
Showing posts from February, 2021

Trump speaks at CPAC 2021!

The PRESIDENT is live! No not Sniffing Joe Blow Biden but Donald Trump, and he’s smoking the left. This is one of his best speaches ever. He called LIZ Chaney a “WAR MONGERER!”MAN This was good… Trump commemorated the late conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh during his speech at CPAC also. It all started with a nice tribute to the late Rush Limbaugh who passed away January 12th 2021. “I also want to pay my love and respect to the great Rush Limbaugh, who is watching closely and smiling down on us. He is watching, he is loving it, and he loves Kathryn,” Trump said, addressing Limbaugh’s wife.Trump’s speech is the first major public appearance he has made since he left office in January.Since he became a private citizen, the former president remained relatively quiet, although resurfaced to make a media appearance to discuss Limbaugh’s death. Limbaugh died earlier this month after battling lung cancer at the age of 70. This was a great event, and the house went nuts when Trump spoke,

Joe Biden cages kids? After he demonized Trump!

So the Sniffler & Theif Joe Lying Biden who recently got into hot water for saying that ‘We Didn’t Have Vaccine’ When I Came into Office which is a lie! But now it looks like the US is to allow illegal migrants from Mexico to once again be locked in cages as his critics slam ‘kids in cages’ which makes me laugh because Biden demonized Trump for having to take the same steps. Now the comedy in all this was that the cages plus photos usually used to smear Trump were from the Obama/Biden administration. So when Trump took over as President it suddenly became un human to have this, and use it to house illegal kids which needed to be vetted and looked at to make sure the adults that they came into the country illegally were even their relative. Which to me made sense when Obama/Biden did it, and when Trump did it, and have no issues it being done now. As president, I will immediately put in place a meaningful process to review asylum cases. I will release children from cages. I will get

📰Tiger Woods injured after roll-over car accident!

WOW So this is trending right now! Los Angeles County Sheriffs confirmed that golf pro Tiger Woods was involved in a single-car crash with “major damage” to the vehicle on Tuesday morning. Now reports are that while “He is currently awake, responsive and recovering in his hospital room.” The accident was serious. In a press conference, first responders said they did not see any evidence of impairment as a factor in the crash. The first deputy on the scene of the car crash details his initial interaction with Tiger Woods. — Golf Digest (@GolfDigest) February 23, 2021 The interior of Tiger Woods’ car acted as a “cushion to survive what otherwise would have been a fatal crash,” Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said about Tuesday’s crash. — The Situation Room (@CNNSitRoom) February 23, 2021 Woods was transported in serious condition, with injuries to both his legs, Osby said. Woods was conscious and


Ok so I was starting to really like the direction of the new BATMAN movie based on the trailer while I wasn’t sure about the actor Pattinson until I saw the Trailers I have to say if the new rumor is correct which has landed online regarding Robert Pattinson getting Zoe Kravitz pregnant while having sex on the Batmobile during filming on  The Batman let me tell you he will become a GOD to millions of BATFANATICS World Wide! Cause folks yes… His girlfriend “Zoe Kravitz” is hot. Anyway this has taken Twitter by storm.  If true this rumor can be credited to 4Chan and while it does sound a bit out there, the rumor is trending on Twitter as fans are wondering if it’s true.  “I’m working on the set of Batman. So, in about a week or so all media will go after him for what he and Zoe did on the set of The Batman last week… We (me and a lot of workers with Mat Reeves) caught Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz having sex on the Batmobile prop. It’s probably one of the worse things I’ve ever saw i

A member of pioneering 1980s hip-hop group "The Fat Boys, Prince Markie Dee has passed away at 52

