
Movie Showing Elites Hunting Trump Supporters to Hit Theaters in September

A movie showing liberals stalking supporters of President Donald Trump is slated to be released in September but has lost an advertisement on ESPN in the wake of two mass shootings on Aug. 3 and Aug. 4. The movie, “The Hunt,” from Universal Pictures, which actually shows people hunting down “deplorables,” a term used to describe supporters of Trump during the 2016 campaign by Hillary Clinton. Just imagine the outrage if it was a movie by conservatives doing this or even half of this? Or even if it was religious and non violent and just showing the “socialists left” how wrong they’re we would never hear the end of it. But it seems like Universal Pictures socialist head honchos thought this was a good idea when they were filming this garbage? Boycott this movie guys don’t feed money into them, and don’t support ANYTHING from Universal Pictures from here on out. Hit them at their weakest spot. The wallet! Once they stop making money from this hate they will stop trying to cash in on it, a

Kellyanne Conway Proud of the POTUS after the mass shootings.

Posted earlier yesterday by Twitter “The Hill” we see Kellyanne Conway speak on her feelings towards President Trump. I support her as she’s been a wonderful voice in the media from before he was even elected, and even tho something is off with her husbands mind she always does a fine job representing our President. Hear from her how she feels about how President Trump handled the situation we just went through this past week with the mass shootings in both El Paso, and Dayton Ohio. A Lot of loss lives senselessly taken by people who above all are mentally sick. The left used these shootings to take shots (Pun intended) at the President but he took the high road, and has not fired back. Kellyanne Conway: “I’m very proud that I work for a president, we’re all represented by a president, who did not politicize this and respond in kind to those who immediately saw, you know we’re trying to spin gold and votes out of this tragedy.” — The Hill (@thehill) August 6,

Joaquin Castro is without a doubt a scumbag!

You know a person is morally corrupt, dirty, and evil when he starts down the path that Rep. Joaquin Castro just went down. This sorry excuse for a human released personal doc’s on citizens who donated to the trump election. Which is down right wrong! And it could lead to violence on these people. What in the hell is wrong with this moron? I think it’s time he is sent to jail for this, and he needs to be held accountable for his crimes. Nasty Nancy Pelosi said that nobody is above the law? Let’s see if she means it! Joaquin Castro needs to be removed from his position, and sent to jail. This is beyond dirty politics. Check out this video by one of our heros Terrence K. Williams who took it hard to Joaquin Castro. DOWNRIGHT DIRTY & WRONG❗️ Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro Tweeted Personal Information of Private Citizens who donated to Trump! I’M CALLING FOR HIS IMPEACHMENT! Who’s with me? Let’s Get this to the Top! They want to bury it! RT or comment using 👉 #ImpeachJoaquinCastro pi

Wait so Hillary didn't win any vote count? hmmm

“Ted Cruz and Robert Epstein dig up dirt on Google/Clinton ELECTION COLLUSION!” Some Say the HILLS have eyes! And in this case Hillary had the rig via Google, and Facebook in her side, and she still lost the 2016 election but now we know that she didn’t even come close to winning in the actual “votes” and may have lost by 2-10 Million or more votes because the “RIG” by her wasn’t just with Russia! No no no it involved our very own “Google” and who knows “Facebook” and other social medias which might have helped? We know the leftist media like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and such helped her big, and still cover for her until now. But really folks don’t be lied to or conned by anyone who says “she won the popular vote.” Because she really didn’t have more votes, and lost period. She was so bad she couldn’t beat a rigged election which favored her 100% and thus this is why she’s at home blaming everyone but herself right now. Ted Cruz speaks to “Robert Epstein” in Congress over voter fraud, and

Dayton, Ohio Mass Shooter INFO DROPS!

After the great comments by our President concerning some horrific crimes done this past weekend where lives were lost you would think the left would loosen up on some of the redirect they have been using, and stop spreading so much hate, and lies. So as it turns out the Dayton, Ohio Mass Shooter Was Democrat Socialist, Loved Warren, Sanders. You would think that a party that claims they are the moral of a new America would embrace the moment to reflect how their own behavior is behind all the mass shootings. But no it’s the same old hateful, and racist spewing they can’t seem to get past on. I’m speaking about the DemocRATS! All I’ve heard is how TRUMP is the sole purpose off all these mass shootings, and I ask myself how delusional are these people!? Did Columbine or Sandy Hook happen under Trump’s watch? That was while Obama was in office, and I don’t remember him getting blamed for it. They said it was the guns, and now it’s all Trump. These morons like Corkey Booger as I call him