
Showing posts from August, 2020

⚠️ Mail-in ballots have become the latest flashpoint in the 2020 elections! Someone admits to FRAUD!

Now it comes out that a top ‘Democratic’ operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And he knows this because he’s been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades. He says the Mail-in ballots have become the latest flashpoint in the 2020 elections. While President Trump and the GOP warn of widespread manipulation of the absentee vote that will swell with KungFlu polling restrictions, many Democrats and their media allies have dismissed such concerns as unfounded. But the political insider, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he fears prosecution, said fraud is more the rule than the exception. His dirty work has taken him through the weeds of municipal and federal elections in Paterson, Atlantic City, Camden, Newark, Hoboken and Hudson County and his fingerprints can be found in local legislative, mayoral and congressional races across the Garden State. Some of the biggest names and highest office holders in New Jersey have benefited from his tricks,

Move over stranger things! Cobra Kai Is Now Netflix’s No. 1️⃣ Show

Not shocking here I love Cobra Kai, and don’t know a single person who hasn’t just fallen in love with this show. This is the sort of series which really hits it home as to why agenda politics, and SJW, and Reboots all are missing the mark. This series just does all the little things right, and it’s really built the bridge of the first 3 movies fanbase to come over, and catch up with some of our favorite characters from our childhood. I Grew up on the Karate Kid movies, and I loved the original 3 the best. I can tolerate “The Next Karate Kid” only cause of Pat Marita (Rest in Peace) but that wasn’t a good film. But move on over Stranger Things because since the show’s first two seasons premiered on Netflix last Friday, the Karate Kid revival series which stars Ralph Macchio and William Zabka from the original 1984 film has been the No. 1 program… Season 3 will be out 2021, and from all the looks of what it’s shaping up to be it’s going to be just EPIC folks. I cannot wait to see what t

Biden Gets Triggered After Heckler Trolls Him Over Never Leaving His Basement

Monday, former VEEPee The Sniffler, and rapist Joe Biden finally left his basement and traveled to Pittsburgh where he took a stop to deliver pizzas to a fire station… As Mr China himself Joe Biden stepped out of a Secret Service vehicle, he was heckled by a man who was reportedly waving a Trump 2020 flag while standing on his truck. The man trolled Biden on how he never leaves his basement. The clip is hilarious, and watch his reaction! I was expecting him to say “COME ON MAN!” LMAO! “Hey Joe, you finally got out of the basement!” the man yelled. Biden, who was clearly triggered over the comment, yelled back, “Don’t jump! Don’t jump! Don’t jump!” The man continued to heckle Biden over some of his left-wing policies. Bloomberg reporter Tyler Pager tweeted, “Biden was being heckled by a Trump supporter as he arrived to deliver pizzas. The man was waving a Trump flag as he stood on top of a truck. Biden’s response to him: “Don’t jump.” Biden finally left his basement to travel to Pittsb

BREAKING: Devin Nunes Reveals Adam Schiff Is Using Violent Left-Wing Riots to Investigate Trump

I know this is what they will do once Trump wins they will somehow try and blame the entire years worth of riots on him like he’s out there doing this himself, and it’s not like it’s proven already that these looters, rioters, and so called peacful protestors are all normally from out of town, and are all paid by the left, and the people who want Trump out like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the left democRATS who are all domestic terrorists. But during an exclusive interview with  Breitbart  over the weekend, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes accused far-left Rep. Adam Schiff of using violent left-wing violent to investigate President Donald Trump’s response to the riots. Breitbart  reports: “Asked if Schiff should hold hearings on the threats to the country on display in American cities and outside the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Washington, DC, Nunes revealed that Schiff has been plotting to hold hearings on this matter. Th

Police arrest BLM protesters outside White House early morning 8/31/2020 Biden blames TRUMP!

Early Monday morning, a group of activists holding a Black Lives Matter-themed “Abolish the police” rally threw water bottles at police officers in front of the White House while yelling “let’s hydrate the pigs.” Police responded with tear gas and pepper spray and made several arrests. New overnight video captured by journalist Ford Fischer captures protesters throwing water bottles at D.C. police officers before tear gas was deployed. Sunday night’s unrest comes one day after another tense standoff led to five officers being injured. Five people were arrested on Saturday night, D.C. Police say, and were charged with felony rioting, reckless driving, possession of unregistered ammunition and more.

Both Jim Banks & Ice Cube had good ideas guys!

So in a brilliant move Rep. Jim Banks a Republican from Indiana introduced a bill last week to the House that would render those convicted of vandalism and violent looting during a protest ineligible for federal unemployment money, which have been enhanced in the wake of COVID-19. The Support Peaceful Protest Act would also require those convicted to providing restitution for the cost of federal policing in a sum determined by the court. They one I like best is the one from Tennessee who asked for looters, and rioters to lose voting rights, and have mandatory jail time. But in an Aug. 28 press release announcing the resolution, Banks stated: Antifa thugs are descending on suffering communities, disrupting peaceful protests and leaving violence, looting and vandalism in their wake. They turned Milwaukee, Seattle and Portland into warzones, and now they’re moving the chaos to Kenosha, Wisconsin. Who knows which community is next? Due to enhanced federal benefits, taxpayers are giving wag

Man suspected in deadly Portland shooting calls himself ‘100% ANTIFA’

This never ends folks! Now an ex-military man who calls himself “100% ANTIFA” his rap name maybe? He claims he’s ready for “war” I think he’s been listening to “BIG PUN” a bit too much… What you guys don’t remember this song? Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, is being investigated  over the deadly shooting of a President Trump  supporter in Portland, according to a report. If he wants “WAR” over the death of Aaron Danielson, a “supporter” of the right-wing Patriot Prayer group who was part of a caravan of Trump supporters who flooded the city Saturday,  police sources told The Oregonian . Joe Biden has refused to say a single negative word about antifa and the media has spent the last 3 months defending them. Why is that? #BidenRiots New York Post: Man suspected in deadly Portland shooting calls himself ‘100% ANTIFA’ — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) August 31, 2020 He was identified in part to a distinctive tattoo on his neck of a “black power” fist as well as a

New Details On Jacob Blake’s Alleged Actions revealed, and here are the facts!

