
Showing posts from January, 2020

Brexit: A new sense of optimism is emerging in UK

Well it’s official now The UK has left the EU and while people celebrate what does this mean, and what are going to be the implications for the world? Now that Brexit has happened and After what almost 5 years of political back and forth, the UK now stands alone as like I said Brexit is official. They’re the first nation to leave the European Union, and it also has followed by ending the careers of two Prime Ministers and left the very future of the United Kingdom in question. Scotland’s case for independence is becoming harder to ignore while Britain’s perceived selling out of Northern Ireland has played into the hands of those wishing to see Irish unification. Just one hour before Brexit finally happened, Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged that the country was divided: “For many people this is an astonishing moment of hope, a moment they thought would never come. And there are many of course who feel a sense of anxiety and loss … I understand all those feelings, and our job as

Joe Rogan Responds to Bernie Sanders Endorsement Controversy

Joe Rogan Responds to Bernie Sanders Endorsement Controversy on his show, and he’s got a lot to talk about as the media has doubled down hard on him since he endorsed the BERN. Well what do you know JOE! You get in bed with one of the devils, and the left berns…. burns you too. See the left hates themselves as much as they hate Trump from the looks of it. The country is divided because the left which sadly you adhere to is fucking nuts. Sanders is a moron, and socialist, and just because he’s been consistent in being that for decades doesn’t make his idiotic idology right…. Socialism, Communism has never worked, and will never work. You have the Freedoms you do Joe because you’re not living in one of those countries, and to support, endorse or even come close to being in favor off these ideologies is not just wrong! It’s down right stupid. But you yourself in this video say your dumb…. lol I find this hilarious. This is Karma for what you did to Bill Birnes… LOL You and people whose na


Senators will hear closing arguments in President’s impeachment hoax I mean trial today, the 10th day of this shenanigan known as a trial, and after that, the Senate will vote on whether to call witnesses. Questions remain about how long the trial could continue after that vote, even if senators vote not to hear testimony? How can you have a trial without an actual crime, and without any laws being broken?

Hillary Clinton refuses to be served! By Tulsi Gabbard!

Well by her lawyer anyway! As it turns out that Hillary who says all the time that Trump isn’t above the law actually thinks SHE’S above the law. lol This woman is bonkers folks… So Tulsi Gabbard has a lawsuit pending against the wannabe President Hillary Clinton. Twice now Hillary Clinton has blocked a process server from delivering the defamation lawsuit filed against her by Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the congresswoman’s lawyer said. Mrs. Gabbard’s lawyer, Brian Dunne, told the New York Post that his process server was turned away by Secret Service agents at Mrs. Clinton’s Chappaqua, New York, home on Tuesday and was later turned away by Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer at his D.C.-based firm on Wednesday after agents specifically instructed the server to go there. “I find it rather unbelievable that Hillary Clinton is so intimidated by Tulsi Gabbard that she won’t accept service of process,” Mr. Dunne said. “But I guess here we are.” Mrs. Gabbard, Hawaii Democrat, fi


Day 9 in the senate, and nothing of importance by the left so far… Sad this has cost taxpayers so much. We the people have the power to stop this nonsense this year when we vote these evil leftists in congress out! As many as possible… Let’s start with the Fraud Squad, and the evil like AL Green, and Maxine Waters. Those who are hurting this nation the worse are the people in congress allowing cities, and counties to become garbage collecting landfills. Looks like the senate will make it all end soon as a vote is near to clear the president of this b/s. Let’s hope it ends there, and the re-election of Trump happens, and we get another great term by our great president Donald Trump.


Another day another boring debate on a bunch of crazy people with a “he said he said” crap. With no proof, and no evidence the congress wants to impeach a president. This folks is funnier than a Tom & Jerry cartoon. Hell this is almost funny if it wasn’t true which just makes this whole entire thing one sad joke being played on the American people who deserve better than have our taxpayer money go to this garbage. How people can take anything from crooked Schiff, and the mountains of lies serious is beyond me… The ratings keep dropping, and this means the American people keep not giving a shit. I predict they keep this up the left is now handling the election to Trump! Which is good for us… lol This is how stupid they are. And we all know this is not about Trump only this is also about keeping a certain Sanders from being able to campaign, and so Biden the left gray haired golden boy could win the DNC. The fix is in! Impeachment managers and president Trump’s legal team have made t


I speak to a lot of people, and nobody that I speak to is even paying attention. So I hope these idiots in congress understand that not only the ratings are low but man without any proof, and this whole thing’s started on lies, and hate for Trump, and possibly other things that the left is scare about with Trump. Like he will win in 2020….. They even said it themselves. By the way am I the only one who wants to punch someone hard in the face everytime Adam Schiff speaks? So here we go again folks enjoy the Schiff show!


The impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump resumes Friday, Jan. 24 as Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts presides over the U.S. Senate. Trump’s team will begin opening arguments at 10 a.m. ET. #FoxNews

Trump at the March 4 Life & Transforming America’s Communities events

While the bogus senate trial continues the President delivered remarks to the Nation’s Mayors on Transforming America’s Communities in the East Room. You know actual important things. Also President Trump delivers remarks at the 47th annual March for Life. Trump will become the first sitting US president to attend the March for Life event.

Now it's on Saturday for Trump to rebuttal the impeachment.

The rebuttal from President Trump’s lawyers will kick off Saturday and continue in earnest Monday and continue from there for how long we don’t know but this entire thing shouldn’t take long as the entire time the house presented their hoax investigation NOTHING was nothing we didn’t hear during the house fake hearings. House prosecutors finished their opening arguments in President Trump’s impeachment trial Friday, arguing that his conduct toward Ukraine reflected a dangerous reflex toward political expediency and a lack of character that will backfire on Republicans if they do not help remove him from office. Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) and his band of merry men, and insane women attempted to drive this argument home Friday to sway a handful of Republican senators whose position on gathering more fake evidence will determine the arc and scope of the trial. Yet there were few signs that any Republican was persuaded, leaving open the matter of possible witness testimony and further

🛰️The Space Force is here!

Trump just revealed the logo for the Space Force, and it looks like the ‘Star Trek’ symbol. And it sure looks like the logo used for STARFLEET in Star Trek which makes sense to me. Think about it. Gene named his ship “The USS Enterprise” based on our WAR Ship of the same name. They always do that with these things I find it cool they went that route since the Space Force is sort of like an early version of Starfleet. 🙂 WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s Space Force logo has boldly gone where “Star Trek” has gone before. The commander-in-chief on Friday revealed the logo for the new service branch in a tweet. And it looked a lot like the logo for the fictional Starfleet at the center of the iconic science fiction television and film franchise. “After consultation with our Great Military Leaders, designers, and others, I am pleased to present the new logo for the United States Space Force, the Sixth Branch of our Magnificent Military,” Trump wrote on Twitter. After consultation with


Senate impeachment trial of President Trump Day 4


And the days go on, and the lies by congress continue… Enjoy!


Impeachment trial Day 2: Senate proceedings set to begin as rules come into focus The first day of President Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate is set to get underway at 1 p.m., marking just the third time a president has faced removal from office in U.S. history. 1/21/20 – Breaking Fox News January 21, 2020


So I’m covering the entire trial in the senate as purpose to educate you who read my blog on how crooked, and sick this congress is. Remember folks this entire thing is based on lies, assumptions, and everyone connected to OBAMA, CLINTON, and the old corrupt administration in Ukraine, and a call which had nothing to even get alarmed in. But since they wanted Trump out from even before he was in office this is what we get. Folks this is a witch hunt, and I hope we’re all paying attention, and remember come voting day. Check out the videos below of the entire trial Day 1! “Some of us were here in 1999 for the Clinton impeachment trial, but we have never had an impeachment trial and an election at the same time,” says Sam Feist, CNN’s Washington bureau chief and senior vice president. “It certainly will make for a fascinating and unpredictable few weeks.”

The circus trial continues! The China deal is great for America! + More!

The Presidents legal team who will defend him is now listed above, and is fully known. Rudy Giuliani is missing from the list, and probably will testify which is why he’s not on the list. So as the circus moves to the senate now we hear from Trey Gowdy who is seen here revealing Trump’s ‘single best piece of evidence’ on fox earlier while the China DEAL is something we should be talking about. Check out these videos below folks. Chuck Schumer knew it was all over after this huge impeachment defeat Democrats are gearing up for the final showdown in their impeachment witch hunt. But they just got hit with some bad news. And Chuck Schumer knew it was all over after his party suffered this huge impeachment defeat. Four Democrats who will sit in judgment of Donald Trump in a Senate impeachment trial – Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Michael Bennett – are still running for President. This calls into question their ability to fairly decide the evidence in front of them. T

BIGGEST Trade deal in history with China! DONE! Well almost...

