
Showing posts from December, 2020

Lin Wood just tweeted that Jeffrey Epstein is alive!

But wait wasn’t Epstein “Suicided” ? I’m shocked he didn’t kill himself when guards were sleeping, and the camaras were off, and nobody was looking. I mean to quote Joe Biden! “Come on man!” I’d like to know why John Roberts wouldn’t even look at the Texas lawsuit. #MAGA2020 — RealAngelEspino (@RealAngelEspino) December 31, 2020 But wait wasn’t Epstein “Suicided” ? I’m shocked he didn’t kill himself when guards were sleeping, and the camaras were off, and nobody was looking. I mean to quote Joe Biden! “Come on man!” I’d like to know why John Roberts wouldn’t even look at the Texas lawsuit. #MAGA2020


“This Isn’t the Beating of a Drum, This Is the Burning of a City!” – Inventor Jovan Pulitzer DESTROYS Georgia’s Corrupted 2020 Election Results, and in front of the Georgia Senate no less! He totally destroyed Georgia’s 2020 election results and offered a plan where for free, he will determine the accurate results by examining the paper ballots used in the election. Prior to now it’s been requested that President Donald J. Trump write an Executive Order mandating that the ballots and images in select states be audited and reviewed for fraud by Jovan Pulitzer. We just started to first hear about Inventor Jovan Pulitzer a few weeks ago and reported that he is able to audit millions of ballots in a day based on his method for reviewing ballots and images. His biography and ideas were provided in our article. He believes there was fraud in the 2020 election and that he can prove it quickly he said. Pulitzer shared: I have no regard for the smoking mirrors of how the machines work, the hid

Major leak exposes CCP members secretly embedded all over the world

Holy crap folks a major leak has  exposed the details  of nearly 2 million Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members who have been secretly embedded in some of the biggest companies, banks, universities and government agencies globally!!! Now according to a report by  The Australian ‘s Sharri Markson, the leak  contains a register with details of CCP  members including their names, party position, national id number and ethnicity. “What’s amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the U.S. to the U.K.,” said Markson on  Sky News Australia . “But it’s amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping.” The leak reveals the details of 1.95 million CCP members in around 79,000 branches of the CCP that have been set up inside western companies. Members of these branches are, if called on,  answerable directly to th

Pence sued by Texas GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert over competing electors

In an interesting move Rep. Louie Gohmert is suing Vice President Mike Pence in a bid to overturn the stolen election by President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over current President Trump. The fix was in folks, and we all can see it, and so Gohmert and several other Republicans who are named in the suit, including Republican slate of electors from Arizona, aim to allow Pence to overturn Trump’s defeat in some key states when Congress meets to count Electoral College votes on Jan. 6. The vice president traditionally presides over this meeting as president of the Senate, where they officially announce the results of the election. Now before you all lose your shit over this, and think this isn’t a well thought out move you need to calm down, and let this play out. Someone had to bring this lawsuit to Pence in order to be able to get him to act it’s needed, and he can give Trump the win we know he earned. The lawsuit challenges the 1887 Electoral Count Act, which dictates the vice president’

🔴Live: House votes on $2,000 stimulus check bill, veto override effort on defense bill

Today the House of Representatives will vote on a $2,000 stimulus checks and a veto override effort on the defense bill. Watch the video below…

KARMA Hits Andrew Cuomo & Bill de Blasio!

Looks like the people in NYC have had enough, and are fed up with these two idiots Andrew Cuomo, and Bill deBlasio who are without a doubt two of the worst elected leaders in this country. I kid you not folks the people in NYC are pissed, and are not taking it anymore, and I for one applaud them. This is not shocking, and hope more people in NYC follow with these people, and ban these two idiots from ever entering their establishments again. That is if they ever open up again in NYC. For more information and content like this please visit me on my personal website

NYC restaurant owners threaten to BAN Gov Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio!

