
Showing posts from February, 2020

Liar, Liar, DNC is on Fire! & A Quid Pro QUO!?

Ok so where do I start? Let’s start first at the ‘Democratic presidential Debate’ where so called Presidential contenders are describing the federal infectious-disease bureaucracy as rudderless and ill-prepared for the coronavirus threat because of budget cuts and ham-handed leadership by President Donald Trump. That’s a lie… For starters, Trump hasn’t gone in cutting the budget to any such thing, and while he did propose a small cut in regulations he never went thru with it, and congress simply ignored it, and actually the budget has increased financing instead. The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren’t suffering from budget cuts that never took effect… Why lie? Easy because well most people won’t fact check these idiots, and they will hear this information, and hate ORANGE MAN IN WHITE HOUSE MORE NOW! This is what Nasty Nancy Pelosi calls again “The Wrap UP SMEAR!” Now let’s look at the comments from these morons one by one. MIKE BLOO

Lori Loughlin could face 50 years in prison!

The house is about to get a lot less Full as Hallmark Channel star Lori Loughlin may finally be facing 50 years in prison as it’s being now reported on by “Deadline News” that a trial date has been set for the actress (and husband Mossimo Giannulli) for her alleged participation in last year’s college bribery scandal. Loughlin will stand trial starting on October 5, where she’ll be asked to answer for charges of doing a bunch of stuff for her idiot kids. Loughlin and Giannulli are accused of paying $500,000 to get their daughters into USC as crew recruits even though neither was a rower. Authorities say the money was funneled through a sham charity operated by college admissions consultant Rick Singer, who has pleaded guilty to orchestrating the scheme. Specifically, Loughlin stands accused of making contributions to the University Of Southern California with the express intent of getting her daughter admitted, ostensibly as a member of the school’s crew team—despite the fact that she’

Astronomers Discover New 'Mini-Moon' Orbiting Earth? Or is it a ship?

So as I reported earlier about the ISIS footage now I found out that also Astronomers Discovered what they claim is a ‘Mini-Moon’ Orbiting Earth. Could this be the same object that we saw in the ISIS footage? Well you decide… Funny how mainstream news is pushing this as a natural object the size of a car? Well the ISIS footage was said to be about the size of a bus. SO I think we might have some sort of link here? You decide folks… BIG NEWS (thread 1/3). Earth has a new temporarily captured object/Possible mini-moon called 2020 CD3. On the night of Feb. 15, my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Teddy Pruyne and I found a 20th magnitude object. Here are the discovery images. — Kacper Wierzchos (@WierzchosKacper) February 26, 2020 Reminds me of this classic scene… Astronomers say Earth has a new, temporary companion in addition to the moon. A tiny asteroid, known as 2020 CD3, was captured by Earth’s gravity well, bringing the object into its orbit about three years a

NASA Captures Footage Of UFO On Space Station Live Feed

So NASA has a YouTube channel which hosts a live feed from the International Space Station. Recently, the astronauts on the ISS were doing some routine maintenance on the station but as the camera rolled, a pine cone shaped metallic object moved past the space station before turning upward and shooting off into space. Scott C. Waring, the founder of UFO Sightings Daily, was the one who first spotted the unidentified flying object, and he posted a video showing exactly where it was and what it looks like and I quote, “I was watching the NASA live space station cam when I noticed the camera zooming in on a strange object coming from below the space station. At first I thought it was a capsule or satellite, but its speed increased, and after 22 minutes it shot up and into deep space. I believed if it was a capsule it would have gone into low earth orbit then lower to land, but when this object shot upward into deep space, it literally blew my mind. This could be USAF top-secret alien tech

LATEST POLL: President Trump’s Approval Rating SOARS to 52%

Trump Approval SOARS to 52% as MASSIVE Number of Dems LEAVE the Democrat Party!!! That’s right folks the landslide is happening, and it’s going to be a shocker to those libtards who still think that the DemocRAPS have a chance in this 2020 election. Check it out the latest poll coming out “ The Rasmussen Reports ” on the daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove,” writes Rasmussen Reports. The data shows 39% of those polled “Strongly Approve” of the president’s performance and Donald “The Commander-in-Chief” Trump strong approval rating comes as President Trump’s approval rating among small business owners hits all-time high of 64% which are folks real data, and real numbers, and better than any President in decades. Check out some of the videos below for more information! Last year Trump did almost identical numbers as he’s doing this year at this time. Check out

Biden says he worked on 2016 climate accord with leader who died in 1997

Quid Pro Joe Biden once again has put his foot in his mouth on Monday he was caught claiming to have worked on the 2016 Paris Climate Accord with Deng Xiaoping the Chinese leader who died 19 years earlier. OOPS! During a campaign stop in South Carolina ahead of the state’s primary on Saturday, Biden told a crowd his experience on the world stage as vice president under Barack Obama made him the right person to defeat President Trump. “One of the things I’m proudest of is getting passed, getting moved, getting in control of the Paris Climate Accord,” Biden told the crowd in a video circulating on Twitter. “I’m the guy who came back after meeting with Deng Xiaoping and making the case that I believe China will join if we put pressure on them. We got almost 200 nations to join,” he said. Only problem is Deng Xiaoping, China’s former paramount leader, died in 1997… It’s unclear if Biden was referring to China’s current President Xi Jinping, who took power in 2013 and oversaw China’s involv

Seattle City Council socialist Kshama Sawant leads tax protest at Amazon Spheres

Watch AOC’s reaction when Trump says we will never be a socialist country Seattle- In 2013, a relatively unknown lawful immigrant from India named Kshama Swant decided that she was going to run for office as a socialist. She was an economic instructor in the city and a member of the Socialist Alternative Party. She had previously run unsuccessfully for the house of representatives but lost. In the race for city council though, she won. Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant leads a crowd of protesters at the Amazon Spheres in downtown Seattle. Sawant wants to tax large corporations like Amazon to pay for affordable housing in Seattle. Ironworkers shout down Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant with chants of “No Head Tax,” at Amazon headquarters in Seatttle on Thursday, May 3. On Wednesday, the company announced it would pause construction on that project until the City Council votes on the “head tax,” which would charge businesses with more than $20 million in annual revenue 26

Hasbro Introduces New 'My Butti' Pete Buttigieg Doll

Hasbro Introduces New ‘My Butti’ Pete Buttigieg (BOOT-EDGE-EDGE) Doll… OK NO really I know this is a joke but man is this hilarious. Check out, and thank you to the spoof site for posting this hilarious post, and picture. LMAO! PAWTUCKET, RI—Hasbro has announced a new doll for boys based on the popular boy-faced presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (BOOT-EDGE-EDGE). Picking up where they left off with the popular “My Buddy” dolls of 1985—a revolutionary doll designed for boys who, up to that point only enjoyed scenes of murder—will be called “My Butti” (BOOT-EE). The My Butti doll will teach boys to engage with their softer side and embrace things like socialized medicine, open borders, high taxes, and late-term abortions. Hasbro has partnered with the DNC to make sure the doll stays up to date and never strays from the current platform, even if that means throwing a few friends under the bus. Hasbro’s commercial will feature a catchy song sung by children as images of

Maxine Waters is certified crazy!

Oh someone needs to tell her to to pipe down while putting her in a white padded room while wearing a white jacket. This lady crazy like the batshit CoronaVirus. Mad Maxine Wants the Attorney General ‘Disbarred,’ Says He ‘Belongs in Jail’ I shit you not folks. This is a direct quote. “It’s not enough for Barr to resign. I want him out of DOJ, disbarred, disgraced, & investigated for obstruction of justice. Barr sabotaged Mueller report, was in on Ukraine plot, & now he wants to free Trump’s criminal friends. In my estimation, they ALL belong in jail!” It’s not enough for Barr to resign. I want him out of DOJ, disbarred, disgraced, & investigated for obstruction of justice. Barr sabotaged Mueller report, was in on Ukraine plot, & now he wants to free Trump’s criminal friends. In my estimation, they ALL belong in jail! — Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) February 18, 2020 The Picture used here came as a meme I found on this facebook page… Check them out. Funny stuff… https

Trump discusses water accessibility in California

President Trump delivers remarks on water access in Bakersfield, CA. And in what was one hilarious speech which is worth watching not just for how funny President Trump can be during these sort of speeches but of how important California is going to be in the next election, and how let down the left has left the state. Trump will step in and will fix the issues even with the left opposing him in every step. This is how you drain the swamp! You show the people that they have been lied to by showing up, and fixing issues ignored by the Nasty Nancy Pelosi type that have ignored the issues for far too long.

