
Showing posts from September, 2020

The First 2020 Presidential Debate Scored Massive Ratings + watch Trump in 1st Rally day after!

The First 2020 Presidential Debate Scored Massive Ratings, and Trump holds ‘Great American Comeback’ event following first debate in Duluth, MN. Tuesday night’s so-called debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was seen by a whopping 73.1 million viewers Tuesday, according to Nielsen. That’s a huge number more than triple the audience of this year’s Oscars but it wasn’t quite the blockbuster as the first debate of the 2016 general election. That Trump vs. Hillary Clinton opening slug fest drew a record 84 million viewers. It seems likely the 2016 debate was something of a unicorn, given it marked the first time Trump had faced off against a Democratic opponent in a debate and the first time a woman had been in a presidential general election campaign. Indeed, the 2020 tune-in easily beat the numbers for the 2012 showdown between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, which was seen by 67.2 million viewers. On the other hand, the 2020 numbers include viewing done outside homes and vi

Dallas Salon Owner Who Went to Jail for Violating Lockdown Advances to Runoff for State Senate Seat 👏

Tuesday, Shelley Luther advanced to a runoff election for a Dallas-area set in the Texas State Senate as a Republican! Now if you don’t know her Luther is a salon owner in Dallas who had the “temerity” to reopen her business during the coronavirus lockdown, and for the crime of making sure she and her employees would be able to feed their families, went to jail. You know after what Pelosi did and nothing happened to her this lady Shelley deserves a public apology. When she defied Governor Abbott’s lockdown orders, she was issued a citation. She tore up the citation when it was issued. She was found in civil and criminal contempt of court for ignoring a restraining order. Dallas Civil District Judge Eric Moyé ordered Luther to seven days in jail and fined her $500 for every day the salon stayed open. She was given the opportunity to apologize and not serve any time in jail but  she refused  to do so. She went on to explain to the judge why she reopened. “If you would like to take this o

Biden uses 'inshallah' in response to Trump during debate, lighting up Twitter

So at one point during the more heated moments of the debate last night US presidential debate , former VeePee President Joe Biden dropped a phrase from everyday Muslim and Arab vocabulary and lit up the internet. Like leaked porn from one of the Kardashians! The Pressing President Donald Trump on when the American public would get to see his long-anticipated tax returns, Biden questioned: “When? Inshallah?” If you don’t know in certain vernacular, “inshallah” serves as a non-committal response to a question. Taken literally, the term “inshallah,” consists of three Arabic words (In sha’ Allah) which translate into “if God wills it.” Spiritually it represents a submission to God’s will. It can perhaps be seen as the Muslim counterpart to the Yiddish adage, “Man plans, and God laughs.” Children in the Muslim world will often say that when a parent responds to a question with “inshallah,” it signals an unfulfilled promise, while unreliable timekeeping is lightheartedly chalked up to “insh

Black Lives Matter are trained Marxists! 💯 Proof!

And so it now official my friends the Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” making clear their movement’s ideological foundation, according to a report. Cullors, 36, was the protégé of Eric Mann, former agitator of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, and spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology that shaped her worldview. She shared this with Breitbart News . “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers,” she said, referring to BLM co-founder Alicia Garza. “We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk,”  Cullors added in the interview  with Jared Ball of The Real News Network. While promoting her book “When They Call You

The first Presidential 2020 Debate LIVE 9pm tonight!

This friends will get more watching than the Olympics, and Superbowl! COMBINED! The 2020 United States presidential debates between the major candidates in the 2020 United States presidential election start tonight as part One of Three debates between the presidential candidates Donald Trump, and Joe Biden. This one is scheduled to take place on tonight at 9pm EST. September 29, the next two are October 15, and October 22, 2020. Check out some footage leading up to the debate below, and than the show starts on the big player on the bottom… ENJOY! I’ve posted here the live feed so you can watch it here if you want… This is where I’ll be chatting also.

🌈California now the State of LGTBQ Prison Rights!?

Let this sink in folks! CALIFORNIA Passes a Law Allowing Trans Prisoners to be Housed by Gender Identity… And of course the pedophile and pervert Senator Scott Wiener is loving it. 🍕Pizza boy has this to tweet out. . @GavinNewsom just signed into law my legislation ensuring that #transgender people who are incarcerated will be housed where they are safest, e.g., according to their gender identity. This is life-saving and deeply important. Thank you, Governor, for getting it. — Senator Scott Wiener (@Scott_Wiener) September 26, 2020 As you see California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the new law that allows transgender prisoners to be housed based on what they identify as, as opposed to their biological gender. The SB 132 law was signed this past Saturday, and as a result, officers from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will be be required to privately ask inmates during intake if they intersex, non-binary, or trans. If the inmate identifies as any of those,

Joe Biden Pinches Nipple of Montana Senator's 8-Year-Old Niece Live on TV!