So we can all say we remember when Andrew Cuomo you know Fredo Cuomos big brother went on TV Saying Trump couldn’t walk on the NEW YORK STREETS Again? Well looks like Karma is starting to kick in folks. Check out this quote… ‘If we can’t feed our families, we won’t feed yours’: NYC restaurants owners threaten to BAN Gov Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio from eating at their establishments if indoor dining isn’t reopened. Yes friends some rightfully angry  New York City  restaurants owners have that as a new message for Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor  Andrew Cuomo : again… ‘If we can’t feed our families, we won’t feed yours.’ That’s the slogan of thousands of owners who are threatening to ban the politicians from eating at their establishments in response to a blanket ban on indoor dining. So no help from our crooked elected leaders, and more shutdowns? How are we supposed to survive? Oh wait they have billions for other countries, and Sri Lanka (officially the Democratic Socialist Republic

stimulus updates: Trump demands $2,000 checks; calls Covid-19 bill a ‘disgrace’

Ok so wait there is a check coming for $600 bucks? Say it aint so Mr Trump! Ok so this had to be said folks, and thank god we have President Trump to say it, and boy did he ever! The man just went nuclear on the left when he  derided the recently-passed coronavirus relief bill  as a “disgrace” on Tuesday night, calling on Congress to increase stimulus payments from $600 to $2,000 and get rid of “wasteful and unnecessary items.” The move stunned Congress which has been deadlocked for months over the long-awaited stimulus package to address people’s increasingly desperate situations in the midst of a pandemic-fueled economic downturn. Here are key significant developments in my latest short video which was pre-recorrded, and not infront of a live studio audiance. But that’s due to well Corona!

Ted Cruz Exposes SHOCKING Federal Funding of Hollywood, Introduces Bill to Cut It Over Censorship

I FUCKING JUST FELL IN LOVE (NO HOMO) WITH TED CRUZ! THIS BILL is simply amazing, and this is what has been needing to happen to Hollyweird for a long time! Those pedophile full scumbag leftists in Tinsle Town need to be taken to justice for the trason, and criminal activities they’re all complicite in. Time to cancel their culture, and this is what brother in this war Senator Ted Cruz exposed the federal funding of Hollywood on the Senate floor this week and introduced a bill to cut it over there Chinese censorship.

Tiffany Dover is she dead? I just debunked this rumor!

I spoke to the Vice President of Marketing and Communications at the hospital where Tiffany Dover works at, and the lady’s name is Lisa MCcluskey. I called to make sure we debunked the rumor that Ms Dover had passed away, and to calm down the fear going around with this fake news about her. Folks this is nothing more then an online death hoax. FAKE REPORT ON HER DEATH! Don’t always trust the news online folks… A Lot of misinformation out there… Tiffany is fine, and here you can hear the actual audio from my conversation. Tiffany Dover explained she has a history of an over-reactive vagal response to even minor pain. Vasovagal syncope (vay-zoh-VAY-gul SING-kuh-pee) occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope.The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly. That leads to reduced blood flow to your brain, causing you

Chris "Rhino" Christie tells Trump to Concede on CNN!

So fatass Chris the Rhino Christie went on CNN to plug his bullshit new television and radio ad, and he was on Fredo Cumo the lame slowmo host on CNN. As usual the snakes all gather around, and these two are no different… The now former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” that it was time for Republican lawmakers to accept President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and not try to “disturb the certification of the Electoral College.” Cuomo said, “What do you say to members of your party who are in Congress who are even contemplating doing something on January 6th to disturb the certification of the Electoral College?” Christie said, “Chris, you know, whenever anybody loses an election, party, an individual, there’s great disappointment, but elections have consequences. And this one was clearly won by president-elect Biden by the same margin in the Electoral College that President Trump won four years ago. And by even more, nearly double the popula

Amistad Project unveils report on election funding From Facebook founder Zuckerberg

Amistad Project is press conference Wednesday 12/16/2020 to release a report allegedly exposing the dark money apparatus of 10 nonprofit organizations funded by five foundations whose intent was to fundamentally undermine the electoral system. The group alleges that hundreds of millions of dollars were injected into the election, with $500 million coming from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. By the way Mark Zuckerberg is married to a Priscilla Chan who was born in Braintree, Massachusetts, and grew up in Quincy, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. BUT her parents were Chinese and she’s a leftist socialist, and her parents are also socialist/communist leaning Chinese. So is Facebook also tied in with China? Perhaps.

