
Showing posts from August, 2019

Case against Jeffrey Epstein dismissed following his death.

So in a not shocking turn the case against Jeffrey Epstein was dismissed following his death. Well DUH the man is dead right? How can you put a dead person on trial so this isn’t news. Now the investigation as to the allegations, and connections in his books will continue. The only thing is you can’t put to trial a deadman… His death will be investigated by special council William Barr, and we’re going to find out more on how he died, and if there was any connection to anyone in the books Epstein kept. I’d like to see ALL the names come out….. What they did, and to who. Time to expose these pedophiles no matter what side they’re on. DemocRATS or Republicans. Doesn’t matter to me if they’re religious or royalty. Let’s see who’s been naughty with Mr Epstein, and if they broke laws like having sex with under age girls I say THROW THE BOOK AT THEM!! ALL OF THEM!! NEW YORK (Reuters) – A federal judge on Thursday formally dismissed the criminal sex trafficking case against Jeffrey Epstein, a


It sounds like one, and probably was said as one but the left is so quick to turn even a joke said in passing a year ago into something terrifying and twisting it to try again to hurt the reputation of the President who can’t joke, speak, pee, poo, even clean his ass without being accused of being a crazy, racist who now demands for people to clean their ass after a good poop. This is how crazy the left is become! Even something maybe said in passing as a joke they turn into more fake news. Clearly the President didn’t say such a thing or wasn’t being serious if at all. The whole thing sounds like more made up nonsense, and if he said it most likely it was jokes. Not like a certain member of congress Hank Johnson who asked if Guam Could “Capsize” After Marine Buildup… He was also very in how he asked in a hearing in congress! Now (all puns intended here…) let this sink in for a minute guys. He was serious, and nobody reported it because we wouldn’t want to expose him for the moron he i

Joe Biden declined to answer questions about his son Hunter?

So creepy Joe Biden the Democratic presidential candidate was on the campaign trail when news broke that his son Hunter Biden had been ousted on his work history, and was being investigating for dealings with overseas business in countries where Creepy Joe who was the vice president under the Obamanation was conducting “diplomatic work,” which could cost creepy Joe big in 2020. Now this story could be big because what did we just spend 3 years and 35 Million plus to prove? That Muller report failed to show a Trump/Russian collusion. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT now now it might turn out the folks having the russian connections we need to worry about aren’t named Trump or in his circle! But it looks more, and more that the people running under Obama were dealing in some very shady things during the two terms. Of course this will be a big issue his political opponents will exploit more as time goes on, and some already begun to wield against him as he wades into the 2020 presidential campaign. More t

The Media lies about Trump? You Judge...

For my friends who keep defending the media, and trying to demonize the President using the same language, and words they hear, and the lies they hear in the media. Here is a video of a supposedly respected media journalist. Not just lying! But retracting his lie with a soft retract AFTER the damage has been done live on the Rachael Uglycows show, and now Eric Trump Plans to Sue Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC for Defamation, and rightfully so. The false, defamatory report are about the Trump Foundation and its finances. This was a reckless attempt to slander our family and smear a great company. Apologies are not enough when the true intent was solely to damage and cause harm. As a company, we will be taking legal action. This unethical behavior has to stop. @Lawrence @MSNBC — Eric Trump (@EricTrump) August 29, 2019 O’Donnell then admitted he didn’t “adhere to journalistic ethics,” “rigorous verification,” or MSNBC’s “standards” before he wrote a report claiming Pr

Fredo... Cuomo is back at it again with his idiotic behavior.

He’s either a helpless dummy OR Fredo Cuomo is suffering from mental retardation of some sort because first this loser attacks Presidential spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany and when she called the media on their lies which does include CNN his own network so since he cannot debate anyone on anything truthful because he’s a known liar, and con artist with a bad attitude as we all know he hates being called “Fredo” which now Chris it’s your official name. You’re Fredo Cuomo as far as I’m concerned so that loser ended the interview like the coward, and two face liar he is. Cuomo who recently threatened to throw a guy down a flight of stairs for calling him “Fredo.” And by once, browbeat McEnany in an attempt to get her to admit that President Trump has lied to the American people. “No. I don’t believe the President has lied.” said Kayleigh McEnany again President the campaign national press secretary to the PRESIDENT! She told Cuomo that President Trump has never lied to the country. Which he

Hilarious court video!

