
Showing posts from March, 2019

Rashida Tlaib described what it was like to meet with Barack Obama.

You ever wonder where she gets her hate for the country, and it’s current president? Well look no further than her boss, friend, and mentor. That’s right Mr 44 himself Barack Obamanation. “Barack Obama met with us new members of Congress, and we had a thoughtful discussion about serving our country,” she tweeted while sharing a picture of the two of them together. “The best part was when he looked straight at me and said, ‘I’m proud of you.'” The former president also tweeted his thoughts on meeting the latest batch of House Democrats. “It’s a young, diverse class, stocked with a bunch of my campaign and administration alums who’ve taken the torch. This group is going to be driving progress for a long time to come,” he wrote. According to reports, Obama used the event to warn the freshmen about the cost of some of the policies that have attracted media attention. My question is was she sworn in with a bible or Quran? And if it’s not a christian bible, and it is a Quran could this i