This is from The Hagmann Report as of DEC 10th 2020

Folks if this is real! Be ready because we’re in for a very dark winter indeed… China getting ready to invade the USA? Looks like it might happen. You have to listen to the audio below from the show Hagman did on Dec 10th 2020 just days ago. #MAGA2020 #ProudBoys #StopTheSteal

Russia's Putin Congratulates his friend, and puppet Joe Biden on his rigged Win of the Election!

So you want Russian collusion? With President Vladimir Putin? Well here it is folks, and so today Tuesday Putin called to congratulate Joe Biden on winning the U.S. rigged presidential election after weeks of holding out. Putin’s message to Biden came a day after the Electoral College confirmed Biden as the nation’s next president, ratifying his November steal in an authoritative state-by-state debacle to the communists China and Russia who will now own this country thanks to morons who helped sell our country down the river. The Kremlin had said earlier that the Russian president would hold off on congratulating Biden until the winner was officially confirmed. “We are just waiting for the end of the internal political confrontation,” Putin said last month, referring to numerous Republican challenges to the vote count. In his message, Putin wished Biden “every success,” according to a Kremlin statement Tuesday, and expressed confidence that “Russia and the U.S., which bear special resp

Debra was only Messing around! Come on man!

Debra was only Messing around when she said she hopes “Trump is the most popular boyfriend in prison!” Debra Messing first on Monday defended then later apologized for speaking about Trumps popularity with male gay men in prison. I mean really? You know this is hilarious coming from someone who spent how many seasons on a show about a bunch of gay people, and her. A sad pathetic little tag along. Well I guess life is playing out like her tv show! But the backlash has started but the “Will & Grace” so called star, and one of Hollywood’s most vocal Trump haters. Once again thinks we all care about what she has to say so she felt the desire to expressed her wish for the president to “live a long life in prison” in a tweet to her more than 677,000 followers last week. She called Trump “a weak, scared, stupid, inept, negligent, vindictive, narcissistic, criminal” before writing she hoped he became “the most popular boyfriend to the all inmates.” WHOA! Tell us what you really think! LMA

LIVE: Rallies for Trump in Washington (Dec. 12) | NTD

This man is a day I never thought I’d see in America… The SCOTUS has literally shown it’s True colors… The saddest thing is how the 3 appointed judges by Trump all failed to even want to hear the case. Talk about BACKSTABBING! Or were they threatened by someone? Or scared by the previous actos of vilolence done by the left? We don’t know but this should make everyone angry. Watch here live the MARCH for TRUMP taking place!

New Superman gets new suit, and fires problematic writer!

So the new Superman and Lois   DC Show just recently began filming after a long production delay due to some re-writes, and other issues. However, one the show’s writers this leftist Liberal named Nadria Tucker, has revealed that she has been fired from the series. Comic Book Movie , Tucker threw some explosive allegations on her way to the unemployment office. This light on IQ Liberal went on one of the worlds two favorite sources of fake news, and agenda politics platforms this one known as Twitter! On her “account”, Tucker posted that she clashed with the writers over racial and gender representation. But here is the deal lady, and follow along folks. This is going to be the replacement of the now canceled “Supergirl” show which will air it’s final season coming out 2021 after Six Seasons. That show was pretty good early on until it became too much about “Gender politics” and “racial agendas” and not enough “Good storytelling.” The world has had nothing but these agendas pushed in o