This couple has been happily married for 43 years, but the wife comes to court to throw her husband under the bus. This couple has been happily married for 43 years, but the wife comes to court to throw her husband under the bus. Then A dad comes to court with his son for a $25 ticket. Will he leave with a larger fine after his son breaks the judge’s gavel? Source:

Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Nadler & Co Caught In Major Lie!

So in the Impeachment Proceedings, Court Docs Show They Started Before Mueller Turned In the infamous Report which showed the President did nothing wrong, and that the left hung their hopes would crucify Trump. Speculation, Analysis & Opinion of Kirsters B| House Judiciary Committee Democrats indicated in a Monday court filing that they have been working on an impeachment probe of President Donald Trump since before special counsel Robert Mueller even submitted his report. This seems to contradict previous comments made by committee chairman New York Democrat Jerry Nadler and California Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Earlier this month, Nadler claimed that “formal impeachment proceedings” were beginning as he filed “a petition to get secret grand jury information from the Mueller report. But Monday’s filing in a separate case looking to compel testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn suggested that it had already started on March 4 — weeks before Mueller sent hi

Heads of delegations in the G7 Summit pose for a photo.

Heads of delegations participating in the G7 Summit pose for what some are calling a “family photo.” Well what is the the g7 summit? You might ask! Well the G7 is a collective of 7 of the planet’s biggest, and most industrialized and developed economies. During the summit the political leaders come together to discuss important world economic, political, social and security issues. Check out the video below!

His ecstasy popping days are done!

This week Police reported that a Florida man was busted with Trump-shaped ecstasy pills now he’s facing charges they were shaped like President Donald Trump’s head. 23-year-old Brendan Timothy Dolan-King on Friday woke up after reports of a drug overdose to find his home searched by police said they found illegal drugs, including MDMA pills that looked like the president hidden inside an air vent. Which is a cool idea, and refreshing to see that this moron tried to use his head when stashing his pills. I mean who’s hasn’t heard of someone stashing drugs in an air vent? Friday’s Lab tests reportedly confirmed that “a tan powder seized was fentanyl and that the Trump pills contained MDMA.” While not the first time a president-shaped ecstasy pills have been found in a bust. Just last year 2018, Indiana State Police reportedly found orange ecstasy pills (pictured above) shaped like Trump’s head during a 6-day operation. The Smoking Gun reports that Brendan Dolan-King was serving an 18-mont

Trump's enemies turning on each other!

So socialist, and one nasty woman “Rep. Rashida Tlaib” suggests viewers boycott HBO’s “Real Time,” with comedian Bill Maher after he calls anti-Israel boycott movement ‘bulls— purity test’ Tlaib, who was denied entry to Israel last week over her support of the movement, said that she was “tired of folks discrediting a form of speech that is centered on equality and freedom.” Maybe folks should boycott his show. I am tired of folks discrediting a form of speech that is centered on equality and freedom. This is exactly how they tried to discredit & stop the boycott to stand up against the apartheid in S. Africa. It didn’t work then and it won’t now. — Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) August 17, 2019 “This is exactly how they tried to discredit & stop the boycott to stand up against the apartheid in S. Africa,” Tlaib added. “It didn’t work then and it won’t now.” The comments from Tlaib came just days after Israel abruptly announced that it would bar Tlaib and

Fredo Cuomo loses it!

Chris Cuomo’s “Fredo” Blowup & A Racist! Am I shocked by this video? Nope this guys a complete moron, and tool. He really is a “Fredo!” I know he’s trying to come off as “tough” in the video but I’ve had a few fights, and what’s happening here is he’s acting tough to show off in public that he’s not gonna take name calling. Funny when all this moron does is name call the President things he’s not, and now look he can’t take it! He knows how to dish it out on his horrible tv show but when he’s confronted by someone well he doesn’t throw a punch cause he’s a weak punk bitch! But he trash talks, and waits to get hit so he can sue. Watch for yourself this weak dumb moron in action! All this because someone called him Fredo! And to compare that to the “N” word is moronic! Nobody who was a slave was ever called Fredo! He’s mad cause Fredo was the weak brother in the godfather movies… Well he’s dumb so what do you expect!

That's 2 Rocketman Trump destroys while President!

