
Creepy Joe Gets Into Profanity-Laced Argument Over Guns!

Joe Biden Gets Into another Profanity-Laced Argument with someone while out on the campaign trail, and one over Guns With Detroit Worker of all things. This man never stops amazing me how un skilled he is in dealing with potential voters. It’s almost like he wants to lose, and is trying his hardest to lose! IF Bernie can’t beat Biden what does this say about you Bernie Sanders? My god what an idiot Biden is. Biden had a testy exchange with a worker during a visit to a Fiat-Chrysler auto plant in Detroit, Michigan. While Biden was taking a tour of the factory, a worker approached him and accused him of trying to undermine the Second Amendment. “You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns,” the worker told Biden, who is currently leading the race in the Democratic presidential primary. Biden replied: “You’re full of s***.” “I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment — just like right now, if you yelled ‘fire,’ that’s not free speech,” Biden

THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks, tours Tornado damage in Tennessee

This horribly just happened in Tennessee leaving a lot of dead folks in the wake. The President flew in, and gave a statement, and spoke directly to the survivors, and my god what a terrible disaster. President @realDonaldTrump traveled to Tennessee to survey damage from the recent tornado and meet with families. We are with you, Tennessee! — The White House (@WhiteHouse) March 7, 2020

Fox News Allows Debate Cheater Donna Brazile to Tell RNC Chair: “Go to Hell”

RNC Chair: “Ronna, Go to Hell” Said DNC Debate Cheater, and scumbag Donna Brazile on Fox News. Why is she on FOX NEWS? She’s a DNC cheater, and she’s a loud mouth racist, race baiting moron. During a heated discussion on America’s Newsroom, Brazile told RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to “go to hell.” So instead of defending her viewpoint with facts and reason, Brazile exploded with profanities on live television? And FOX NEWS Still have not fired this person? See the Brazile’s outburst below: Unhinged: Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile just told the @GOPChairwoman to go to hell—TWICE live on air If a Republican did this to a Democrat operative they would be yanked from air immediately… Questions as to how come the left seems free to be as rude and vulgar as they want all the time? Because these people on the left — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) March 3, 2020 Even Terrence K Williams got into it! THIS WOMAN IS UNHINGED !! Donna Brazile told the GOP Chairwoman to

GOP senator plans to censure Schumer over 'disgusting' attack on Supreme Court!

GOP Sen. Josh Hawley announced Wednesday night he would be introducing a motion to censure Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for his controversial, and ‘disgusting’ Supreme Court attack comments about Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. “I would call on Schumer to apologize, but we all know he has no shame,” the  Missouri Republican  tweeted. “So tomorrow I will introduce a motion to censure Schumer for his pathetic attempt at intimidation of #SupremeCourt.” Now @chuckschumer is threatening Supreme Court Justices personally, to the point of implying their physical safety is endangered. Disgusting, shameful, and frankly, WEAK — Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) March 5, 2020 Schumer refusing to take responsibility. This non-apology is the equivalent of “I’m sorry you feel that way.” He threatened #SupremeCourt Justices. Personally. By name. He should be censured #CensureSchumer — Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) March 5, 2020 TRENDING:  

Creepy Sniffing Joe was doing well on Super Tuesday until this happened! LOL

OK So he came out of life support for Super Tuesday this week, and took some major victories including endorsements by mental midgets like EstuBETO O’Rourke, Mayor Pete “My Buttiguy” Buttigieg, Mini Mike Bloomberg, and Amy Klobuchar. Bernie Sanders now being his only opposition left. One which seems to be getting the shaft again like he did in 2016 as nobody is crazy enough to actually want Bernie to win. Let’s be real here Bernie is like that crazy old uncle we all have who we enjoying seeing once every 3 or 4 years because he’s such a loose cannon we don’t want him around all the time. BUT he is someone we want to keep for a short time until the time for everyone to pack up and start leaving of course. Now as we wrap up the hot garbage that was this DNC election process filled with leftist, socialist idiots like those who endorsed Biden. Just remember the more EXTREME, and hated AOC Alexandria Ocasio Cortez the idiot bartender who pretends she’s a congress woman but is a paid actres