Christian Bale is Playing Gorr the God Butcher in Thor: Love and Thunder

WOW BIG NEWS! Early on this year, it was reported that Marvel and Taika Waititi had a role being offered to Christian Bale for a role in  Thor: Love and Thunder . Tessa Thompson later let slip that Bale was cast as the film’s villain. With this, fans quickly began debating which member of Thor’s rogues gallery he would bring to life. But during Marvel’s Disney Investor Day presentation, Kevin Feige revealed his character’s identity. Bale will battle Chris Hemsworth’s God of Thunder as Gorr the God Butcher when the sequel arrives in 2022. Writers Jason Aaron and artist Esad Ribic introduced Gorr in their first storyline for Marvel’s  Thor  series in 2013. He was raised on a nameless planet and, after experiencing the loss of his wife and children, was exiled by his people after declaring that there were no gods. When he discovered that gods  did  exist, he sought vengeance against them for failing to protect his family. Gorr isn’t the only character from Aaron’s  Thor  run who will make

LIVE: Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing (Dec. 11) | NTD

LIVE: Wisconsin legislature holds public hearing on election issues (Dec. 11) | NTD #Wisconsin #Election #Hearing

Hunter Biden is facing a federal investigation into his 'tax affairs'

Hunter Biden the son of Fake NEWS “President-elect” Joe Biden announced that his taxes are under investigation by the US Attorney’s Office in Delaware. Hunter Biden released a statement: “I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately.” President-elect Joe Biden’s son Hunter says he has learned from federal prosecutors that his tax affairs are under investigation. — AP Politics (@AP_Politics) December 9, 2020 Now what we need is that these people look into his other dealings with CHINA, and RUSSIAN, and let’s connect those dots, and how about they also look into the content on his laptop. Yeah time for the Hunter to become the hunted… Sorry had to say that.

Michigan Rep. removed from committees following Facebook comments “Make them pay”

OK So another Liberal who shows their nasty side gets sweet Karma after acting not just out of line but calling for people to hurt other people, and really is doing nothing but inciting violence! These people think they can get away with it because they’re all trying to become the next “John Lewis” with his stupid “Make good trouble” radical code call for remarks he made over, and over, and over again. This is the same nonsense that a lot of these radical leftist do now, and then cry like babies when someone from “Proud Boys” or dare I say it a cop shows up to stop the violence, and yells racism! After they burn, loot, and kill innocent people in the name of “Good Trouble” ? Now that Michigan house representative Cynthia A. Johnson was removed from her committee assignments today for making the following comments during a Facebook live post. You can watch video on a Facebook post where she made what could be seen as clear threats of violance towards anyone who supports the Preident! s

Newsmax beats Fox News for first time ever in ratings!

TV will never be the same folks! I’m not shocked as we know who the American people want as the President, and it’s clear this election was rigged, and it’s clear where we stand, and now the tv networks are feeling it! Not just CNN, and the usual clown shows they got on and other clownish networks like CBS, NBC, and MSNBC But now Fox News is getting a shockwave sent to them via Newsmax TV which has now officially beaten  Fox News   on ratings for the first time, out-ranking its 10pm Monday night show by a narrow margin after Donald Trump actively encouraged his supporters to ditch Fox in favour of the conservative channel. Newsmax overtook Fox News by 26,000 viewers in the key 25-to-54 age demographic, coveted by advertisers in the  TV industry , during the 10pm programme slot. Previously his go-to channel for interviews, Mr Trump fell out with Fox after it called the election in Joe Biden’s favour, alongside all other mainstream broadcasters. At the recent crowded “Trump Victory” ral

🛸👽Ex-Official Of Israel’s Space Security Program Claims That Aliens Are Real, And Trump Knows all!

