
Showing posts from December, 2019


The countries Commander and Chief would like to give out the words to our country as the year ends, and so does this decade. Here with the lovely first lady Melania Trump our 45th President says and I quote “THIS WILL NOT BE A BENGHAZI” ahead of entering Mar-A-Lago NYE party when addressing reporters. Watch below for the videos of the night, and have a wonderful new years eve 2019, and an awesome new years 2020!

Merry Christmas from President Trump...

Under President Trump, Americans can say “Merry Christmas!” again! — Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TrumpWarRoom) December 24, 2019 To all here is the President wishing the service people a great Christmas also the night before.

Robert De Niro is at it again! But I think I know why...

So the once ICONIC actor who’s now fallen from grace looks like he’s about to get his #metoomoment all while trying to hide his own wrongdoing by trashing the PRESIDENT! A Twitter user, and host on NRATV named “Grant Stinchfield” @stinchfield1776 is calling him out, and called him a “sissy” if he doesn’t come out, and address his video. He’s tired of Robert De Niro and his bullish behavior both towards the NRA and our President. Check out the tweet below. . @stinchfield1776 challenges anti- #NRA Robert De Niro: “Come on my show. Talk to me. Prove you’re the unafraid tough guy you play in movies and not a socialist sissy you appear to be in real life.” — NRATV (@NRATV) April 6, 2018 This is about to get UGLY for Robert who I think is about to experience his own backlash which will have him lose possible work, and will get his name dragged through the mud like he’s currently partaking in against Trump on social media throwing out accusations, and threatening

Turning Point USA + New AD!

LIVE: President @realDonaldTrump at the Student Action Summit — The White House (@WhiteHouse) December 21, 2019 @realDonaldTrump at the Student Action Summit

X-Democrat Rep. Jeff Van Drew now Republican!

Well it’s official now, and to the party of winning! Merry Christmas to new Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew. He sure does come off presidential, and perhaps one day soon he will throw his hat into the ring. He’s got some major endorsements now for joining the winning team. What he said was also spot on how a lot of folks on the left feel after the last few months of this impeachment hoax. UPDATE: 12/22/2019

The Heritage Foundation with SEN. Ted Cruz

SEN. CRUZ: Has Trump impeachment been a legitimate process—or partisan weapon? Well that is the question now isn’t it? Senator Ted Cruz joined the “The Heritage Foundation for a conversation about how the impeachment process has been weaponized against President Trump, and what Americans need to know? How will the Senate trial unfold? Watch the discussion. America’s Founders did not provide for impeachment as a partisan political weapon or as a response by Congress to a President’s policies with which they disagree. Impeachment is a remedy for serious misconduct by the President and other federal officials that renders them unfit for office. It is paramount that a presidential impeachment be fair, legitimate, and minimize partisanship. Check out the YouTube for The Heritage Foundation here here ►

Democrat Rep. Jeff Van Drew to become Republican!

That’s right friends known to be against this circus, and one who was one of just two House Democrats to oppose the House’s November vote to set impeachment rules Rep. Jeff Van Drew, anti-impeachment Democrat, expected to switch parties after Trump meeting. Officials said Saturday that Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, a vocally anti-impeachment Democrat, will join the Republican Party in the coming days delivering a political jolt to Democrats ahead of next week’s expected vote to impeach the president. The decision, they said, came after Van Drew joined President Trump for a lengthy Friday meeting, during which Trump urged him to join the GOP, and who in an interview with Fox Business last month, said he would vote against articles of impeachment unless he hears evidence against the President that I quote would “rises to the level of treason or a high crime.” Watch the latest video at Since we know this is all based on lies, hersey and assumptions and no real evidence of

Check out "The Jimmy Dore Show"

While these guys are on the “Sanders” bandwagon they do bring up some good points on how bad the impeachments are going. Now this is hilarious how the left is eating itself up. There is democrats, and then there are DemocRATS. I guess…. Jimmy Dore does have some interesting episodes, and again I do agree with some of his views just not all…

🔴 LIVE: #MAGA – President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Hershey, PA 12/10/19

HERSHEY, PENNSYLVANIA – President Trump is speaking directly to voters in the battleground state of PA just hours after House Democrats announced they would charge him with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. As we all know folks the crazy left is doing all they can to overturn the election, and stop him from being re-elected. Let’s not allow our country to be stolen by the lunatic left.