Well folks a historic agreement between the USA, and China after two years of them trying to come to terms phase 1 of the deal is now signed as you can see in the photo, and video. This folks is big… Watch the videos I posted here, and really get clued in at how big this is, and brilliant this is for our country, and economy. No longer will China rape us like Obama allowed them too. I think we all know who we should, and will vote for in the upcoming elections. The pact, detailed in a 94-page document, is only the initial phase of a broader deal that Trump has said may come in as many as three sections. “Together, we are righting the wrongs of the past,” Trump said in a pomp-filled signing ceremony. “It doesn’t get any bigger than this.” President participates in a signing ceremony of an agreement between the United States and China. The pact, detailed in a 94-page document, is only the initial phase of a broader deal that Trump has said may come in as many as three sections. Read it h

🔴 President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Milwaukee, WI

Donate to help us get to future rallies: Tuesday, January 14, 2020: Join RSBN for LIVE coverage from Milwaukee, WI as President Donald Trump holds a Keep America Great rally at the UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena. President Trump is expected to speak at 8:00pm EST. 🔴 President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Milwaukee, WI 1-14-20 #Trump #Rally #Live 🔴 Subscribe to RSBN for more LIVE streams and Breaking NEWS: 🔴 Donate to RSBN and help keep us on the air: 🔴 Follow us on Twitter for breaking news updates: 🔴 Like us on Facebook for more live streams and updates:

Crowd turns on Mayor Pete!

Oh come now Pete how you gonna run the country if you can’t handle a heckler? I mean this guy is such a joke. He starting to lose the crowd early today in a town hall in Des Moines, Iowa. While not many in the media wanna report this! Because you know he’s a “darling” of people like “Anderson Cooper” “Don Lemon” “Rachel Maddow” I think you get where I’m going there. But the Media knows he’s got no chance to win the oval office. Crowd turns on Mayor Pete! He’s still in the race because literally nobody on the left is worthy of being nominated. NOT 1 single good or even decent candidate folks… But you know it’s bad when you draw a small crowd in a town hall style meeting, and people in the crowd turns on you. Here below is some of that footage. full video!

🔴 LIVE: #MAGA – Trump, at Ohio rally RIGHT NOW!

At the Ohio rally President Trump says Democrats would have leaked Soleimani attack plans, and this is why they cannot be told. The President was headlining his first campaign rally of the election year Thursday in Ohio flush with cash, chafing at a potential Senate impeachment trial and aiming to capitalize on his order to take out Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani after the military leader was said to have orchestrated an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. President @RealDonaldTrump on taking action to protect the U.S. embassy in Baghdad: “I said ‘nope, get in the planes right now, have them there immediately!’ And they got there immediately.” #TrumpRally — Trump War Room — Text FIGHT to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) January 10, 2020 Almost immediately, Trump slammed House Democrats’ nonbinding War Powers Resolution, which they passed earlier in the day in a rebuke to the Soleimani strike. Trump went on to suggest that Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy P

Once again proving to be rigged! Congress votes to limit the PRESIDENT'S POWERS!

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote today on a measure limiting President Donald Trump’s ability to take military action against Iran as Democratic criticism of the U.S. killing of terrorist Iranian General Qassem Soleimani intensified. WATCH the House votes on restricting Trump’s ability to strike Iran. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., announced the planned vote in a one-page statement that said last week’s drone strike that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani was “provocative and disproportionate.” Tho he’s killed how many Americans Nasty Nancy? Tell us how many more AMERICANS have to die before you do something? This is disgusting, and once again shows us who she’s in bed with, and it sure isn’t the USA. Start of voting is expected around 1:15 PM ET with final vote expected around 4:15 PM ET. Schiff said that they would hand the administration a blank check, and it’s time congress did something. Well clue me in here but who spent 16 years in office during, and post 911 it wasn’t TRU

President Trump addressing to the nation

On Wednesday President Trump announced that he is imposing “additional punishing economic sanctions on the Iranian regime” that will remain in place “until Iran changes its behavior” as address to the nation post the most recent “reply” from IRAN, and to be honest he’s never looked, and sounded more “Presidential” than at this very moment. Trump recounted on of Iran’s bad behavior, noting that its “hostilities substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013, and they were given $150 billion not to mention $1.8 billion in cash.” Remember folks these guys don’t love us! Instead of saying thank you for the help from The United States, they chanted “death to America.” Known fact, they chanted “death to America” the day the agreement was signed. Then Iran went on a terror spree funded by the money from the deal signed by OBAMA and created hell in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with

Nasty Nancy Pelosi is trying to obstruct a Senate impeachment trial

So it’s now clear that Nasty Nancy Pelosi is trying to obstruct Senate impeachment trial harder then she’s trying to keep her dentures from falling out. This lady is such a joke, and I can’t believe that she’s speaker of the house. I mean if she’s speaker than I’m “ Don Juan de la nooch! ” Republican Sen. Josh Hawley tells ‘Fox & Friends’ that it’s time for the Senate to take action to throw out the case if Democrats don’t prosecute it. #FoxNews

Not shocking these treasonous women are at it again!

