
Showing posts from October, 2019

Greta Thunberg now wants to run Facebook also!? Oh boy!

The Swedish climate wannabe activist who suffers from Aspergers syndrome Greta Thunberg has threatened to leave Facebook if the social media site refuses to silence her critics. To which we say? PLEASE QUIT! LEAVE!! IN FACT Leave all media! NOBODY outside of some mentally challenged people like AOC, your parents, and other members of their terror group Antifa give a shit about the agenda you have in that clearly deranged mind of yours. Listen I know she’s got mental issues ok! But this girl needs therapy, and to have her parents charged with child abuse this is exactly why little kids like Greta Thunberg should NEVER be thrown into any spotlight or position of power, and or influence over others. SHE wants pretty much to come to this country and threaten our freedom of speech. Hmmmm in her own words. “I am, like many others, questioning whether I should keep using Facebook or not,” She posted in Facebook last week. “Allowing hate speech, the lack of fact-checking and, of course, the is

Drag Queen Flashes Crotch To Kids During Story Hour

Drag Queen Flashes Crotch To Kids During Story Hour, and more… Watch ALEX JONES of INFOWars talk about this growing nightmare taking place in our schools.. This is child abuse, child endangerment, child conditioning, and Nambla, and other evil pedophia organizations are behind this. Hollywood is a big player in promoting this lifestyle, Atifa, the entire socialist movement with the “Alphabet People” are behind this, and it’s to create a world in which pedophilia is accepted like a normal way of life! Schools as you can see in the video below are promoting this bullshit folks, and you need to become aware if you don’t know that your kids are being indoctrinated into this alternate and very insane lifestyle. IF you have any decency left folks you cannot allow this sort of thing to happen…. I cannot believe that in this country this is what we have got to. Listen I’m pro gay rights… Just not THIS SHIT HERE. A compilation of clips showing how Drag Queen story-hour is a mechanism to groom a

IN A "DUH!" Moment Jeffrey Epstein's death now looks like murder!

Jeffrey Epstein’s death back in the news, and now they think it was murder! Well DUH! Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano discusses the skepticism behind Jeffrey Epstein’s death and then, talks about the Juul lawsuit. Judge Napolitano: Jeffrey Epstein case is still very peculiar

Tucker: A plea to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

She needs to be kicked out of her seat asap honestly this AOC is not just a joke she makes Puerto Ricans look bad. She’s dumb, a racist, and the sad part is she’s also been cast because she was an actress who I believe her brother got her looked at by some agency that was looking for a female to do this, and here we are. Look it up it’s on YouTube, and here on this site. But check out this Tucker video first… HE NAILED HER! There’s a reason why AOC is so famous – and she’s impressive in a lot of ways. #Tucker #FoxNews

"I have turned my back on the idea of victimization mentality." Kanye West & Antonia Okafor

So I ran by this video below with Kanye West & Antonia Okafor whom both vocalized perfectly what I’ve gone thru since I voted for Trump in 2016. This video is almost on par with my own experience and I’m latino, and it’s funny being these are two African Americans on the video, and it still showed how my views had evolved politically over time like theirs, and how I opened my eyes like they did. Like them my so called peers, and friends took issues with this and while a lot of my friends don’t care, and are still friends I too have seen a change in tone on how they treat me but for the most part they’re cool, and I was touched by this video by Prager University with Kanye West, and Antonia Okafor. One of my best friends of 25 years from high school who practically was like my brother stopped speaking to me in 2017 because I voted for Trump, and he’s latino like myself, and a socialist democrat. Which was news to me the socialist party. I always knew he was liberal but the fact he h

🔴LIVE: House Rules Committee holds meeting on impeachment inquiry

The House Committee on Rules will meet regarding: H. Res.— Directing certain committees to continue their ongoing investigations as part of the existing House of Representatives inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to exercise its Constitutional power to impeach Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, and for other purposes. #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News Sunday on FOX Broadcasting Company and FOX News Edge. A top five-cable network, FNC has been the most watched news channel in the country for 17 consecutive years. According to a 2018 Research Intelligencer study by Brand Keys, FOX News ranks as the second most trusted television brand in the country. Additionally, a Suffolk University/USA Today survey states Fox News is the most

