
Showing posts from June, 2020

Atlanta police officer Garrett Rolfe out on $500k bond over the Rayshard Brooks case.

Garrett Rolfe who was the Atlanta police officer that shot dead Rayshard Brooks appears in court via video conference and is granted $500,000 bond so he could get out of jail. The Fulton County Superior Court Judge Jane Barwick said Tuesday Rolfe can be free on bond while his case is pending because he does not pose a threat to the public and is not a flight risk. He will have to wear an ankle monitor, will not be able to have any kind of weapon and must surrender his passport. Rolfe faces charges including felony murder for killing Brooks, a 27-year-old black man, during an arrest attempt on June 12. IN what I personally think is an outrage of justice. The shooting of Brooks was justified, and this man Rolfe shouldn’t even be on trial. The shooting sparked followed the George Floyd in Minneapolis case that had already spread fury across the nation as protests unfolded in all 50 states decrying police brutality and systemic racism following the police. While the two are totally differe

Major fail by the fake news Washington POST! WOW!

So President Donald Trump said most cities that had the most crime were ran by democRATS, and in an effort to make him look dumb the New York Post posted the following chart showing the highest crime cities. Once again folks it’s like they’re openly either trying to make him look right OR liberals, and the fake news people in the media are really this stupid.

Missouri couple brandished guns at protesters in fear for their lives

A lawyer in Missouri can be seen with his wife brandishing guns at protesters outside their home Sunday. They claimed they grabbed the weapons after being told they ‘would be killed’ and were placed ‘in fear of our lives’. ‘I thought it was storming the Bastille’: Missouri lawyer couple who brandished an AR-15 and handgun at protesters who they say broke down their mansion gate claim they were ‘in fear of our lives’ and were told they ‘would be killed’ The home owners names have been released with the video “Mark McCloskey, 63, and his wife Patricia, 61,” are seen drawing a AR-15 and handgun on protesters outside their $1.5million mansion in to a well-to-do St. Louis neighborhood. They are heard shouting at the protesters to leave their neighborhood and have claimed that demonstrators broke down a gate into the private community. Which can be seen on pictures. The video of their standoff has been viewed more than 9 million times with some supporting their right to protect their private

Former Antifa Member Reacts To Democrat Congressman Nadler Saying Antifa Is "Imaginary"

Former Antifa Member Reacts To Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler Saying Antifa Is “Imaginary” which further shows how crazy, and sold out congress is, and Nadler is. Yes the terrorist group “Antifa” is real, and I cannot believe that this moron is denying the fact. While debating the police reform bill in the House chamber on Thursday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) suggested that the domestic terrorist group Antifa is “imaginary.” “…Dealing with imaginary things, like Antifa,” were Nadler’s exact words during his speech. . @RepJerryNadler just said #ANTIFA was “imaginary.” Seriously? Tell that to the business owners whose shops were looted and destroyed. — House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) June 25, 2020 Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) wasted no time pouncing on the “scary” notion made by Nadler when given the chance to respond. “I can’t believe the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee would utter such a statement on the House f

NYPD POS Punches Elderly Woman, 78, in the head!! Then plays the victim!

This POS asshole was seen walking down the sidewalk before hitting the woman in the unprovoked attack in Bushwick on June 10. The NYPD said on Friday that the man was still at large and are urging people to get in contact with NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline for a potential cash reward. Surveillance video captures the moment he walks towards the unsuspecting woman before sucker-punching her. He seems to shout something as he slugs her in the head. As the woman cries out and staggers, the man instantly appears to act as if it was her fault. He continues to dispute the punch before running off. The man, described as a black male, approximately five-foot-nine, is seen raising his palms in question as the woman holds her head in pain. He was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, green pants and black shoes. According to cops, the woman suffered “substantial pain” but turned down medical attention. This is the latest in a random and seemingly unprovoked attack, earlier this month a 92-year-old w

Trump Slams "BLM" Leader's Threat to USA & Rapper Lord Jamar EXPOSES "BLM!"

So while President Donald Trump has dropped the hammer on Black Lives Matter leader Hawk Newsome after the activist made threats toward America earlier this week. Rapper Lord Jamar EXPLODES on Black Lives Matter also, and says that they’re the creations of George Soros… We also now know that BLM is secretly funding money to ACTBLUE which is using the Millions to pay the DemocRATS and pretty much laundering money to people like AOC, and her backers, Pelosi, and her backers, and you know the extreme left which is only using BLM to get rich in what looks like a big time ponzi scheme. This past Thursday, President Trump responded to BLM’s New York leader threatening to “burn down this system” unless the United States “give[s] us what we want.”Trump came down harshly on Newsome, accusing him of “treason, sedition,” and “insurrection.”In a Wednesday interview with Fox News, Newsome warned the American people that, if the country “doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this sys

Tim Scott explodes on Nasty Pelosi for ‘Most Outrageous, Sinful Comment’ about GOP!

