
🔴 President Trump Participated in Roundtable with Governors on Reopening America

President Trump Participates in a Roundtable with Governors on the Reopening of America’s Small Businesses.. Good stuff.

CNN’s Van Jones Praises President Trump For Police Reform Exec. Order

So after the death of Saint George Floyd at the hands of a idiot Police officers that sparked weeks of violent protests and riots across our country, President Trump just signed a police reform executive order that’s being praised on both the left and the right. The Hill  – The executive order allows the Justice Department to allocate discretionary grant funding to police departments for police training and de-escalation techniques. The department eligible for funding are required to be certified by federally approved bodies. The measure prioritizes federal funding for police departments that embrace de-escalation tactics, including a ban on chokeholds outside of instances where an officer’s life is in danger, and improves the government’s ability to track officers with a history of excessive force complaints. The president’s executive order coincides with ongoing negotiations in Congress for police reform legislation. Sen. Tim Scott  (R-S.C.), who is spearheading the effort for Senate

Serial Random Attacker Cuffed in Hydrant Head Smash of 92-Year-Old NYC Woman

The suspect seen in the horrible video of a man pushing a 92 year old woman to the ground has been named, and his name is “Rashid Brimmage” of the Bronx. He was charged with assault shortly after he was taken into custody Tuesday by the Police who believe he is the person seen on disturbing video shoving the 92-year-old woman to the ground on Third Avenue between 15th and 16th streets on Friday afternoon. The woman hit her head on a fire hydrant as she was pushed. Jarring surveillance footage captured the attack which shows the woman walking along the street. A man is seen approaching her from the opposite direction. As they pass, the man calmly flicks out one arm and topples the woman, along with her shopping cart, to the pavement. She was taken to a hospital in stable condition. Rashid Brimmage sums up so much of what’s wrong with city services: Despite more than 100 arrests, he was free to walk the streets and allegedly push a 92-year-old woman to the ground for no reason. At long

Speaking the truth!

She’s telling the truth, but she left out the part about how the Republican Party conspired against Blacks which led to Jim Crow during the fall of Reconstruction which is why many Black people are without a true party. Racism shouldn’t be a political issue, but always has been… But it’s good to see a strong Pro Trump Black Women schooling idiotic White Democrats on the Switch that never happened. When will these left libtards open their eyes, and understand some basic facts? This switch never happened, CNN, and all media lies, and they’ve all fallen for it, and followed in line like Sheep being lead to the slaughter… Sad reality we’re in folks, and it’s fascinating watching how stupid some people actually can be. These so called Trump haters are so delusional with this Trump Derange Syndrome they actually ignore the facts!

She knows Kung Fool!

The liberals are known for their loving and understanding ways but sometimes violent measures need to be taken, and so they must be ready at all times. This one protester from the Seattle “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” is out showing off her newly learned NINJA skills, and all while she wears an orange peel as a face mask. Good news is coming up as cops are busting some of these Antifa morons, and arresting them. But then they are letting some go? Grow some balls why don’t you and keep these fucks in jail! Check out this below! . @PortlandPolice arrested 14 people overnight on 14–15 June at the violent BLM/antifa protest. Rioters threw glass bottles, a large firework explosive & more at police. Gracie Bowler, 27 Warren J. Miles, 37 — Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 17, 2020 Oscar Dierker, 20 Brandon Lee Sanchez, 23 Benjamin Bruce, 28 They’ve all been released. #PortlandRiots #PortlandM