Impeachment is what the House decides it is at any given moment

Live: House debates bill recognizing Turkey’s Armenian genocide – LIVE FoxNews

President Trump and The First Lady Participate in Halloween at the White House

President Trump and The First Lady Participate in Halloween at the White House, and hand out candy to dozens of kids who were brought in to trick or treat at the white house. Very nice thing to do for these kids, and their families. President Trump and The First Lady Participate in Halloween at the White House TRICK OR TREAT: President Trump Celebrates Halloween at the White House – Golden State Times

🔴LIVE: Taking down ISIS Leader

Secretary Esper, Gen. Milley hold a press conference at the Pentagon Watch the latest video at “SCHIFF IS A CRIMINAL” President Trump Goes After Democrats on Impeachment Investigation LMAO SNL looks mighty retarded now… This aged well… Here’s the ill-timed “Make ISIS Great Again” joke that SNL was trying to smear @realDonaldTrump with around the time Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was killed last night. — Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) October 27, 2019

The truth about impeachment + More!

Another great video by Steve Hilton! Check out his video ripping into what’s happening with this fake impeachment by congress… PLUS MORE!

🔴LIVE: President Trump URGENT Speech at the Association of Chiefs of Police Conference

🔴LIVE: President Trump URGENT Speech at the Association of Chiefs of Police Conference next!

One win away from W.S Title Houston Astros take 3 in DC as the fans boo POTUS45!

The Nationals fans are disgusting! The team Choking during this game might have got them angry but my god what a bunch of idiots, and a showcase of ignorance by ignorant fans. The entire thing towards this POTUS is a big giant hoax, and they want to lock him up for what? Doing a good job? This is how stupid the left have made their base now they want to not just impeach Trump but lock him up for crimes committed against him by the deep state which includes Adam Schiffhead, Hellary Killton, Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Jerry “Pants to my nipples” Nerdler, and Chucky Shitforbrains. These and the Fraud Squad, and more than 80% of the demoncRATS running for the DNC need to be locked up NOT Trump! You know one would think that at some point with the Muller investigation turning up nothing, the fake russian hoax, Nasty Nancy, Adam Schiffhead, and the rest of con artist in washington being exposed by the Barr report coming out, and the amazing job that Trump has done with the economy, and the killing

Bill Maher says "Hillary Clinton has to go!"

SO HBO host and liberal Bill Maher said something most Americans can get behind for once! At least something I can say I agree on with him, and he does drop some good insight from time to time when he’s not totally talking out of his ass, and or mouth. But he said that the Clintons most notably Hellary needs to “go away” and by go away, we mean they should step away from politics and enjoy the retired life. As you can see in the video above he said, and I quote “It seems like every few months Hillary Clinton bubbles up again. And people like ‘She’s thinking about running again’ or she says something crazy,” Maher said. “You know, last Friday there was a news dump. They exonerated her again about the emails. You know, I’m not – it’s not about that but the Clintons, they gotta go away.” I agree again both Hillary and Bill need to avoid the Democratic National Convention, and go away after all as Bill Maher hinted too “it’s dangerous for the Democrats to be associated with the Clintons.”

What could it be?

After what some are calling “cryptic tweet” President Trump will address the nation Sunday morning with a ‘major statement’ and now not to speculate too much but I think it’s either got something to do with the indictments coming down OR that as Reports Say ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Has Been Captured Or Killed. Either news is BIG news, and can’t wait to see which it is but maybe it’s a mix of both. Not many details, but an operation in Syria has reportedly captured or killed Al-Baghdadi, who is the top leader in ISIS and has been on the run for years. As soon as there is video of whatever it is he will announce I’ll post it here as an update after these tweets below. Check them out, and come back after 11am I guess. Something very big has just happened! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 27, 2019 #BREAKING President @realDonaldTrump approves Special Ops raid targeting #ISIS leader Baghdadi #Syria — James LaPorta (@JimLaPorta) October 27, 2019 As expe

🔴LIVE: President Donald Trump URGENT Speech at Criminal Justice Forum

President Trump Remarks at Criminal Justice Forum in Columbia, South Carolina right now! 🔴Support FOX NEWS 🔴Support Golden State Times

Greta Thunberg Took A Selfie With Severn Cullis-Suzuki "How dare you?"

