
Showing posts from November, 2019

Another Kwong bites the dust! 😍

So looks like Newsweek fired the very cute, and adorable (means she’s hot!) Reporter Jessica Kwong who wrote in an article entitled “How is Trump Spending Thanksgiving? Tweeting, Golfing and More,” that the president “has been spending his Thanksgiving holidays at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.” I thought Newsweek was out of business? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 29, 2019 The reporter who penned a “snarky”, and yes misleading article suggesting that President Trump spent Thanksgiving ‘tweeting and golfing,’ when he actually flew to Afghanistan for a surprise visit with US troops. The golfing claim comes later in the article, as Kwong notes that Trump played golf on Thanksgiving Eve “from mid-morning to mid-afternoon.” The headline, of course, suggests Trump golfed on Thanksgiving. She really needs to check her sauces… I mean sources in the future when hunting for a story because her bit of leftist, socialist fake news just cost h

KingFace On the Trump Effect In Black Communities

In this episode of Crossroads Host Josh J Philipp speak with KingFace, community leader and Instagram personality, about his own story of personal change and personal improvement, how President Donald Trump has impacted Black communities, and what it means to care about your community. Smart guy, and very serious interview, and this guys very wise for his age, and given the background he comes from. Listen carefully guys.

🚨🍗😍 🦃👌Happy Thanksgiving 2 all...🦃👌😂🍗🚨

So today is a day when the country comes together, and gives thanks for the freedom we share here in this country. As an American Citizen myself I love this country, and hope that it doesn’t change. Sadly this country has had a very radical move towards socialism over the last 5 years, and thanks to our current PRESIDENT we now have a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 28, 2019 We’re close to the end of the year, and when 2020 comes around we will have a very important election. So let’s spend some time with the President as he spent his day spreading the word on how thankful we all should be. 🚨MOMENTS AGO🚨 President @realDonaldTrump visits U.S. Soldiers at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan…. — Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸 (@Scavino45) November 28, 2019

Adam Schiff tied to Burisma Holdings?

Watch this video guys this is amazing! No wonder Adam Schiff has been doing all this nonsense! He’s tied directly not just to the whistleblower! Which we know he lied while in congress during the impeachment inquiry when he said he didn’t know who the “Whistleblower” was. Which is hilarious because he gave himself away when he stops lt. col. Vendman from “OUTING The Whistleblower!” But if he didn’t know who that was how would he know exactly when to stop Vendman from talking? Well now we know… Check this video out folks watch what just broke… Yes folks UKRAINE INDICTS BURISMA HOLDINGS OWNER, AND ADAM SCHIFF CONNECTED TO BOTH COMPANIES NAMED IN $7.4 BILLION BURISMA-US-UKRAINE CORRUPTION CASE. Now, according to Breitbart, it turns out Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee has at least two staffers with ties to a think tank partially funded by Burisma Holdings the Ukraine energy company that paid an obscene amount of money to Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, mainly while Biden was


Haven’t had a good hard laugh like this one in a very long time! I love watching Louder with Crowder especially when he’s out on the road, and trying to get people to change his mind but the guy is not just that. He’s really come along way from those days. His show is a lot more sketch comedy, and he’s got a great team together around him now which is taking his shows to new levels. Check out the video below it’s really hilarious, and sub his YouTube CH. Also check out his mug club, and support his cause the dude deserves it. He’s doing some real good funny stuff on there. Music by: POGO #epsteindidntkillhimself Use promo code “student” “veteran” “military” to get daily access for $69/year. Shop the official #LWC store: More at Follow me on Twitter: Follow me on Instagram: Like me on Facebook:

Alec Baldwin exposed as possible pedophile?

Now this isn’t a rumore folks this is a fact… Alec Baldwin yes the guy who makes fun of TRUMP on SNL all the time, and hates his guts is on Epstein’s black book… NOW here is a list of names and pictures of folks in the book, and to collaborate this check out the video from the Roast he had done earlier before the black book broke. ALSO he’s been vocal blaming the russians for Epstein’s death. NOW We all know that Trump was instrumental as a whistleblower years ago and got charges on Epstein when he found out what scumbag he was, and that he had harassed a worker in one of Trump’s golf course that came forward. Alec has never forgiven Trump for helping to get his friend Jeffrey Epstein thrown in prison, and it’s why he attacks him so much today. Same goes for Robert DeNiro who’s looking a lot like Bernie Sanders these days. OLD, STUPID, and a crazy socialist. Check out the picture, and video of Adam Carolla at his roast below, and next time Alec Baldwin opens his mouth remember he’s a p

🔴 LIVE: #MAGA TRUMP HOLDS RALLY IN Florida! 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏻My home this is!

