
Showing posts from June, 2021

🔴 President Trump Visits The Border In Weslaco, TX

Wednesday, June 30 2021: President Donald J. Trump visits the border down in Weslaco, TX for a Border Security Briefing with state officials and law enforcement. Like a real President Donald Trump went, and visited our members of law helping to secure our borders given the crisis created by the Biden/Harris misadministration. This is amazing what’s happening at the border, and it’s good to see Trump going out there and making his voice heard so people watching will remember this come both elections in 2022 and 2024 when Trump is allowed to run again for the highest office in the land. We need a real PRESIDENT in the White House.

Allison Mack sentenced to three years in federal prison in NXIVM sex cult case!

Allison  Mack the once actress on “Smallville” and someone who looked like would have a bright career in Hollywood made as she said “I made choices I will forever regret,” as she was sentenced to three years in federal prison in NXIVM sex cult case that rocked Hollywood. The actress told the judge, adding that she was filled with “remorse and guilt.” I hope she does the time she has to do and is able to come out and rehab her life. Everyone deserves a second chance and so does she. Sadly I don’t know if Hollywood will be as kind but we shall see… She’s being responsible for her actions, and I wish her well. She’s not the first and wont be the last actress/actor to get lost in the land of Hollyweird. This is what that place can do to child actors if they’re allowed to be in such a toxic and sex driven industry without the proper good people helping them to keep a proper path in life… So we wish her well, and hope she gets back on her feet soon, and is allowed to return to acting s

After 2 years of false imprisonment Bill Cosby to Be Freed as Court Overturns His Sex Assault Conviction

So let’s be clear here I don’t doubt that Bill Cosby slipped women drugs, and had his way with them sexually. He spoke about it himself on the Larry King Live show, and so that’s not been a shock at all but he should NOT have been put in prison at his age for crimes from the 80’s which had no real solid proof that he done a thing to warrant being convicted of the actual crime he got convicted on. This was wrong like OJ being convicted of trying to get back stolen memorabilia, and Suge Knight being sent to prison for self defense. While those two guys might be guilty of past crimes the convictions they got for the cases they got was total hit jobs… So was the one which finally took down Bill Cosby in my opinion, and so now that his conviction for sexual assault was overturned by a Pennsylvania appeals court on Wednesday at 83 this is something which shouldn’t have had to have happen. Who in the hell is he going to hurt at his age, and with his health? It’s criminal to keep him in prison

Manhattan DA declines to charge Trump

See folks this is why you cannot trust the democratic media, and I’m talking directly to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS. These news outlet don’t report news anymore they write hit pieces by wannabe talking heads on their network. All a bunch of Democrats who are paid stooges to continue this now half a decade long smear job against Donald Trump the 45th President of this country. What the media is guilty of is disgusting, and I want people to understand this is clear brainwashing by the socialist left in control. So don’t let yourself be fooled if you see what they do and pay attention it becomes clear. They’re doing nothing for the people but stealing from the tax payers, and using Trump as a scapegoat by these continued false court hearings. They cannot find anything to ever pin on him because he’s done nothing wrong, and still they continue. Boy they fear this man, and for good reason… He’s an outsider and not a career politician, and he does what he says he will do, and for his first ter

The rise, fall and rise of the Snyderverse!

So the Snyder Cut came out folks, and hate it or love it we’re gonna talk about it. The movie was long and full of different plot points from the one in theaters for sure. But was it better? Find out my take… Original podcast site Click Here #DCEU #SnyderCut #ManofSteel #JLA #BatmanonFilm #Aquaman #WonderWoman #GreenLantern

Singer Marilyn Manson agrees to surrender for alleged assault charges

Marilyn Manson the shock rock singer has essentially agreed peacefully to surrender in L.A. on New Hampshire arrest warrant for alleged assault, police said in statement. In a statement Friday, Gilford Police Chief Anthony Bean Burpee said Manson, whose real name is Brian Hugh Warner, will turn himself in to the Los Angeles Police Department. The arrest warrant was issued on Oct. 8, 2019. The warrant, which the department made public on May 25, charges Manson with two misdemeanor counts of simple assault connected to an Aug. 18, 2019, incident at the Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion, an amphitheater in Gilford where Manson had performed. Police said a videographer contracted to film the concert was in the stage pit area when she was allegedly assaulted, specifying that the incident was not sexual in nature. Burpee said the videographer had reported the alleged crime the day after the concert but that it took several months to complete the investigation. ‹