Man being a kid from the 80’s/90’s myself I loved the group “The Fatboys” and being a bit on the plump side myself I liked that these guys didn’t care about their size, and often mocked themselves, and used it in their music to promote themselves, and they were good rappers, and funny guys. They were in one of my all time favorite comedies “ Disorderlies ” which if you haven’t seen it man I suggest you watch it… Hilarious! Now today I have the sad news that one of the main trio that was still with us just passed. Mark Anthony Morales, known as Prince Markie Dee from the 1980s hip-hop trio the Fat Boys, has died. He was 52. Morales’ manager and friend Louis Gregory confirmed the news Thursday, writing  on Twitter  that the rapper is “forever in my Heart.” “Prince Markie Dee was more than a rapper; he was one of my very best and closest friends,” Gregory tweeted, along with a picture of Morales. “My heart breaks today because I lost a brother. I’ll always love you Mark and I’ll cherish e

Joe Biden Falsely Claims: ‘We Didn’t Have Vaccine’ When I Came into Office! WTF?

So what shot did you get Joe Biden if there was no Vaccine when you got into office? IF there was no vaccine what have people been getting injected with for the last few months? My god Joe Biden is beyond stupid! Now folks this comes from a CNN town hall on Tuesday, where Biden made the statement, despite health care workers receiving the first COVID-19 vaccine in mid-December 2020, over a month before he was sworn in.During CNN town hall on Tuesday, Biden made the statement, despite health care workers receiving the first COVID-19 vaccine in mid-December 2020, over a month before he was sworn in.Biden said: “There’s just not all of a sudden 600 million doses are going to appear.” “What’s going to happen is it’s going to continue to increase as we move along, and we’ll have reached 400 million by the end of May and 600 million by the end of July,” Biden added. ICYMI – Biden claims during CNN Town Hall there was no vaccine when he came into office, while he himself received the first do

Kamala Harris is holding meetings with foreign leaders WITHOUT Joe Biden?

Well this didn’t take long folks, and so as we all know Joe is just a “Puppet” and the real “Shadow President” in charge is Kamala Harris, and now it’s becoming even more clear as she’s been holding meetings with foreign leaders WITHOUT Joe Biden. When conservatives warned that Joe Biden wasn’t fit to be president, they had exactly this scenario in mind. Vice-president Kamala Harris is assuming the traditional role of a president by meeting with foreign leaders without Joe Biden there.Fox News reported: “Vice President Kamala Harris is proving that she will play an important role in the White House as she hosts calls with foreign leaders without President Biden. A readout from the White House published on Monday showed that Harris took a call with French President Emannuel Macron, where she “expressed her commitment to strengthening bilateral ties.”Though Biden knows many of the world leaders he will be dealing with from his tenure as vice president in the Obama administration, he like

RIP Rush Limbaugh The man with "The Golden EIB Microphone" is gone...

Talk radio will not be the same ever friends not after the last 30 years of Rush Limbaugh, and if you’re a DemocRAT he’s a name, and has been a thorn sticking at the heart of Liberals since I could remember both on radio, and tv. Todaa we mourn his passing away but we cannot forget him or what we all have learned from him, and the talent he had to explain things. He left his wife, Kathryn who announced on his show Wednesday morning his passing. Rush who succumbed to his battle with lung cancer at the age of 70 after getting his Stage 4 diagnosis in January 2020. This is the same battle I lost my mother to on March 7th 2016 so I know what he went through in his final days from having seen it with my own eyes, and my heart breaks for him, and his family.Known to his fans as the great “El Rushbo” I remember listening to him as a kid, and asking why this crazy guy was going after Bill Clinton and the Democrats so hard, and as it turned out years later as I got older I understood, and in th

John Carpenter thinks If ‘Halloween Kills’ Goes To Streaming and not Theaters that “Theaters Are Dead…It’s A Tragedy, But It’s True”

