
Showing posts from September, 2021

Unlimited Money to Afghanistan Nationals TAKEN FROM OUR TAXES!

This was on the POTUS45 TeleGram account earlier and boy is he right… This is horrible so check this out folks snuck into the government funding bill, or CR, the Democrats are trying to pass, and just found, is unlimited money to random, unscreened, unvetted Afghan nationals. Republicans can’t let this happen. This is a further insult after Biden’s humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, that needlessly killed 13 Americans. According to Trump and those who have closely read the bill this is not a “clean” government funding bill. It’s a major immigration rewrite that allows Biden to bring anyone he wants from Afghanistan for the next year—no vetting, no screening, no security—and fly them to your community with free welfare and government-issued IDs. We’ve already seen some of the horrible assaults and sex crimes that have taken place. But these terrible assaults will just be the tip of the iceberg of what’s coming if this isn’t shut down. The CR even covers people who don’t live in A

MTG Goes Off On Nasty Pelosi! Vows To Kick Her Out Of Congress

Let me start of by saying that I LOVE Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and well it’s because of things like this! She went off folks and we mean OFF! On House Speaker the wicked witch of San Fransisco Nasty Nancy Pelosi and she did not mince her words at all. This could not have been better had it been scripted by Hollywood’s best writers. In a video that was posted to Twitter this week, Greene is speaking at an event with several people on stage. “I just want to say to Nancy Pelosi. She’s a hypocrite. She’s an anti-American. And we’re gonna kick that b**ch out of Congress,” Greene can be heard saying in the video. @mtgreenee IS SAVAGE!!!👏👏 — 🖤⚔️Destiny⚔️🖤 (@RN_Destiny) September 28, 2021 The Nasty One Pelosi has been taking heat all week while briefly speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Pelosi was asked about her handling and plan for the House voting on raising the debt ceiling so Democrats can attempt to pass their two massive spending

A mega-comet, which scientists thought was a dwarf planet, is approaching our solar system

Some are calling this “PLANET X” or the planet with the Anunnaki! BUT What we know is that astronomers believe it will pass through our planetary system at its closest approach a decade from now, in the year 2031. It will most likely brush by Saturn’s orbit. The celestial giant is known as the Bernardinelli-Bernstein comet in honor of the astronomers who discovered it, and has a diameter of a whopping 100 miles (160 km). This makes it the largest comet ever discovered. This comet is larger than Mars’ moons Phobos and Deimos combined (and is also the exact same diameter as the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi). P.S. – If you’re wondering where it came from, researchers think it originated in the nuvem d’orte — an imaginary zone that encircles the Solar System’s ends. Only circumstantial evidence hints at the zone’s existence, however, due to a lack of actual observations. — The Weather Channel India (@weatherindia) September 29, 2021 The Bernardinelli-B

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg belongs in prison!

So chants at former President Trump’s rally in Georgia called for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to be thrown in prison is something I can say I endorse. He belongs in prison after all he’s guilty of treason, and helped to over throw a sitting President by breaking our laws. The rally was held in Perry, Georgia, where the raucous crowd chanted, “Lock Him Up!” The chant started up after Trump mentioned Zuckerberg reportedly dumped $45 million to fund election-related activities. To Americans who are paying attention, a billionaire like Zuckerberg dumping millions into a crucial election looks like election interference and as we know this is treason when it helps to over throw a PRESIDENT. Democrats have spent so long spreading fear and loathing about Russian interference in our elections that Americans have forgotten about the greatest threat to our elections. Billionaires like Zuckerberg wield incredible power to sway elections with their untold wealth. Billionaires can do far more than

Florida don't be fooled! Kristen Rosen Gonzalez is not latina!

Liberal Hivemind is a great YouTube CH and thanks to them for letting us all know who this woman is if you’re not aware, and now after watching his video I can say I’m not shocked as this is just typical bull by the Democrats as once again they get one of their own CAUGHT Faking Ethnicity! Kristen Claims To Be “HISPANIC”. Problem Is.. She’s NOT. Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, who’s vying to get her seat on the Miami Beach commission back, told local Democratic Party leaders last week that they should endorse her because she’s “the most high-profile Hispanic Democrat” in the city. But it didn’t take long for that argument to blow up in her face because she’s not actually Hispanic. She’s Jewsish and American. Now after being called out for her false claims, Rosen Gonzalez was forced to apologize and insisted it was all a terrible mistake.“It is being reported that I have called myself Hispanic. Clearly, I misspoke. I deeply apologize to anyone that was offended,” she told The Washington Post .

