
Showing posts from October, 2021

Anti-Trump group says it was behind Virginia tiki torch stunt

The anti-Donald Trump group The Lincoln Project took responsibility on Friday for five people appearing with tiki torches at a Charlottesville campaign stop by Virginia’s GOP candidate for governor Glenn Youngkin. The stunt recalled a 2017 rally by white supremacists in Charlottesville that turned deadly when a car driven into a crowd by a self-described neo-Nazi killed a counter-protester. The group said it hoped to remind Virginians of the event… These people remember are pro Biden domestic terrorists who hate Trump. These folks are the same people who you would find in groups like Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, and wouldn’t be shocked if they belong to these groups. Also wouldn’t be shocked if they were paid off by the current Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe who along with his evil socialist democRATS are bent on taking over the country, and spreading communism. They despise Trump because of what he is about which is what is good for the nation. They want to take us down a path of de

Joe Biden Wanted to Import Thousands of Afghans Without Vetting according to Emails!

So Sen. Josh Hawley has now revealed to us this week that President Joe Biden ordered his administration to fill up American evacuation planes from Afghanistan with as many of the country’s citizens as possible, even if they were not vetted. “This email was shared w/ me by an American official present in Afghanistan during the evacuation who was shocked by Administration’s failure to vet Afghans before they were evacuated. Email details orders from Joe Biden to fill up the planes even without vetting,” said the Missouri Republican. “Total inflow to the U.S. must exceed the number of seats available. Err on the side of excess,” said an Aug. 16 email to American officials involved in the evacuation from Afghanistan. “This guidance provides clear discretion and direction to fill seats and to provide special consideration for women and children when we have seats.” Yet he left “Americans” behind and sold out our people who were murdered. HOW is Biden still in the white house controlling US

Jill Biden vs Kamala Harris? Trump vs Mark Zuckerberg?

So check this out folks big news here if all comes out true! Both stories deal with not just the election of 2020 but with what might be happening in the next year with the Biden white house, and former presidnt Trump… But let’s start here as “Political activist and television correspondent” Jack Posobiec said during a Wednesday interview that first lady Jill Biden is asking whether the Vice President can be removed from office under the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. Posobiec was being interviewed by Steve Bannon on his show, “War Room,” when he said that he “got word” over the weekend that the First Lady was asking what the options were for the president to remove a sitting vice president from office. “That’s how bad it is in the White House,” Posobiec said before being cut off by a surprised Bannon who said he needed more details: “Woah, woah woah,” Bannon said. “You’re the best source guy for the scoops at the white house. Jill Biden, the wife, is asking around and people can

Florida Has The Fastest Job Growth Rate In The Nation!

Thanks to our Governor Ron DeSantis who is not selling out to Biden or the left and who’s kept us safe over the last 2 years here now we can confirm that Florida Has The Fastest Job Growth Rate In The Nation! Significantly Faster Than National Average and again this is thanks to our leadership in our current Governor, and hope one day future President of the USA. Our job market is recovering much faster than the national average, according to the new figures just released, and while The United States economy gained 194,000 jobs in the month of September, severely missing economists’ expectations. However, Florida alone gained 84,500 jobs during this period leading the nation in terms of the largest percentage increase. So while the rest of the country is facing record unemployment we’re not again thanks to our leadership. And I don’t mean Biden. According to a statement from the office of Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL): “Florida’s economy accelerated in September 2021, growing at three times

BREAKING NEWS: Andrew Cuomo to Be Arrested Next Week For Sex Crime! 🚓

Yeah folks once again KARMA, and in all her glory shows up again for the most idiotic dickhead to ever be the GOV of New York! Yeah I’m talking about Fredo Cumos big Brother Andrew who to know shock of mines is now about to get this! Get arrested!! Well here it is folks remember he said “Trump” would need an Army to walk in NY again? Well Trump did that without an army not long ago and now this same idiot is about to become a federal number in the state pen! According to a new report from the NY Post, former New York disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo is likely to be arrested next week after being charged with a sex crime against a former aide. “Disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo is expected to be arrested next week and charged with a misdemeanor in the alleged groping of a former aide,” the Post reported. To be exact… The Post was told by a source that “the anticipated charge is the result of a probe by Albany County District Attorney David Soares” “A spokesman for the state Office of Court

Cancel Culture is out for blood! And they want to feast on Chappelle!

