
Pictures of Swastikas temporarily replaced Wikipedia pages for Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck

Now this is fitting since we know Ben is a communist so this is rightfully placed.. Afterall BEN here loves BIDEN, hates America and he’s let it be known on before that he’s no Trump supporter. He loves Liberals, and again is a Marxist. This is why I hate him as “BATMAN” and refuse to ever watch his movies again. And well J-LO is a horrible singer/actress and she’s also a socialist, and I actually met her, and had her sign a “menu” from the now defunct “PLANET HOLLYWOOD” years ago! I met her there and she was rude, and mean.  But we had run into John Leguizamo at the premier for the movie “THE PEST” and he gave me and a buddy passes to go see him over in coco walk where he was going to party in planet Hollywood. Back then I was a fan of his. Now not so much. He’s also showed his true colors during the Trump years, and especially during the last election. Either way those 3 can all go to NAZI hell for all I care. The changes, which were only in place for a few minutes before the pages r

Jason Chaffetz asks "Dear Republican Trump haters what did you get for your trade?"

Jason Chaffetz: “Dear Republican Trump haters what did you get for your trade?” A great question right? Well don’t forget that a little less than a year ago, a significant number of independent and Republican voters decided to trade what they saw as “bad tweets” for “bad policy.” A fake “Russian Colllusion” for a “REAL Russian/CHINA/IRAN Collusion” by the Biden’s both JOE BLOW and his crackhead son Hunter. So today, your Twitter feed is void of  President Trump ‘s tweets.  But that’s not all that was lost and besides what’s happening in Kabul, and in this country is no laughing matter folks. Trump said no to federally funding abortion. You traded for Biden, who wants your taxes to pay for abortion, and your tax dollars are being sent around the world to fund abortion in other countries, and Trillions now being spent on the joke of “Green New Deal” which is masterminded by a moron like AOC which will further destroy our country, and yes traded rising wages for rising prices. Inflation i

Johnny Depp Says Hollywood Is Boycotting Him, Calls Fans His Real ‘Employers’

Disgraced, Dishonored, and now outcast from his own people Johnny Depp  told  The Sunday Times  in a new interview that he is being boycotted by Hollywood. And to this I say good riddance to a man who has the mind of pure garbage anyway. He joked about Killing Trump and in doing so KARMA killed his career. The one time bankable actor is now just what I posted a dishonored disgrace. But Depp who notably lost a libel case last year against The Sun, which referred to Depp as a “wife beater” while covering his divorce from Amber Heard. Depp exited Warner Bros.’ “Fantastic Beasts” franchise after the verdict and was replaced by Mads Mikkelsen. The actor’s latest film, the Andrew Levitas-directed drama “Minimata,” has not been dated for release. Levitas alleged MGM  was “burying” the movie because it “was concerned about the possibility that the personal issues of an actor in the film could reflect negatively upon them.” And here I hope this moron never works in Hollyweird again or anywhere…

Taliban in control in Afghanistan after seizing presidential palace in Kabul

Taliban in control in Afghanistan after seizing presidential palace in Kabul as now we see that it’s another moment that Joe Biden lied about this being even possible. Yes JOE BIDEN who’s got the worst record in foreign policy in the history of the country did it again. Watch him talk about this before it even happened… This man needs to be impeached, and sent to prison as he’s guilty of destroying nations. Dragging the Biden/Harris duo of evil to the street and tar-n-feather them in public before being sent to prison is what should happen to these evil people. They want to not just hurt our country but now we did what for 20 years in Afghanistan? This is just a joke. As the Taliban gain control of Afghanistan, the backlash against US President Joe Biden grows — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) August 16, 2021

Biden gaffe: President calls Michigan’s Whitmer ‘Jennifer’ at White House event

Biden gaffes again! Now sippy cup Joe Biden the fraud President calls Michigan’s Whitmer ‘Jennifer’ at White House as he’s losing it folks. Governor who? Remember back In 2020, when  Joe Biden  was running for president,  Michigan  Gov.  Gretchen Whitmer  was reportedly close to becoming Biden’s running mate? On Wednesday at the White House, Biden couldn’t remember her name. LOL Yep folks this is the guy the left voted for… But that’s the delusional Potus46 who last year also called Cuomo “The GOLD STANDARD!” So he did that, and called Gretchen, Jennifer. lol Can’t write comedy this good people seriously. Now it’s probably ironic we just reported on the state of Cuomos resignation being done to cover the murders of innocent elderly people by the likes of Cuomo, and Whitmer here who along with other leftist gov. placed sick Covid patients with actual sick elderly people dying or near death in nursings homes, and hospice. These moves caused many of them to die early, and without warning.