The Truth About the Arizona Audit

From the Maricopa County Forensic Election Audit Volume I: Executive Summary & Recommendations. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The preamble to our Constitution reminds us that our nation is always pursuing greater perfection, seeking to establish “… a more perfect Union” so that we can “…secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” Nothing is more essential in preserving liberty than free and fair elections. To that end, Cyber Ninjas was engaged by the Arizona Senate to audit the 2020 General Election and determine in what areas legislative reform may enhance our current process so that our elections may continue to get better, becoming “more perfect.” In doing so, it was our goal to improve confidence in American elections by identifying areas where legislation could resolve any identified issues. This audit has been the most comprehensive and complex election audit ever conducted. It involved the hand counting of 2.1 million ballots, a forensic paper inspection of all ball

Did Facebook Investor Company Pay $5 Billion to FTC as ‘Quid Pro Quo’ to Shield Zuckerberg?

So a recently filed lawsuit against Facebook reveals new details about the Cambridge Analytics data breach scandal, claiming among other allegations that company executives massively overpaid the Federal Trade Commission to shield CEO Mark Zuckerberg from any personal liability. In the lawsuit that was filed in a Delaware state court by the Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island (ERSRI), following a battle over whether troves of internal Facebook communications should be publicly disclosed. The pension fund  won that case in February , and used those records to file its latest lawsuit in August.ERSRI, an investor in Facebook, claims that the $5 billion settlement harmed the social media company thereby breaching its fiduciary duty to the pension fund. According to the 200-plus page claim, Zuckerberg, Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg, and other Facebook directors agreed to authorize a multibillion-dollar settlement with the FTC as an “express quid pro quo to protect Zuc

Biden owes 500k in taxes? Say it ain't so JOE!?

Remember like we have been saying for years Biden does crimes, and projects it to others, and the left has been following this script for years also. I’m sure you all remember the big to do about Trumps tax audit, and returns which turned out to be a big old NOTHING burger? Well looks like that Biden may have improperly used ‘S corporations’ to avoid taxes on speaking fees and book sales in the sum of 500k which folks should be investigated along with other crimes he’s guilty off. BUT The left wont, and will silence the media on this fact, and wont admit that he’s dirty and should be in prison. Watch Greg Gutfeld blasts Dems for accusing you of what they are doing! He totally destroy this! The money that President Biden may have improperly avoided paying on are Medicare taxes before he took office and could owe the IRS up to again $500,000, according to a Congressional Research Service report. “Joe Biden wants to raise taxes by $2.1 trillion while claiming the rich need to pay their ‘f

Former President RINO Rep George W. Bush will take part in an October fundraiser for RINO Rep. Liz Cheney

So one RINO sticking up for another to raise $$$ like these people don’t have enough $$$ now! But looks like the “Former President” the reason we got OBAMA! George W. Bush is slated to support Republican RINO Rep. Liz Cheney at a fundraiser in Dallas, Texas next month, according to RINO reports. They claim that some other figures are listed for the event also, including Karl Rove, and former U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison who served as U.S. Ambassador to NATO during the Trump administration. hmmm Cheney, who represents Wyoming’s at-large Congressional District, was one of 10 GOP House members to vote in favor of impeaching then-President Donald Trump earlier this year after the Jan. 6 Capitol protest. The House GOP ousted Cheney from her role as House Republican Conference Chair in May and then elected Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York to fill the vacancy. SCOOP: Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) is slated to have a fundraiser w/ President George W. Bush next month. Signals Cheney is hugging Bush

BREAKING NEWS: Trump sues The New York Times and Mary Trump his niece for $100 each!