SEN. TIM. SCOTT: It was the most outrageous, sinful comment I’ve heard as a public official period. I thought to myself that how in the world does this woman sitting, standing in front of a twenty-four thousand dollar refrigerator have the sense to jump into the bottomless pit of race politics? Why in the world would she want to do that? There’s only one answer, by the way. One answer. It’s because she’s lived so long in a state of privilege that she has forgotten. That is the Republican Party that voted more for the civil rights era legislation than the Democrats. It’s because she’s forgotten that it was President Trump and the criminal justice reform done in 2018 that made it for the Democrats 1994 crime bill. She’s forgotten. That is the school choice movement that frees more kids in poverty from the poor education system brought to us by the Democrats and the teachers unions than they’ve ever seen. She has forgotten so much about reality that she spends too much time in an alterna

Rep. Ayanna Pressley has lost her mind! + What is ACTBLUE?

All three founders of #blm are Marxists, a political arm of white progressives, funded by white progressives and now supported by white corporate America thanks to their main extortion tool #whiteguilt . Appreciate you calling a spade a spade @MrColionNoir @NRA @KarluskaP — lyklastsamurai (@lyklastsamurai) June 25, 2020 Muhammad Ali’s Son: My Dad Wouldn’t Have Supported ‘Racist’ Black Lives Matter, Would’ve Supported Trump — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) June 27, 2020 Rep. Ayanna Pressley: “Black Lives Matter is a mandate from the people. It’s time — pay us what you owe us. Our Black skin is not a crime. It is the beautiful robe of nation-builders.” — The Hill (@thehill) June 26, 2020 Black lives Matter is a political party aimed to not just RIG the 2020 election or to over throw the 2016 election. This political party is aimed to destroy the country they hate while us normal citizens love. They are not stan

🚨 New Document Prove Hunter Biden Was Selling Access to Obama's Administration + MORE!🤦‍♂️

So not only does it now look like Joe Biden Claims 120 Million Dead from COVID 19, and made yet another lie or is it another blunder? Today at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden said that 120 million Americans have already died of COVID. That’s why we need Obamacare, or something. Numbers aren’t the strong suit of #BarelyThereBiden. it’s difficult to determine which cards he’s still holding, and which ones fell on the floor. You’ll remember, of course, when he said that 150 million Americans have died of gun violence, and that also was dead wrong missinformation or the ramblings of a crazy person. So he defeated the NRA, but half the country died anyway. Now, today, the other half died of the CCP coronavirus pandemic… WTF? The former veep and suspected dementia sufferer also once again tried to read a simple statement off of a teleprompter and failed. This time is different however because his audience of one was none other than Barack Obama, who looked just as confused and bor

NASCAR's Bubba Wallace “Relieved” Garage Noose Was Not Criminal Act

I recently read about this after hearing on the Radio that the FBI had declared this to be not a “criminal Act” as it’s been shown that this is a standard rope to pull down the garage door. This is all a hoax guys, and why? Well Bubba now becomes the FACT of Nascar, becomes a house hold name, and becomes the Colin Kaepernick of the sport. What’s funny is this is not long after Bubba Wallace lead the march to remove confederate flags from NASCAR, and drove a car with the now domestic terror group #BlackLivesMatter so to quote something I read from somewhere. “Bubba Wallace LIED and NASCAR DIED!!” This is nothing but Joshua Smollett all over again, and it’s all staged by Bubba, and Company. I have no doubt in my mind… Notice how quick he went on all the leftist shows like CNN’s Don Lemonhead! Looks like I’m not the only one who finds it all to ironic, and isn’t buying this whole thing… Guys this is just more leftist propaganda to spread this narrative for “Black Lives Matter” which at th


DC Circuit Court Rules That DOJ Can Drop the Charges on General Michael Flynn! Here is the document folks just out this is a big win for democracy, and rule of law. This man was dragged thru the mud, and made to look like a liar based on lies, and misinformation by the radical left which is trying hard to overturn the election of 2016, and destroy our country. Remember people this man was forced to lie, and they went at him and targeted him, and his family. There are talks that this might have been suggested to be done to him by Joe Biden & Barrack Obama themselves to target him since he was on Trumps team. This country has gone thru the Russian hoax, the Ukraine scandal, the Covid-19, and the Protests, and Riots over the murder of a criminal at the hands of a crooked, and deranged cop who took the law WAY too far. This country has been through hell, and all fingers point at the Obama/Biden white house, and the Seattle “CHAZ” also caused the Obamanation loving radical left. This fo

Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ BLM & Antifa terrorist!

