
Greta Thunberg now wants to run Facebook also!? Oh boy!

The Swedish climate wannabe activist who suffers from Aspergers syndrome Greta Thunberg has threatened to leave Facebook if the social media site refuses to silence her critics. To which we say? PLEASE QUIT! LEAVE!! IN FACT Leave all media! NOBODY outside of some mentally challenged people like AOC, your parents, and other members of their terror group Antifa give a shit about the agenda you have in that clearly deranged mind of yours. Listen I know she’s got mental issues ok! But this girl needs therapy, and to have her parents charged with child abuse this is exactly why little kids like Greta Thunberg should NEVER be thrown into any spotlight or position of power, and or influence over others. SHE wants pretty much to come to this country and threaten our freedom of speech. Hmmmm in her own words. “I am, like many others, questioning whether I should keep using Facebook or not,” She posted in Facebook last week. “Allowing hate speech, the lack of fact-checking and, of course, the is

Drag Queen Flashes Crotch To Kids During Story Hour

Drag Queen Flashes Crotch To Kids During Story Hour, and more… Watch ALEX JONES of INFOWars talk about this growing nightmare taking place in our schools.. This is child abuse, child endangerment, child conditioning, and Nambla, and other evil pedophia organizations are behind this. Hollywood is a big player in promoting this lifestyle, Atifa, the entire socialist movement with the “Alphabet People” are behind this, and it’s to create a world in which pedophilia is accepted like a normal way of life! Schools as you can see in the video below are promoting this bullshit folks, and you need to become aware if you don’t know that your kids are being indoctrinated into this alternate and very insane lifestyle. IF you have any decency left folks you cannot allow this sort of thing to happen…. I cannot believe that in this country this is what we have got to. Listen I’m pro gay rights… Just not THIS SHIT HERE. A compilation of clips showing how Drag Queen story-hour is a mechanism to groom a

IN A "DUH!" Moment Jeffrey Epstein's death now looks like murder!

Jeffrey Epstein’s death back in the news, and now they think it was murder! Well DUH! Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano discusses the skepticism behind Jeffrey Epstein’s death and then, talks about the Juul lawsuit. Judge Napolitano: Jeffrey Epstein case is still very peculiar

Tucker: A plea to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

She needs to be kicked out of her seat asap honestly this AOC is not just a joke she makes Puerto Ricans look bad. She’s dumb, a racist, and the sad part is she’s also been cast because she was an actress who I believe her brother got her looked at by some agency that was looking for a female to do this, and here we are. Look it up it’s on YouTube, and here on this site. But check out this Tucker video first… HE NAILED HER! There’s a reason why AOC is so famous – and she’s impressive in a lot of ways. #Tucker #FoxNews

"I have turned my back on the idea of victimization mentality." Kanye West & Antonia Okafor

So I ran by this video below with Kanye West & Antonia Okafor whom both vocalized perfectly what I’ve gone thru since I voted for Trump in 2016. This video is almost on par with my own experience and I’m latino, and it’s funny being these are two African Americans on the video, and it still showed how my views had evolved politically over time like theirs, and how I opened my eyes like they did. Like them my so called peers, and friends took issues with this and while a lot of my friends don’t care, and are still friends I too have seen a change in tone on how they treat me but for the most part they’re cool, and I was touched by this video by Prager University with Kanye West, and Antonia Okafor. One of my best friends of 25 years from high school who practically was like my brother stopped speaking to me in 2017 because I voted for Trump, and he’s latino like myself, and a socialist democrat. Which was news to me the socialist party. I always knew he was liberal but the fact he h