
Glenn Youngkin defeats McAuliffe in race for Virginia!

The Fox News Decision Desk now called it folks, and they have projected that Republican Glenn Youngkin will win the Gubernatorial race in Virginia, defeating former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe in a contest that was once was widely expected to go to the Democrat. Why you ask? Because normally Virginia is a blue stranglehold for years, and this is part of the BIG red Tsunami coming in the mid terms, and this is a big message to the progressive, and the left… WE’RE Coming for you! Their time is done. They can’t keep up their bullshit and lies. Watch the latest video at Youngkin ran a disciplined and honest campaign, focusing on taxes, crime, and holding public schools accountable to parents, while McAuliffe repeatedly tried to link Youngkin to former President Trump. While yes Youngkin had Trump backing him look who showed up for McAuliffe “Joe Biden, Barry Sotero or Barrack Hussain Obama, “Phony” Kamala Harris, Stacey “The GAP” Abrams, and other so called big wigs in the

Bill Birnes vs DONALD Trump

Let me start this by saying that I love the Birnes! Both Bill & Nancy like family and I spent a couple of years producing them on FUTURE Theater while I was on the late Art Bells online Network “Dark Matter Digital Network” and look at Bill as a friend, mentor, and someone I again who I got a lot of love for. But to me lying is lying, and spreading misinformation is wrong. He’s taken to Twitter to spew lies on Trump all the time these days while protecting the real evil destroying our country the democRATS and our corrupt POTUS Joe “Creepy, Sleepy” Biden. And while I normally wouldn’t bother this is really bothering the hell out of me so much so that I’m doing this post, and I will openly debate Bill Birnes on this on air anytime any place over this because FACTS MATTER! Bill’s lost in his Trump derangement syndrome, and all he does is spew CNN and Mass Media lies about the man, and about his handling of the Covid virus… He said Trump didn’t tell us soon enough which is a lie, he s


Finally the official trailer for The Book of Boba Fett is now out, and it looks like it will be some kind of epic of a show. Now, force fans we have a good idea of what to expect in the show and how things will unfold. In the teaser that came at the end of The Mandalorian season two finale, we saw Boba Fett forcefully take Jabba’s throne and wipe out Bib Fortuna and the rest of his goons. It looks like Boba Fett will leave his life as a bounty hunter and begin a new career taking over the Star Wars underground. He seems to be more interested in the wealth that comes with it all, as he proposes to other gangs to align with him and Fennec Shand. It won’t be an easy task; there are plenty who are still loyal to Jabba and the way he ruled. But he is already off to a good start by holding Jabba’s Palace on Tatooine. As the trailer shows, there will be a few other gangs he’ll need to convince if he wants to become the top figure. Jabba’s old captains are skeptical of Boba stepping into this

WATCH: Biden Asleep During Climate Change Speech; Doesn’t Wake Up Until Staffer wakes Him up

So earlier today on Monday November 1st Creepy rapist and conman & Thief Joe Biden lived up to his nickname of “Sleepy Joe” when he appeared to fall into a deep slumber during a speech at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. This is hilarious folks you have to watch this man nap during important stuff like he has been working so hard. A president who’s spent more time on vacation and sleeping than any other in history. But the poopanator who had a reported incident at the Vatican where he shat himself in front of the pope, and had to be rushed to the bathroom to get his dippers cleaned recently starts off in the beginning of the video looking tired and Biden closes his eyes but then reopens them after a few seconds. However, 20 seconds into the video, Biden appears to take a cat nap for about 30 seconds before an aide comes over to wake him up. Biden appears to fall asleep during COP26 opening speeches — Zach Purser Brown (@zachjourno)

Psaki Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Chucky her self White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced on 10/31/2021 that she has tested positive for the beer bug aka the CHINA bug aka the Wuhan bug aka Covod-19, which makes her the highest ranking official inside the White House during the Biden misadministration to publicly reveal a positive diagnosis. In a statement, Chucky…. I mean Psaki said: In coordination with senior leadership at the White House and the medical team, I made the decision not to travel on the foreign trip with the President due to a family emergency, which was members of my household testing positive for COVID-19. Since then, I have quarantined and tested negative (via PCR) for COVID on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. However, today, I tested positive for COVID. While I have not had close contact in person with the President or senior members of the White House staff since Wednesday and tested negative for four days after that last contact I am disclosing today’s positive test out of an ab