
Showing posts from November, 2021

"They Said Hell No" - Truckers REVOLT Against Biden's Vax Mandate

This is the way… Is the Mandalorian saying, and now "this is the way" the CEO of the American Trucking Associations says 37% of the association’s drivers are rejecting Biden’s vax mandate. As well they should these things should be your choice not some mandate by a man who farts in front of the royal family, and tells people his butts been wiped.  The mans a crazy old fart (literally) and he’s not a doctor or scientist. He’s got no federal right to mandate anything, and a mandate is not a law it’s a suggestion aimed to make people to their bidding. And this is just evil what these leftists progressives are doing to the country, and I cannot believe some idiots are going for it. This is why this video by the Truckers against the Jab is important. Check it out below, and leave your comments.

Waukesha Massacre

A $5 Million Bail has been set for the suspect in Waukesha Massacre Darrell Brooks, Jr., 39, the man arrested for driving his SUV into a Christmas parade in Waukesha Sunday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens, according to reports he made his first court appearance following the Massacre in Waukesha on Tuesday. During the appearance prosecutors reported that a sixth death had occurred when a child who was in critical condition passed away — one of 16 admitted to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin after the incident. Brooks faces five consecutive life sentences, with more charges on the way, prosecutors said. At least 40 people were injured, including children who remain in critical condition. Waukesha Police Department Chief Dan Thompson said this was not an act of terror, and that Brooks acted alone. Thompson stated that Brooks was a suspect in a domestic disturbance prior to driving through the city’s Christmas parade. Thompson, as well as officers who were at the parade,

Manhattan DA NOT planning to charge Trump Organization COO in fraud case

Good news on the Donald Trump watch we have here on the website as our favorite POTUS himself is not going to have to worry about The Manhattan district attorney as they announced that they’re not planning to charge Trump Organization Chief Operating Officer Matthew Calamari in a fraud case in which the former U.S. president’s firm and its chief financial officer have been charged, Calamari’s lawyer said. “Mr. Calamari is pleased that the District Attorney’s office has indicated that it has no present intention to bring charges against him. That is the fair and appropriate decision. He has committed no crimes and led an exemplary life”, Calamari’s lawyer Nicholas Gravante said in an emailed statement on Tuesday. The office of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance declined to comment but an indictment unsealed in July charged the Trump Organization and its CFO Allen Weisselberg with tax fraud arising from a probe into Trump’s business and its practices. That indictment said the compan

Kyle Rittenhouse NOT Guilty of all charges in Kenosha!

Jury finds Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty of all charges in Kenosha, Wisconsin as the jury in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse reached a verdict today 11/19/2021 Friday, finding him not guilty on all counts of homicide and reckless endangerment charges. Rittenhouse faced charges of homicide and other offenses for the fatal shooting of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber as well as the shooting-related injuries of Gaige Grosskreutz. This is a historic win for the right to self defense, and this is a win against the mob of lunatics behind Antifa and BLM which have made it their agenda to destroy our country via Burning, Looting, and Murdering innocent people. We don’t encourage or endorse violence but when the police isn’t allowed to do their job what do you think is going to happen? Citizens like Kyle will step in and leaned a hand. So I hope this is also a wake up call to mayors, and governors in these areas about their behavior, and how they mishandle the cities they’re elected to run. Let’s

Kyle Rittenhouse mocked by Hollyweird after tearful display on stand!

The pedophiles Hollyweird lost their collective minds mocking Kyle Rittenhouse for crying in court while testifying in his murder trial. And some of the names are just astonishing because one of them for example cries over basketball game loses. Check out the pic below. Now on Wednesday, the 18-year-old broke down on the stand in a Kenosha, Wisconsin, circuit court as he recounted the August 2020 shooting that left two people dead and one injured during last year’s Black Lives Matter protests. You know during the “Summer of Love” as Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan dubbed it. Oh remember that violence last year which the media covered up while people died, buildings burned, and people looted local stores all in the name of Saint Floyd the same scumbag asshole whole robbed at gun point a woman and held a gun to her. Also who was buying drugs, and was high when he was euthanized by the cop Derek Chauvin. But today we live in a world where criminals are loved, and protected by the elite. It’s l

