
Showing posts from September, 2019

President Trump suggested that Adam Schiff be arrested for treason!

I AM DRAINING THE SWAMP! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2019 President Donald Trump suggested Monday that Rep. Adam Schiff be arrested for treason after the House Intelligence chairman presented a false narrative of his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. “It bore NO relationship to what I said on the call,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Arrest for Treason?” The Bidens are doing all they can to silence me, this is why! — Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) September 30, 2019 I couldn’t agree with the President more. Adam Schiff-Head deserves a long prison term for his crimes. Trump said that Schiff’s attempt to falsify the facts last Thursday deserved closer scrutiny from the law. “His lies were made in perhaps the most blatant and sinister manner ever seen in the great Chamber,” Trump said. “He wrote down and read terrible things, then said it was from the mouth of the President of the United States.


One thing I love about President Trump is how he calls people out, and things out for what they are so him calling what he’s been put thru as the “single greatest scam in the history of American politics”, is both the truth, and not shocking from a guy who’s open, and transparent about his politics like Trump. He’s been open during the Russia investigation, and now on this Ukraine call. I’d like to see Obama’s transcripts with IRAN leaders or Russian leaders but the left doesn’t want to go there. They know the skeletons in the closet will put a lot of them away in prison for a long time, and so while Trump delivered a strong message about the impeachment witch-hunt directly to the American people he also pushed a very bold move on immigration. With “Nasty Nervous” Nancy Pelosi’s behavior adding fuel to the fire, the Trump campaign raised $13M in 2 days to ensure the radical DemonscRATS party doesn’t get anywhere near the Oval Office. But with the left now in full cognitive dissonance a

DR STEVE TURLEY reports on Greta Thunberg CRUMBLING Without Her Script!!!

Dr Steve Turley is someone I’d love to have on as a guest! He’s telling it how it is, and check out how he dissected Greta Thunberg on a video she was in where she’s asked very basic questions, and cannot give a competent answer, and diflects the question away to someone else. She’s a total fraud, and she came off like one in this video.. Don’t miss out folks check out this great video below from Dr Turley.

Corkey Booger aka "Bathroom Booker" talking about Trump? TKW tell them whats up!

Well so Corkey Booger wants to call out Trump names? Well well… CORY CALLED US DESPICABLE! No Chance Cory/ Bathroom Booker is barely in the race & has no chance in 2020. I rather be known as a Deplorable & Despicable than a Democrat! I will be a proud Despicable Deplorable Voting for President Trump in 2020! #DespicableDeplorable — Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) September 27, 2019 Link: Cory Booker Forgot About His Own Admitted Sexual Misconduct Cory Booker: ‘What does it matter’ if I’m gay’

New resolution could remove Jerry Nadler as judiciary committee chair

This has to happen! This man is one of the main people behind this entire b/s against Trump. Nadler, and Pelosi need to be removed, and the Fraud Squad need to be in prison, and deported when they finish their jail time. This is beyond time people on the right, and the left who care about this country start to move in the right direction and remove the real evil which is hurting our country. The hate on Trump by Nadler isn’t anything new they have had a grudge since the 80’s so you want to know “WHY” Nadler doesn’t stop, and allow our President to be the President, and help the country more than he has been able too? Check this out folks The animosity between Jerry Nadler and Donald Trump goes way back. In the 1980s, the two fought in New York City over a proposed development. Trump’s “ridiculous” plan was not built, but Nadler was not happy with the eventual compromise. Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) explains why he wants to remove Jerry Nadler as judiciary committee chairman and Nancy Pelo

The entire Transcript is out! Read it here!!!

UKRAINE CONTROVERSY: President Trump Says Democrats Have Lost It Before Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke with reporters at the United Nations General Assembly Wednesday; saying he had a “great phone call” with President Trump and “there was no pressure.” The White House accidentally emailed its talking points about the President’s call with the Ukrainian leader to House Democrats. “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during a meeting in New York with President Trump, told reporters Wednesday that he was not pressured to investigate the Biden family during their now-controversial phone call over the summer,” reports Fox News. “Nobody pushed me,” Zelensky said. “We had a great phone call,” Zelensky added. “It was normal.” “In other words, there was no pressure and you know there was no pressure,” added President Trump. The talking points include lines like: “Let’s be clear, there was no quid pro quo for Ukraine to get US aid in exchange for looking into Biden or his son.”