While the man himself John Carpenter has been known for speaking his mind and no pulling punches when talking about the film industry he has seen his once baby rebooted several times now with the last being the biggest of them all at the box office. While this year we wait for “Halloween Kills” which is scheduled to arrive in theaters on October 15 the iconic filmmaker and perhaps seen by some as one of the best American filmmakers of all time has had some worries as we all have on the status of movies, and theaters in general. Talking about the upcoming sequel to his ‘Halloween’ franchise, “Halloween Kills,” he’s been no stranger to hyperbolic statements. And when it comes to the future of the film industry, especially as it stands now during the KungFlu, Carpenter isn’t afraid to speak the truth, as sad and tragic as it may be. He sat down with  NME , Carpenter discussed the upcoming film, “Halloween Kills,” which was originally scheduled to arrive in theaters last October but has be

Scientists Levitate Small Plastic Plate Using Light

I’ve often said that the way we will use lightspeed will be when we learn to ride light itself like a tunel, and when we look at it as sort of a fiberoptic made of light where using the energy from the vacuum of space itself, and light being your source to move you forward we could use it along with Element 115 to travel the stars. Now it looks like science is catching up to one of my theories as they have used LED lights in a Vacuum chamber, and managed to do just that! But with small plastic so calm down this is still in it’s infant stages here but researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have managed to get two small plastic plates to hover using nothing but light,  Wired  reports . Scientists have previously used the same physical phenomenon to float invisible aerosols in microfluidic devices, an object big enough to grasp was never moved before, making the study, published in  Science Advances , a breakthrough. The researchers were able to have the Mylar plates, each as wide

Companies Are Preparing to Cut Jobs and Automate if Biden Gets $15 Minimum Wage Hike!

Yeah folks because anyone with a working mind knows that what Joe Biden will do with his minimum wadge while sounds nice on the surface will just make unemployement go way up, and it will hurt companies which will continue to have to close due to not being able to cover overhead cost, and low income revenue due to the lockdowns. This folks is the left plan in order to continue to destroy the country, and “Build Back” as they want. IT Won’t be better… It’s communism, and it will be a total control of the government which will make you fully dependant on them, and so let’s hope that Joe Biden’s minimum wage fantasies never become law or workers will pay the price for his economic con job. New reporting  reveals  that Chief Financial Officers at top American companies are “considering raising prices, cutting workers’ hours and investing in automation to offset a potential rise in labor costs.” “Companies including Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc., Potbelly Corp. and Texas Roadhouse Inc. are al

Gavin Newscum Faces Recall Election as Campaign Collects 1,509,000 Signatures

In a glorious effort to recall California Governor  Gavin Newsom or as I call him “NewScum” has reached the minimum number of signatures needed to trigger a recall election, organizers behind the recall campaign announced Friday. Yes friends! Like I’ve been sayin for a long time California is flipping away from the left, and will slowly become what it once was a RED STATE, and when this happens folks it’s a wrap for the left. They have destroyed their biggest state, and the people are speaking loud. Gavin is related to Pelosi, and she’s hated also in California. These people come from mafia money, and are from a long line of evil scumbags. Recall Gavin Newsom launched last year and amassed more than 900,000 signatures by the end of December. The recall campaign said it collected more than 1.4 million signatures by early February and gathered a total of 1,509,000 signatures by Friday. State law dictates that a recall campaign must gather support from a specific number of registered vot

🔴 LIVE: Pro Trump Celebration in West Palm Beach, FL on Presidents’ Day 02/15/2021

OK So after being aquitted for the second time the real President of the USA Donald Trump must be happy to know that his supporters are standing by him 100% and these are not just those Republicans who stood strong, and helped him clear of the bogus impeachoax 2.0 which he had to endure, and with the brilliant defense team which wasn’t hard to put together since this was an open shut case of no wrong doing by Trump. But folks the man is the most popular republican in the party, and the rest of the right knows this, and today here in West Palm Beach, FL right in my state we shall let him know how much love we have for him in FL. Today the day after Valentines day it should be “Trump Appreciation day!” As this is the one man more than anyone who deserves the love. We finally had a real President in the Oval office who cared to tell us what really was happening, and who kept it real. This is why the left hates him. I hope my friends in FL tune into the Right Side Broadcasting Network and

Adam Schiff is stupid!