The 74th anniversary of the Birth of The Age of Flying Saucers

Join me on Inside Tha Jackals Head as I welcome my guest Mr Robert D. Morningstar to talk today being the 74th anniversary of the Birth of The Age of Flying Saucers (Kenneth Arnold’s UFO sighting near Mt. Rainier) This my friends was an excellent look back at not just his sighting but on the man himself. The guest Robert D. Morningstar like always is amazing, and we had a blast on air with him. He’s so good I didn’t even read current news on the night I just brought him in from the start, and I know I didn’t do that the audience would have sent me tons of hate mail so I had him on from the very start. Love spending time with my good friend, and brother in the war against the machine Robert D. Morningstar. Public Streaming Network Radio · Inside Tha Jackals Head W/ Robert D. Morningstar SO again tonight’s show we take a look back and talk about the term “Flying Saucer” as this marks the 74th Anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighting in 1947 nearly days before the Roswell crash. The er

John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison cell.. REST IN PEACE!

IF his last name rings a bell it should! John created the world known “Antivirus software” McAfee reports are he was found dead in a Spanish prison cell. Cause of death? Suspected suicide… This was after he was cleared to be extradited to the United States Wednesday, according to various reports. McAfee was facing charges of tax evasion and securities fraud and was being held in prison, pending extradition to the US, after being arrested in October 2020. John McAfee was an aspiring Libertarian politician , who ran two long-shots bids for president in 2016 and 2020, fooled the Internal Revenue Service by having the money deposited into the bank accounts and cryptocurrency exchange accounts of other people, according to federal prosecutors in Tennessee. In March, he and his bodyguard Jimmy Gale Watson Jr. were slapped with new charges in federal court. He was in Manhattan for charges but was arrested in Texas. He’s still fighting the charges against him.. The pair was accused of running

This is hilarious! Greta and the CCP at war!

Global warming and autistic young Greta Thunberg complained about criticism from Chinese state-owned media after they “fat-shamed” her in a critical article. The tiny under weight, and size teenager issued her response in a tweet from her official account and you have to read this folks… This is comedy gold! “Being fat-shamed by Chinese state owned media is a pretty weird experience even by my standards. But it’s definitely going on my resume,” she  tweeted out as you can see below. Being fat-shamed by Chinese state owned media is a pretty weird experience even by my standards. But it’s definitely going on my resume. — Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) May 21, 2021 Thunberg reply came after a scathing missive attack by the CCP  ridiculing  her weight on China Daily, the state-owned media outlet. Think about this folks… Their actual state-owned media outlet called her fat. Like you cannot make this stuff up if you tried, and to think she was against Trump, and fo

OK Meet Karen

Possibly the most racist movie coming out 2021 is this “ KAREN ” MOVIE coming out soon and yes folks this is now a movie not just a meme or a joke being played at some white lady who’s being taped against her will as she’s throwing some trauma based rage on video for us all to laugh at. There is a clip here which feels like is directly taken from some videos I’ve seen off YouTube of white “Karen” women as they’re called being recorded from a few years back, and while they were funny for all the wrong reasons this movie looks just bad. And not “GET OUT” bad. No really really bad, and cheap made. Hilarious tho is the handle of the person on Twitter has a funny, and racist name but even that person see’s this for being a bad looking movie. Well everyone’s entitled to make bad movies I guess… This looks terrible btw. Hollywood is doomed — Niggabird (@nayadontgiveaf) June 22, 2021

This would have been his 50th Birthday...

So June 16, 1971 was the day Tupac was born, and after a short 25 years of life his life was cut short by a shooter, and one who is believed to have been Orlando Anderson the same dude who Tupac, and others on Death Row Records got into a fight the night Tupac was shot at the MGM hotel. This has been a long rumor since that fateful night, and one which I believe to be on point given my own person investigation into the shooting over the last 2 decades. Yes which includes actually speaking to people involved in the life of Pac, and who knew Orlando Anderson. They all think Orlando did it, and it was all set up after their fight. The current theme for years has been that Orlando called Biggie, and PDiddy and told them what happened, and they said to find him, shoot them, and the hit was for both Pac & Suge. Only Pac was hit the most, and died as a result, and the rest is now in the history books sadly. A number of rumors have spread about the rapper over the years like when Suge Knig