POTUS 45 Donald Trump sues The New York Times and his niece Mary Trump, accusing them of hatching an “insidious plot” to “smuggle” his tax records for a story. Mary responded, “I think he is a f*cking desperate loser.” That from a woman only known for talking badly about her uncle, and her family in general. She should look in the mirror if she wants to see a real loser in my opinion… Seriously I hope President Trump cleans them out and wins this case, and shows the evidence needed to put these people in their place and hold them accountable. So today Tuesday he sued his niece Mary and The New York Times over their reporting on his tax affairs, accusing them of ‘an insidious plot’ to obtain confidential records and seeking an excess of $200 million in damages. The former president filed his case against Mary, the paper and three of its reporters. In the suit, reported by The Daily Beast , Trump claims that the newspaper convinced Mary Trump to ‘smuggle records out of her attorney’s off

US President Biden addresses the UN General Assembly in New York

Dozens of heads of states are expected to descend upon the UN headquarters in New York for the annual General Assembly. The high-level General Debate starts on September 21 and lasts until September 27. Although the event was held almost entirely virtually last year because of the pandemic, many leaders will deliver in-person speeches at this year’s summit, including US President Joe Biden, who will make his first address to the 193-member world body since he took office. Hell can’t wait for the videos this is going to spin off by people on the internet but this man lives in a world of lies, and I love how he actually thinks anyone takes him seriously. He’s a moron, and every time he speaks it becomes clear that he’s not fit for office. Time to retire JOE.

"I started dancing because I was feeling the spirit" - San Francisco Mayor London Breed

San Francisco Mayor London Breed on being caught in a bar violating her own mask mandate… One again another liberal that is more about do as we say and not as we do. Because the rules for the elites are the same as for me and you… Now folks I kid you not this is a serious person here? This is a mayor? Well no wonder the city of San Fran has more needles then people in it on the streets. “I started dancing because I was feeling the spirit & I wasn’t thinking about a mask. I was thinking about having a good time.” so just remember folks new excuse when you don’t want to wear one of these mandated masks just say you felt the spirit like Mayor London Breed! Hey if this works maybe it could be a new pass from masks wearing? In a room full of maskless people, the mayor moved her hips, swung her arms and appeared to sing along at the top of her lungs as the R&B group Tony! Toni! Toné! performed their 1996 hit “Let’s Get Down.” But  after a San Francisco Chronicle reporter posted a vid

Trump not worried prosecutors named him personally in the tax-fraud indictment against his namesake company

So after months of having his tax returns and combing over it like that scene in SPACEBALLS when they’re Combing the Desert. An attorney representing Donald Trump said he wasn’t worried that the former president was personally named in the indictment against his namesake company, telling Insider he’s confident Trump wouldn’t be charged i n the Manhattan district attorney’s long-running investigation. Prosecutors named Trump in charging documents unsealed July 1 . They said he cut checks for family members of Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, whom they also accused of tax crimes. “Trump Corporation personnel, including Weisselberg, arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. Trump, and later drawn on the account of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust,” prosecutors alleged in the indictment . Trump’s lawyer Ronald Fischetti told Insider the mention had no bearing on the former pres

Mark Levin "Pelosi Had ‘Key Role’ in Gen. Milley’s Undercutting of Trump’s Military Authority"

Friends it’s no joke and to be honest not shocking that Nasty Nancy Pelosi is guilty of Treason… You read this correct, and anyone with a logical working mind can see this as fact. It is my opinion that she deserves prison time, and I’d say the rest of her life, and not allowed to get away with the multitude of the crimes she had committed over the last 3 to 4 decades. She is a very dirty swamp creature who has been bullying her way into hundreds of Millions of dollars for years now following in her long line of mafioso family background. She’s done enough damage to the American tax payers to merit being waterboarded in GITMO! She belongs in the west coast like San Fransisco since she is the living embodiment of the wicket witch of the west… Her fake impeachments of Trump, and 4 years of her lunatic behavior doing everything she can to undermine, disturb, and destroy his administration is now all becoming clearer, and clearer as it’s become now public knowledge that she is guilty of he

BREAKING: Joe Biden Has Left the White House As Major Scandal Explodes!

This is beyond pathetic… There are multiple crises happening in the United States. Inflation is at historical highs, there’s an unprecedented surge in migrants at America’s southern border, and the Taliban have taken over Afghanistan. So what does Joe Biden do? He’s leaving the White House and will spend the long weekend at his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.Below is a screenshot of the official White House schedule for Friday: Biden is also dealing with a major scandal this week involving General Mark Milley. While speaking to reporters from the White House, Biden was asked about the explosive new book that alleges that General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, held secret meetings behind Donald Trump’s back and even secretly told leaders not to take military strike or nuclear orders from Trump days after the Jan. 6 incident at the U.S. Capitol. Biden made it clear that he’s standing by Milley and did not make any mention of him resigning. “Sir, did Gener

So the Clinton indictment blows Russia collusion conspiracy wide open!