OK So reports now surface that the ‘Kenosha Professional Police Association’ (KPPA) has officially blasted the media’s narrative late this week on the events that happened at the start of the week when a police officer shot 29-year-old Jacob Blake, saying that it was a “purely fictional depiction of events.” Well welcome to the party guys! Anyone who seen this video could have told you this little nugget of information. But this press release came from KPPA attorney Brendan Matthews and was based on information that was gathered from the officers who were involved in the incident. “The recent officer-involved shooting in Kenosha has produced a variety of feelings and narratives; most of which are wholly inaccurate,” the statement begins. “The purely fictional depiction of events coming from those without direct knowledge of what actually occurred is incredibly harmful, and provides no benefit to anyone whatsoever, other than to perpetuate a misleading narrative.” In the statement said

There should be a study to find if humans have a dumb gene in the DNA! IMO!

After months of living in la la land, and pretending this was all just our pure imagination! That this was “The Summer of LOVE” remember that folks? It is straight up fucking hilarious that the Democrats are JUST NOW REALIZING that burning their own cities down isn’t playing well in focus groups. It’s too late, guys. You started Ragnarok. #BidenRiots — Bark M. 🇺🇸 (@BarkMFoRS) August 31, 2020 But let’s see why these idiots are doing this? They want to destroy our country thats why! Watch how they speak guys… Speaking on her podcast on an episode titled, “The Gift Of Girlfriends,” former First drag queen Michelle Obama stated that “white people either don’t acknowledge black people exist, or they see them as a threat.” A threat? Yeah ok well check it out lady. How is this race baiting comment of hers going to bring us together? This is nothing but divisive, and well folks it’s dangerous. Now prior to her comments, Obama and her guests, including Denielle Pe

Vernon Jones vs The Mob That Harassed Him!

As some of us saw the footage of the Pro-Trump Democratic Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones walked through an angry mob of anti Trump, leftists socialist pigs bullied him, called him the “N WORD” and all sorts of racial, and biased terms.. Did you know Vernon is a black man? So much for Black Lives Matter when they’re attacking black people who don’t believe in the same politics they do. This is not about Black Lives anymore this is about politics, and an agenda to take over the country, and world! So Vernon Jones called on federal investigators Friday to look into the origin of the mobs that harassed him and other attendees of the Republican National Convention. “Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the entire DNC and Congress and all the state heads and chairs of Democratic parties, they need to come out and denounce this hatred, this vitriol, condemn Black Lives Matter and then Antifa,”  Jones told Fox News . But remember they won’t because to them these are “peaceful protests”

Protesters in this state risk losing voting rights under new law

This is a step in the “RIGHT” direction! Since most these morons who keep doing the looting, and rioting should be stripped of all their rights as citizens, and SO should all the Democrats in Congress, sports, and anyone who gas lights this bullshit happening in the streets. IF you’re a communist/socialist you gas light riots, and looting, and you belong the any hate group shouldn’t have the same rights as regular people who are civilized. This country needs a fixing, and this is one way to get morons to act right. Forget taking away guns take these leftists looting, rioting morons, and put them in prison, and remove their rights to vote. I love it! But officially Under new law, protesters convicted in Tennessee will lose right to vote the Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, joins Shannon Bream on ‘Fox News to talk about it. Watch below. We should Take this mans motto for these morons! LOL But officially Protesters who camp out on state

Joe Biden goes off on tangent when asked about Jacob Blake police shooting

This guy is just so crazy he’s now being asked about one thing, and he spews bullshit about something else not being asked… So sleepy Joe Biden went off on another retarded sleepy Joe tangent Thursday night about the Kenosha protest shooting suspect and the deadly Charlottesville rally in 2017 despite being asked about  the police shooting of Jacob Blake . The Democratic presidential candidate’s flub came during  an appearance on CNN. And like reported earlier it was again on the Anderson Pooper Scooper show… Now he starts off with asking Joe “The president has not talked about the shooting of Mr. Blake. He’s talked about violence at protests in wake of it,” anchor Anderson Cooper began. “I’m wondering why you think that is why he hasn’t addressed it. There’s obviously a lot we do not know about the circumstances around it, but the video obviously is out there.” Biden’s response, however, made no mention of Blake with the 77-year-old former vice president instead bringing up Kyle R

Alice Johnson, pardoned by Trump, was put away for life under Biden-sponsored bill

So one of the big stars of the RNC was none other than Alice Johnson, the grandmother freed by President Trump on the advice of Kim Kardashian, and Kanye West who was sentenced to life in prison by a crime bill that Joe Biden co-sponsored in (1986), wrote and championed, and later lead to another bill in ’93/94 again championed by Joe Biden and signed into law by BILL CLINTON! You see as a single mom of five in 1996, Johnson, now 65, was slapped with five concurrent life sentences without the chance of parole on a first-time non-violent drug charge for her involvement in a million-dollar cocaine ring. Trump commuted her sentence in June 2018 following lobbying from reality TV star and lawyer-in-training Kardashian, and Johnson again spoke at Thursday’s 2020 Republican National Convention finale. But Johnson would never have been sentenced to life in prison if not for a 1986 drug abuse act written by then-Sen. Joe Biden that stiffened penalties for drug offenses and disproportionately t