
Showing posts from March, 2020

Trump said next 2 weeks will be 'very painful' as confirmed US cases approach 200k

At a White House press conference with medical experts on Tuesday, President Trump warned of a “very, very painful two weeks” ahead for Americans. NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci also suggested that 100k-240k Americans could die in the coming months. Fellow expert Dr. Deborah Birx struck a more optimistic note, suggesting extensive mitigation efforts could yield results by July. In what has to be a somber new tone from the president that comes after his medical advisers showed him data projecting that the virus could kill 100,000–240,000 Americans even with strict social distancing guidelines in place as it is now. Sunday, Trump dropped his aspiration of reopening America by Easter after seeing the data and bleak hospital images out of New York, which is the epicenter of the crisis in the U.S. The White House published health guidance on Tuesday as part of its new “30 days to slow the spread” plan, which would expire on April 30. The big picture:  Birx, the White House coronavirus tas

Fl Gov. Ron DeSantis clarifying his "Covid19" info!

Fl Gov. Ron DeSantis Florida Governor Ron DeSantis tells South Floridians (Like myself) to stay at home until middle of April, clarifying his morning statement of mid-May which to some of us sounds about a good date as any I mean I will continue to stay in probably past “May” anyway for the most part since I can’t go out much due to me rehabbing my leg, and honestly what do I know if Mid April or May is a good date anyway? What does anyone know at this point as these things spread like wildfire unless a cure is found asap. State officials want Florida schools closed through May 1 due to the growing threat of the new coronavirus. So far, there’s  no official change  in any of the three South Florida districts. Gov. Ron DeSantis said March 17 that schools would remain closed until at least April 15. Districts have switched to online learning as a result. But during a conference callwith districts Monday afternoon, Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran recommended the closures be exten

Andrew Cuomo proves once again that he's not your friend?

So all the while that New York governor Andrew Cuomo gives daily coronavirus press conferences in front of media and National Guard members at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, which is being turned into a hospital to help fight coronavirus cases he’s also looking to turn down aid in the bill that just passed, and signed by President Trump because he would much rather take the money from our Medicaid. Yes folks while Cuomo wants to convince you he is the calm, competent leader you need, and want during this outbreak. Something that he’s been able to sell very effectively but like his crazy brother Fredo Cuomo not everything he says should be seen as heroic, and or for our best interest. So while his behavior has been effective, so effective in fact you might miss that even in a pandemic, Cuomo is fighting to protect the rich and impose austerity, including devastating Medicaid cuts, on everyone else at the cost of $6.7 billion in emergency federal aid… Make no mistake folks even

If you lick the "Toilet" the Coronavirus will come...

A social media influencer from California announced he has tested positive for COVID-19, and I can’t help but laugh at this one because this idiot got sick from licking a toilet bowl. Yes folks this man, who goes by Larz and uses “GayShawnMendes” as his Twitter handle, shared a video of himself in a hospital bed confirming the diagnosis. WTF!! Really!! Licking toilets now!! — Gabe Slaybaugh (@GabrielSlaybau1) March 23, 2020 The announcement comes less than a week after Larz participated in the viral “coronavirus challenge” on TikTok. The challenge involved licking a public toilet seat and was started by 22-year-old Ava Louise, who recorded herself licking the toilet in an airplane bathroom. It is unclear if he contracted coronavirus from licking the toilet seat, and Larz has not commented since his Twitter account was shut down… It was not the first time the 21-year-old has licked things for a viral challenge. Last year, he spoke with Dr. Phil and admitted to


President Trump coronavirus task force provide the daily update with the latest information on the spread of COVID-19. #coronavirus #COVID-19 #PresidentTrumpcoronavirus #PSNRADIO #PSNTV //

Trump on House Dems' coronavirus relief bill: 'No way I’m signing that deal' with 'Green New Deal stuff'

Thank god we got this PRESIDENT! Yes folks I thanked the maker and I don’t mean George Lucas! Even tho he’s a god… He’s not the god! But anyways! This is why I said this is because President Trump  said Tuesday that he would not support an emergency  coronavirus  response bill pitched by House Democrats earlier this week. “Nancy Pelosi came and put a lot of things in the deal that had nothing to do with workers that had to do with an agenda that they have been trying to get passed for 10 years,” Trump told Fox News in a special “ Virtual Town Hall .” follwed that by “I came in, I told Mike [Pence], I told a lot of people, ‘There is no way I am signing that deal,” the president added. Trump said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., had almost reached an agreement on the response bill over the weekend before Democrats suddenly injected the “Green New Deal” into the mix. “The Democrats said ‘We want green energy, let’s stop drilling oil

