
Showing posts from June, 2019

AOC’s latest stupid statement: Only Nazis oppose open borders

It’s open borders or you’re a Nazis according to the now officially brain dead Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who in her own stupidity explained Tuesday, as she placed full blame for the mess at the southern US border on “fascist” President Trump. In a Q&A posted on Instagram, AOC charged Team Trump with holding illegal border-crossers in “concentration camps.” Once again this buffoon is using this bullshit argument, and Leaving no doubt that she was invoking the Nazi death camps, she noted that she was addressing people “concerned enough with humanity to say that . . . ‘Never Again’ means something.” She of course already was under fire for this before but again feels like she needs to double down on her own stupidity. Cause well she’s a fucking idiot. She left unmentioned that some of those holding areas went up under President Barack Obama, because the unprecedented wave of “undocumenteds” from Central America started hitting on his watch, and he’s on record saying such when he r