
Showing posts from July, 2019

Trump: "Tweeting is my only form of defense, if I got fair coverage I wouldn't even have to tweet"

This is all true the Fake News media has been harder on Trump then any President I can think off.. Not even close guys. I’ve never seen in my 40 years anything like this. STEVE SCULLY, C-SPAN: Reading the tweets, do you think you’re a uniter as president? PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, if I got fair coverage I wouldn’t even have to tweet. It’s my only form of defense. If the press covered me fairly I wouldn’t even need that, but they don’t cover me fairly.


Not my video but this guy always puts out well thought out videos on YouTube, and I wanted to share both his Channel, and this video he posted. This video is hilarious, and 100% fact. lmao enjoy! Orange man still bad. SUMMIT NEWS: BITCOIN WALLET: 3EMQG9EhPkoFbX5F19RTGZs8rPqGYm2mp9 BITCOIN CASH WALLET: qrxhqz9ka423v68qwc7nyqc88q3mx9ea5gcpz88a0l LITECOIN WALLET: MSs2rWgM571WM3zUnL255gccoQAdz9L6CG ETHEREUM WALLET: 0x21221F5da5e70F46Bbfa755f89e312daDa51f115 Bitchute:… Telegram: Twitter: Minds: Gab:

Democrats were running for President of Mexico

You’d think the Democrats were running for President of Mexico… lol This might be the funniest video EVER! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I Don’t know what’s being said but that’s not spanish there Corey Booger, and the rest well? Priceless. Corey Boogers face is priceless. .. Beto & Booger really are “DUMB & DUMBER!

"SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE" That Ilhan Omar DID Marry her Brother

Judicial Watch announced that it hand-delivered ethics complaint to Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics David Skaggs calling for a full investigation into potential crimes tied to allegations that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have married her biological brother. Donate today! ► Subscribe on YouTube! ► Check out our website ► “Like” us on Facebook ► Follow us on Twitter ► Watch this piece of garbage smile, and laugh while talking about genocide trying to mock our country, and destroy it. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has a heated exchange with Elliot Abrams, the U.S. special envoy to Venezuela, highlighting his role in the Iran-Contra affair. She says, “I fail to understand why members of this committee or the American people should find any testimony you give today to be truthful.” The exc

This is why CNN is dog shit!

The moron Frank Behum is an old gay man who doesn’t know shit because Trump has NEVER tweeted a racist thing, and he’s not desperate you fruit! The woman said for him to be deported, and let’s impeach the motherfucker so they can trash, and smear him but he can’t defend himself? GTFOH! Old moron my god I’d love to be on this discussion with these people. Can’t believe people don’t bring this up, and allow this idiot Frank get away with lying like that. But I’m not shocked this is from CNN the most bullshit network in NEWS! This shows the biased on every level they first get a room full of Democrats, and bring on 2 conservatives in a video full of liberals, and then don’t call out the liberals when they’re lying, and why is the host making this about the black kids race? Why must these people on CNN always make it about “RACE” and throw the “RACE CARD” on anyone who’s republican? They’re the ones who are desperate, and delusional, and Trump clearly said “Why don’t they go back and help

Kevin McCarthy condemns House vote on Trump's 'go back' comments: 'This is about politics'

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy denied the Republican Party had an optics problem as many members of his conference prepare to vote against a measure censuring President Trump for telling a quartet of minority House Democratic women “to go back” to where they came from. “I think this party has been very clear. We are the party of Lincoln,” the California Republican told reporters on Capitol Hill Tuesday. “Let’s not be false about what is happening today. This is about politics.” McCarthy, a Trump ally, added the president’s comments weren’t racist, urging his Democratic colleagues to “get back to the business of America.” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy denied the Republican Party had an optics problem as many members of his conference prepare to vote against a measure censuring President Trump for telling a quartet of minority House Democratic women “to go back” to where they came from. “I think this party has been very clear. We are the party of Lincoln,” the California Rep

Sen. Booker crosses border, meets asylum seekers! Breaking the law.

Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker crossed back over the U.S. southern border on Wednesday, traveling to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, to meet with migrants attempting to seek asylum in the United States. (July 4) Breaking the law!!!! This man belongs in prison right now. Subscribe for more Breaking News: Website: Twitter: Facebook: Google+:… Instagram: ​