Not that this is a shocker we have all seen footage of creepy Joe Biden being well a little too hands on with young kids to the point of it being down right criminal behavior at times. This is one of those times! ON this video below you will see Joe Biden Pinching the right Nipple of Montana Senator’s 8-Year-Old Niece Live on TV! [fvplayer id=”98″] Here is another video from a guy who called the cops on Joe Biden over this video…

Warner and Lindsay in Gilbert AZ. Let’s make them famous!

Hilarious video of the not too smart libtards Busted Trying to Get Huge Trump Sign into Small Car Trunk… In the video reportedly shot in Gilbert, Arizona, “Warner” and “Lindsay” are frustrated as they struggle to get the massive sign into their vehicle, before a cameraman rides up on a bicycle to ask what they’re doing. “What you guys doing?” the man asks. “Taking it,” one woman responds. “How come?” he follows up. Cuz, fuck Donald Trump, replies the woman, as they continue to struggle to get the sign in their car trunk. We noticed that it was missing from the corner. — Carl Toersbijns 🇺🇸👈👉🏴‍☠️ (@carltoersbijns) September 28, 2020 Last week, we documented an insane,  machete-wielding liberal chopping down a Trump sign  elsewhere in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Did we just witness a sign being murdered? 😳 👇 — RyMac (@theonlyrymac) September 23, 2020 The derangement from anti-Trump liberals appears to be ratcheting up as we move clos

Donald Trump receiving third Nobel Peace Prize nomination!✌️☮️

Not 1, not 2 but now a 3rd nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize in a year filled with so many twists, and turns. This is simply unprecedented, and incredible. He’s fully deserving, and hope that people voting next month take note, and this is echoed in all ears, and is something brought up during the debates. This is how it went down! A group of four Australian law professors nominated U.S. President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize based on the so-called Trump doctrine, or the president’s approach to foreign policy, David Flint, one of the professors, said on Sept. 28, 2020. Former deputy national security adviser KT McFarland provides insight into President Trump’s foreign policy and his third Nobel Peace Prize nomination. While speaking with Sky News in Australia, law professor David Flint explained why he decided to nominate Trump and said that “The Trump Doctrine is something extraordinary, as so many things that Donald Trump does. He is guided by two things, which seem to be

Project Veritas uncovers ‘ballot harvesting fraud’ in Minnesota

So a ballot-harvesting racket in Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Minneapolis district where paid workers illegally gather absentee ballots from elderly Somali immigrants appears to have been busted by undercover news organization  Project Veritas . One alleged ballot harvester, Liban Mohamed, the brother of Minneapolis City Council member Jamal Osman, is shown in a bombshell Snapchat video rifling through piles of ballots strewn across his dashboard. “ Just today we got 300 for Jamal Osman ,” says Mohamed, aka KingLiban1, in the video. “ I have 300 ballots in my car right now . . . Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentee ballots. . . . Look, all these are for Jamal Osman, ” he says, displaying the white envelopes. “ Money is the king in this world . . . and a campaign is driven by money .” The video, posted on July 1, was obtained by Project Veritas and included in a 17-minute video expose released Sunday night. Under Minnesota law, no individual can b


Hey folks want to welcome on this week a returning guest here which is an old friend, and one of our favorites on PSN RADIO. The one, and only the very talented film maker Mr Terry Wickham! We will be talking about the upcoming release of my latest horror feature film Gruesome Threesome Mantaray Pictures LLC will release the horror feature film GRUESOME THREESOME on VOD, Digital HD on October 2, 2020. PSN RADIO / SoFloRadio · Inside Tha Jackals Head W/ Terry Wickham Terry grew up in Everett & Snohomish, Washington. Terry’s been watching scary movies since he was four years old. The local late night horror show “Chiller Theater” was the source that enabled Terry to see all the old Universal classic monster movies, as well as the Japanese monster movies like Godzilla. In 1978, HALLOWEEN changed Terry’s life, “I couldn’t get the imagery from that movie out of my head and I wanted to be able to do to an audience what John Carpenter did to me.” Terry started out in filmmaking by taking

Growing Number Of Californians Opting To Leave The State!