Greta Thunberg Took A Selfie With Severn Cullis-Suzuki & It’s Being Called “Iconic” … I call it “Lame” It’s 2 dumb girls full of miss information. Thunberg is in B.C. to take part in Canada’s climate strikes. Which is costing money, and resources so instead of being in school it’s just another busy week for 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, as she joined thousands of climate marching idiots in Vancouver on Friday. After spending several weeks striking with Canadians all over the country, Thunberg has finally met Severn Cullis-Suzuki, one of Canada’s leading environmental activists, and the Greta Thunberg and Severn Cullis-Suzuki selfie is being called “iconic.” Friday afternoon, another massive climate strike took over the streets of Vancouver, led by climate activist and face of the school strike movement, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg. After delivering a powerful speech condemning the world’s political leaders, Thunberg was joined by B.C. climate activist, Severn Cullis-S


The probe by William Pelham Barr into origins of Trump-Russia hoax is now a criminal investigation which means it’s almost time to find out how all these dots connect, and who is at the root of all this nonsense. I Hope people do get charged, and I hope this will finally put to rest this witch hunt the left is engaged in against President Trump. Here are some explosive videos talking about what’s happening, and folks this is going to get ugly!

Top 10 Reasons Why Greta Thunberg Is a Fraud

Here are some of the top reasons why Greta Thunberg is a pawn and a fraud, manufactured by PR firms and used by an army of globalist climate change alarmists that seek to gain more financial and political control. They are creating an apocalyptic cult obsessed with the end of the world. Video by: Red ICE Sign up for a membership at Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access to exclusive videos + all new videos are made available to members first. Subscribe to our BitChute channel: Follow us on Dlive: Join Riot Chat rooms: Follow us on Instagram: Join our Telegram group: Follow us on Minds:

Freedom Caucus hold a 'transparency' press conference, and much more!

Rep. Gaetz, Freedom Caucus hold a ‘transparency’ press conference Impeachment was not intended to be a political weapon against a president, civilian, and or another politician simply because you dislike them. This abuse of power, and weaponization of our political processes, and this is definitely NOT protected by our Constitution. Pelosi, Nedler, Schiff and the rest of these people belong in prison. This is TREASON! BREAKING–> My report from inside the SCIF hearing room where we are exposing Adam Schiff’s secret so-called impeachment inquiry. — Rep. Alex Mooney (@RepAlexMooney) October 23, 2019 Developing: House GOP members storm a secure hearing room to interrupt witness testimony in the impeachment inquiry into @realDonaldTrump @RepMattGaetz led the charge. — Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 23, 2019 Happy to see the Republicans finally stand up to the left, and make themselves known, and n

🔴LIVE: Congress now! Also The GOP Leaders speak on illegal impeachment move

House GOP leaders hold press conference amid this illegal impeachment inquiry by the DemoncRATS. This isn’t fair or balanced by the DemoncRATS, and I cannot believe that these people are trying to remove a President without following the countries laws, and rules. Watch below folks. House Republican leaders hold their weekly press conference. This takes place after the House Democrats kill the GOP vote to censure Rep. Adam Schiff. #FoxNews Trump talks impeachment fallout on ‘Hannity’

How Obama and Clinton Created the Mess in Syria

So good ol RUSH Limbaugh god bless him he’s telling it how it is again, and the left isn’t gonna like this! Now check out this post on how exactly it was that Obama, and Clinton created the entire mess in Syria, and now Trump is catching the blame because that’s what happens when the left does something they can’t admit to now is blame TRUMP! Even tho this mess was Obama’s doing, and not Trump they cannot, and will not ever admit that Obama is a dirtbag, and is responsible for all of the mess, and Trump is doing what needs to be done to clean up the “SWAMP!” Watch this before you [ Keep Reading ] RUSH: You remember when the Benghazi thing happened there were immediately questions asked, “What in the world was the ambassador doing there?” Libya had become an absolute hellhole. It was stateless. It was being run by various terrorist camps. The Benghazi attack happens, and one of the explanations we got for the ambassador being there was that he was actually participating in an arms — wh

🔴LIVE: Trump's Cabinet meeting, a Quid Pro Joe, and much more!