Senate votes on coronavirus stimulus package

So as of now in the United States, more than 69,000 people have been sickened and more than 1,000 have died from the Covid-19 outbreak or as our President calls it “the invisible enemy.” That’s one way of saying it without having to repeat the name, and right now the name is like our world’s boogeyman. It’s got everyone locked indoors praying they’re not next to catch it. The entire world is held captive not being able to work, our do the daily things which we are so used to doing. So now after days of negotiations, the U.S. Senate and Congress got their collective assholes together, and decided to stop dicking around with us the people who employs them, and they passed the Stimulus bill. The massive bill includes a $500 billion fund to help hard-hit industries and a comparable amount for direct payments of up to $3,000 apiece to millions of U.S. families. It is intended to flood the economy with cash in a bid to stem the impact of a pandemic that has killed more than 900 people in the

EXCLUSIVE: Trump, Coronavirus task force participate in Fox News town hall + Stimulus Bill passes!

President Trump, Vice President Pence and members of the coronavirus task force sit down with Fox News’ Bill Hemmer and Harris Faulkner for a virtual town hall to answer all of the most pressing questions. White House, Senate reach bipartisan deal on coronavirus stimulus package.

🛀Madonna💄 Has flipped out! LMAO!

You know I’ve always known that the once “Material girl” really had no singing talent but was just a chick who was at the right spot, and at the right time with ambition, and someone who used her body to sell “sex” (Ironic since thats her book name) but when I think of talented singers she’s never been someone who I would say either has a good voice or could carry a song very well. Unless it was like a million dollar production team helping produce, and sometimes over produce her lousy shitty records. To be clear I’ve never been a fan of hers or her music, and nothing have changed since she first came out into the music scene. I remember as a 15 year old kid one of my cousins who loved her music, and a lot of my friends even girlfriends loved her, and I just never got it. She was ugly, couldn’t sing, and was stupid in interviews. But now I could finally say that she’s lost her goddamn mind. YES folks the old hag has finally had a breakdown I think… She… Has lost her fucking mind! What

Mmm... ba~bies... Congress & Senate once again can't agree on bill!

Democrats stuff coronavirus bill with identity politics, and say they won’t pass anything that doesn’t include a laundry list of unrelated items. Yes folks they want to stuff this new bill with the “GREEN NEW DEAL” which we know is NOT what we need at this moment. They want a long list of things which have nothing to do with this crisis we’re all facing with the CoronaVirus. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin discusses steps the White House is taking to satisfy economic discomfort amid coronavirus. Also he shuts down idea that coronavirus relief is ‘corporate welfare’ and it’s aimed to be able to keep our economy fixed, and get things jumped started again. Pretty much the left wants to stick everything they want which in the long run will mean the doom of most of our major companies, and airlines, and bankfuck our country, and turn the country into a 3rd world country. We are experiencing a shutdown, and they need to do what’s right for us, and stop trying to compete with each other on


President Donald Trump coronavirus task force provide the daily update with the latest information on the spread of COVID-19, increased efforts to obtain more medical supplies, American’s that are stranded abroad and passing the next phase of economic stimulus. Plus live coverage of the Senate and Congress locked down in debate on how to get money out to the public. This shouldn’t even be a debate right now, and the fact these folks are in lockdown over this over politics shows how little they care. This is because one side the left wants Planned Parenthood or the right wants to help big companies. Right now WE the people need the help, we the people need the bailout, and we the people demand these people do their job or we the people will vote for a whole new congress, and senate come elections.


President Trump coronavirus task force provide the daily update with the latest information on the spread of COVID-19, increased efforts to obtain more medical supplies, American’s that are stranded abroad and passing the next phase of economic stimulus. #coronavirus #COVID-19 #PresidentTrumpcoronavirus #PSNRADIO #PSNTV //

Almost a Billion people locked in at home as COVID-19 Top 300K + Rand Paul is infected!

