
"They Said Hell No" - Truckers REVOLT Against Biden's Vax Mandate

This is the way… Is the Mandalorian saying, and now "this is the way" the CEO of the American Trucking Associations says 37% of the association’s drivers are rejecting Biden’s vax mandate. As well they should these things should be your choice not some mandate by a man who farts in front of the royal family, and tells people his butts been wiped.  The mans a crazy old fart (literally) and he’s not a doctor or scientist. He’s got no federal right to mandate anything, and a mandate is not a law it’s a suggestion aimed to make people to their bidding. And this is just evil what these leftists progressives are doing to the country, and I cannot believe some idiots are going for it. This is why this video by the Truckers against the Jab is important. Check it out below, and leave your comments.

Waukesha Massacre

A $5 Million Bail has been set for the suspect in Waukesha Massacre Darrell Brooks, Jr., 39, the man arrested for driving his SUV into a Christmas parade in Waukesha Sunday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens, according to reports he made his first court appearance following the Massacre in Waukesha on Tuesday. During the appearance prosecutors reported that a sixth death had occurred when a child who was in critical condition passed away — one of 16 admitted to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin after the incident. Brooks faces five consecutive life sentences, with more charges on the way, prosecutors said. At least 40 people were injured, including children who remain in critical condition. Waukesha Police Department Chief Dan Thompson said this was not an act of terror, and that Brooks acted alone. Thompson stated that Brooks was a suspect in a domestic disturbance prior to driving through the city’s Christmas parade. Thompson, as well as officers who were at the parade,

Manhattan DA NOT planning to charge Trump Organization COO in fraud case

Good news on the Donald Trump watch we have here on the website as our favorite POTUS himself is not going to have to worry about The Manhattan district attorney as they announced that they’re not planning to charge Trump Organization Chief Operating Officer Matthew Calamari in a fraud case in which the former U.S. president’s firm and its chief financial officer have been charged, Calamari’s lawyer said. “Mr. Calamari is pleased that the District Attorney’s office has indicated that it has no present intention to bring charges against him. That is the fair and appropriate decision. He has committed no crimes and led an exemplary life”, Calamari’s lawyer Nicholas Gravante said in an emailed statement on Tuesday. The office of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance declined to comment but an indictment unsealed in July charged the Trump Organization and its CFO Allen Weisselberg with tax fraud arising from a probe into Trump’s business and its practices. That indictment said the compan

Kyle Rittenhouse NOT Guilty of all charges in Kenosha!

Jury finds Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty of all charges in Kenosha, Wisconsin as the jury in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse reached a verdict today 11/19/2021 Friday, finding him not guilty on all counts of homicide and reckless endangerment charges. Rittenhouse faced charges of homicide and other offenses for the fatal shooting of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber as well as the shooting-related injuries of Gaige Grosskreutz. This is a historic win for the right to self defense, and this is a win against the mob of lunatics behind Antifa and BLM which have made it their agenda to destroy our country via Burning, Looting, and Murdering innocent people. We don’t encourage or endorse violence but when the police isn’t allowed to do their job what do you think is going to happen? Citizens like Kyle will step in and leaned a hand. So I hope this is also a wake up call to mayors, and governors in these areas about their behavior, and how they mishandle the cities they’re elected to run. Let’s

Kyle Rittenhouse mocked by Hollyweird after tearful display on stand!

The pedophiles Hollyweird lost their collective minds mocking Kyle Rittenhouse for crying in court while testifying in his murder trial. And some of the names are just astonishing because one of them for example cries over basketball game loses. Check out the pic below. Now on Wednesday, the 18-year-old broke down on the stand in a Kenosha, Wisconsin, circuit court as he recounted the August 2020 shooting that left two people dead and one injured during last year’s Black Lives Matter protests. You know during the “Summer of Love” as Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan dubbed it. Oh remember that violence last year which the media covered up while people died, buildings burned, and people looted local stores all in the name of Saint Floyd the same scumbag asshole whole robbed at gun point a woman and held a gun to her. Also who was buying drugs, and was high when he was euthanized by the cop Derek Chauvin. But today we live in a world where criminals are loved, and protected by the elite. It’s l