Radical leftist Democrats Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) attacked President Donald Trump for Killing Soleimani, Omar Uses Strike to Solicit Donations, and let’s not forget that Soleimani was responsible for killing hundreds of American soldiers while wounding thousands more. So after the news broke that one of the top Iranian terrorist, Gen. Qasem Soleimani, was killed in an airstrike ordered by the president on Thursday we now have these leftists traitors on record once again showing us why they cannot be voted back into congress. These two radical islamic haters of AMERICA shouldn’t be in office. They belong in prison! “We take comfort in knowing that his reign of terror is over.” In remarks made at Mar-a-Lago, Trump said that the drone strike killing Qassem Soleimani is something that “should’ve been done long ago” — QuickTake by Bloomberg (@QuickTake) January 3, 2020 President Trump addressing the issue. Quick reminder ladies, and I

Boy George or Rose McGowan? Can't tell. lol

But the picture is a joke the truth is she’s nuts, and now she’s APOLOGIZING TO A TERRORIST STATE!!! While Iranian people were celebrating, this American moron wannabe actress decided to sympathize with a terrorist. She claims, “It is only logical to appeal to Iran’s pride by apologizing. I’m taking one for the team.” Nobody asked you too lady… Who are you? The big breasted chick in SCREAM (1996) who fucked Harvey Weinstein to get a movie deal to only accuse him of rape years later? Oh, and you dated MANSON the metal singer who’s known by his fans as the “AntiChrist Superstar” ? LOL since when do you decide AMERICAN POLICY BITCH? When in the history of the United States, did we become so disconnected with reality that people are apologizing for taking out a bad guy? It’s not subjective whether or not he is a bad guy; it’s OBJECTIVE AS HELL. Dear #Iran , The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize. We want peace with your nation. We are bein

Ilhan Omar Promises To “Stop” Trump After The Killing Of Top Iranian General

Wondering who’s Side Are she’s On? This should tell you all! The world watched, noticed that all the witnesses were based on 3rd unverified info, nothing was based on reality or legit. A FAKE HOAXED impeachment lead by the Fraud Squad on the left. Good job on impeaching someone on lies. The Senate will take care of it. U did nothing. So what if Trump wants war, knows this leads to war and needs the distraction? Real question is, will those with congressional authority step in and stop him? I know I will. — Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) January 3, 2020 And she said she’s gonna stop Trump? Well is this a threat? She needs to be investigated for threatening the PRESIDENT! Saying what she said is no joke, and she needs to be in prison! She’s not above the law… You cannot threaten the PRESIDENT! First off, the House has not sent articles of impeachment to the Senate, and this is because the left knows that the House know they have no real case against Trump, and is a fraud,

Great news out of The White House!

Happy to report that IRANIAN Terrorist Qassem Soleimani is dead, and no longer a threat to the world. As Iran vows ‘harsh revenge’, Trump and Pompeo say Soleimani was planning to take ‘big action’ against American lives. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, a senior Iranian commander and one of the most powerful figures in the Middle East, was killed in an airstrike on the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq at the direction of President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday. The assassination marks a monumental escalation toward Iran. . @SecPompeo says Iran’s top military leader Qasem Soleimani was actively plotting in the Middle East and that “President Trump’s decision to remove Qasem Soleimani from the battlefield saved American lives.” — New Day (@NewDay) January 3, 2020 “This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the Pentagon said in a statement. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to


Longshot Democrat presidential candidate Julián Castro ended his disgraceful White House campaign on Thursday after struggling to achieve a breakthrough in the polls, and in a crowded Democratic primary race he had no chance. So he tweeted this out earlier. “Today, it’s with a heavy heart and profound gratitude that I will suspend my campaign for president,” Castro said in a video statement shared to Twitter, adding it “simply isn’t our time” to clinch the Democratic nomination. “I’m so proud of everything we’ve accomplished together. I’m going to keep fighting for an America where everyone counts—I hope you’ll join me in that fight,” he added, and well after watching him, and his brother make complete morons out of each other whatever fight they want I’ll be on the other side of it. AND We’re both of cuban backgrounds. But this guy is a disaster, and brings shame to Cubans everywhere. He should be ashamed of himself so I say FUCK THIS GUY! Good riddance, and never run for any office a