Now it’s close to a billion people around the world have been ordered to stay home as officials try to slow the spread of COVID-19. The number of infections has grown to over 300k and now is in 35 countries. All non-essential businesses had been closed, while advising people to remain in their homes while major retail outlets like “Walmart, Amazon, and some others remain open they’re working on limited hours, and outside of the major ones most have a skeleton crew working the shifts. The number of deaths from the infectious disease has topped 13,000, with more than 4,800 reported in Italy alone. Here in the United States, around 100 million people are dealing with the lockdown. Multiple states, including New York, California, Illinois, and New Jersey, have ordered most businesses to remain closed for at least a month, while many schools and colleges across the nation have been closed. With more than 27k cases (March 22), politicians are divided over the third part of a massive economic


Here is today’s latest update on what’s going on with the COVID-19… The Task force updated the public today. These are a daily update now, and so we shall try and report it as best possible, and keep you folks as informed as I can. This is very very important information for all Americans, and everyone in general. Please pay close attention as taking these steps which are detailed by the President, and the task force can not just save your life but potentially that of millions of lives. #PSNRADIO #PSNTV


FUNNY Shit this week we all now know that toilet paper seems to be the hottest selling item everywhere in the world after the CoronaVirus Outbreak broke lose worldwide shoppers everywhere all of a sudden needed to stock up on the butthole cleaning paper of their choice! But in the Netherlands things are a bit different as they’re in a different sort of panic right now as as buying weed is becoming harder by the day. As of after 5 pm on this past Sunday, the government of the Netherlands issued an urgent decree: To control the coronavirus outbreak, virtually all restaurants and bars were being ordered to shut their doors until April 6, effective less than an hour later, at 6 pm. Included in the ban were the famed “coffee shops,” which sell more than coffee. Within minutes of the announcement, lines stretched around the block at shops across the Netherlands as stoners sought to stock up on enough weed to get them through weeks of quarantine. “We were going to get groceries and saw a huge

President Trump Unveils MAJOR Breakthrough + $CASH$ Coming your way!

Now besides getting us a vaccine to help end this CoronaVirus nightmare the President has signed into action the bill that will help each, and everyone who needs monetary help during this world wide outbreak. He’s moved as fast as possible to help the everyday citizen during these hard hard times, and looks like there will be checks coming in to help alleviate the loss of jobs, and wages since the virus started to spread. This of course has been a horrible nightmare which has caused a worldwide crises now, and folks like myself who are dealing with health issues and mounting bills as it is will be helped greatly by what the President just did. We should all be thankful to have a President who cares about us so much that he’s going out of his way from the very start to help keep the American people safe, and with all the uncertainties we’re facing we have to remember he’s a human also, and this is something nobody could have seen coming. He was wise enough to shut down the flights from

Kevin Durant, three other Nets players contract COVID-19

NBA Superstar Kevin Durant tested positive for coronavirus, and he has a personal message for fans, and all Americans willing to listen. Durant said he’s feeling fine and said that: “Everyone be careful, take care of yourself and quarantine. We’re going to get through this.” Kevin who’s been nursing an injury he has while playing with Golden State, and while now on the Nets he was yet to play a game when the season was held due to the outbreak of the COVID19. Durant again is one of 4 Nets players who tested positive. We all wish him, and the other players the best, and hope for a speedy recovery. Kevin Durant tested positive for coronavirus, Durant tells @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium . Durant says he is feeling fine: “Everyone be careful, take care of yourself and quarantine. We’re going to get through this.” — Shams Charania (@ShamsCharania) March 17, 2020 Kevin Durant told The Athletic he hasn’t had symptoms and was just among the four who tested positive for the virus. The NETS said eac

Now we're talking!

The White House administration economic advisor Larry Kudlow told Monday that they ‘might’ get behind new proposals to give cash to American households. He said “we’re strongly considering a brand new proposal to put cash into people’s pockets” while the market sell-off, shuttered schools and new work-from-home guidelines amid looming layoffs linked to the coronavirus this is good news to all American Citizens feeling the economic crunch, and impact during this coronavirus outbreak. He spoke after the financial markets began the day with another deep dive of 8 %, even after the Fed announced Sunday it was slashing a key interest rate. Also have no fear the most Anti Trump person from the Republican side Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney on Monday announced that he was for a plan to give American workers $1,000 each month during the outbreak. So he won’t be an issue getting this passed by the Republican side I don’t think. ‘We also urgently need to build on this legislation


President Trump & Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference, and the President gets some good news, and as you can see in the video he gives VP Mike Pence the floor, and MIC to give us his, and the Task Force latest information. Keep in mind folks updates are on a daily basis, and I’ll try to keep posting videos as they’re placed by the White House to make sure to keep anyone who’s checking for updates and don’t know where to look. The funny thing for me during this outbreak is how much the leftist media has been trying to smear, and blame Trump for things out of his ability to do.. He, and the Task Force he put together have done a good job as our overall numbers on losses are low for now. Just keep staying safe folks, and try not to make yourself a victim by doing stupid shit.