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree the saying goes, and on the fourth anniversary of his death, Muhammad Ali’s only biological son says that his father would be against Black Lives Matter, calling the movement “racist” and the protesters “devils.” And man is he 100% correct! People forget Trump was also friends with Ali Sr, and he often spent time talking to him before he had gone into full dementhia. The legendary boxer and activist stood up against racism throughout his life, but Muhammad Ali Jr. says his dad would have been sickened by how the protests have turned to violence and looting after the death of George Floyd. “Don’t bust up s–t, don’t trash the place,” he told The Post. “You can peacefully protest. ‘‘My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said, ‘All lives matter.’ I don’t think he’d agree.” Of the BLM movement, Ali Jr., a Muslim like his father, said: “I think it’s racist.” And he continued saying “It’s not just black lives matter, whi

😂Cancel Culture Eats it's own!😂

I’m against cancel culture… I want to start there. BUT! And here we have someone who deserves it, Jimmy Kimmel and all the late night puppets for the BIG 3 networks “ABC, NBC, CBS” have done nothing but sold out this country. They have lied, and trashed Trump on a constant basis when before he was President he was always nice enough to go on their shows, and they were all friendly with him. Other words these people are all hypocrites… Oh, and The View also falls into this category. Even if they’re not late night. Now if Rosanne Barr lost her show which was good over a tweet! How does Kimmel, and James Gunn get rewarded by keeping their shows? Now just think if Trump or anyone close to him would be in a video like these what it would do? It’s time to call it’s for what it is folks. There is a major double standard because Trump isn’t a puppet like these people. But wait there is more… Enjoy these classics. Hey if we’re going to start airing people out! Let’s let it all hangout…

Again with the statues, and is CHAZ ending it's Summer of LOVE early?

America is dying slowly, and I’m not talking about AIDS folks… But this pandemic isn’t even the Covid19 I’m speaking about. The one I’m speaking about is the same one that has these people taking over major sections of cities, and has white people taking a knee like sheep to anyone who mentions “Black Lives Matter” cause they don’t want to look “racist” on video. The whole concept is to get you white people to become the slave of your own doing by allowing this sort of stupidity to take place. Your democratically elected leaders have sold out this country, and it’s starting here, and unless we stop it now this will only get worse. The Press, Media or whatever you want to call these asshole clown artists are all laughing it up while America is being torn apart. The President is waiting for the mayors, and governors to do their jobs or he said he will send in troops. Only problem is this will just become an issue the left will spin NO MATTER what he does! IF they send in cops, military o

Macy’s defends employee who was beaten in ‘unprovoked’ attack!

Has the “RACE WAR” started folks? IF it has it just landed on the face of a white Macy’s employee who says he said nothing to provoke an attack which was recorded on video. Macy’s defends the employee after he was beaten on video for what early on was allegedly ‘calling Black shopper the n-word’ as store says attack was ‘unprovoked’ and the supposed cause or “word” isn’t on video, and the worker says again he never used it towards him or anyone. The people who witnessed the beating said the employee never used the slur, and had his back turned when he was hit. According to those who saw the violent attack some say it was because the employee told the man that he needed to wear a face mask while at the store as per the policy, and some say it was mouthed when he was on the phone, and was asked about a shirt. Either way the only time the “N word” is heard is coming from the attacker as the employee seems dumbfounded as to why he’s getting hit only saying “I never touched you!” “I’m sorry

AOC is dumb, TIK/TOK is from China & is Sorros paying for it all?

NO Idea why but the Police are doing what they do best, and investigating a homicide inside the Seattle autonomous zone. The shooting Saturday morning left one person dead and another hospitalized with life-threatening injuries, and I say let them kill each other off! If you’re ok with defunding the police, and stupid enough to stay in that CHAZ area and approve of such behavior by these terrorists than you get what you get. Elsewhere in another area full of morons! A mural of the known criminal Saint George Floyd in Salt Lake City was vandalized as San Francisco considers the future of statues and park art after protesters tore down statues. On Saturday, President Donald Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma hosted a fantastic electric crowd, and I saw the whole thing! Some are reporting it as “a smaller-than-usual crowd,” with “empty seats in the 19,000-capacity BOK Center.” Don’t think Yahoo or anyone is telling the real story as they’re not looking at the facts that we’re still in a pan

Trump holds MAGA rally in Tulsa, OK

Live: President Donald Trump holds a Make America Great Again rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is the first event on this scale since the country went into lockdown in an effort to limit the spread of coronavirus. 🔴 FULL COVERAGE: President Donald Trump Rally in Tulsa, OK 6/20/2020 #IstandWithTrump #MAGA2020

Taco Bell STANDS UP For whats RIGHT? Well they sold out too!

This guy clearly has no clue about reality, and he’s part of the problem… He’s clearly someone who has no idea how to handle himself according to the rules of the company he works for, and his bad attitude is exactly what’s wrong with people today. This is the same behavior that would get him into a confrontation with a cop one day, and he will end up shot over having a big mouth, low IQ, and no people skills. I understand it’s hard being over 35 and working at Taco Bell for a living but dude I love Taco Bell so FUCK OFF! And If Taco Bell allows their employees to sport a #BlackLivesMatter mask they should also be willing to allow employees to sports masks that support the #NRA or whatever #ProLife group they would like to promote. Same goes for #Starbucks. And I cannot believe someone would use this #RIPTacoBell I for one love Taco Bell, and yes I know it’s fast food, and not the healthiest of places but I don’t care. But anyway this guys an idiot, and Taco Bell is NOT somewhere I wan