Donald Trump took center stage at "Howdy, Modi!" LIVE NOW!

Trump: “The relationship between the United States and India is stronger than ever before” President Donald Trump took center stage at “Howdy, Modi!” following a speech from India’s leader praising the relationship between both nations. “You (India) have never had a better friend as President as President Donald Trump,” Trump said at NRG Stadium Sunday afternoon. “Under PM Modi’s leadership, the world is witnessing a strong, sovereign republic of India.”President Donald Trump spoke highly of India’s investment in the US and even spoke about the NBA which recently announced its first-ever game in India. “We welcome India’s growing investments right here in the lone star state. Nations around the world are investing in the United States because they know we have the best economy and best workers in world.We want to thank everybody and India has never invested in the US like it is doing today, and I want to say it’s reciprocal because we’re doing the same thing in India,” Trump said. The

More good news for 45!

Trump’s 50 percent approval rating by Rasmussen Reported on Monday was matched head to head to that of Obama on September 16, 2011, he was four points lower at 46 percent, according to the poll. But this week he averaged across major polls surpassed that of his predecessor Number 44 or President Barack Obama at the same time 8 years ago. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2019 This is good for Trump who is known to cite only conservative-leaning polls as being semi fair. Which he’s correct it’s amazing how many in the media are doing polls where the majority of the people they poll are democrats, and the polls are coming from California, and places like this. You know DemocRAT states. Trump’s approval rating on Wednesday was 44.3 percent, according to a “Real Clear Politics” average of more than a half-dozen major polls. That is higher than Obama’s average approval rating of 43.9 percent on September 18, 2011, by the same time span. Number 45

Meanwhile in the real world! "The Border Wall" is happening!

Trump tours border wall progress in Otay Mesa, California After attending a fundraiser in Beverly Hills, President Trump ended his California visit with a tour of the Otay Mesa section of the border wall. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered in New York — the business capital of the world — FBN launched in October 2007 and is the leading business network on television, topping CNBC in Business Day viewers for the second consecutive year. T he network is available in more than 80 million homes in all markets across the United States. Owned by FOX, FBN has bureaus in Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and London.

Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski on Capitol Hill

Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski appeared on Capitol Hill Tuesday as the first “witness” in DemocRATS’ “impeachment” inquiry into President Donald Trump. This is beyond a joke now guys these guys on the left are losing their collective minds. Check out the video below here of the actual Capitol Hill footage. This is pretty good stuff. In his opening statement, Lewandowski railed against the Trump investigations, Fox News reports. “It is now clear the investigation was populated by many Trump haters who had their own agenda – to try and take down a duly elected president of the United States,” he said. “As for actual collusion or conspiracy, there was none. What there has been, however, is harassment of this president from the day he won the election.” The president was apparently watching, and tweeted: “Such a beautiful Opening Statement by Corey Lewandowski! Thank you Corey!” Such a beautiful Opening Statement by Corey Lewandowski! Thank you Corey! @CLewandowski_ — Dona

Guns saved lives! Take that BETO!

Armed Bystanders Shoot, Kill Gunman Who Opened Fire at Oklahoma City Restaurant… A man opened fire Thursday in an Oklahoma restaurant, leaving at least three people injured, before he was fatally shot by a pair of armed citizens, police said.

Out Magazine calls out Pennywise as being "Anti-Queer" WTF!?