So the Fire marshal said that yes Donald Trump’s boast that he smashed pop star’s attendance record at Manchester, NH arena yes it’s TRUE, and so I’d like to say to the other Rocketman! (Not Kim Jong-un but man look at that hair!) Sorry Elton John, your record isn’t still standing! You have been removed from the bloody throne you sat on. (I don’t want to know why it was bloody but you can use your imaginations there.) But I would like to congratulate our 45th POTUS Mr Donald Trump for his achievement. So once again while they tried to say he lied the President as he said at his campaign rally he really broke a longstanding attendance record held by Elton John. ‘Great news!’ the president tweeted after returning from the Southern New Hampshire University Arena to his New Jersey golf resort. ‘Tonight, we broke the all-time attendance record previously held by Elton John at #SNHUArena in Manchester, New Hampshire!’ Manchester Deputy Fire Marshal Mitchell Cady was in charge of keeping coun

So how much did Obama know about the Russian Hoax?

Rand Paul has gone on record now as wanting to see Obama INVESTIGATED For Inventing ‘Russian Conspiracy’ Hoax the one which all Americans have heard by now you know the inquiry investigator Robert Mueller ran and spent 35 Million of taxpayer money into the witch hunt on Donald Trump. The one which showed no collusion by Trump, and Russia during the 2016 presidential election and was a giant failure. While leftists and the media lost their collective minds thanks to a narrative they invented, Rand Paul suggested Obama officials should take a turn in the hot seat. Senator Rand Paul has called on the Justice Department to investigate the Obama aides who forced the false claims into the minds of the public using propaganda and brainwashing tactics. According to The Washington Examiner, Paul used Twitter to call for an investigation of those responsible to the “Russian conspiracy hoax” perpetrated on the American people. “Time to investigate the Obama officials who concocted and spread the

Hilarious NEW videos on the death of Epstein online!

hmmm seems legit! LOL Now now I know this is clearly a spoof but man this is pretty funny stuff… Hillary and her media watch footage of the death of Jeffrey Epstein… Shocking footage.

Jeffrey Epstein "little black book" of society figures uncovered by the FBI!

Listed in what some are calling his “Little black book” now dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein had according to FBI 301 British associates & society figures, it was revealed that such names as Mick Jagger, Tony Blair and Richard Branson were listed as well as lords and ladies. Now this doesn’t mean these folks did anything wrong as in the world of the mega rich a lot of people meet people, and they do business together, and not everyone knows what someone does in private. But how many of these people knew? This is the question. Jeffrey Epstein, who died in jail on Saturday while facing sex trafficking charges, Prince Andrew does have a picture with a then-teenager Virginia Giuffre, formerly known as Roberts, at the home of Ghislaine Maxwell. The Mirror reported there were more than 1,000 numbers and dozens of email addresses between the Brits named in the book belonging to Prince Andrew’s pervert pal, New Labour grandee Lord Peter Mandelson – who has 10 numbers, including one marked “d

Israel bars Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib's entry!

2 of the 4 “horseheads of the moronic” have now been banned or barred from spreading their anti semitic b.s over to anyone else in Israel as Democratic Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib entry to Israel. Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovel confirmed that US Democratic Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have been barred from entering the country following a tweet by our President Donald Trump warning Israel of the hate for them and us these two clowns have. Israel will not allow the 2 DemocRATic congresswomen to visit the West Bank, the deputy foreign minister said on Israeli radio. President Trump had urged the country to ban the representatives in an extraordinary step to punish his political rivals who were expected to arrive on Friday. This is the tentative agenda for @Ilhan and @RashidaTlaib visit. Described as “Delegation to Palestine.” “Israel has decided — we won’t enable the members of Congress to enter the country,” she tells the Kan public broadcaster. “We w

ESTUBETO O'Rourke... You're the racist!

When I say “A SNOWFLAKE SOCIOPATH SNAPPING at Media on El Paso Tragedy!” or “You know the SH*T” HE SAY’S! “Says! I don’t know PRESS, WHAT THE F*CK connect the dots! It’s RACISM!” Who does everyone on the left think off when watching those quotes there? They would say “what is President Trump!” why? Because this is how stupid some have become. Yet some like POTUS wannabe (But has zero chance of being) Beto O’Rourke seem to be born with the stupid DNA already embedded in them like a “Stupid dumbass” human version of plug, and play. WOW! Hey Beto the POTUS didn’t talk like that ever! Why you so mad? I mean you’re wrong! I’d like to see the media ask him ok when has Trump actually said those things about MEXICANS? Trump has said it about “GANGS” and “ILLEGALS” which is a concept hard to understand for someone as fucking stupid as EstuBETO O’PORK as I like to call him. This human filth on the far left masquerading as a candidate for POTUS. Never forget who he is…

CNN's Anderson Cooper a racist also?