Adam Shiff for brains is back at it again! This moron made another stupid tweet, and so I tweeted back to him. Hope he see’s it, and answers back. But this moron keeps bringing up shit that we know Trump is innocent off like if he didn’t pay attention to the words Trump has used since being President? So I had to have some fun with him. Adam Shiffty Shiff you need to be in prison you dirty liar! — Angel Luis Espino (@AngelEspinoLive) February 13, 2021 But it doesn’t end here this moron continues… History will remember you as a big liar Adam. Nobody likes you in AMERICA! You’re a joke, and a lying POS. You need to resign, and leave public office. Better yet you deserve PRISON! — Angel Luis Espino (@AngelEspinoLive) February 13, 2021

VICTORY once more! Trump is untouchable!

Now my friends this goes without saying but did we say it would be this way? Sure some of us were scared the Rinos, and the DemocRATS would show us all what real collusion is but thanks to the Republicans who stood their ground, and pretty much the FACT That this whole thing as they call it “A Nothing burger” and just another VICTORY for our real PRESIDENT Donald Trump, and I hope this opens 2 doors… Door number 1 is for him running in 2024 for the President seat once more, and door 2! “Does this set a precedent that we can now go after Barack Obama when the Republicans take back congress?” Something asked on MAGA-CHAT by Rich Welsh which is an excellent idea. We should, and do it to Hillary, and THEN once more to BILL cause why the hell not, and remove their secret service protection, and with Obama & the clintons hell there might be enough done wrong that they might face actual PRISON time. How about Pelosi, and the rest of these animals who lies, cheated, and possibly staged ev

Impeachment Trial FULL COVERAGE!

Here is all the footage so far of the impeachment hoax 2.0 of our real PRESIDENT Donald Trump. He might not be in the Oval Office due to the clear con job in the Nov 3rd 2020 election, and it’s clear to anyone that yes that thing was a big scam, and so is this so called impeachment trial.Anyone with a brain can see what exactly has been happening for the last 4 years since we first got President Trump sworn in the left has had 1 thing in mind. Removing him from political office forever, and shutting up the voice, and will of the voters. This folks is the ultimate in voter supression, and it cannot be allowed under this constitution or country. The left has violated the rule of law many times over the last 4 years.They have actually incidted riots, looting, and yes murder while they now make a mockery of our constitution once more. Remember the Rinos, and the DemocRATS, and come election time remove all these criminals, and never vote for them again. We the people need to drain the swam

🤯The Mouse House fired Gina Carano! Well time to cancel Disney+

So Gina Carano has become the latest victim to the cancel culture movement which has now engulfed Disney from every angle. While she loses her job on the show “The Mandalorian” the house which at one point was the happiest place on earth still hires a pedophile loving James Gunn who looks like a sick pedo himself? I mean who jokes on twitter about pedophilia, and talks to known pedophiles on the subject? JAMES GUNN! But this thing with GINA is retarded in that worse sounding way possible folks it’s beyond stupid! Now IF She loses her job why does Disney not get fired up, and start handing out pink slips? Kathleen Keneddy, Pablo Hidalgo, and a few other inmates you have running your big brands need to go. Remember that idiot Pablo Hidalgo who trolled and mocked the “ Star Wars Theory ” dude? I mean how can Disney allow those evil acts to go by, and get so hard on Gina as to fire her? I mean I thought in America we had the freedom of speech, and expression, thought, and well everything e

Ocasio Smollett is mad! Because #Ocasiosmollett is trending!

Ocasio smollett here is now Enlisting Followers To Report Anyone Calling Her ‘Ocasio Smollett’ well look Ocasio smollett I will call you Ocasio smollett if the shoe fits. And those shoes fit on Smollett smelly feet. This is hilarious but AOC or Ocasio smollett encouraged her followers to report anyone who challenged her claims about the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill……… I call myself out! LOL I don’t believe a word she said. She’s a fucking liar, and I’d like to go to congress and give that statement under oath. What a god damn cry baby AOC is… She can dish it out, and lie, and trash others but she can’t take the people who point out the facts against her stupidity. Ocasio-Cortez’s  call for help combating hashtags occurred just as two in particular were trending #AOClied and #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett spread by people who challenged some of her recent claims about the  Capitol riot . Several people shared screenshots of an email from “Team AOC,” Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign team, that encoura

Rep. Matt Gaetz will do anything to help Trump!