Ok so the cybersecurity lawyer indicted this week by a grand jury in special counsel John Durham’s investigation could end up being the “fall guy” for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, warned one top House Republican. One of our favorites too! Rep.  Devin Nunes , the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, told Newsmax on Thursday there is evidence of a broad Russia collusion conspiracy allegations the congressman’s team investigated and  referred to the Justice Department . But, he cautioned the Clintons “have a long history of their lawyers and agents disappearing.” Michael Sussmann, a former attorney from Perkins Coie, is accused of falsely telling the top FBI lawyer he had no clients when he was representing a technology executive and the Clinton campaign during a meeting on possible links between former President Donald Trump and Russia. Sussmann  pleaded not guilty  to a charge of lying to the FBI on Friday, with lawyers insisting he never said he didn’t have clients a

Donald Trump sends letter to Georgia's Brad Raffensperger & Brian Kemp

So POTUS45 himself Donald Trump isn’t done trying to reclaim the stolen seat he had in the white house. YES I do think the election was stolen by Joe Biden and his minions who are doing the bidding of the people who run the Biden white house. Joe Biden is but a puppet for those people and this much he knows. I understand he doesn’t know much these days but the truth is he’s got enough sense left in him to understand he’s being used, and he’s all for it. This is why his son isn’t facing charges, and he’s got the right people in place as the left have taken enough seats in congress to give them the majority they needed. They have it so it’s something they’re using to help rig the major elections. There are enough idiots who will vote for them anyway but they are vote harvesting, and doing a lot of boots on the ground type of rigging that is getting them enough wins to hold the majority. This is why they’re dangerous but they won’t look into the voter irregularities, and wont hold the ill

Nicki Minaj feels the burn from her own side! This is comedy gold!

OK This is very funny and I can’t say we didn’t see it coming after all the left loves to eat it’s own…. Very democrat, socialist, and loud mouth Nicki Minaj who loves Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden and voted for the left is under fire by the left. The left eats it’s own and folks they threw her under the bus FAST! All because she used her mind for once and she had questions about the JAB! This got so bad that Tucker Carlson came out and defended her, so did Candace Owens. People who are clearly witnessing that this folks is cancel culture eating it’s own. Check out the video below by Nicki herself from Instagram as she talks about being thrown off Twitter. You know the same place TRUMP was kicked out off for tweeting his thoughts. Which is what twitter was all about wasn’t it? To tweet out your thoughts? View this post on Instagram A post shared by Barbie (@nickiminaj) Candace Owens REACTS To Nicki Minaj Being Attacked By The Media & Cancel Culture Over Her Op

Jen Psaki Makes Huge Announcement About Gen. Milley Resigning

While speaking to reporters from the White House on Wednesday, Press Secretary Chucky.. I mean Jen Psaki was asked about the explosive new book that alleges that General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, held secret meetings behind Donald Trump’s back and even secretly told leaders not to take military strike or nuclear orders from Trump days after the Jan. 6 incident at the U.S. Capitol. A good question and if true that well is TREASON! So he would need to be court marshaled. Psaki babbled on that Biden “has complete confidence” in Milley and made it clear that the president does not believe he should step down. Once again this is how the D.C. swamp continues to protect its own. Now picture if the roles were reversed? Below is a transcript of the exchange: REPORTER : “A new book reports that near the end of the Trump presidency, Chairman Milley had two conversations with his Chinese counterpart, promising the countries would go to war and that he would give an early


So the moron known as AOC was a place full of her like minded people… Yes RICH people! Who like her are into fashion so the lowlife who spent more on her car then her abuelas house when her roof caved in, and later blamed TRUMP for her abuelas problems! Well the cry baby of congress was at The Met Gala wearing a dress with a message: “Tax the Rich.” Which is both idiotic in statement but also showing of how stupid she is. AOC was joined at the $35,000 per person fundraiser by other New York Democrats as well as Rihanna, Lil Nas X and Iman. The cost for a seat at last night’s Met Gala started at $35,000, and tables went for $200,000 to $300,000. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) walked into the room full of celebrities and rich people (often one and the same) with a message: A white gown with blood red letters on the back reading, “TAX THE RICH.” Speaking with The Post as she walked up the event’s beige carpet, Ocasio-Cortez said she was anticipating some blowback for attending a g