Out Magazine wrote a scathing article titled “Pennywise Is Surprisingly Anti-Queer in It Chapter Two” criticizing the macabre clown, “Pennywise”, for the heinous crime of being unwoke–in this case, not being an LGBT+ ally. So because he kills some gay dude, and isn’t gay he’s anti gay? Wait I’ve seen the movie, and it deals with evil people who gay bash 2 gay dudes, and the clown kills one who’s thrown his way. He never does it cus he’s gay! He does it cus he kills. “I’m sad to announce that Pennywise is not gay, or even an ally” is my favourite ever quote from an honest to god serious article criticising the lack of LGBT allyship from a child-eating monster in the sewers disguised as a filthy razor-toothed​ clown. — Hannah (@teaforpterosaur) September 9, 2019 The guys sexual orientation has NOTHING to do with his death (Xavier Dolan and Taylor Frey) are attacked by a group of homophobes, who beat Dolan’s character Adrian and throw him over the side of a bridge.

A Little light hearted Trump humor on why he's Orange!:)

Trump says he looks orange because of energy-efficient light bulbs during a speech for House Republicans on Thursday night, Donald Trump blamed his orange appearance on the most nefarious political villain of our time: light bulbs. The Trump administration announced earlier this month that it would soften federal rules requiring light bulbs to meet certain energy efficiency standards. The rules, which eliminated light bulbs that weren’t either LED or fluorescent, would “save electricity equivalent to the output of at least 25 large power plants,” according to the New York Times. While Trump has long been correct on climate change which is why he has no problem joking about being “orange” this is something the socialist left don’t have. A Sense of humor! Somehow I’m sure some idiot is cooking up a website somewhere making up claims that he’s got a “vendetta against light bulbs” now. This is where we are in America with the DemoncRATS folks. “People said, what’s with the light bulb?” he

President Trump SLAMS Democrats & the Media - FULL SPEECH

President Trump let me tell you none of the DemoncRATS stand a chance against you in 2020…. Great video. MUST WATCH: President Trump SLAMS Democrats and the Media – FULL SPEECH

Andrew McCabe your time is up... DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal!

Like the saying in Mortal Kombat! But this isn’t a game folks US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal. Watch the latest video at U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu has recommended moving forward with charges against Andrew McCabe, yep you read that correctly. The Justice Department rejects a last-ditch appeal from the former top FBI official and current CNN contributor. McCabe who’s the former deputy and acting director of the FBI had appealed the decision of the U.S. attorney for Washington all the way up to Jeffrey Rosen, the deputy attorney general, but he rejected that request, according to a person familiar with the situation. The potential charges relate to DOJ inspector general findings against him regarding misleading statements concerning a Hillary Clinton-related investigation. Now a source close to McCabe’s legal team said they received an email from the Department of Justice which said, “The Department rejected your

EstuBETO O'DORK has the FBI on speed dial now!

Beto O’Rourke reports Texas lawmaker to FBI over AR tweet ‘death threat’ what a punk… And I’m calling EstuBETO the punk. This is a death threat, Representative. Clearly, you shouldn’t own an AR-15—and neither should anyone else. — Beto O’Rourke (@BetoORourke) September 13, 2019 So it has been reported to the FBI by Beto a tweet he considered a death threat, after Beto O’Rourke called for a mandatory buyback of assault rifles during Thursday’s Democratic debate in Houston. Now at the debate, O’Dork was asked if he would stand by his announced plan to force owners of the weapons most often used in mass shootings to surrender them to the government. So from buy back to mandatory removal or ELSE! “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15,” the former Texas congressman shouted, to cheers from the audience. “We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.” Thus pretty much ending his campaign. He’s now done folks… No chance in hell of

Western Couple Travel to Middle East to Prove It ‘Gets a Bad Rap’ — End Up in Iranian Prison

Western Couple Travel to Middle East to Prove It ‘Gets a Bad Rap’ — End Up in Iranian Prison in an ironic twist a blogger couple who traveled from Australia to Asia and the Middle East in an attempt to “break the stigma” surrounding developing countries was reportedly arrested. The duo were identified as Jolie King and Mark Firkin, the BBC reported on Thursday. Although the couple was arrested 10 weeks ago near Tehran, it wasn’t until Wednesday that the news became known. In 2017, they planned to leave Australia and drive from Asia to London. Along the way, the pair shared videos documenting the trip with their thousands of followers on social media. View this post on Instagram This is where we should be posting some epic underwater shot of the mantas we went diving with in Komodo. . The SD card had a bit of a melt down though and we lost our footage so here’s a pic of Jolie enjoying the sunshine on the dive boat on the way out instead. . Looks like we’ll just have to go again, damn

Fox News! Great stuff... Check out these videos.

