What could it be?

After what some are calling “cryptic tweet” President Trump will address the nation Sunday morning with a ‘major statement’ and now not to speculate too much but I think it’s either got something to do with the indictments coming down OR that as Reports Say ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Has Been Captured Or Killed. Either news is BIG news, and can’t wait to see which it is but maybe it’s a mix of both.

Not many details, but an operation in Syria has reportedly captured or killed Al-Baghdadi, who is the top leader in ISIS and has been on the run for years. As soon as there is video of whatever it is he will announce I’ll post it here as an update after these tweets below. Check them out, and come back after 11am I guess.

As expected President Donald Trump addresses the nation today at 11am to talk about the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the founder and leader of ISIS. Someone who we have been searching for since before Trump was in office, and this after we caught and recently gave assisted death to one of the bastard sons of Osama Bin Laden who’s now along with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the founder and leader of ISIS are now rotting in hell. As the President said these men were losers, and murderers of many Americans, and deserve the fate they got.