Trump: The emoluments clause is ‘phony’. Doral in Miami would have been the best place to hold the G-7, and free, but too much heat from the Do Nothing Radical Left Democrats & their Partner, the Fake News Media! I’m surprised that they allow me to give up my $400,000 Plus Presidential Salary! We’ll find someplace else! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2019 Censure (at least) Corrupt Adam Schiff! After what he got caught doing, any pol who does not so vote cannot be honest….are you listening Dems? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2019 Great new book by wonderful and very street smart author Dan Bongino, EXONERATED, THE FAILED TAKEDOWN OF PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP BY THE SWAMP. Dan hits all of the crooked points of the greatest Witch Hunt in political history. Nevertheless, the Scam continues! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2019 — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2019 —

Holy Bats! George Clooney dragged into Epstein Pedophile case!

Holy bats! Not only is he responsible for the worst BATMAN movie ever but now George Clooney has been dragged into another mess. This one he’s probably going to lose more than the “Batman cape and cowl” if he’s involved with this real life “League of pedophiles, and EVIL People!” The swamp is being drained like never before guys, and as we get more information from the whole Jeffrey Epstein scandal and more names drop don’t be shocked if bigger than Clooney’s name come out. This swamp is deep, and full of scumbags and predators who engaged in these evil acts. George Clooney dragged in to Jeffrey Epstein scandal with ‘sex act’ claims — RealAngelEspino (@RealAngelEspino) October 21, 2019

Democrat corruption EXPOSED! By Mark Levin

Mark Levin is calling out more Democratic corruption, now on this one he’s focusing on House Speaker Nasty Nancy Pelosi, and a large IPO deal made back in March, 2008, involving credit card giant Visa, and a “questionable” stock deal that Nancy Pelosi made that helped turn her into a millionaire. However, that’s not the only deal Pelosi and her husband participated in. There’s been MANY of these shady deals along the way. Mark aired a clip from “60 Minutes,” that explained the essence of the scam, and also a presser where a visibly annoyed Pelosi shuts down “60 Minutes” reporter Steve Kroft, who was asking about the shady Visa deal, “it’s not true…and that’s that,” Pelosi snapped. Sound familiar? She lies, breaks the law does whatever the hell she wants, and NOBODY has called her out, and not just exposed her but thrown her in front of a courtroom, and made her pay for her crimes? – READ MORE “The House gone rogue! I want to remind you a little bit about the ring leader in this whole

Trump Removes Troops from Syria explained!

Found these on YouTube, and Twitter, and it’s an excellent video explaining why TRUMP DID NOT do anything wrong. As discussed in the video, there’s a live map of the Civil War in Syria: The Middle East is a quagmire there will always be wars which makes us really ask the question “when is a good time to leave?” Well Michael Gallas videos are excellent check this video below. Trump Removes Troops from Syria Now Michael isn’t the only one who makes sense to why we did the right move and moved our 28 soldiers out of harm’s way. CrossTalk: Leaving Syria alone? Also The White House sent FOX NEWS the letter sent from Trump to Turkey showing that this wasn’t done to allow Turkey to do anything sinister but the President did what he said he would do when he ran for president. He’s getting our troops out of harm’s way from the endless wars in the middle east. Plus this now let’s other countries who’s leaching off our military now knows that if you don’t play ball, a

More hypocrisy on display by the Libs!

Now I have to quote this folks…. “She kept her cool completely, but he called her a third-rate politician,” Schumer said. “I mean, this was not a dialogue. It was sort of a diatribe, a nasty diatribe.” This was a quote from that moron Chucky Schumer saying that Trump was “insulting” to Pelosi. Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 16, 2019 Wait what about all the NASTY stuff she’s said about Trump without merit or warranted in the past Chuck? Why don’t you call HER OUT? You sack of dog shit you! But she lies like always! The truth she stormed out of the meeting with Chuck Shitmer, and the meeting went well when THEY stormed out. They falsely claim that it was the President was the aggressive one when it was Pelosi, and again the POTUS45 has been proven a liar. President Trump “poured fuel on the fire” in this fight with Congress over Syria, lashing out at Democrats during a closed-door White House meeting on Wednesday