LeBron James Blasted After Mocking Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘You Cried Because You Got A Cramp’

This is why I stopped watching the NBA because the moron LeChina LeBron James who’s a racist, an asshole, and loves China! He’s now mocking kids as he mocked Kyle Rittenhouse online on Wednesday after Rittenhouse cried while testifying in court. Mind you Kyle is on trial for shooting 3 men 2 of which died, and one was a CHILD RAPIST, and known Antifa racist thug who was using the “N WORD” while trying to burn down buildings, and hurt people. So this idiotic man said the following about young Kyle. “What tears????? I didn’t see one,” James tweeted. “Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court.” What tears????? I didn’t see one. Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court. 🤣🤣🤣 — LeBron James (@KingJames) November 11, 2021 Notable responses to James’ tweet included: Ben Shapiro, The Daily Wire: “Lebron, great defender of the Chinese government’s tyranny, also happens to be an unparalleled dumpster fire

Biden calls Famous Pitcher As ‘Great Negro.’ Obama Signed Law Banning Government From Using ‘Negro’

Once more the term “Rules for thee not for me” comes into question here as when speaking on Thursday at a Veterans Day event at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, Fake President Biden used a term which many find offensive, referring to the great black pitcher of the past, Satchel Paige, as “the great Negro at the time,” adding for clarification, “pitcher in the Negro leagues,” the term used to describe the segregated leagues for African-American players in the early to mid-20th century. Sleepy Joe told the crowd, “I just want to tell you, I know you’re a little younger than I am, but I’ve adopted the attitude of the great Negro at the time, pitcher in the Negro leagues, went on to become a great pitcher in the pros, major league baseball, after Jackie Robinson. His name was Satchel Paige.” “And Satchel Paige, on his 47th birthday, pitched a win against Chicago,” Biden said. “And all the press went in and said, ‘Satch, it’s amazing. 47 years old. No one’s ever, ever pit

Project Veritas have been raided by federal agents!

From Legal Scholar and George Washington University Law Professor, Jonathan Turley: There is a curious story out this weekend on reported FBI raids of writers or associates of Project Veritas, the conservative investigative journalism outfit. Project Veritas has been described variously as “Gonzo” or “guerilla” journalism and some insist it is more of a political than a press organization. However, it fits the definition of journalism, in my view, and that makes the raids troubling. All the more troubling is the cause: the missing diary of President Biden’s daughter Ashley. The New York Times reported that the FBI searched two locations in New York in search of the “stolen” diary that went missing days before the 2020 presidential election. Project founder James O’Keefe questioned how the Times received the story within an hour of the first raid. Fox News host Sean Hannity: “Two properties linked to Project Veritas have been raided by federal agents. Project Veritas — they are a news

The now Woke & disgraced "NASCAR" Condemns ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Chant; Threatens To Sue Use Of Slogan With Its Trademarks!

They can’t sue people for using the ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Chant as it would violate our bill of rights, and they can’t claim trademark at this point this is part of the countries lexicon. They can threaten to Sue all they want but will lose in court everytime. NASCAR President Steve Phelps has threatened to sue those who use the “Let’s Go, Brandon” slogan on merchandise featuring the NASCAR’s trademarks and has condemned the use of the slogan, claiming that NASCAR does not want to be associated with politics. Which is a lie as they made sure to cater to BLACK LIES MATTER last year. They’re no better then other sports who are sold out to the radicals on the left. Also nobody is using the Nascar logos to chant the slogan of the decade! “LET’S GO BRANDON!” Phelps said NASCAR will pursue action against any illegal use of its trademarks on merchandise boasting the slogan. Retired baseball star Lenny Dykstra posted a photo on Twitter this week of a man eating breakfast at a New Jersey hotel we

Dean Stockwell, ‘Quantum Leap’ and ‘Blue Velvet’ Star has passed away!