Dave Chappelle’s stand-up special, The Closer, has a lot of transgender people acting like it’s the end of the world that he said some funny shit about their behavior towards him! Ironic right? But this is both sad, and funny cause these people attacking him are being lead by a racist, bigot who hides behind make up and fake tits, and who cut off his dick and now wants to tell the rest of us what to do while he’s guilty of being a complete and utter asshole, and disgrace to the Trans community! Many people protested at the studio behind the program, Netflix, with an employee walkout over safe working conditions for trans people. Like people give a shit about a small group of loud and annoying people who think they now own and should be running the world? Notice how much they’re being given by Biden? The Sniffler conman and thief has even appointed trans people into his cabinet because unlike Bill Clinton who liked to rub his cigar in women like Monica Biden seems to have an affection

Joe Biden builds beach home fence? After halting border wall construction? Than talks about Absurd Gender Strategy? This is too funny!

OK So guess who now is using our tax payer money to build a WALL around one of his houses? Well none other than the sniffler himself, and people are talking and comparing Biden’s security fencing to Trump’s border wall. Now it’s clearly bad optics for him to build a wall for himself coming from a guy who stopped the border wall. But what makes this worse is he’s using our TAX MONEY to pay for this thing. What’s the cost? Sit down and hold something tight because this will make you angry. Last Friday Sean Hannity revealed that President Joe Biden will have a $457,000 taxpayer-funded fence built around his $2.7 million summer home in Cape Henlopen. Yes folks we’re paying for this fence, and while our country is being flooded by illegals due to his failed policies the border is a mess due to this scumbag! But now we’re paying for his wall? Well yes we are, and it’s sickening… Greg Gutfeld laid into Joe Biden in a hilarious way on his show watch as they make light of the Conman and Thief

Hayden Christensen will reprise his role as Anakin Skywalker!

  Hayden Christensen will reprise his role as Anakin Skywalker in the upcoming live-action Star Wars series ‘Ahsoka,’ starring Rosario Dawson for Lucasfilms, and this as rumors have leaked will lead to him, and Ewan McGregor who has his own series which just wrapped along with others on a “Clone Wars” live action series which is also set to stream on Disney+ for Lucasfilms. This is very exciting indeed as the actor is getting the chance to redeem himself in the eyes of those who hated him in the prequels. I’m not one of those as I loved his acting, and overall take on the young Anakin Skywalker the man who would become the most iconic badguy in cinema history DARTH VADER. Rosario Dawson is starring as the fan-favorite character Ahsoka Tano, a Jedi Knight survivor popular on the animation side of Star Wars who made her live-action debut in the second season of The Mandalorian. Plot details are being kept in the far reaches of the Outer Rim, but it is known that longtime Star Wars lights

Batgirl Movie Casts Brendan Fraser In Villain Role

One of my favorite actors since the 90s who had been MIA from movies for a long time has made a big come back in the DOOM PATROL, and in other projects recently and now Brendan Fraser has been cast in a villain role for the DC/HBO Max Batgirl movie starring Leslie Grace and directed by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah. It’s being confirmed that Brendan Fraser landed the role as the villain Firefly. Numerous outlets had reported Fraser as playing the villain but nothing was certain until now and it’s also being reported that he may be playing the gangster Carmine Falcone, another staple Batman villain character, who was previously played by John Doman in the Gotham series and Tom Wilkinson in Batman Begins. The character will next appear in 2022’s The Batman, as played by actor John Turturro. But as for the Batgirl movie role Fraser will crush it as he’s a very underrated actor who has tons of range, and is someone who still has a major fanbase that loves him, and this is fantastic to see