“Garbage”Graham rips Trump dossier ahead of FISA abuse report… Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham on the upcoming IG report on FISA abuse. #Hannity #FoxNews Was CNN’s Russian spy report solely to embarrass Trump? Let’s find out. ‘Kennedy’s’ panel, including fmr. CIA analyst Buck Sexton, associate editor Robby Soave and Independent Women’s Forum senior analyst Inez Stepman, discusses CNN’s spy controversy and John Bolton’s White House exit. Keane on what Trump needs in a new national security adviser Fox News senior strategic analyst Gen. Jack Keane on the plan to fill John Bolton’s NSA role, potential Iran talks. #TheStory #MarthaMacCallum #FoxNews Trump: John Bolton ‘made some very big mistakes’ President Trump called a meeting earlier today at the White House to discuss the dangers of e-cigarettes and vaping. The president took questions from the media on John Bolton’s departure, gun control and more. #FoxNews SCOTUS allows Trump to enforce new restric

'The Five' reacts to new fallout over CNN Russia spy report

CNN criticized for standing by disputed Russian spy report; reaction and analysis on ‘The Five.’ #TheFive #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News Sunday on FOX Broadcasting Company and FOX News Edge. A top five-cable network, FNC has been the most watched news channel in the country for 17 consecutive years. According to a 2018 Research Intelligencer study by Brand Keys, FOX News ranks as the second most trusted television brand in the country. Additionally, a Suffolk University/USA Today survey states Fox News is the most trusted source for television news or commentary in the country, while a 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News is the top-cited outlet. FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news

Nicholas Haros Jr., had a few words for Rep. Ilhan Omar

“‘Some people did something’ said a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota…Today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom.” Full video here: #September11 — CSPAN (@cspan) September 11, 2019 Ilhan Omar while wearing a “Some People Did Something” Tshirt Nicholas Haros took it to the evil Ilhan Omar of the Fraud Squad saying and I quote “We are here today congresswoman to tell you and ‘the squad’ just who did what to whom” during the annual event in lower Manhattan, selected loved ones of those killed on Sept. 11 read the names of the more nearly 3,000 victims. @IlhanMN you need to apologize

Remembering 9/11

We must never forget what this country went thru on this date, and the people we lost on the worst day our country has ever faced together. The only shining moment that came out of this horrific day was how all Americans came together from all walks of life to help each other, and protect life. With how crazy things are today it’s sad to see some people dismiss this as “some people did something…” with a giggle, and an evil smile. There is a special place in hell for people like that. Never forget 911, and the people lost that day, and never allow it to happen on our soil again. Donald Trump said he would award a medal to a retired Army colonel he credited with saving about 2,700 people at the World Trade Center during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, as the president remembered the 18th anniversary of the incident. Trump said he would soon posthumously award the President’s Citizens Medal to Rick Rescorla, who at the time of the attacks was vice president of security at Morgan Stanley.

John Bolton walks the plank!

“I hereby resign, effective immediately, as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Thank you for affording me this opportunity to serve our country,” the two-line note said as John Bolton claims he resigned while Trump claims he fired him, and then asked him to resign. WHO’S telling the truth? Honestly who cares the guy wasn’t working out, and so the “YOU’RE FIRED” President did what he does he moved on, and will replace the guy. By the way while the leftist media tries to spin this into some sort of sinister thing! Don’t be fooled EVERY President go through staff members they have issues with. Trump isn’t even leading the pack of Presidents who’s had a lot of turnover while in office. But check out these videos below for more info on what just went down with John Bolton. Did he quit? Or did he get fired? Or a mix of both? Either way he’s gone.

