Another Kwong bites the dust! 😍

So looks like Newsweek fired the very cute, and adorable (means she’s hot!) Reporter Jessica Kwong who wrote in an article entitled “How is Trump Spending Thanksgiving? Tweeting, Golfing and More,” that the president “has been spending his Thanksgiving holidays at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.”

The reporter who penned a “snarky”, and yes misleading article suggesting that President Trump spent Thanksgiving ‘tweeting and golfing,’ when he actually flew to Afghanistan for a surprise visit with US troops.

The golfing claim comes later in the article, as Kwong notes that Trump played golf on Thanksgiving Eve “from mid-morning to mid-afternoon.” The headline, of course, suggests Trump golfed on Thanksgiving.

She really needs to check her sauces… I mean sources in the future when hunting for a story because her bit of leftist, socialist fake news just cost her a nice gig, and a nice paycheck. Hope she NEVER lands another job in any form of so called “Journalism” again. But I know a few clubs she might want to call for employment if she’s a good dancer. She’s has a future career there.

Hey check out what Terrence K. Williams posted!