Not that this would shock anyone but it’s become more, and more clear that living in places like California, and New York ain’t all that it’s cracked up to be. But now experts say that over the decade, over 150,000 people have left the state of California and that number is expected to climb as remote working options increase during the coronavirus pandemic. The KungFlu is not just forcing people to reevaluate finances but reconsider living situations, and as a result, business at local moving companies is surging. “It is hard to keep up with the demand,” said Daniel Carrillo with Pasadena Moving Company. “In our whole history, we’ve never seen that before. We used to have maybe 5% to 7% of our moves out of state.” He continued by saying “That affordability motivator for going to a place where they can actually afford to be a homeowner is still there, and now they’ve got that wind in the sails in terms of that flexibility to be able to do that while still keeping their California-based

Nancy Pelosi still doesn’t think Biden should debate Trump! WTF?

House Speaker (IN NAME ONLY) Nancy Pelosi is standing by her statement that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden should not debate President Trump. Think about what she is saying… She knows Biden will be exposed if he faces Trump. Speaking to fake news CBS’ “This Morning” Friday, Pelosi (D-Calif.) made the comments when asked if she still stood by her assertion in August that the former VeePee should not take part in any of the three scheduled presidential debates. “I do, not that I don’t think he’ll be excellent, I just think that the president has no fidelity to fact or truth,” the California Democrat said, adding that she believes the commander-in-chief also lacks “fidelity to the Constitution of the United States.” “Why bother?” Pelosi asked. “He doesn’t tell the truth.” In August, the speaker told reporters at the end of a press briefing, “I don’t think that there should be any debates.” She continued that she did not want anyone to “legitimize a conversation with [Trump]” be

Kamala Harris is branded 'ignorant' for praising BLM Looting, and riots!

  Kamala Harris  is branded ‘ignorant’ for many reasons folks but for praising   Black Lives Matter  protests and calling them ‘essential’ just three days after two cops were shot during Louisville riots is down right insane, and makes her unfit for any sort of office in this country. She clearly has no love of country or of the innocent people of this country. These comments came during the NAACP’s national convention in which she was interviewed for more than one hour and come just three days after two police officers were shot and injured during rioting in Louisville. The shooting came after a grand jury’s decision not to charge the officers who shot and killed Breonna Taylor. One of the officers involved was charged with wanton endangerment for shooting into a neighboring apartment.  Vee Pee nomineehas come in for criticism after saying that protests against racial injustice, including those by thegroup are ‘essential for the evolution of our country’ with some online branding her

Rep. McCarthy threatens vote to oust Pelosi as speaker if she tries impeachment

Well finally someone stands up to Nasty Nancy other than Trump! House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy threatened to call for a vote to oust House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if she makes an effort to impeach President Trump to block him from nominating a Supreme Court justice. I say vote her out anyway! LOL “I will make you this one promise, listening to the speaker on television this weekend, if she tries to move for an impeachment based upon the president following the Constitution, I think there will be a move on the floor to no longer, or the question of her being speaker,” McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. “She may think she has a quiver we do too,” he said. In an appearance on ABC News Sunday, Pelosi refused to rule out trying to impeach Trump or Attorney General William Barr in an effort to stop the nominating process for the president’s Supreme Court pick in Congress. “Well, we have our options. We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss r

According to reports Trump to pick Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Supreme Court

According to reports Trump to pick Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Supreme Court Quoting multiple senior Republican sources with knowledge of the process the White House is indicating to allies on Capitol Hill that Ms Barrett’s intended selection will be announced on Saturday. “The machinery is in motion,” one of the sources told fake news CNN. She’s a solid pick especially for ‘PRO LIFE’ people who would like to see us do away with Abortion. President Trump intends to choose Amy Coney Barrett to be the new Supreme Court justice, multiple senior GOP sources with knowledge of the process say — CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) September 25, 2020 BREAKING: Trump intends to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court — CBS News (@CBSNews) September 25, 2020 NEW Here’s everything we know about Amy Coney Barrett’s judicial abortion record. Unlike other SCOTUS shortlisters, Barrett offers a clear judicial record siding with regula

WATCH: Video of Jerry Nadler pooping his pants!

So this video of Jerry Nadler Looking Uncomfortable at a press conference has gone viral. In the video while House Speaker Nasty Nancy Pelosi on September 23 was on stage something strange happened! Nadler, who represents New York’s 10th Congressional District, sparked concerns for his health after viewers watched his unstable walk while leaving the podium. In the video, Nadler, who also serves as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, suddenly grabs the side of the podium he’s standing next to as Pelosi discusses new legislation called the “Protecting our Democracy” Act. He then walks off the stage appearing quite disoriented and walking extremely tentatively. Is Jerry Nadler ok? What is going on here? — RD (@real_defender) September 23, 2020 Shortly afterward, the video circulated Twitter with thousands of users online sharing the same rumored conclusion — that Nadler “s*** his pants.” The term “poop his pants” also started to trend nationally on Go

