
Great YouTuber Kevin's corner!

Check out his Ch on YouTube if you want some honest discussion on Trump, and the state of the country from a real American patriot who is Pro Trump, and has eyes wide open to the lies by the Media… Great show. Please check out his t-shirts and support by purchasing: Follow me on Twitter: Minorities for Trump on Facebook: FaceBook:

Trump is ‘visibly struggling’ For walking out on the press? Rachel Madcow says dumb shit. Again!

Listen to this moron Rachel Madcow talk about Trump like he’s crazy… Has she not looked in the mirror? Or at Joe Biden? Or the rest of the left which are full of crazy people? Madcow issued a dire warning about The President following his widely-coronavirus press conference on Monday. “In all seriousness, that the president, right now, in the midst of this crisis, is visibly struggling, there’s something wrong or he’s just not doing okay, I don’t know, but the president apparently just is not able to keep it together right now in his public appearances,” Madcow noted.. But wait isn’t that projecting from the mental issues Biden is having? “What is wrong with the president today? We don’t know. Something is wrong,” she said. “Whether or not you, you know, like the president or not, whether you enjoy his public effect or not on a regular basis, it is clear that there is something wrong and that’s important whenever the president of the United States is visibly unwound like that,” she exp

Tara Reade’s lawyers demand Joe Biden turn over docs

Lawyers for& Joe Biden sex accuser Tara Reade & on Monday demanded that JOE China! Went a head, and opened up his archives at the University of Delaware and pushed a Senate official to hand over any documents related to the case which makes sense right he kept saying if any record was made it would be there? Now what are the chances that for former V.P in charge of getting people fired in Ukraine won’t have any docs there someone decided to make them gone? Multiple sources have now corroborated former staffer Tara Reade’s sexual assault claims against Joe Biden, so why aren’t more media outlets covering the story? Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discuss. [fvplayer id=”62″] Top sex-harassment lawyer Douglas Wigdor told Biden that he must “authorize a search [of his university archives] to determine whether they contain any records related to Ms. Reade” evoking the former US senator from Delaware’s controversial handling of the Anita Hill controversy in 1991. Biden was chairma

Pelosi’s Super Shady Stock Deal Exposed

Pelosi’s Super Shady Stock Deal Exposed… This is who this old ICE CREAM hording evil hag is. He asks “is this a conflict of interest Pelosi: “idk what the point of your question is”. Seems they get paid in stock shares instead of cash in order to hide the bribes… She needs to be in prison. Her, and her husband. “It’s Not TRUE AND THAT’S THAT?” Well it is true, and it’s been proven, and she’s so full of crap… Dore who’s a democrat loves to prove her lying, and exposes the bullshit. He’s not a MAGA hat wearing conservative… He’s a liberal but he’s being 100% honest when he calls her out.

President Donald Trump BLASTS CBS News False Reporting

President Donald Trump BLASTS CBS News False Reporting Following Project Veritas who busted the hospital, and CBS for lying about reporting a line at a hospital. This is hilarious, sad, and scary to watch as these nurses, and doctors are being told to lie to pack a line to make it look like it’s being packed. This lie is to keep people scared, and follow the lockdown. This folks is part of their agenda to keep us scared, and indoors, and not opening our economy. This is what these people want because they wanna destroy our country from within. The President, and project veritas exposed these clowns for the liars they are once again. This is is a bio warfare by the left to rig the election folks… They can’t beat the President so they want to blame him on false crap again by lying to you the public. Don’t be an idiot, and don’t follow the sheep leading DemocRATS. #ExposeCBS Release