Republicans victorious in North Carolina!

Not only did the Republicans win in North Carolina a place I know well, and will win in November, and beyond is because of how crazy the democrats have become. ALL they seem to do these days is go against what not only republicans in this country want moving forward but they seem to be out of touch with their own base so much the polls are reflecting it as well as the election in N.C. This is only the start folks you will see how much of 2020 goes Republican. Also ​”Greg Murphy won big, 62% to 37%, in North Carolina 03, & the Fake News barely covered the race. The win was far bigger than anticipated – there was just nothing the Fakers could say to diminish or demean the scope of this victory​,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “So we had TWO BIG VICTORIES tonight, Greg & Dan!”​ Besides Murphy, Trump congratulated Dan Bishop, who defeated Democrat Dan McCready in the Tar​ Heel State’s 9th Congressional District 50.8 percent to 48.6 percent. Trump was all in for Bishop and Murphy, holding

Colin Kaepernick likes chicks with dicks? You decide!

Former NFL quarterback, now activist Colin Kaepernick might have some skeletons in his closet he doesn’t want the world knowing about, and how about it folks! He might be into chicks with dicks! Maybe chicks who once had dicks? Who knows what he’s into cock or scars where cocks used to hang? I DON’T KNOW! Don’t want to know also but looks like someone’s is fed up with him, and has decided to well expose him, and kick him out of the closet… I mean Colin should be used to it he was kicked out of the NFL afterall, and has cost Nike MILLIONS since signing with them. He’s used to it.. I guess. I have some respect for Michael Sams the now ex football player for being openly gay about who he was, and even showed who his boyfriend was, and didn’t hide it. He’s not in the league either which doesn’t shock me but at least he didn’t lie, and kept a secret. You know who else lied about his sexual orientation? Aaron Hernandez, and he well we know how that guy ended up. Not good… Keeping secrets is

Jim Jordan calls out House DemoncRATS!

Direct quote from Mr Jordan “Figure out who’s ‘going to jail’ over Trump-Russia, Clinton probes!” – Jim Jordan Those were the words as he called the left DemoncRATS who prepare to proceed with their legislative agenda, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said lawmakers should shift their focus from impeachment to investigating former FBI Director James Comey and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Which I agree with 100% And still wonder why are the Dems so hung up on Trump when they have skeleton sin their own closet they refuse to look at! “When you’re solely focused on going after the president you can’t do what’s best for the country. And that’s been the problem with the Democrats,” Jordan said Monday on “Fox & Friends.” Once again he’s 100% correct, and this is why the President has had to do some things without Congress because it’s clear they’re not on the side of the American people, and or this current President. “Jim Comey… is the guy solely responsible for putting the countr

Trump's 2020 Rally in Fayetteville, NC! Sarah Sanders reacts With Hannity.

Full Replay: Trump Holds 2020 Campaign ‘Keep America Great’ Rally In Fayetteville, NC Sarah Sanders reacts to President Trump’s Rally and 2020 Election “If this is the best the Democrats have to offer, then the president has to be elated.” Monday night on “Hannity,” former White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders reacted to President Trump’s “Keep America Great” rally, and the 2020 presidential race.

The Puppet Masters Behind AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Thanks to the work done on the YouTube CH for Christopher Patrick Kohls aka “Mr Reagan” we have these two videos that expose one maybe 3 of the 4 Fraud Squad! These women were not elected on their own merit, and these videos does a tremendous job in connecting the dots, and giving you all the details how this all went down. USA – -( Freshman U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is a “puppet congresswoman,” and “the people controlling her are very dangerous.” It sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, acknowledges actor, writer and political commentator, Christopher Patrick Kohls. But the first-hand evidence is there for anyone to see, he contends in a youtube video produced under his Mr. Reagan moniker. “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not really the congresswoman of New York’s 14th Congressional District,” he says provocatively as he opens the video. “She is essentially an actress. She’s merely playing the part of a New York congresswoman.” Kohls explains that in 2017