Gotta love Rep. Matt Gaetz folks this man is a machine! He was born to be a lawyer when you hear him speaks he’s very passionate, and knows what he’s saying. I’ve often found myself wondering how is it nobody on the left debates him? They can’t they know he will eat them alive, and this folks makes for him one day making a heck of a candidte for the highest office in the land. He made it clear on Wednesday he’s willing to stand up for former President Donald Trump in his Senate impeachment trial, even if it means resigning his House seat. The Florida Republican’s comments came after  reports  surfaced confirming Trump’s initial legal team had failed to show the same level of commitment. During a Wednesday interview on the  War Room  podcast, hosted by Steve Bannon and Raheem Kassam, Gaetz announced he would be willing to resign if Trump asked him to defend him. “I love my district. I love representing them, but I view this cancellation of the Trump presidency and the Trump movement as

Lindsey Graham Has a Warning for Kamala Harris, Democrats: 'Be Careful What You Wish For'

A few days away now from now former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has a warning for his Democratic colleagues and this one is good. He said the following. “If you’re going to pursue this, and you want to start calling witnesses, and you want to drag this out, it would be fair to have Kamala Harris’ tape played where she bailed people out of jail,” Graham said. “What more could you do to incite future violence than to pay the bail of the people who broke up the shops and beat up the cops?” he said. “How is that not inciting future violence? Be careful what you wish for, my Democratic colleagues. Be careful what you wish for.” Trying to prolong a sham trial for political purposes could have a political blowback they’re not counting on. And VeePee  Kamala Harris  should be THE primary target, and then her crazy rapist boss JOE BIDEN. Kamala Harris is on record even saying that these people “SHOULD NOT STOP!” So yeah the bitch

It's cold I know but "Rashida Tlaib Finally says something smart!" Has hell frozen over?

She needs to help impeach the real “Motherfucker” JOE Lying BIDEN! I will say this, and it’s about the only good thing I will probably ever say about “Rashida Tlaib” she’s at least calling out Biden, and company for messing around with the stimulus checks they promissed, and lied about. Quit messing around and send people the survivor checks we promised them. Using 2019 income data totally ignores the economic destruction of the pandemic and eliminates the promise to bring relief as was repeated nonstop in the campaign to win Georgia. — Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) February 2, 2021 She linked to a  story  about the White House considering lowering the income requirement for receiving stimulus checks, something some experts have reportedly criticized because the decision would be based on data from 2019, before the shutdowns knocked the economy off its feet. Tlaib tweeted: “Using 2019 income data totally ignores the economic destruction of the pandemic and elim

GOP House members will attempt to oust Rep. Ilhan Omar from her committee assignments!

Fox News reports that GOP House members will attempt to oust Rep. Ilhan Omar from her committee assignments after it is announced that the House will meet to consider removing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green from hers. This is long overdue as this bitch Omar belongs in prison, and not anywhere near congress. She’s evil, hates America, and our way of life. She’s proven to be nothing but an anarchist of the evil socialist left, and she needs to be in prison. She cheated on her brother aka husband and brought them both here illgally, and made fun of those dead on 911. She’s a total socialist/communist and we need to remove ALL these Socialist/Communists from our country. Her, AOC, Rashida Tlaib , Ayanna Pressley, Nasty Pelosi, Chucky Schummer, Adam Schiffty Schiff, Jerry Nadless, Eric Swallowswell, and the rest of the con artists on the left. Remember folks this moron back last year appeared to Endorse Riots That Have Destroyed Lives and Businesses in Minneapolis. In a video tweeted by  The Hi