
Brexit: A new sense of optimism is emerging in UK

Well it’s official now The UK has left the EU and while people celebrate what does this mean, and what are going to be the implications for the world? Now that Brexit has happened and After what almost 5 years of political back and forth, the UK now stands alone as like I said Brexit is official. They’re the first nation to leave the European Union, and it also has followed by ending the careers of two Prime Ministers and left the very future of the United Kingdom in question. Scotland’s case for independence is becoming harder to ignore while Britain’s perceived selling out of Northern Ireland has played into the hands of those wishing to see Irish unification. Just one hour before Brexit finally happened, Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged that the country was divided: “For many people this is an astonishing moment of hope, a moment they thought would never come. And there are many of course who feel a sense of anxiety and loss … I understand all those feelings, and our job as

Joe Rogan Responds to Bernie Sanders Endorsement Controversy

Joe Rogan Responds to Bernie Sanders Endorsement Controversy on his show, and he’s got a lot to talk about as the media has doubled down hard on him since he endorsed the BERN. Well what do you know JOE! You get in bed with one of the devils, and the left berns…. burns you too. See the left hates themselves as much as they hate Trump from the looks of it. The country is divided because the left which sadly you adhere to is fucking nuts. Sanders is a moron, and socialist, and just because he’s been consistent in being that for decades doesn’t make his idiotic idology right…. Socialism, Communism has never worked, and will never work. You have the Freedoms you do Joe because you’re not living in one of those countries, and to support, endorse or even come close to being in favor off these ideologies is not just wrong! It’s down right stupid. But you yourself in this video say your dumb…. lol I find this hilarious. This is Karma for what you did to Bill Birnes… LOL You and people whose na


Senators will hear closing arguments in President’s impeachment hoax I mean trial today, the 10th day of this shenanigan known as a trial, and after that, the Senate will vote on whether to call witnesses. Questions remain about how long the trial could continue after that vote, even if senators vote not to hear testimony? How can you have a trial without an actual crime, and without any laws being broken?

Hillary Clinton refuses to be served! By Tulsi Gabbard!

Well by her lawyer anyway! As it turns out that Hillary who says all the time that Trump isn’t above the law actually thinks SHE’S above the law. lol This woman is bonkers folks… So Tulsi Gabbard has a lawsuit pending against the wannabe President Hillary Clinton. Twice now Hillary Clinton has blocked a process server from delivering the defamation lawsuit filed against her by Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the congresswoman’s lawyer said. Mrs. Gabbard’s lawyer, Brian Dunne, told the New York Post that his process server was turned away by Secret Service agents at Mrs. Clinton’s Chappaqua, New York, home on Tuesday and was later turned away by Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer at his D.C.-based firm on Wednesday after agents specifically instructed the server to go there. “I find it rather unbelievable that Hillary Clinton is so intimidated by Tulsi Gabbard that she won’t accept service of process,” Mr. Dunne said. “But I guess here we are.” Mrs. Gabbard, Hawaii Democrat, fi


Day 9 in the senate, and nothing of importance by the left so far… Sad this has cost taxpayers so much. We the people have the power to stop this nonsense this year when we vote these evil leftists in congress out! As many as possible… Let’s start with the Fraud Squad, and the evil like AL Green, and Maxine Waters. Those who are hurting this nation the worse are the people in congress allowing cities, and counties to become garbage collecting landfills. Looks like the senate will make it all end soon as a vote is near to clear the president of this b/s. Let’s hope it ends there, and the re-election of Trump happens, and we get another great term by our great president Donald Trump.