So Anderson “Pooper Scooper”Cooper sounded off about the recent re-tweet of Twerrence K. Williams on his pathetic tv show on CNN. You know the “Clinton News Network” the nation’s number 1 source for “FAKE NEWS” and already home of another pooper scooper Don Lemonhead. But why is Anderson Making such a big deal about Terrence? Who’s managed to make a name for himself with his comedy, and politics. Are you mad, envious, or just hungry for news on a slow news week? Are we now sinking to this level that Anderson is going on air to talk about the “Presidents” re-tweets? How is this news? This is why CNN get’s the name “Fake News” they attack whoever supports the president, and makeup lies as they go along, and feed you the public fales narratives via this little brainwashing tool called the TeLIEvision. Let’s hear Terrence place Anderson in his spot with a simple tweet…. Enjoy! . @andersoncooper DISSED ME on CNN He’s MAD because President Trump said I was Highly Respected. Trump compliment

Terrence K. Williams getting death threats!

Facebook, and Twitter star Terrence K. Williams says he’s getting death threats! Check out the post he tweeted out earlier… Shocking if true! THEY ARE COMING AFTER ME! After @realDonaldTrump Retweeted me I received threats & now Facebook is after me. I’m worried about my safety. PLEASE HELP get my story to the Top! Please RT or comment using hashtag 👉 #ProtectTerrenceKWilliams #ProtectTerrenceKWilliams — Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) August 13, 2019

CNN's Don Lemon accused of assault in New York bar!

Doesn’t shock me this guy’s a race baiting liar, and scumbag. He should’ve been fired for many things he’s done but the people at CNN keep him on the air for some crazy reason. This a gay man who says “white men are evil” but dates a white man. He does nothing but trash Trump on his show, and white men. I don’t get it… But now this idiot has been accused of assault in strange sexually charged encounter at New York bar tony Hamptons. Now this went down last year in a civil suit filed earlier this week stated that Don Lemonhead met Dustin Hice, of Florida, who was living in the Hamptons and working at The Old Stove Pub in Sagaponack during the summer of 2018. On July 15, after closing, Hice claimed he left with the owner and co-workers to party at another bar, Murf’s Backstreet Tavern, in Sag Harbor, where they saw Lemon. Recognizing the newsman, Hice offered to buy him a vodka drink called a “lemon drop,” according to the suit. Lemon declined the offer, Hice claimed, but later approache

A Powerful Truth! WalkAway Campaign Video and INFO!

This video is going viral on the net right now, and it’s without a doubt a powerful message all Americans should watch! But especially us minorities in this country. This video is pure truth. The DemocRATS don’t do nothing but use us for our votes, and then they do nothing! Part of A Movement to Get Black Voters to #WalkAway from the Democratic Party Comes to L.A, and checkout the main video, and info on it below. Twitter: @usminority Facebook: The Unsilent Minority YouTube channel: The Unsilent Minority

Who forces tears? Besides Andrew Yang?

I’ve cried a lot of times in my life… When I first saw my new born Niece I cried, when she got married 25 years later I cried, when I lost in sports I cried, when I broke up with a girlfriend I cried, when I broke a bone in my leg I cried, when I lost my mother I cried hard. ONE Pattern I noticed. TEARS! Every Time I’ve ever cried my face goes red, and tears, and sometimes snot comes out the nose. But I never have to force it! Check out Andrew Yang here as he forces himself to cry. Now he eventually does cry but it’s like he is geared up for the moment. More like “acting” than real tears. When you cry but I’ve never cried dry and all of a sudden I had my eyes get watery and I can control my voice without missing a beat just a few seconds later but hey we each cry our own way? But I’ve never recovered from breaking down so emotionally from something “tragic” that I recovered like Andrew Yang who managed to get all emotional, and start to cry then goes right into sales pitch. He literal

Alveda King Defends Trump: ‘He Is NOT A Racist’