🎤🎧 INSIDE THA JACKALS HEAD W/ Gary Leggiere (The Mad Martian)

Hey folks so tonight I will be welcoming back to the show Gary Leggiere aka The Mad Martian himself! He was last on with me back June 19th and it was a ton of fun having him on. He does a great job as host over on GERN on The Martian Revelation Show With Gary “THE MAD MARTIAN” Leggiere. With the election coming up, soft disclosure on UFOS happening this year by the Pentagon, and SPACEFORCE! Not to mention all the other stuff happening this year 2020 has been a busy year. Gary and I will dig deep into how it all relates, and how going to MARS is our next big step as mankind. Join us live tonight! Gary’s main website: PSN RADIO / SoFloRadio · Inside Tha Jackals Head W/ GARY LEGGIERE (THE MAD MARTIAN) Listen Live:

Hunter Biden got $3.5M wire transfer from Russian billionaire! 💰💰💰

According to reports Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine. Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014. “Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman. The report described her involvement with Biden as “a financial relationship,” but declined to delve deeper into why the wire transfer was made. The probe also found that Baturina sent 11 wires transfers between May and December 2015 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA, a tech startup that filed for bankruptcy in March 2019. Nine of those 11 wire transfers were first

Two Officers Shot During Violent Protests In Louisville Over Breonna Taylor

This is horrible, and not shocking as things get heated the Louisville Metro Police Dept. two officers have been shot during the violent protests over the charges being dropped and announced against one officer related to the death of Breonna Taylor. Black Lives Matter protesters immediately denounced the announcement of charges against only one of the officers involved the controversial shooting death that happened during a police raid in March. Police initially said that one officer had been shot but offered few details about the incident. The @courierjournal has confirmed that at least 2 @LMPD officers were shot in downtown Louisville tonight. Read more here ⬇️ — Ben Tobin (@TobinBen) September 24, 2020 Protesters took to the streets to demonstrate against the grand jury decision. Reporters and others on social media documented small fires being set off and firecrackers being fired off during many of the gatherings. Reporters in the vicinity said that firec

Thanks to Biden/Clinton/Bush Jr/Obama for the crime bills which made this justified!

IN The biggest no shit DUH move yet! No officers were charged directly with killing Breonna Taylor Six months after police fatally shot her in Louisville, the Jefferson County. The grand jury voted to indict officer Brett Hankison for “wanton endangerment” for blindly shooting 10 rounds from outside of Taylor’s apartment. Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron said the use of force by two other officers in the case was “justified” to protect themselves. As you can imagine Twitter heads are already going bonkers over this. While I feel horrible that Breonna Taylor was caught in the crossfire the law states the officers were justified because of the same laws that were implemented during the “Clinton, Bush, Obama” era. These crime bills were signed, and passed thru the supreme court which was mostly what? Democrat! The death of Breonna Taylor in itself is not justified as she did nothing to merit her dying, and it’s a tragic thing that happened to her but her sleep over companion who s

Rep. Ilhan Omar crawls out of her cave for some input! LOL

Well in today’s news a member of the Fraud Squad Ilhan Omar Declares ‘Donald Trump Runs Our Country Like An 8-Year-Old Child’ funny since she married her brother, and was her own sister, and mother in law. While married she had another husband. Who knows who the daddy of her daughter is… Her daughter who looks just as ugly, and acts as fucktarded as she does. I suspect her brother i her daughters dad. So she’s from a country that hates America, does nothing but trash us, and committed incest. But she talks about Trump. LMAO!!! She can lie all she wants but Trump has done as awesome job as President, and has been married to people NOT related to him. Made money the old hard way by working for it, and loves our country. So yeah this troll looking thing named Omar can eat a fat cock. Ilhan Omar reacted to President Trump’s remarks he made at a rally in Pennsylvania after he told the crowd she was giving instructions to Republicans how to run the country. Which is true. “She’s telling us h

Another day Another Karen HOT TAKE! 🔥🔥🔥

Not exactly sure when TikToker Karen here @lilsuezivert made this video, but I feel pretty comfortable saying that she should probably spend less time on TikTok and more time on a psychiatrist’s couch… I will say this is hilarious, and sad both at the same time. She is SO pro-abortion that she wishes that she, “had been aborted.” Now that… that there’s A HOT TAKE. 🔥🔥🔥 — Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) September 21, 2020 ‘I wish I had been f*cking aborted!’ Young woman appears to be very upset about seeing a ‘pro-life sign’ while driving – That’s not the first time she’s addressed abortion on TikTok but this current video it’s her most crazy video on the subject as far as I can tell. She really is one clueless young idiot.