Chuck Schumer apologizes after using outdated term for disabled children during housing interview

OK so this idiot Chuck Schumer the so called Senate Majority Leader was forced to apologize Monday for using an outmoded word to refer to developmentally disabled children during a recent podcast appearance. Appearing on the One NYCHA podcast, Schumer used the word “retarded” in making a point about the challenge of overcoming community resistance to housing initiatives meant to serve vulnerable populations. Appearing on the ⁦⁦ @OneNYCHA podcast, @SenSchumer ⁩ refers to mentally disabled children as “retarded” — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 14, 2021 “When I first was an assemblyman, they wanted to build a congregate living place for retarded children the whole neighborhood was against it,” Schumer said, referring to the time he spent representing parts of Brooklyn in the New York legislature from 1975 to 1980 prior to serving in Congress. “These are harmless kids. They just needed some help,” he said, adding that the effort was ultimately successful. “We

FBI Headquarters in Washington DC - Boarded-up, Stairs Chained off - No one in Building

Ok so the video below from a Citizen Journalist reports that the FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC is vacant this morning, June 15, 2021, and the entrance doors are BOARDED-up. Why is everyone gone tho is the question? Perhaps they feared something was happening cause it was Trumps birthday on June 14th and well they took these measures. Remember we Trump supporters aren’t the issue but Black lives Matter, Antifa and the democRATS love this for optics purposes and they use things like this and use the spin to smear us, and Trump. No one can even walk-up the entry stairs which have a small chain across them to keep everyone out… Nobody really has been told the actual reasons why this is taking place but it sure seems ominous, and serious. JUNE 14th WHICH IS Donald Trumps birthday!

After his old master wanted him back, the freed slave’s response is a literary masterpiece

As this amazing story goes about a freed man after being a slave… In 1825, at the approximate age of 8, Jordan Anderson (sometimes spelled “Jordon”) was sold into slavery and would live as a servant of the Anderson family for 39 years. In 1864, the Union Army camped out on the Anderson plantation and he and his wife, Amanda, were liberated. The couple eventually made it safely to Dayton, Ohio, where, in July 1865, Jordan received a letter from his former owner, Colonel P.H. Anderson. The letter kindly asked Jordan to return to work on the plantation because it had fallen into disarray during the war. On Aug. 7, 1865, Jordan dictated his response through his new boss, Valentine Winters, and it was published in the Cincinnati Commercial. The letter, entitled “Letter from a Freedman to His Old Master,” was not only hilarious, but it showed compassion, defiance, and dignity. That year, the letter would be republished in theNew York Daily Tribune and Lydia Marie Child’s “The Freedman’s Book

Another day another moron on the left attacks Marjorie Taylor Greene

OK Don’t be shocked when I say this… Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen  told CNN  on Monday said that he was glad that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene visited the Holocaust Museum and apologized for her comparisons of mask mandates and vaccine cards to the Holocaust. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene  held a press conference  on Monday, apologizing for her comments over the past few weeks comparing  vaccine documentation  and  mask mandates  to Jews being required to wear yellow stars during the Holocaust. Now personally I don’t think she needs to apologize for her comment as there is NOTHING wrong with making a comparison like that when it’s true. Look at how many Americans, and people are dying cause of this Plandemic, and weaponized media. The Media, Virus, CCP, and the Biden/Harris Administration are NO Different then ADOLF HITLER or the Nazi Gustapos, and cause of the Holocaust. She should NEVER say sorry to these leftists because this will only make them feel they can control her. She should sta

Another journalist that spoke against the Clintons kills himself!!

The Clinton emails reporter dead in ‘suicide’ is ABC journalist, 45, who broke story of secret Arizona tarmac meeting between Bill and Loretta Lynch in 2016 before Hillary email probe was dropped ‘kills himself’ like all that come with proof that can place the Clinton crime family in danger with the law they end up killing themselves. People being suicide over the Clinton family is something that should shock anyone anymore it keeps happening. Police in Hoover,  Alabama , said they received a 911 call at 8:13am on Saturday of a person down at a home on Scout Trace. First responders arrived at the home and found the body of Christopher Sign, a former University of Alabama football player and veteran broadcast journalist with Birmingham’s ABC TV affiliate WBMA-LD. News of Sign’s death, which is being investigated by police as a suicide, was reported by . In 2016, Sign reported that former President Clinton had met with Lynch on her private jet at Phoenix Airport. It was alleged t