Yes Trump knows, and he’s known for decades about the UFO reality. His uncle John Trump was deep up to his neck in it, and it’s one big reason the left wants to keep him out of office because as I’ve said I’m my show before TRUMP will be the disclosure President but it would have to come on his 2nd term in office where he can’t be silenced over this. He said some things already, and the Pentegon putting out some stuff was all due to him asking for this to be released. He knows which is why we got now the SPACE FORCE. He’s what we in the “Disclosure movement” have been waiting for… Which is another reason why I support him for POTUS. Why was SPACE FORCE introduced in the first term? To make us aware of what we already had up and running for years, and so we’re not shocked come April/May 2021 when more disclosure happens… This is what I’ve been told as dates for it by different sources, and one was Stephen Bassett who’s been moving forward with disclosure for decades, and helpd the congr

Trump: ‘Big Things Happening Over the Next Couple of Days’

The real President of the United States  Donald Trump  told reporters today that people can expect to “see a lot of big things” over the coming days. Speculations already going on that it’s got to do with the election frauds current status, “I think the case has been made,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “And now we find out what we can do about it. But you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days.” He did not elaborate other than this, and left us with a cliffhanger like a true showman… Now the president was answering a question about what his strategy will be after electors vote in the Electoral College, which is scheduled for Dec. 14. “The election was totally rigged. It’s a disgrace to our country,” Trump also  asserted . “It’s like a third-world country these ballots pouring in from everywhere, using machinery that nobody knows ownership, nobody knows anything about. They have ‘glitches,’ as they call them. Glitches. The glitches weren’t glitch

🎤🎧 Inside Tha Jackals Head "Happy Birthday Jorge Rodriguez - A Look back..."

Well tonight I enjoyed a night of clips, and looking back at my good friend, and mentor Jorge Rodriguez who has passed away. I also covered some of the latest news on the wall of weird! But mostly I wanted to spend it playing clips which reminded me of how me, and Jorge bonded, and became friends. Stuff that I hadn’t talked about before as I also played clips showing what mirrored my interest in doing radio which was a lot like his story. Also played a clip about his time on WIOD, a few funny stories from his time with Neil, and a lot more. So sit back, and let’s enjoy the time gone by when Radio was fun to listen to on AM Radio. Those days are gone guys… Jorge was the last string to those days… Now it’s done. But with that said the new year is almost here so again hope you enjoy this special episode in tribute to my good friend who’s gone too soon. PSN RADIO · INSIDE THA JACKALS HEAD – A Very Happy Birthday To Jorge Rodriguez And News Friends also check out for more inf

🎤🎧 Inside Tha Jackals Head W/ Wilbur Witt & Teddy Clevenger

Join us tonight as we go live on with Wilbur Witt & Teddy Clevenger from the The Butcher Shop during the 2nd hour of the show, and last for 2 hours after they join. I had some great clips and news I went over dealing with the current issues with Vote Fraud, and the clear take over of this country by the radical left. So don’t miss out! Listen in below, and enjoy the show! PSN RADIO · Inside Tha Jackals Head W/ Wilbur Witt & Teddy Clevenger The Butcher Shop is a collection of independent writers ranging from journalists to op/ed, from conservative to liberal. Whatever cut of literary meat you prefer the Butcher Shop is here to serve.First hour will be News, and usual talking facts about what’s happening in the world today. Lot’s to talk about folks so don’t miss the show. The Butcher Shop: Weird Wilbur


“Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar the head of the Fraud Squad are boosting a petition against Joe Biden for nominating his former chief of staff to a new role in his administration, calling Bruce Reed a ‘deficit hawk’ and criticizing his past support for Social Security and Medicare cuts,” Axios reports. “Progressives are mounting their pressure campaign after the president-elect did not include any of their favored candidates in his first slate of Cabinet nominees, and they are serious about installing some of their allies, blocking anyone who doesn’t pass their smell test and making noise if they are not heard.” LMAO! This is the radical left telling Sleepy Joe what to do, and it’s only going to get worse folks because if JOE gets in he won’t have to safe face anymore, and he will be giving into these demands. He’s a puppet, and a tool for the radicals, and we all know it.But this is hilarious, and it shows who these woman think they are! They think they’re running this