More info on the departure of Trump hater Shepard Smith from Fox News

As we all celebrate Shepard Smith leaving Fox News more info about why he left the network, and his $15 Million annual salary? We just learned recently by the way how much he walked away from it was made public by CNN’s Brian Stelter, who is literally in mourning over Shep’s departure, and calls him a “role model.” NEW: Last month Shep Smith decided that he had simply had enough. — Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) October 11, 2019 Turns out that the hysterical afternoon host left because of Tucker? The media is portraying Shepard Smith as the #Resistance martyr who walked away from his massive salary because he could no longer work for a network that supports evil Trump. Maybe part of that is true, but it’s not the whole picture. Shep walked away because his massive ego was bruised by Tucker Carlson… I kid you not! Truthfully Fox News hasn’t really “supported” President Trump Since Roger Ailes left. The main reason Shep left was because he was reprimanded after th

RAND PAUL EXPLAINS HOW Trump did NOT give Turkey permission to invade!

Rand Paul did a brilliant job of explaining why it wasn’t a bad move by the President to remove the 50 soldiers we had stationed helping the Kurds. This is what I was talking about from the moment he made the move. Happy to see Rand Paul talk about this with Glenn Beck. I love Beck’s show, and think what he’s been doing is really bringing to light the hypocrisy on the left. And Happy to see Rand Paul join the party here, and not just explain but blow the entire left out of the water with this explanation. Senator Rand Paul breaks down the recent conflict in the Middle East. Turkey invaded Syria earlier this month, nearly destroying the nation’s northern area where the Syrian Kurds live. But Paul says we need to look back at the region’s history before we make assumptions about present day current events. In fact, Paul argues the irony of the destruction is that an important truce could develop between Assad and the Kurds, resulting in a semi-autonomous region there. AND, he argues, Tru

PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against TRUMP!

So I’m Posting this exactly how it’s posted on their site, and with the direct link because I think we should all share this on our sites… This is too important, and if it’s made to be take down on some other sites we need to make this information viral so it can’t escape the mainstream folks who need to see how this entire Anti Trump thing is real, and CNN is covering up the crimes on the left in a vendetta to oust our elected president Donald Trump. (Washington, D.C.) A brave CNN insider came to Project Veritas to expose anti-Trump bias at the cable giant. Cary Poarch, who works at CNN’s Washington D.C. Bureau, tells Project Veritas “I decided to wear a hidden camera…to expose the bias running rampant” at the network. Poarch documented CNN’s bias for months; recording undercover footage of numerous long-term employees, some of which talk about Jeff Zucker’s anti-Trump agenda. In the video are Nick Neville, Christian Sierra, Hiram Gonzalez, David Chalian, and Mike Brevna. These empl

Here’s the #TrumpVideo the media is condemning today

Here’s the #TrumpVideo the media is condemning today. This video has been posted on YouTube for a year, with minimal outrage noted. Perhaps it’s manufactured outrage to distract people from @JamesOKeefeIII ’s #CNNExposed undercover story coming out today. — Derek Watson (@derekdwatson) October 14, 2019 Here’s the #TrumpVideo the media is condemning today. This video has been posted on YouTube for a year, with minimal outrage noted. Perhaps it’s manufactured outrage to distract people from @JamesOKeefeIII’s #CNNExposed undercover story coming out today.

Shepard Smith of FOX NEWS and frequent anti Trump is stepping down

“Recently I asked the company to allow me to leave FOX News and begin a new chapter. After requesting that I stay, they graciously obliged. The opportunities afforded this guy from small town Mississippi have been many,” Smith said in a statement, and good riddance! “It’s been an honor and a privilege to report the news each day to our loyal audience in context and with perspective, without fear or favor. I’ve worked with the most talented, dedicated and focused professionals I know and I’m proud to have anchored their work each day—I will deeply miss them.” Smith was among Fox’s first hires upon launching in 1996 and he became the network’s signature daytime newsman, often acting as the anchor to enter other broadcasts to helm coverage of breaking news like the 2015 Paris attacks and the 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri. “Even in our currently polarized nation, it’s my hope that the facts will win the day,” Smith said as he signed off his final broadcast. “That the truth will always m