The President is about to speak live here in his new/old home state. Watch how packed his crowd gets compared to everyone running on the left, and the 15 people who show up to their “town hall” speeches. Trump destroys em all.

Another Fredo FAIL on air!

CNN’s Fredo Cuomo called his mother on Thursday while live on TV to debunk a Trump claim. This is so called “News,” LMAO! Ahead of diplomat David Holmes’ testimony that he overheard President Donald Trump’s July 26 phone call with U.S. Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland, Trump took to Twitter to claim that it was impossible to overhear a full conversation if it wasn’t on speakerphone. And during a break in impeachment testimony on Thursday, Cuomo attempted to give a live on-air demonstration to debunk the president’s assertion. And it completely backfired on him. Folks you can’t make this stuff up! Check out the video below… “Very interesting theory from our president that he has really good hearing, some would say, the best hearing ever, and he has never been able to hear a phone call when it wasn’t on speakerphone from anybody,” the CNN anchor declared. “So, let’s just play with that for a second.” Cuomo went on to dial-up his mother on his cell phone, asking her: “Mom, can you hea

Impeachment Day 5: The Last Schiff

IF This was a big movie I think I would have the lead be Jim Jordan, and have it focus on him because he really has destroyed EVERYONE in every single day of this circus. But in what is said to be the final day of this farce today the way not just Jordan but everyone owned the two “final star witnesses” that Adam Schiffhead pooped out. IF YOU can’t make it thru the entire video like the previous posts this post has the best clips below. But if you’re hardcore into these proceedings you’re going to love how bad this whole thing has been for the Libtards… Folks there is nothing to see here oR to hear from across the table while sitting in a crowded restaurant while listening in on someone else’s call. Juuuuuuuuuuuuust to leak it to everyone. Oh yea there is more than one leak folks, and here he is getting cooked.

Impeachment Day 4: Assumptions

After the first 3 days we know that “The LEAK” is Lt. Col. Vinderman and we can thank him for the Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella! Now we know where the issue was, and thus these people who are both OBAMA/CLINTON people, and leftovers worked directly with Adam Schiffhead. This entire thing is a big giant HOAX folks, and after Day 4 if you cannot see this for the big giant Schiff-storybook of lies that it is! You need to have your head examined. I know the left has brainwashed the gullible young liberals of this nation by trojan horse methods, and what I mean by that is how most school teachers are now liberals, and teach liberal ideologies to kids, and you only have to see how shitty things are in a lot of part of this country. None of that is the fault of TRUMP but these people blame him for everything, and soon I fear they will even try to impeach him for the death of JESUS or Muhammad himself. And I don’t mean ALI the boxer (RIP) Here we go! Day 4! LTC Vindman man belongs in prison fo

Impeachment Day 3: Dark Fart

During an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) appeared to rip a massive fart live on the air… And thus #FartGate was born, and it’s now viral and folks if you missed it. This can sum up the entire impeachment so far… Or should I say. FART! Eric Swalwell appears to drop a massive fart during live on television Turn the sound on, this is real — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 19, 2019 Now let’s start with the actual events of DAY 3…. Or as I like to “Dark Fart” because well this one’s actually more dramatic since the people questioned we’re on the call with the President right? Well let’s see here. The Whistleblower who we all know who it is except Adam Schiff who met with him but now claims (he’s lying) that he’s never met the whistleblower. NOW The big question is who told the whistleblower that there was something “heard questionable” in the call? Someone leaked this out, and for leaking calls by heads of nations to anyone


After the first day of public hearings in the impeachment inquiry against President Trump wrapped up with no major revelations, and a laughable “STAR WITNESS” which was the highlight of the Democrats first day, one who relied primarily on second-hand information and never once interacted with the president. At one point in Wednesday’s hearing, Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., even appeared to embrace hearsay testimony, claiming that “hearsay can be much better evidence than direct” and that “countless people have been convicted on hearsay because the courts have routinely allowed and created, needed exceptions to hearsay.” It was unclear which of those limited exceptions would apply to Wednesday’s testimony and whether Quigley’s argument would persuade critical swing-vote Democrats. The House is now comprised of 431 members, meaning Democrats need 217 yes to impeach Trump. There are currently 233 Democrats, so Democrats can only lose 16 of their own and still impeach the president. 31 House