House DemocRATS released two draft articles of impeachment!

Earlier today, House Democrats released two draft articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. NADLER Saying Trump will rig the election is hilarious when they have hoaxed this entire thing against Trump, and the entire impeachment b/s is a scam! THE Democrats are the ones trying to rig the election. It’s hilarious how these con artists love to blame TRUMP for their crimes! This is incredible folks…. I think it’s time WE the people hold pro Trump protests outside of CONGRESS! I’m in Miami FL but I’m willing to go, and join the protest of CONGRESS for this lie, and all this nonsense. These democRATS are evil, and so full of themselves! IT’S time to vote OUT EVERY DemocRAT in the next election.

Nasty Nancy Pelosi: "Civilization as we know it is at stake in the next election."

This bitch cray cray CRAZY AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nasty Nancy Pelosi is at it again folks now she saying in a Town Hall that “Civilization as we know it is at stake in the next election.” I mean is she fucking stupid or what? I love how she giggles like a drunken sailor at an orgy. Fucking stupid woman! She’s pure evil, and she says she’s religious! HA! Bullshit… She is a hateful disgusting libtard loser who needs to be removed from public office, and shipped off to a concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay for all the crimes shes guilty of. Fuck her, and the bullshit denture glue holding her fake teeth. Hope she chokes on her dentures on live tv. Knowing she’s being worked like a puppet by extremists in her party appears to be weighing on Nervous Nancy. Aside from claiming that the sky is falling, Speaker by name only spent yesterday scolding a reporter for daring to ask a rhetorical question on whether or not she hates the President. Despite it being clear that she does, Pelos

Biden Challenges Iowa Voter to I.Q. Test

Quid Pro Joe who’s clearly lost his mind is showing why he’s not “presidential material” yes folks it’s bad. “Joe Biden Lashes Out At Voter After He Calls Biden Out On Ukraine: “You’re A Damn Liar” LMAO! He’s on video using our taxpayer money to ask for someone to lose their job “OR ELSE” sorry Joe “you’re the damn liar.” He’s not only creepy he’s also a lying idiot… Joe needs to be locked away in a padded room. He’s nuts! IOWA VOTER: (echo) We all know Trump has been messing around in Ukraine over there, holding their foreign aid for — for them to come up and — saying that they want to investigate you. We know all about that crap. He has no backbone. We know that. But you, on the other hand, sent your son over there to get a job and work for a gas company that he had no experience with gas or nothing, in order to get access for the president. So you’re selling access to the president just like he was. BIDEN: You’re a damn liar, Man! That’s not true. No one has ever said that. No one c

She clearly hates Trump, and lied again on tv just now!

This old hag Nasty Nancy Pelosi is starting to lose it, and in the most NAZI fashion even HITLER like as she raised her right hand at the reporter she claims a lie. That she doesn’t hate anyone. But as she stumbled, and mumbled her way into some sort of fictional thought she made one thing… Two things clear. 1. She’s losing her mind 2. She hates Trump Now as you will see in the video as she was leaving her weekly press conference on Capitol Hill, the reporter, “James Rosen” of “Sinclair television,” asked a question we all knew the answer too already but to see someone ask it, and her reaction is priceless folks, and here is what he asked simply. “Do you hate the president, Madame Speaker?” Pelosi stopped, turned and pointed to him, and went APE SHIT! LOL This was hilarious folks… SHE is losing it bad now. Watch for yourself, and hope your sitting because this will make you laugh like you haven’t in a long time. “I don’t hate anybody,” Pelosi said. “I was raised in a Catholic house. We

🔴 LIVE: #MAGA - House Judiciary Committee Impeachment Inquiry Hearing

House Judiciary Committee Impeachment Inquiry Hearing – LIVE at 10am ET on C-SPAN3, C-SPAN Radio & online here: