
Showing posts from May, 2020

57 arrests in Miami Saturday night, only 13 lived in the city

So this is interesting the City of Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina spoke to the public about the rioting, looting and protests that took place Saturday night over the death of George Floyd. Talking about the protest in downtown Miami that started off peacefully on Saturday afternoon then quickly turned into destruction around 7:45 p.m., Colina said that of the 57 people arrested, only 13 lived in the city of Miami. Colina called some of the protesters that remained after the intended 6 p.m. end of the rally “agitators,” noting that the addresses of some of those who were charged came from Minnesota, New York, Michigan and Georgia. Many of the arrests were for violating the Miami-Dade curfew that was put into place for 10 p.m. Saturday, but some will face charges for arson, trespassing and criminal mischief. Curfews will be enforced Sunday in the City of Miami (8 p.m. to 6 a.m.), Miami-Dade County (10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), and Hallandale Beach (11 p.m. to 6 a.m

As Riots continue! IS Joe Biden bailing the Rioters & Looters out?

As Protests flare around the United States over Minneapolis killing of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis there is a report that Joe Biden staff has been donating to groups that pays bail in riot-torn Minneapolis. IN Other words his staff and others are bailing out, and probably paying for these riots to happen, and continue. Also the name “Antifa” has been linked with the rioters, and looters… Trump himself has used the name in connection recently. This is grim folks even in Miami we’re now under curfew over this bullshit. I cannot believe this year the left has gone to such extreme measures… This is now officially become the lost year. We’re under a Pandemic, and because of one asshole COP the left is using it to fuel more bullshit, and unlawful behavior. A criminal complaint against former Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, shows that George Floyd was “non-responsive” for nearly three minutes before Chauvin took his knee off his neck. The complaint

Chris Cuomo’s ratings plummet as Americans tire of brothers’ antics

We the people have spoken with our remote controls and they’re sick of the Chris “Fredo” and Andrew Cuomo show. Chris laughs it up with his brother during an almost daily “check-in” on his CNN show since the coronavirus started ravaging New York and America wants it to stop. At first, the antics was successful, and Ratings even peaked at an an all-time high with 862,000 daily viewers on March 30, in the 25-54 age demographic. Since then, according to the Daily Mail, the ratings for Cuomo Prime Time have tanked, plummeting by 50 percent since Chris recovered from COVID. While all the cable news shows have seen ratings drop due to COVID exhaustion, Cuomo has particularly grated with his “frequently silly and un-substantive interviews” with his older brother — in which they have fought over who their mother loved more; Andrew’s “double barrel shotgun” nose, and Andrew’s “single status.” The segments have been panned as ratings stunts done for laughs while thousands of New Yorkers died of

Protesters & Rioters hit Atlanta GA & Miami Florida... CNN Burn down!

Remember when the media told us that President Trump was the greatest threat to the free press? As it turns out that George Floyd “protesters” are an even larger threat. A demonstration in Atlanta, GA turned violent and resulted in the destruction of the CNN headquarters there. CNN, which has appeared to be sympathetic to the rioters, had its center vandalized as smoke grenades and rocks were thrown at the building. While the anger over George Floyd’s death is certainly justified, the destruction and riots are not. I never understood the meaning or need to riot to be honest! Other than wanting to burn your own community down, and steal some stuff? Stupid crap. But now the Rioters, and looters have migrated further south as they’re in Georgia, and Florida. This isn’t going to help anyone… Check out the videos coming out of Atlanta, and Miami below… Now what did we have to do with this? These people need to calm they ass down! But from the looks, and the footage don’t lie! This is an Ant

Making History: NASA and SpaceX Launch Astronauts to Space!

Watch history unfold on Saturday, May 30, as NASA and SpaceX launch astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley to the International Space Station. This mission marks the first time since the retirement of the space shuttle in 2011 that humans will fly to the space station from U.S. soil. The mission’s first launch attempt on Wednesday, May 27 was scrubbed due to weather conditions. Tune in starting at 11 a.m. EDT as NASA and SpaceX provide joint, live coverage from launch to arrival at the space station. Teams are targeting 3:22 p.m. EDT for the launch of the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft atop a Falcon 9 rocket from historic Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The Crew Dragon is scheduled to dock to the space station on Sunday, May 31. Learn more about the mission:

5 Shot, Over 50 Buildings Burned Down Or Damaged During Minneapolis Riots

WOW Folks this is getting crazy! More fall out from Minneapolis where now there has been Dozens of businesses looted or burned and at least five people were shot by other citizens on Wednesday night. The violent rioters also attacked police and firefighters, and busted out the windows of a U.S. bank with baseball bats. Businesses continued to burn well into Thursday morning. New footage has surfaced that shows 3 so called Officers on top of the now deceased “George Floyd” this is just so horrible to see happen to any human being. This man did nothing to deserve this outcome to his life. Nobody deserves to have their lives taken over nothing. These now ex cops need to be held accountable, and made to pay for this horrific crime. Listen as Mr Floyd begs for his life. This poor man spent his last seconds of life gasping for air. While these so called men who are here to serve and protect decided to turn on the sworn duty they have. There is nothing I’ve seen that has sicken me more than t

Jimmy Dore Exposes More Racist comments By Joe Biden!

Jimmy Dore exposing Joe Biden and his past racist remarks should go a long way folks.. Just pay close attention to what JOE said about blacks, latinos, and Obama himself. IF Trump had said half these things he would get slaughtered by the press, and killed by the angry left mob. But it’s Joe Biden so it doesn’t matter that he’s a total racist piece of shit? I cannot believe the total hypocrisy when I see black people defend this scumbag, and say they will vote for him. He’s been the reason hundreds of thousands of Black & Latino people have gone to prison! People on the left love him cause they’re all racist cunts themselves. ANYONE who believes this old fuck is not a racist come see me I got some beans which you can plant, and it will grow and grow large. Large enough to take you too the land of the giants… Oh man you have to be one stupid fuck to believe JOE BIDEN is not a racist, and Trump is. These are JOE BIDENS own stupid words people! This isn’t made up by me or anyone this

Minneapolis cop murders Handcuffed Black Man On A Crowded Street!

Warning video is disturbing! Click picture to open video IN What has to be the most disturbing video footage I’ve seen in a very long time folks. A Minneapolis policeman is caught on camera killing a black man in what some are calling a modern day Lynching. In the twisted video taken this week clearly shows Officer Derek Chauvin who is being dubbed and rightfully so from reading this assholes past reports “A Race soldier.” The Minneapolis victim a Black man named George Floyd who was handcuffed, in broad daylight with onlookers watching in shock. The video is over 9 minutes, and it shows another so called “Officer” who happens to be Chinese also being dubbed “A Race Soldier” named “Tou Thao,” who does a good job at keeping the onlookers at bay, while the other asshole, Derek Chauvin held his knee in the back of the subdued victim’s neck, deliberately cutting off his circulation and killing him. In the original video Floyd kept screaming he could not breath, and that the race soldi

Happy Memorial Day 2020

I wanted to wish all my friends who read my blog a happy Memorial Day 2020 and while we’re all still in lockdown mode I hope we don’t forget how great this day is to remember. Let’s take a look back at this national holiday known as Memorial Day. Previously, but now seldom, called “Decoration Day” is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the military personnel who had died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. The holiday is now observed on the last Monday of May, having been observed on May 30 from 1868 to 1970. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day to honor and mourn those who died while serving in the U.S. Military. Many volunteers place an American flag on graves of military personnel in national cemeteries. Memorial Day is also considered the unofficial start of summer in the United States, while Labor Day, the first Monday of September, marks the unofficial start of autumn. Two other days celebrate those who have served o

EXPLOSIVE MOMENTS! Kayleigh McEnany challenges reporters ON Obama

Oh I think I may have fallen in love… “Kayleigh McEnany” is amazing! Both gorgeous, and fearless. Watch as she destroys reporters trying to ask the question of would Trump “PARDON” Obama for spaying on him!!! LOL When the media is asking this folks it’s because they all know that Obama/Biden are guilty sinners, and they’re caught. Listen as she challenges reporters with Obama questions, and destroys them! Also before she’s done that watch the first video as she had BIG things said, and she’s truly amazing at her job. Sarah Sanders was good! But my goodness Kayleigh McEnany who has only been the White House Press Secretary for the Trump administration for less than two months, but she’s wasting no time owning the press, and simply destroying them. Anyone familiar with her stint as a Trump-supporting CNN commentator during the 2016 election, her current actions should come as no surprise. McEnany is a certified veteran when it comes to going toe to toe with the press in order to defend T

And there goes his black vote! LOL

We already know Joe Biden is a racist, a liar, and con man… But my god he’s one dumb bastard. Check out this bit of video, and his quote… “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” the reply by Charlamagne was spot on… “It don’t have nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact I want something for my community.” And Creepy does nothing but talk about the “WHITE & BLACK MEDIA!” How can anyone vote for this guy is beyond me! “I Want something for my community!?” Well Joe knows all about them Quid Pro Quo’s! . @JoeBiden : “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” @cthagod : “It don’t have nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact — I want something for my community.” @breakfastclubam — America Rising (@AmericaRising) May 22, 2020 . @cthagod : Black people saved your political life in the primary. They have things they want from you and one o

The Real Story Behind the Infamous Susan Rice Email

President Trump supporters like myself are seizing upon newly declassified portions of an email written by former national security adviser Susan Rice as evidence that an investigation into her incoming successor, Michael Flynn, was politically motivated, while Rice says the same email proves the previous administration’s concerns were legitimate. I love just watching the left eating themselves to save their king B-Rock Obama who’s the main evildoer in this entire thing… Here once again brilliantly put together by the great “Dan Bongino” below as more comes out about the Susan Rice lies, and EMAILS. Again this all leads to OBAMA! Susan Rice sent herself an email on the day of Trump’s inauguration that recounts a Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting she attended along with President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. She described the meeting as a “follow-on conversation” after a briefing by intelligence community leade

Audio by 'Quid Pro Joe' pressuring Ukraine to fire prosecutor leaks!

Lawmaker releases audio of purported phone calls with former VeePee!! Now Joe Biden already is on video boasting of a quid pro quo with Ukraine, which happened to be the charge Democrats used to impeach President Trump you member? Let’s head down memory lane for a minute…. The Senate acquitted Trump for impeachment, and while that was underway the do nothing DemocRATS wasted our time on a FAKE investigation… A HOAX! We the people got side stepped by China who’s put the entire world in lockdown. While fighting for his President seat Trump was also FIRST to notice something was wrong so he wanted to lock down flights ion and out of CHINA! The do nothing good DemocRATS called him a RACIST! A Xenophobe! They lied, and used Adam Schiff’s bullshit lies to hoax, and con the entire country. All this to cover for what? Perhaps for what he would stumble on with Biden, and their money making machine of corruption and expose it? MAYBE! On Tuesday, Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach re

Isra Hirsi daughter 'The "Fraud" Squad' Rep. Ilhan Omar calls American Soldiers "Bitches"

One of the fem fetals of Congress known as ‘The “Fraud” Squad’ Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., is a “proud” mother of three up and coming terrorist….. I mean children, including 17-year-old daughter, Isra Hirsi, who apparently shares her mother’s radical left terrorist agenda, and views. In her Chinese ran TikTok Live video clip shared by young conservative activist CJ Pearson, Isra appears to call a group of U.S. soldiers “b*tches” who are “actively killing innocent children abroad” while “furthering American imperialism.” “In this video,  @israhirsi  – the daughter of Congresswoman  @IlhanMN  – calls American soldiers ‘bitches’ and accuses them of ‘furthering American imperialism’ and ‘actively killing innocent children abroad.’ Where does she get these views from? I guess the apple doesn’t fall far!” Pearson commented as he shared the video. In this video, @israhirsi – the daughter of Congresswoman @IlhanMN – calls American soldiers “bitches” and accuses them of “furthering American im

New clues on how Covid-19 transmits and easy way to prevent catching it!

OK So this man is a Scientist, and a Doctor all rolled into one. And on this day where we can’t go see doctors as often as we would like he’s going to come in handy on his video lessons. Today he let’s us all in on new clues on how Covid-19 transmits and easy way to prevent catching it! And for only a few bucks we all can be sent this amazing product, and use it without caution. As we all know folks the face masks are bullshit. They simply don’t work, and forget coughing into your arm. All this does is get your arm sick. So let’s follow along in this video, and pay close attention folks… This might save your life…. I kid you not. Thank you Dr. Joe Burris for your hard work, and dedication to helping save lives during this horrible time in our nation. Thank you for showing us the way we must face our future from now on. [fvplayer id=”69″] From this day forward we should rename it with instead of saying “cover your jimmy” we should say “protect your Joe.”

A Biden Bombshell? - The Dan Bongino Show

Joe Biden the “Sniffler” is an idiot, and it’s been proven over, and over again by both himself for merely speaking in public, and by those who laugh at his every mistake when he speaks in public. Today is no different as I was looking around I started to check out “The Dan Bangino Show” on YouTube, and caught this about Joe Biden. This could be a big bombshell if it turns out to be true. So check out the show Dan does an awesome job, and his show is very informative, and truthful. The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy to read format to assist the public in getting accurate information. In this episode, he address the emergence of stunning new evidence implicating Joe Biden in a quid pro quo scandal. I also address the FBI hiding this key witness in both the Spygate and Mike Flynn scandals.

Biden Inexplicably Humiliates Stacy Abrams On Live TV.

Hilarious video clipped out by Jimmy Dore for his video show has Presidential Candidate on MSNBC to announce something BIG according to the hype. This dealt with the GAP Tooth having Stacy Abrams who is a moron, and has brain the size of the gap in her front teeth. The PIG of a woman doesn’t deserve a single vote ever! She’s a gross and disgusting woman who’s self hate is projected towards everyone else. Joe Biden in all his mental laps might ave like Jimmy said “Forgot to mention it” but the hype was that he was going to name her his “VeePee” …. Didn’t happen folks, and the expression on her face is hilarious. She’s a fucktard libtard, and she wants to be “VeePee” so bad she even sucked on the Bloomberg blow pop and had backed him until he left, and then she switched her vote to Joe “The Sniffler” Biden. Here is the video, and watch close as she understand that in nowhere on this “video” meet is she going to be asked to be the “VeePee” she wanted so bad. Watching Joe struggle with for

Trump signs contract for up to $812 million with new biotech company to make covid19 drugs on USA soil

The Trump administration signs contract for up to $812 million with new biotech company to make coronavirus drugs on USA soil! They been looking to build up the ability to produce drugs and their raw materials in the United States after the global pandemic exposed the industry’s dependence on China and India for its supply chain. ‘For far too long, we’ve relied on foreign manufacturing and supply chains for our most important medicines and active pharmaceutical ingredients while placing America’s health, safety, and national security at grave risk,’ Peter Navarro, director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, said in a statement. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said on Tuesday that it had awarded a 4-year, $354 million contract to privately-held Phlow Corp to make COVID-19 drugs, other essential drugs and their ingredients. The contract can be extended for up to $812 million over 10 years, and it’s not yet clear what drugs Phlow will be resp

Annie Glenn, widow of astronaut and US Sen. John Glenn, dies at 100 due to covid19 complications

Sad reports of “Annie Glenn”, widow of astronaut and US Sen. John Glenn, dies at age 100 due to coronavirus complications? Wait so her being 100 years fucking old had NOTHING to do with her death? Who are these people trying to fool now? I mean Come the fuck on folks! Annie was a communication disorders advocate. In this December 8, 1983 file photo, Annie Glenn speaks during an interview in Newport, New Hampshire where she underwent an intensive program at the Communications Research Institute at Hollins College, now Hollins University, in Roanoke, Virginia, that gave her the skills to control her stutter and to speak in public. By the time 77-year-old John Glenn returned to space in 1998 aboard space shuttle Discovery, Annie showed she had become comfortable in her public role when she acknowledged that she had reservations about the retired senator’s second flight. ‘John had announced one year before that he was going to retire as a senator, so I was looking forward to having him as

Trump says he is taking hydroxychloroquine! Health experts question its effectiveness

Our President Donald Trump claimed Monday he is taking daily doses of hydroxychloroquine, a drug he’s long touted as a potential coronavirus cure even as medical experts and the US Food and Drug Administration question its efficacy and warn of potentially harmful side effects. Speaking as a Lupus sufferer myself I’ve taken “hydroxychloroquine” and while I don’t take it now and haven’t for years I never had any side effects. But at a meeting of restaurant executives, Trump said he began taking the antimalarial drug after consulting the White House doctor, though stopped short of saying his physician had actually recommended the drug. “A couple of weeks ago, I started taking it,” Trump said. He later said he’d been taking it every day for a week and a half. The admission was a dramatic development in Trump’s attempts to promote hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus, which began earlier in the outbreak and has been met with resistance from medical professionals. Because the dr

Inside the Democrats' $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill...

So folks when the smoke clears, only China will be able to bail us out from our mountain of debt. Why because this bill will not only make it that our debt goes so high that there we will never be able to pay the debt off unless we print more money, and again China will own us. Now this is exactly the thing Pelosi, and the left want. These people are also including money towards ILLEGALS! I mean hold up why are we handing out money to people who don’t belong in this country to start with? Look folks it’s become clear what this whole thing is about from Nasty Nancy Pelosi! She’s only doing what she’s getting paid to do. Destroy our constitution, and open all borders and make it so the term “illegal immigration” becomes a thing no more. So folks our country will become so open it will become Venezuela or much much worse within about 2 years. You think things are bad? IF the democRATS have their way we’re fucked… We as Citizens are fucked. What is worth becoming a citizen if this country

Another bizarre Moment From "Basement Joe the Sniffler!"

Former VeeePee Joe Biden “The Sniffler” continues his basement dwelling run for President online virtually like a bad cable access show you would find on the comedy movie Waynes World’s Free Access tv. Despite being in the comforts of his own home, the presumed Democrat nominee continues to make gaffes, and have mental gaps which again is a must watch for anyone in need of a good laugh, and to be better informed on who NOT to vote for in this upcoming election, and Joe China here is without a doubt someone I would never vote for… Not even to run for VeePee of the state PEN reading teaching department for other inmates where he belongs for 10 to 20… Joe Biden: “We’re in the middle of a pandemic that has cost us more than 85,000 jobs as of today. Lives of millions of people, millions of people, millions of jobs.” Joe Biden: “We’re in the middle of a pandemic that has cost us more than 85,000 jobs as of today. Lives of millions of people, millions of people, millions of jobs.” pic.twitter

Dallas Doctor Ivette Lozano Treating Patients w/ Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin

Dallas Doctor Ivette Lozano has been Treating Patients with the combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin. She spoke this week and brought this message of successfully treating COVID19 on patients with the combination of the drugs. She’s smart, energetic, and more than a little bit upset with the political environment. You really should listen to her speak about this “outbreak.” Dr. Lozano born in Havana Cuba and immigrated to the US as a child. She eventually received a BS from SMU and an MD from Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine. Dr. Lozano has been in solo private practice for fifteen years. Lozano Medical Clinic is an Urgent Care Center that evolved from the need to have a simplified model of medical care available for those not fortunate enough to have insurance.

Greg Gutfeld: Something has got to be done about Adam Schiff

I agree 100% with Greg Gutfeld on this Adam Schiff belongs in prison for Treason, and folks I’m not joking. This man cost this country 4 years of total bullshit with the fake impeachment of the President, and cost us taxpayers Millions of dollars, and countless lives. He should be on death row for the b.s he’s done. He’s a criminal to a level I’ve never seen. The way he lies, and lied about the PRESIDENT… I mean look I get it the left, and right are always at odds but to do what he did and lie, and make up shit just to try and turn an entire media, and country against our president just because he was told to is wrong. He, and Nancy Pelosi belong in prison as far as I’m concerned. IF you’re still under their spell you should not just watch the video below but check out ALL of the other stuff that these people have done in the last 4 years. It’s become very clear who the bad guys are here folks, and don’t let some hand out that hardly pays your rent fool you… MOST of the so called stim

Here's how hair salons are reopening amid COVID-19

Friends, and citizens of our great country as we embark on this mission to get Covid19 out of our daily lives we must reopen the economy, and eventually get things going, and back to normal if not we’re going to be in what Alex Jones made known as a “PRISON PLANET” and well some of our most dear small time business who are struggling to come back into re-opening are taking new ways to handling day to day customer care. For example we (not me cus I’m bald, and shave my remaining hairs with each shower I take.) have a lot of people who have gone months without a good haircut, and while this seems like small potatoes compared to the rest of the nations troubles this represents businesses all over the country. So we have Sanitation stations, temperature checks and blow-drying bans all play a part in the new way hair salons operate. Coronavirus pandemic, states such as Georgia which on April 27 became the first state to allow hair salons to open are offering a glimpse of what the ‘new norma