
Trump administration expands counter-narcotics operation in the Caribbean

So check this latest news out on what is doing to combat drugs coming into the country, and this is something as an adult we all should be in favor off… I know we all experiment at some point with something in our lives. Be it “WEED,” or you name it… I’m not throwing stones as I smoke weed myself but I don’t mix into anything harder, and don’t even drink alcohol or even smoke Tobacco. This is how I maintain looking young into my 40s. Now since the President ran he did so saying he wanted to make sure the flow of drugs coming in from the borders were stopped, and or decreased because ultimately the illegal shit you put in your body comes from these countries which get profit for cartels, and other major gang, mafia type groups which freed the drug market world wide. Honestly those people need to get axed, and other than WEED there no need for those other man made drugs which are going to destroy your lives, and they kill people not just here in the states but world wide. The war on drug

Chris "Fredo" Cuomo Continues to Host CNN Show After Covid19 Diagnosis

CNN (Communist News Network) host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo the brother of the Gov. of New York “Andrew Cuomo” gave an impassioned intro at the open of his show Tuesday after testing positive for the covid19 stating that our only defense against the virus is all people working together… And I quote he said “Tonight’s show will be a little different.” But the priority remains, reality set in all the way to the president. Brace yourself, not for a hoax, but for the next few weeks of scary and painful realities. The government is saying we need to keep doing what we are doing. The data shows our mitigation efforts are working. The reality, we are our best and, perhaps, only defense. If you need a death toll, you will get it every day, and it will frighten you. 4,000 already. Maybe 100,000. 250,000. ‘Trumped-up’ today by this president, potentially saying it could have been millions.” Which it could have been had he not acted quickly, and shut the incoming flights from CHINA! This is why Fredo w

Trump said next 2 weeks will be 'very painful' as confirmed US cases approach 200k

At a White House press conference with medical experts on Tuesday, President Trump warned of a “very, very painful two weeks” ahead for Americans. NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci also suggested that 100k-240k Americans could die in the coming months. Fellow expert Dr. Deborah Birx struck a more optimistic note, suggesting extensive mitigation efforts could yield results by July. In what has to be a somber new tone from the president that comes after his medical advisers showed him data projecting that the virus could kill 100,000–240,000 Americans even with strict social distancing guidelines in place as it is now. Sunday, Trump dropped his aspiration of reopening America by Easter after seeing the data and bleak hospital images out of New York, which is the epicenter of the crisis in the U.S. The White House published health guidance on Tuesday as part of its new “30 days to slow the spread” plan, which would expire on April 30. The big picture:  Birx, the White House coronavirus tas

Fl Gov. Ron DeSantis clarifying his "Covid19" info!

Fl Gov. Ron DeSantis Florida Governor Ron DeSantis tells South Floridians (Like myself) to stay at home until middle of April, clarifying his morning statement of mid-May which to some of us sounds about a good date as any I mean I will continue to stay in probably past “May” anyway for the most part since I can’t go out much due to me rehabbing my leg, and honestly what do I know if Mid April or May is a good date anyway? What does anyone know at this point as these things spread like wildfire unless a cure is found asap. State officials want Florida schools closed through May 1 due to the growing threat of the new coronavirus. So far, there’s  no official change  in any of the three South Florida districts. Gov. Ron DeSantis said March 17 that schools would remain closed until at least April 15. Districts have switched to online learning as a result. But during a conference callwith districts Monday afternoon, Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran recommended the closures be exten

Andrew Cuomo proves once again that he's not your friend?

So all the while that New York governor Andrew Cuomo gives daily coronavirus press conferences in front of media and National Guard members at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, which is being turned into a hospital to help fight coronavirus cases he’s also looking to turn down aid in the bill that just passed, and signed by President Trump because he would much rather take the money from our Medicaid. Yes folks while Cuomo wants to convince you he is the calm, competent leader you need, and want during this outbreak. Something that he’s been able to sell very effectively but like his crazy brother Fredo Cuomo not everything he says should be seen as heroic, and or for our best interest. So while his behavior has been effective, so effective in fact you might miss that even in a pandemic, Cuomo is fighting to protect the rich and impose austerity, including devastating Medicaid cuts, on everyone else at the cost of $6.7 billion in emergency federal aid… Make no mistake folks even