So another screen legend has left us this year and this one is someone who’s work I think if you’re a science fiction geek love! The name Dean Stockwell ring a bell? Well the Oscar and Emmy-nominated actor best known for the groundbreaking sci-fi shows Quantum Leap and Battlestar Galactica and David Lynch’s noir-fever dream Blue Velvet, has died at age 85. Stockwell’s career spanned seven decades and began when he was a child. Though he stepped back from acting at various points throughout his career, he was nevertheless prolific, popping up in everything from sci-fi hits and animated shows to TV movies and celebrated indie flicks. Born into a family of performers his mother, Elizabeth Stockwell, had been a vaudeville player, and his father, Harry Stockwell, was a both a frequent presence on Broadway and had even voiced Prince Charming in Disney’s Snow White. Born in 1936, it was just six years later that Stockwell made his acting debut, a brief appearance in the Broadway show, The Inn

Fiona Hill impeachment witness is officially implicated in the fakeChristopher Steel Dossier Operation!

Watch as these idiots still claim that “Trump” is lying when he clearly was not lying… This shows the clear biased, and hoax and how she was involved? Well if you want to know first watch this video and then read the rest of this post. Fiona Hill is a British-American foreign affairs specialist and academic. She is a former official at the U.S. National Security Council specializing in Russian and European affairs. She was a witness in the November 2019 House hearings regarding the impeachment inquiry during the first impeachment of Donald Trump, and now we know why she was in there. She was part of the entire hoax possibly from day one as it’s now known that she Fiona Hill introduced main source to Steele, Durham says. Fiona Hill has criticized Christopher Steele and said his dossier likely contained Russian disinformation, but she introduced Igor Danchenko, the main source for the research who was indicted in special counsel John Durham’s investigation, to both the former MI6 agent a

Kyle Rittenhouse trial coverage!

So the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has now started and is in full motion, and while this happens we have the coverage on the videos below. We are now aware that while the trial is underway a juror was just dismissed for telling joke about Jacob Blake shooting which is hilarious and hypocritical because remember in the trial of Derek Chauvin they allowed a member of BLACK LIVES MATTER to stay on the Jury… So once again the law shows that it’s got a biased on how to make this outcome. This juror, identified only as Juror No. 7, was being escorted to his car when he made comments to a court security officer about the number of times a  white Kenosha police officer  shot Jacob Blake on Aug. 23, 2020. Blake was  left partially paralyzed  by the shooting. Don’t forget that he was under arrest, walked away from the officer who was placing him under arrest after his ex called because he was beating her up. So while he was going to his car and was reaching for a weapon and the officers made attem

He was not transgender!

While in the mist of the political race in Virginia this is the case which might have cost Terry McAuliffe the election… Remember he said After this whole mess that ‘I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach’ which outraged and became a nationwide backlash that will not just cost him his political career but also showed the true colors of both Barrack Obama who said this was fiction, and Biden who stumbled, mumbled, and idiotically did everything but address this in order to trash Trump after chants of “WE LOVE TRUMP” broke out in the crowd. Now while some I know were quick to attack this as if it’s a transgender boy turned girl who raped a girl born a girl which caused an outrage when the school covered it up, and the victims dad went to a PTA meeting to protest the coverup and was labeled a “Domestic Terrorist” now we have word that the mom of skirt-wearing male teen who raped the teen girl in the bathroom says her son identifies as male. He just wanted s

Project Veritas does it again! Illegal voting in NJ 2021

Folks I love Project Veritas and how they’re on top of these things making sure we see exactly what’s going on and how there is clear cheating happening to help gain votes for the side these people want. This video is a major smoking gun as we can here them say a few things damning to these elections both last years, and the ones this week in 2021. In a governor’s race that has been called with only about a one percentage point difference separating the candidates, this behavior is at the very least questionable. The voters in New Jersey deserve to know how many locations were allowing such a practice to fester. This video was released today exposing malfeasance that took place in New Jersey’s gubernatorial election, where an election worker was willing to provide a ballot to a Veritas journalist disguised as a non-citizen and non-registered voter. Here are some of the highlights from today’s video: • NJ Election Worker, Essex County: “Remember, we were allowing anyone to come in.” • N