN just reported that not only are black people doing pretty good under Trump as President but Black Unemployment is falling to a record low. He said he would create more jobs for ALL Working Americans, and he’s kept his word, and remember CNN is leftist ran, and have been very unkind, and unfair to Trump since he’s been in office but even they have to admit when they got it wrong once in a while, and I hope this is a start here… Check out this directly from CNN below because it’s both very insightful, and informative on the status of unemployment in the black community. But let’s also look at the OVERALL job creation per month right on CNN… We’ve had a good time under Trump so far, and some of the lower numbers are around times where big scandals like the Muller Report was the rage. Now that that’s dying down a bit things are looking up, and again Trump is winning on the politics, economics, trade, and even name calling on twitter, and using that to expose liars, fra