
Showing posts from January, 2021

In the first days of his 2021 term, U.S. President Joe Biden temporarily froze a federal rule aimed at lowering insulin and EpiPen prices.

In the first days of his 2021 riggest U.S. President term Joe Biden temporarily froze a federal rule initiated by President Donald Trump aimed at lowering insulin and EpiPen prices. Joe Biden was quick to issue nearly a dozen executive orders aimed at reversing many of the policies of the former President Donald Trump, from  rejoining  the World Health Organization to recommitting the U.S. to the  Paris climate accord . And all sorts of horrible executive orders, and as such here is another one aimed at hurting you the people! As the 46th president took pen to paper, he required that all federal rules pending review that were submitted under the previous administration be frozen for at 60 days among them, one aimed at reducing the cost of insulin and EpiPens. It is important to note that the freeze is temporary. Headlines run by some conservative leaning news publications such as  The Federalist  and  The National Law Review   made the freeze appear to be a more permanent change, which

Biden Attacks Farms - Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply - Engineered Famine

The Biden misAdministration’s executive actions in the last few days are attacking farms and implementing the technocratic takeover of food, accelerating a global collapse in food production by paying farmers NOT to grow food, cutting their financial support, tasking Tom Vilsack’s USDA with a Net-Zero goal, changing COVID guidance on grocery stores, restaurants, and meatpacking plants. So not just did his Keystone Pipeline executive order hurt us badly! Now he’s attacking how we ear, and hurting us at the core of our food industry. Meanwhile, the media is finally acknowledging the soybean shortage, and the US is now also experiencing a fertilizer shortage, which will further increase costs and cause yields will collapse. As other countries stop exporting to protect domestic supplies, the US has been wholly sold out. This confluence of issues and cascading failures merits our attention urgently start growing food today folks because soon Publix, Walmart Foods, and all these outlets whic

A Hole Rep. Jimmy Gomez to Introduce Resolution to Expel Marjorie Taylor Greene From Congress

So this idiot with a napoleon complex who's NOTHING but another Democratic California Representative leftist socialist puppets in a movement in this country to help take over. His alias is one Jimmy Gomez and since he wants his 15 minutes of fame he is now introducing a resolution to expel Republican Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from Congress for her past social media posts calling for violence against Democratic politicians and promotion of allegedly extremist conspiracy theories. Oh but Jimmy hold up! When did she call for Violence? She called to impeach Joe Biden not for Violence. But if you want to get rid of someone for actually calling for violence look no further than Kamala Harris who on the “Stephen Colbert show” said there should be violence AFTER the election.  That it shouldn’t stop. No why no tough words for the new VeePee? How about congress women Rep. Rashida Tlaib who famously promised that she’d “impeach the motherfucker,” talking about Trump! Why

Robert Reich Your NAZI views are showing! So you care about democracy Now? Give us all a Break you OBAMA clown!

So I read this hit piece by this fucktardistan resident and China sellout Robert Reich , and yes he’s from California, and an OBAMA hold over who loves China, and hates America, and well I’ve had enough with him Who happens to have a proper nazi sounding name in “Reich” but this moron is just following that moronic idology by his last name but yes he’s a socialist/communist democrat who wants to silence all who go againt his one party rule. I got into it with him on social media or the “Bird Cage” as I like to call “Twitter.”This moron is claming like most these libtards stuck in Fucktardistan that the Jan 6th was a coup! Well some coup when the President was still giving his speech, (PROVEN FACT) the rioters were being lead in by police, and this is on video as FACT. The guards, and cops were told to let them in and stand down by memebers of the leftist in congress. One DC Mayor Muriel Bowser to be exact who is a proud endorcing mayor of the looting, riots, burning of buildings and mu

Oklahoma lawmaker proposes a bill that calls for creation of a Bigfoot hunting season

Watch out Bigfoot  while some considere you a myth, a legend, and or something made up by drunk hillbillies in the woods drunk off moonshine. But hey to each they own, and well that is not stopping one Oklahoma lawmaker from proposing open season on the creature.Rep. Justin Humphrey introduced  the bill  to the Oklahoma legislature earlier this month. The bill reads that the hunting season would be regulated by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission, which would set annual dates along with specific hunting licenses and fees.” A lot of people don’t believe in Bigfoot, but a lot of people do,” Humphrey said  in a news release. He suggested that creating a hunting season for the creature could help draw in tourists. “Tourism is one of the biggest attractions we have in my House district,” Humphrey said. “Establishing an actual hunting season and issuing licenses for people who want to hunt Bigfoot will just draw more people to our already beautiful part of the state. It will be a g

Senate rejects effort to dismiss the second impeachment trial

On Tuesday, the full US Senate was sworn in as jury members of the upcoming impeachment trial against former president Donald Trump. The Senate also heard and rejected a motion to dismiss the trial, which is set to take place the week of February 8. NEW: 45 Senate Republicans supported an effort to dismiss Trump’s second impeachment trial. The 5 Republicans who joined Democrats to kill Sen. Rand Paul’s point of order: • Susan Collins • Lisa Murkowski • Mitt Romney • Ben Sasse • Pat Toomey — Axios (@axios) January 26, 2021 The Senate has voted 55-45 to reject a Republican effort to stop Trump’s impeachment trial The thing is when you need 16 to turn on Trump from the Senate this means that when the trial concludes this will be dead in the water again. Like last time especially with all the proof that we now know which reflects on Trump being the victim here of a continuing smear tactic of the left, and rinos!

Spike Lee compares Trump to Adolf Hitler! - ‘Go Down In History With the Likes of "Hitler"

( Source by Angel Espino ) So I was over checking out the Todd Starnes show, and he was talking about a certin film director who has not made anything good in almost 3 decades but some how still thinks he’s relevant, and has been as some know an Anti Trump activist hater from well can’t say day 1 cause that’s not true. But from the day he beat Hellary Klinton Spike Lee went suddenly Woke, and he started to talk shit about his one time good friend Donald Trump. Ironically as went the media, and 85% of his Hollyweirdo’s. Spike Lee to me has smoked too many “Joints” and is now in a lost mind of mental retardation, and this is not to insult anyone with actual down syndrome. They’re born with a disability. Spike Lee smoked his brain cells into such state. He’s his own worst enemy and by the way his company for films is what “A Spike Lee Joint” for those who don’t get the clear joke.Again Todd Starnes posted this on his site, and I’ll link you the site below also so you can view it, and lis

INSIDE THA JACKALS HEAD - Keystone Pipeline fall out! AOC Says dumb stuff again! Trump is BATMAN!

Jackal Head OK So tonight I shall talk about you guessed it! The new Biden/Harris Misadministration, and what the first 4 days now have looked like. This folks will be something you cannot miss I got some clips here which drive the point home of just how bad the damage is already from day 1, and how it will continue. Just 1 executive order alone has caused major damage. Also AOC is back at it again, and she needs to be spoken about once more. PSN RADIO · INSIDE THA JACKALS HEAD “A Day into JOE Bidens MisAdministration!” Powered by: PSN Radio / TVBetter be ready…..To listen live remember check out first! this podcast pages…Also check out Angels Patreon page over at ‹ › ×