Remember we have to learn from history so we’re not doomed to repeat it, and so let us remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was a Republican, and fought for the civil rights of all men, and mostly to help African Americans in this country overcome the situations a lot of themselves were in, and it came at the ultimate price which was his life. He fought against people who you all know. People like Hillary Clinton, and Barry Goldwater (Who was publicly endorsed by members of the KKK organization. Lyndon B. Johnson exploited his connections.) he switched parties JUST because King was a republican. Now fast forward to current day, and Dr King’s niece has come to the defense of President Donald Trump amid cries from Democrats and Leftist commentators that he is a racist. The Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Alveda King told “Fox & Friends” that such characterizations could not be further from the truth. “President Trump is not a racist,” she said Thursday. “I’ve had the experience

It's like they're on a script!

This is how the media uses keywords to brainwash simple minded people into believing their lies about Trump. LMAO It’s like these people are given a script on what to say huh? Hmmmmmmmm Wonder by who! Still waiting… When the media gets it wrong, they do a fabulous job!” “This is the beginning of the end.” “The walls are closing in.” “Donald Trump is done.” “This is a tipping point” “This is a bombshell.” “He’s finished.” “Impeach him.” “It’s over.” “Bye.”

Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead!

The ‘Suicide Watch’ Fails now Feds are Scrambling for Answers as convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein (66 yrs old) who has been held without bail as he faced child sex trafficking charges was found dead inside a Manhattan correctional facility in what the “Bureau of Prisons” called an “apparent suicide.” At first he was held at MCC in general population, where he was targeted for extortion as a wealthy pedophile, a person with knowledge of his circumstances told The Daily Beast, before being transferred to a cell with a roommate in the Special Housing Unit separated from the rest of the prison and with extra security. The convicted sex offender in Florida was held without bail at the MCC since his sudden arrest on charges of child sex trafficking at New Jersey’s Teterboro airport in early July, after he arrived on his private jet from Paris. On suicide watch after he was found in his cell in that unit “in medical distress” on 07/23/2019 with “apparent bruising on his neck” and was taken

LINDSEY GRAHAM: GOP Will Repeal Obamacare if Republicans Take the House!

I’ve made major errors in my voting in the past when OBAMA ran I voted both times ALL democrat because I belonged to that party, and only left it during the 2nd year of term 2 of Obama. That’s when it hit me just how evil, crooked, and just plain bad he, and the party was becoming. Obamacare is what made me completely see the snake in the grass he was. I voted mostly independent during the last Presidential elections in 2016 (yes I voted for Trump), and 2018 (midterms). This one after watching these years play out I’m voting 100% Republican, and Trump has again my vote 100% if they replace Obamacare after 2020 as LINDSEY GRAHAM said I will know my vote went to the right party. As long as this party keeps doing the right things, and my conservative views are not thrown away like they had been in past years by both Bush Sr & Jr, Bill Clinton, and Obama eras I will keep voting for republicans. But right now there are some very shady Republicans which we gotta watch. But Obamacare doe

Jerry Nadler is EVIL case closed! This man is crazy.

Jerry Nadler, (House Judiciary Committee Chairman) (D-N.Y.) confirmed on Thursday that his committee has now launched “formal impeachment proceedings” into the alleged misconduct of President Donald Trump. Appearing on CNN, (FAKE NEWS) Nadler said people shouldn’t be “hung up on the semantics” since his committee is “investigating” the facts and evidence. Meaning “Hey doesn’t matter if he’s guilty or if this is even based on reality we’re can’t beat Trump in 2020 so we’re doing this. He said that he “wasn’t waiting” for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who has been publicly reluctant to support impeachment, but added that she’s been “very cooperative” with his investigation. So let me guess this right they want to impeach someone based on fake information created by Hillary Clinton, and others who are the actual ones which need to be looked into. There has to be a way to stop Jerry and the evil left from this twisted plot and agenda of theirs. After being pressed as to whether his

I had an epiphany today!

This picture here helped me reach it. The first Trump term has been a made for tv movie! LOL And it’s been fucking crazy! I think this is why he will get elected again cause America loves crazy tv, and NOTHING has been crazier than his first term. Just imagine how crazy he will make everyone if he gets re-elected!!!! Love him or hate him when he wins again people are gonna have 4 more years of this fucked up tv show. The first 4 years are better and more scandalous than most tv shows on any platform! Kiefer Sutherland couldn’t write better Drama on his President show “Designated Survivor.” I mean he wishes he could come up with the stuff that’s happened during the first term for Trump.