🔴LIVE: President Trump Rally - Lake Charles, Louisiana

Watch live from FOX and a feed showing the President talking about China, and boarding AIR FORCE ONE to head out to a President Trump Rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Good day for America, and our POTUS45 in terms of his deal with China. This is a good day for them also, and our farmers will net 40 to 50 Billion on return, and as the President joked they might need more land, and farm equipment to keep up. 🔴LIVE: President Donald Trump MASSIVE Rally in Lake Charles Louisiana

Pentagon officials hold press briefing after announcing 1K troops to Saudi Arabia

Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley give updates on US positions in the Middle East, and notice even the PENTAGON agree that pulling our troops out was the right move, and we had knowledge of what was coming last minute, and are not in favor in what Turkey did. With that said a highly known Turkish most-wanted PKK terrorist was killed in a joint operation in northern Iraq. Ayfer Kordu reportedly joined the terrorist group in the ’80s and was a top-ranking member of the KJK, which is the PKK’s female armed wing. The PKK has killed more than 40,000 people in Turkey during its 30-year terror campaign.

Trump, Chinese Vice Premier detail phases of partial US-China trade deal

President Trump and Chinese Vice Premier “Liu He” agree on detail phases of partial US-China trade deal that will net us 40 to 50 Billion for AMERICA, and in a bilateral meeting at the White House earlier today it was announced by news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Trump, Chinese Vice Premier detail phases of partial US-China trade deal Trump joked how Farmers are going to have to buy more land, and new equipment because this will make them tons of more money which is music to the ears of all our farmers.

Rand Paul destroys ‘The View’ on USA pulling out from helping the kurds!

Rand Paul Goes on ‘The View’ aka The SPEW! And while leftists are saying that he went down in flames but like usual it’s a lie the women on the show are clueless morons, and he not only destroyed them in argument he’s 100% correct in EVERYTHING he said while these women know that if their precious OBAMANATION had been the President who pulled out soldiers out of there they would be all in favor. These women are disgusting losers who are socialists, and while they kissed Trumps ass when he was a guest years ago have now backstabbed him all because he beat Hellary Clinton! Let’s not get it twisted people these women only hate him because of that. This has nothing to do with his politics or anything he does as President because like this video shows these women are biased, confused, and clueless about WAR & Politics. The View 10/11/2019 [FULL] | ABC The View October 11,2019 IMO Rand Paul destroyed them, and even got applause from the crowd a few times… It also looked and felt like th

Rihanna the latest from Hollyweird who needs a buzz!

Rihanna Takes A shot At Trump In new pointless Interview which is her trying to create buzz on her Next Album And Fashion Line. Since trashing Trump is now a basis to get your name in the news when you’re 15 mins are done. She’s not relevant anymore, and nobody cares about her or her crap music so this is her way to get her name in the news. Now she’s the last person who should be taking shots at anyone with how “whorish” she’s been… Look if half AMERICA can google your Nude pics , and you dress like a SLUT, and WHORE you have NOTHING to contribute to morality in this country. People like her should really be the last one to talk about anyone, and she needs to keep her trap shut, and keep making her garbage music for the last 12 moronic fans she might have. Nobody gives a shit if she’s not a fan of President Donald Trump, but she went so far as to call him the “most mentally ill human” in America. Again this from a moron who’s nude pictures leaked, and uses her body to make money. The

Trump tells Hillary To Run In 2020 as a joke! Her reply ‘Don’t Tempt Me’

LMAO She claims that Trump is obsessed with her but the hilarious part is while he’s tried to do his job as POTUS45 since he got the gig all she’s done is work behind the scenes to try and destroy him from within. SO who’s obsessed with who? She can’t keep his name out of her mouth, and she can’t stop “fucking” with his presidency. She can’t concede that she lost she’s blamed everyone but for herself & history of a shitty life she’s had that cost her the election. She’s a racist, narcissist, and pretty much everything evil she claims of Trump. That’s her projecting herself, and Bill onto Trump. I think that Crooked Hillary Clinton should enter the race to try and steal it away from Uber Left Elizabeth Warren. Only one condition. The Crooked one must explain all of her high crimes and misdemeanors including how & why she deleted 33,000 Emails AFTER getting “C” Subpoena! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 8, 2019 Clinton responded Tuesday to President Donald Trump’s Twi