California Wants to Exempt LGBT Child Rapists from Sex-Offender Registry

Now the Alphabet people in California want to pass a bill to make it so if you’re part of their community they shouldn’t be charged with Pedophilia if a grown adults rape minors… AS LONG as they claim they’re part of the Alphabet community. So Obama wanted to put transgenders in our bathrooms they feel they want to go to, and now this. Folks this country is being lost, and stolen by perverts, and pedophiles, and people who belong in prison. This is a travesty, and this is more reason to vote for TRUMP in 2020 because unlike the nasty left he’s against this sort of perversion. IF you’re into pedophilia you need a lobotomy. IMO There is no excuse to rape a minor, and no law will ever convince me that this is ok behavior. CA LGBTQ caucus votes to protect 22 year-olds who engage in sex with 12 year-olds from “blatant discrimination.” ⁦ @PC1170 ⁩ Yes – you read that right 😢 #OhThatWillNeverHappen — Dr. Everett Piper (@dreverettpiper) July 10, 2019 And considering th

Multicultural Racist, and Hypocrite at work!

Check out this idiotic, and racist behavior by this Woman Telling Whites That They Are Not Welcomed In a “Multicultural Center.” Which boggles the mind because doesn’t the very definition of “Multicultural” mean relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society. Which include ALL cultures so how can whites not be allowed when even in Mexico they got white people? South America they got white people! This is part of the socialist racist left trying to take over by brainwashing people in schools, and via programs like these. SOME Of these moronic people in that group will take her words no matter how ignorant, and stupid and run with it, and cause problems like riots, and violence. SHE needs to be arrested for racism. This isn’t an issue of freedom of speech this is clear racism to cause a movement in this country against a group of people. Leftists at the University of Virginia are dictating who is and who isn’t allowed in the new Multicultural Student Cente


Interesting Lip Reading video has surfaced from the state of the union 2020 recently, and I want to give you all the heads up to pay close attention to the actions of V.P Mike Pence, and Nasty Nancy Pelosi… This video the term “Coup d’État”, french for treasonous overthrow. IS Used by Nancy as she’s speaking to Mike. This is exactly what she and the left are up too… IS Mike Pence involved also, and part of the hoax to overthrow the President? Check out the video below. Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi bizarre conversation, mentioning of a “Coup d’État”, french for treasonous overthrow. Is Mike Pence just acting like a yes-man innocent dummy, while Nancy Pelosi tries everything to overthrow President Trump, to get the Vice President job; are they both in on the sabotage? Is Washington an even more sinister, back stabbing place, than we ever imagined? We know Johnson did it to Kennedy, and Bush tried it on Reagan, so maybe President Trump should be more careful with his current Vice President

The Yang Gang head is out!

The Yang Gang is out!!! Out of the race that is! That’s right folks there won’t be anymore needs to tell “Yang Gang” jokes anymore unless he rears his useless self again to try and become President. Also he’s the sort of politician who’s an expert in how to fakes the moment to sell his narrative. I’ve seen this guy do it in his rallies, and he’s as fake and phony as there is. He’s a liberal socialist afterall… So it’s official Tuesday, shortly after polls closed in the New Hampshire primary he made the best choice he could. Andrew Yang suspends his Democratic presidential campaign, and said he was done… I said he was done the day he started. I mean who was he kidding really? He had ZERO chance of ever being elected POTUS. Check out this video below…

LeBron "The Moron" James who loves CHINA! Calls Trump a bum?

The self appointed King of the NBA LeBron “The Moron” James who I’m just going to start calling “LeMoron” so from now on when I report about this giant bum, and sell out I will him by what he is. LeMoron, and so LeMoron called out President Trump recently, and said he was a “Bum” and thinks Obama was the best ever. Now let’s be clear this is pure racially motivated as LeMoron is a racist asshole, and here in Miami we saw it first hand. He was only as a player but as a person he was known to be an arrogant, fucktard liberal, racist idiot. And from the looks of it age has not changed this fact… He’s only become dumber with age, and I hope he never wins another ring. He’s not the best ever sorry Michael Jordan is, and nothing LeMoron does will ever change this fact. His fans listen to him because he has a talent for basketball, and is world known but he’s not the smartest man on the planet, and in the letter below, a sports journalist, tells the truth, the truth that applies to most celeb

Rudy Giuliani lays out the Biden's corruption in Ukraine! MUST WATCH!