Glenn Beck Presents: The Democrats’ Hydra

“As one falls, two more will take their place.” Democracy does die in darkness and is being strangled in secret, back-door arrangements. In the third part of Glenn’s special series on the REAL Ukraine scandal, the team’s research exposes a much bigger story of what Democrats were doing in Ukraine. Disturbing details and explosive documents reveal how the Obama Deep State allowed the theft of a country and has set the stage for devastating consequences in our democracy today. Glenn explains how it’s all happening under the nose of the president and, more importantly, without the approval of the American people. Support conservative voices who are willing to tell the truth! Sign up for BlazeTV using GB20OFF to save $20 on your annual subscription at Watch part 1 of the special:… ► Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV on Youtube! ►Click HERE to join BlazeTV! ► JOIN our NEWS


So the President was holding a campaign rally amid public impeachment hearing. Check out his comments during the Rally, and check out the crowd! The President took jabs at the left, socialist democRATS who are being lead down this scam by Adam Schiffhead. This entire thing was boring, and NOTHING said made any sense this reminded me more of a joke in SOUTH PARK than a serious Congress “Impeachment Inquiry.” Here we go! Day 1! CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin said Wednesday that neither witness had direct contact with the president… Watch below. “The one criticism of these two witnesses, which I think is very much legitimate…Is that neither of them had contact with the President — EVER — and yeah, that’s a problem if you’re going to impeach the president,” Toobin said. Adam Schiff has lost CNN: CNN’s Toobin: neither witness “had direct contact with the president…that’s a problem” — Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) November 13, 2019 WATCH: Both Taylor & Kent reaffirm they we

Rashida Tlaib EXPOSED!

Hey remember this idiot? ‘We’re gonna impeach the mother******!’ congresswoman Rep. Rashida Tlaib? Well here she is talking about turning ALL of the united states into a MUSLIM nation, and how the takeover will happen. I’ve been saying this from day 1. Here it is from the horse’s mouth… @RashidaTlaib @RepRashida #MAGA #MAGA2020 #IStandWithTrump #Trump2020

Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet? Wait WHAT?

So the Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet? Wait WHAT? No wonder now that he’s been exposed the demoncRATS Are flip flopping saying “Well he’s not important anymore” they don’t want that released to the public! There it is folks, Eric Ciaramella was, is, and will always be a BIDEN stooge, and he’s part of the corruption and the deep state swamp. This hoax against Trump is a fix made up by him, Adam Schiffhead, and we know he loves to take calls from whistleblowers. Remember the joke russian DJ’s played on him? Where they claimed to have nude pics of Trump? Now didn’t Adam just love that! He thought he might had actually hit the lotto! With that said guess what PRESIDENT TRUMP is doing? He’s about to release the second UKRAINE PHONE CALL TRANSCRIPT! LOL Trump to release second Ukraine phone call transcript Eric Ciaramella was removed from his White House duty in 2017 due to leaks and rumors, including the infamous “Putin fired Comey” narrati

Triggered: Don Trump Jr destroys The Spew, Joy & Whoopi caught lying! 😭

Not that it should shock anyone but Joy on “The View” or as I like to call the show “The Spew” lied right on air folks. On a recent show which aired with Donald Trump Jr she is caught lying about the time she dressed in blackface, and went to a Halloween party in her words as a “It was a Halloween party, I went as a beautiful African woman.” and watch quick Whoopi defends her! So the left allows one of “their own” to wear blackface now? Since when was JOY given a pass? How about Whoopi and her “It’s not RAPE-RAPE” when a grown man rapes a 13 year old, and has to “escape the usa” because he’s guilty. The View needs both these women fired! I think personally she needs to be fired from her job for the way she’s blown this thing off. IF Tim Allen could lose his job for simply voting for Trump, and Roseanne Barr can lose her show, and have her character killed offscreen why is Joy Behar immune? This is hilarious had this been a republican who done the same thing the claws would come out fro

The FISA Report will be explosive! Plus much more!

Another “DemocRAT Bombshell” from the impeachment blows up in their face, and don’t forget! “The Wrap UP Smear!” But let’s start with this video below folks. Another “DemocRAT” “Bombshell” from the impeachment blows up in their face! (Pelosi, Schiff, and the rest of the scum on the left.) I can’t believe these morons keep trying, and it keeps blowing up in their face this way. Watch, and pay close attention… Another “MAJOR” witness called, and transcript just released by the left shows NOTHING, and Actually helps to prove how TRUMP was telling the truth all along. Ambassador Taylor is a big NOTHING burger as is often been used to describe these reports coming each time the left claims they got something. Amazing that people still fall for this crap. INFACT watch this report, and see how the media tries to twist reality into something to fit a false narrative. Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing discuss the highly anticipated FISA report, and say that what’s coming is “EXPLOSIVE” and all


Donate to help RSBN get to future rallies: Wednesday, November 6, 2019: Join RSBN for LIVE coverage from Monroe, LA as President Donald Trump holds a Keep America Great Rally at the Monroe Civic Center. President Trump is expected to speak at 8:00pm EDT.