A REAL American Hero defends our country, and flag!

Here we got a video showing a few protesters who are, dumb, and well out of their fucking minds. They are protesting this great country and stepping on the flag! WTF is wrong with these people? What sort of mental illness would lead anyone to do this? I mean seriously if you don’t like this country why are you here? You should find a dictator lead country you like pack your shit, and get the fuck out. That simple! What I don’t understand is some of these stupid fuckers come here to escape evil socialism and or communism when they are young with their parents, and then they want to turn this country into what they left behind. This sort of sickness must be eradicated folks, and voting the democRats out of office in all forms is a step in the right direction. Get it? “Right direction.” Original Source:

Monique Worthy 👵Aunty Tomasina👌

This lady says it all! She’s 100% correct! The left has gone nuts! They claim Trump is doing all the things THEY are doing. They’re crazy. They fill the news with propaganda after the shootings, and trash the president, and as soon as he says anything they double down on the attack. But I came across this lady’s twitter, and wanted to share it. Again shes 100% correct. These damn democrats getting out of hand y’all! They don’t wanna be white! They wanna call me out for supporting trump saying I don’t wanna be black!! Who the hell thinks like that?? D.E.M.O.C.R.A.T.S! That’s who! Crazy mfks — Monique Worthy *Aunty Tomasina👵👌* (@MoniqueWorthy) August 7, 2019

Remember when Obama went Golfing?

Well we all remember those days that the media showed then President Obama golfing up a storm. Guess what was happening as he hit the links? Where was all the liberals tears then? Nobody called him out or called him a racist for spending his days golfing. Was Obama called a racist when he put thousands of Operation fast and Furious guns on our streets? Nov. 5, 2009 – First Fort Hood shooting Jan. 8, 2011 – May 2010 Garland, Texas, shooting July 20, 2012 – Tucson congressional event shooting Aug. 6, 2012 – Aurora movie theater shooting Dec. 14, 2012 – Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting Sept. 16, 2013 – Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting April 2, 2014 – Navy Yard shooting April 14, 2014 – Second Fort Hood shooting June 18, 2015 – Kansas Jewish Community Center shooting July 16, 2015 – Charleston church shooting Oct. 1, 2015 – Chattanooga recruiting center shooting Dec. 2, 2015 – Roseburg community college shooting Feb. 22, 2016 – San Bernardino community center shooting June 12, 2016- Orl

The Guatemalan people love Trump! For a good reason.

A Big crowd outside the American embassy in Guatemala 🇬🇹 protesting @SpeakerPelosi or Nasty Nancy Pelosi and Arreaga! “We want a Republican Ambassador” yells the crowd! These people get it. Good to see, and these are LATINOS! So for all you morons saying that “Latinos hate Trump” or that he hates them! NOPE We love Trump because he’s fighting the real evil which is SOCIALISM, and COMMUNISM! @realDonaldTrump @LaCasaBlanca @_Sbenitez @SpeakerPelosi @theandrewwg #Guatemala #LatinosForTrump @realDonaldTrump @LaCasaBlanca @_Sbenitez Big crowd outside the American embassy in Guatemala 🇬🇹 protesting @SpeakerPelosi and Arreaga! “We want a Republican Ambassador” @theandrewwg #Guatemala #LatinosForTrump — Marco Gutierrez (@MarcoGutierrez) August 2, 2019

Miami Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross is a good man!

Miami Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross who’s been a great owner, and has had bad luck that he’s had bad coaching, and front office over the years here in Miami but he’s a solid man, and has been someone not shy from spending his money to help fix the team or win more games over his time as owner, and is someone I have tons of respect for even if the team has been a major let down for decades now. EVEN before he owned them, and so it comes as to now shock that he’s a conservative, as most people who own major sports teams, and some major businesses are. He’s also a big Trump supporter, and so much so he decided to hold a Fundraiser for President Trump! Terrence K. Williams posted a funny video about this on Twitter which really does make fun at how stupid these players are, and I stand with Terrence… These players are idiots! They’re demanding that Ross gives his ownership to his black players over this. Now come on people why is it that every liberal in the NFL or sports are now crying like