Jack Dorsey Twitter CEO Issues Warning About Economy As Inflation Soars

Socialist and Leftist Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey warned on 10/22/2021 that “hyperinflation” would change life as people know it, it’s happening now, and it’s going to hit the U.S. and the rest of us say NO KIDDING! DUH! We said it, and he went and played his role to help destroy our country and now it’s blowing up in his face. “Hyperinflation is going to change everything. It’s happening,” Dorsey wrote on Twitter, later adding, “It will happen in the U.S. soon, and so the world.” Hyperinflation is going to change everything. It’s happening. — jack⚡️ (@jack) October 23, 2021 “Hyperinflation is a term to describe rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases in an economy,” Investopedia explained. “While inflation is a measure of the pace of rising prices for goods and services, hyperinflation is rapidly rising inflation, typically measuring more than 50% per month.” The tweet comes with consumer price inflation running near a 30-year high in the U.S. and growing concern that

Vanity Fair states NIH Admits Funding Risky Virus Research in Wuhan!

We all know Fuci lied and he along with Obama and the communist left created this virus using “Gain of Function” but Fauci who’s a liar, and a twisted moron is caught red handed! He not just lied to the people in lied under congress oath, and this is a federal crime and he belongs in prison! He along with Obama unleashed the Covid-19 on the world by sending millions to Wuhan in CHINA to do this work, and it was done folks in my truest assessment to bring in the “Great Reset” which was supposed to happen under Hillary Clinton who would have been what Biden is now. Obamas 3rd term… This was all planned out and Trump got in their way because he didn’t know what they did they used the virus to destroy his term, and do what they did during the last two years. All these people belong in prison. Barrack Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Fauci, Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, AOC, and her Squad of lunatic leftist whores and a lot of others who knew this informat

R. Kelly placed on suicide watch following sex crimes conviction

For more than two decades singer, and child rapist “Robert Sylvester Kelly” aka and best known as “R. Kelly” was found guilty of charges accusing him of sexually abusing girls, women and boys. His being sent to prison is something which should not have taken this long considering when most of his crimes started in the 1990’s and we all knew then he was into young girls. He married Aaliyah (1994–1995) when she was a minor if we remember folks so this shouldn’t shock anyone that this is who Robert Kelly is. So it’s about time they found this scumbag guilty and threw the book on him. He’s a disgusting person, and now he was placed on suicide watch because it’s finally dawned on him that he’s done as a celebrity, and will spend a lot of his remaining life behind bars where he belongs. All pedophiles belong in prison period, and to never be allowed to see the sun again as far as I’m concerned. On Oct. 2021, Steve Greenberg, who represents the “I Believe I Can Fly” singer, revealed that the

Rabbit Punched Episode #8 "Paul Dale Roberts"

Oct 22, 2021 Features Paranormal expert and Guinness Book Of World Records Disco Dancer Paul Dale Roberts. Step into the ring with Angel, Gerald and Spud.

Tragedy on set of film & "Rust" takes the life of DP Halyna Hutchins REST IN PEACE!

Now this is just off the press folks the same on set mistake which took the life of the son of legendary Bruce Lee Actor Brandon Lee, who died following an accident on the set of the movie The Crow in 1993 has now happened again, and this time it’s none other then his daughter hating, Trump hating, SNL loved and American joke Alec Baldwin who while on New Mexico Set Of the movie ‘Rust’ DP Halyna Hutchins Dies After Prop Gun Misfire. The Alec Baldwin starring Western; Director Joel Souza Also Injured during the accidental shooting. Watch the latest video at <a href=””></a> At least from reports it’s an accident but how does an accident like this happen? as of Oct. 21 when actor Alec Baldwin, 63, “discharged” a prop gun that fatally killed a crew member on his new film Rust. Director of Photography Halyna Hutchins died after the on-set incident while director Joel