Rudy Giuliani lays out the Biden’s corruption in Ukraine! MUST WATCH Videos… I mean when you connect all the dots it is incredible how this all lays up right to the white house under Obama, and how he’s one of the main players, and not only that but the other names involved, and the real russian collusion is all here. Watch and pay close attention.

And stay out you traitors!

Personally I think that they deserve prison time but disgraced Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, and Gordon Sondland both testified during the hoaxed impeachment to the House about the Ukraine call, in what some are calling “The White House Purge” this afternoon like on his show the President laid down the law, and told them both. I hear China is a lovely place for people on the left to visit if they want to stay away from a Trump lead country. Trump should relocate Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, his twin brother, Yevgeny S. Vindman, and Gordon Sondland to China from now on… As part of their new duties in international affairs. FYI Yevgeny S. Vindman is the identical twin brother, Yevgeny S. Vindman, who was an Army lieutenant colonel and JAG Officer who was assigned as an attorney on the National Security Council staff handling ethics issues, until he was dismissed from that post on February 7, 2020, the same time as Alexander was removed from his NSC post. His role in this whole mess is that


Today folks it all comes to an end today… The President after an epic state of the union today will be able to finally put behind him these fake, fraudulent articles of impeachment. Time to get back to doing the work for the people, not because you hate someone continue to besmirch his name, and try to destroy him.

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Broke the law on national TV!

Nasty Nancy Pelosi did not just show her contempt for our country and the people, but she also committed an impeachable offense. §2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally… This disgusting old hag has now broken the law, and it’s time to remove her from her position place her in her new role as an inmate where she belongs. (a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. If Trump broke this law the Democrats would try to impeach him… — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 5, 2020 (b) Whoever, having the custody of any such

Live: Trump's State of the Union Address

This should be good folks the 2020 State of the Union from President Trump days after his senate acquittal on false claims made in the house of congress in what I call the great “Impeachment hustle.” All done by Adam “Schiffty” Schiff, “Nasty” Nancy Pelosi, Jerry “Naddless” Nadler, and the rest of the clowns on the left like the Fraud Squad. The man is still the President, and will remain so after he’s re-elected 4 more years this year. Hope he brings up the impeachment farce, and rubs it in their ugly faces.

Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump and Lara Trump hold a news conference

Check out Don Jr, brother Eric, and Lara Trump holding a big news conference amid Iowa caucuses. Don Jr gets a bit heckled, and he OWNS the heckler, and points out FACTS! Great video I hope you pay attention to what he’s saying because it’s 100% true. The left is insane.

Sad news Rush Shares His Cancer Diagnosis

Sad news in the world of radio today as legendary right wing talk show host, and tv show host Rush Limbaugh has announced that he’s been diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Having had lost my mother to this terrible illness I’m praying for the best for Mr Limbaugh who has the best doctors helping him, and a lot of money for a speedy recovery if possible. He’s posted more information about this sad news on his own site which you can read up by clicking Here .

Nancy Pelosi Exposed As Fraud, Recites Her Favorite Bible Quote- One Problem…

Democratic House Speaker in name only Nasty Nancy Pelosi gave a speech in front of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. During the speech, Pelosi shared her favorite Bible quote… the only issue is that the quote the House Speaker shared is not actually a quote from the Bible. Pelosi said, “To minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us.” The Democrat did admit, however, that she wasn’t able to find the exact quote in the Bible. She insisted, “I quote it all the time. And I keep reading and reading the Bible. I know it’s there someplace. It’s supposed to be in Isaiah.”It’s not clear where the quote originated. Dementia… The Democrat attributed the quote to a “Bishop,” who she was unable to identify. The Blaze reported that the Biblical quote that most closely relates to the “quote” that Pelosi shared is located in the Proverbs. Will Kynes, an associate professor of Hebrew Bible at Whitworth Univer