Lindsey Graham and Donald Trump Speak about Brett Kavanaugh

Lindsey Graham and President Donald Trump speak on having been able to help Judge Brett Kavanaugh get appointed Judge, and President Donald Trump celebrated his administration’s success in getting more than 150 federal judicial nominees confirmed by the Senate as he sought to demonstrate progress in meeting the concerns of many conservatives. Today the Senate neared confirming the 44th appeals court judge of his presidency. It’s a benchmark that means he’ll have filled one-quarter of such judgeships in under three years in office. By comparison, President Barack Obama nominated 55 circuit judges who were confirmed over eight years. Wonderful numbers indeed, and further proof of what a great PRESIDENT we have. Websites: #MAGA2020 #MAGA #IStandWithTrump #Trump2020 #PSNRADIO #RealAngelEspino @RealAngelEspino @thajackalshead @insidethajackalshead @PSNRADIO

🔴 LIVE: #MAGA Trump holds rally in Lexington, KY on eve of elections

Now live President Trump holds a Rally in Lexington, KY on the eve of their elections… He will be live within a few minutes as his plane “Air Force ONE” lands, and he’s driven to the event. He’s been busy today from the white house holding a meeting with The Washington Nationals who won the MLB WORLD Series title recently. Now he’s in Kentucky to help in the Rally there. This is MAGA country, and thus the crowds is large, and full of RED for TRUMP! Check out the video feeds below.

Matt Whitaker calls out Adam Schiff’s unfair and ‘impartial’ process

Whitaker defends Trump, calls out Schiff’s unfair and ‘impartial’ process, and Former acting Attorney General joins Harris Faulkner on ‘Outnumbered Overtime.’ #FoxNews to defend President Trump, and clear up some of the lies spread in the released closed door inquiry hoax lead by Adam Schiffhead.

MLB World Series ⚾CHAMPIONS⚾ Nationals visit The White House

The Washington Nationals following their first World Series win in franchise history, the Washington Nationals visit the White House and President Donald Trump. In A historic day for the team, and city. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩⚾۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⚾MLB 2019 Champions⚾▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩⚾۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Congratulations to the Washington @Nationals , 2019 World Series Champions! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2019 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩⚾۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⚾MLB 2019 Champions⚾▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩⚾۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩⚾۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⚾MLB 2019 Champions⚾▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩⚾۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ While White House visits for championship sports teams became common in the past few decades, the ceremonies have become political lightning rods in recent years especially since Obama, and now Trump took office. Which is dumb because if you’re a player who is on a winning team this might be the only chance you have in life to visit The White House, and meet a sitting President. I don’t care what political part

So we got ourselves a spy!?

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the “top Ukraine expert” on the National Security Council, and one who could be a spy! ONE FACT is for sure! While he’s a war hero he’s a leak. He told his TWIN brother about a private call dealing with the PRESIDENT and another foreign power. Now he’s sworn to secrecy when he’s listening in on these calls, and he admitted to telling someone? Doesn’t matter who it is that’s leaking, and he’s also I know a war hero who’s got a purple heart. But who’s the PRESIDENT That gave it to him? OH yeah Obama, and he served under Obama under this very same position that Trump had him on, and let him go. This folks is a man who’s upset, and while his history might be one of a hero even hero’s become bitter at some point. Either way I don’t trust him, and nothing he said is even worth impeaching the President. This is “He said vs He said” and it’s all his opinion on a call which we know what was said, and there was NOTHING in the call worth impeaching, and there was no

🔴 LIVE #MAGA Rally in Tupelo, MS 11/1/2019

Live: Trump holds ‘Keep America Great’ rally in Mississippi check out these live feeds folks! #MAGA #IStandWithTrump #Trump2020

Joe losing his sense of direction now?

He’s lost in translation… Sniff your way around JOE! YOU CAN DO IT! Joe Biden speaking in an arena in Iowa gets confused where the camera is and keeps talking to a screen. C SPAN keeps cutting away to try and help him out…LMAO! HILARIOUS… Joe Biden speaking in an arena in Iowa gets confused where the camera is and keeps talking to a screen. CSPAN keeps cutting away to try and help him out…hahahahahahaha @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr — 🇺🇸 Miguelifornia (@michaelbeatty3) November 2, 2019