
Who Wants who Deported? [The Internet doesn't forget]

President Trump sends a tweet about four radically far-left members of Congress urging them to leave America if they hate being here so much and liberals go ape shit calling him a racist, and demanding for his removal, and impeachment right? What if the tables were reversed and Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib said certain Americans with whom they disagree should be deported? Would anybody in the media care? Well looky looky…. Why haven’t they spent some air time on leftist media reporting this! HYPOCRITES! Deport this asshole! — Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) December 7, 2015 So it’s ok for her to call him a “motherfucker,” and ask for him to be “deported” but if he tells her “if you don’t like it here you can go and leave fix the issues in your country and then come back and show us how it’s done” and if a crowd randomly chants “send them back” which he never said! They make a fuss over it, and demand he gets impeached, and charged with a hate crime? lol My god the

Breaking Nike News!

This just in! Nike lost about $3.75 billion in market cap after announcing Colin Kaepernick as the new face of its “Just Do It” ad campaign, and we couldn’t be happier on this the 30th anniversary of the iconic TV and print spots. I For one will never buy another Nike product as long as I have air in my lungs. Why? Because they’re just as socialist as the rest of the left, and they are paying a guy who disrespected our flag, and then they went and did it also with “The Betsy Ross flag” removal. So check this out. At the time of this post, the sneaker company’s intra-day market capitalization was $127.82 billion. On Friday, that number had been $131.57 billion. Market capitalization is the market value of a publicly traded company’s outstanding shares. Shares of NKE stock dropped about 4 percent on Tuesday morning, as #NikeBoycott has been trending on Twitter. The company’s valuation has since recovered a bit. We chose a 5-day snapshot of NKE stock so viewers can see the fall comparing

John Pilger - "The Coming War on China" [Full Documentary]

Initial release: December 5, 2016 just found this movie, and thought you should all check it out. Very interesting indeed especially now in 2019 how there is so much talk about China, and Russia.

Julian Assange did nothing wrong! Finds US Federal Court

I Hope this is true because all he did was expose someone who not only should be in prison he also exposed someone who once asked for him to be murdered with a drone! Now in this tweet it says a “US Federal court has ruled that wikileaks and Julian Assange lawfully published the Hillary Clinton emails, and found no “evidence” of Collusion with Russia.” With that folks he needs to be freed, and she needs to be prosecuted, and arrested. A US Federal Court has ruled that WikiLeaks and Julian #Assange lawfully published the Hillary Clinton emails and found “no evidence” of collusion with Russia. The fabrications of the “free media” have dissolved into silence. — John Pilger (@johnpilger) August 2, 2019 Remember when she said this? “Can’t we just drone this guy?” That’s the suggestion then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton apparently offered in 2010 regarding the appropriate Obama administration response to the damage done by documents released by WikiLeaks. This i

Patriotic & Proud! Great group on FB, and great picture!