Why isn't this being covered amist of this CoronaVirus outbreak??

Back in January it was reported that the U.S. government had charged two Boston-area professors with lying about their contacts with the Chinese government, and a third with allegedly attempting to smuggle biological research out of the U.S. Charles Lieber whose been at Harvard for around 30 years and is very prominent in his field is the chair of Harvard’s chemistry and chemical biology department. It is no coincidence that a bio researcher sets up a lab in Wuhan the site of the CoronaVirus outbreak. He leads a research group at the university which deals with nanotechnology also everything from biology and medicine to energy and computing. Officials say that since 2008, he has received more than $15 million in research grants from the U.S. government, so those would be from the National Institutes of Health and the Defense Department. Those funds require you to disclose any ties, particularly financial ties, to foreign universities and foreign governments. Remember folks this is fro

If coronavirus hits your family...

Do like Forrest, and RUN like a fool! OK So seriously if someone in your family comes down with the CoronaVirus tell them you care, and urge them to stay away! Don’t be a fool protect yourself. I find it funny how people have gone crazy with the CoronaVirus “outbreak” and while I was out today I went by Walmart, and the same as Publix yesterday, and Walgreens the day before that. The one constant! I’ll let Bevis explain what is most needed! It’s like the entire goddamn country has got Diarrhea now… Look folks I get it this is a scary virus, and people need to be careful. But while we need to protect our butts. Sort of speak… I know keeping one’s butthole clean is well a good thing! But let’s not forget that others need to also clean they ass when they done making number 2 work for them. That, and I can’t find Mtn Dew Code RED in 12 packs anywhere either… So it’s like there is a CODE RED & TP Shortage. Which really with hand sanitiser also on the endangered list it’s become clear

Good news out of the White house! Trump Corona Clean!

President Donald Trump tests negative for COVID-19 the coronavirus, according to a press release from the White House, and Trump himself who earlier today spoke, and said he was tested. While he said he wasn’t worried the President had been exposed to at least two people who have since tested positive for COVID-19 — one at CPAC, and one at an event with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Trump said Saturday that he had been tested following a press conference on Friday. The White House maintains that Trump has been symptom-free.

People who complain about Trump! LMAO!

Joe Biden had a “virtual town hall” Friday and one which wasn’t even supposed to take place online. Earlier this week, the last two major Democratic primary candidates, Biden and Bernie Sanders, were forced to cancel some campaign events because of the coronavirus pandemic spread. State officials across the country started banning large gatherings, like rallies, for fear of spreading the disease. Still, rallies remain an important part of any presidential campaign, and Biden’s team tried to mitigate the threat by hosting a public Zoom call for supporters to join and ask questions. Fortunately, it completely missed the mark… Which makes for hilariously nuts Joe to give us another mental gaffe! The Zoom call was plagued with technical problems from the start sure but let’s face it Joe and his lack of mental health is the first problem, it began over three hours late. I think Joe forgot that he had the Town Hall and when he lost at BINGO he finally was told he was to go to this other thin


So while I have enjoy the videos of a fired up REP. MATT GAETZ, R-Fla., representing Team Trump in the whole impeachment fraud, and for the most part he’s done a fantastic job in fighting the democRATS during the impeachment scam against Trump one must say that while it’s the right move for him, and others who have decided to  self-quarantine  this week after coming in contact with an individual who tested positive for a novel coronavirus, which causes the disease Covid-19, at the Conservative Political Action Conference late last month. What’s not right is for someone like Gaetz’s to take time away from his job at Congress with paid leave considering that he did vote against us here in Florida from doing the same. While he can do it whiout the fear of losing pay or being fired? While this is a right few Americans share the fact that Gaetz  voted  to prohibit Florida residents from sharing that right, and than using it himiself is well a tad on the hypocritical side. I Call them how I

President declares national emergency over coronavirus

President Donald Trump just announced today Friday the 13th, 2020 (Like that’s not spooky enough right?) that he is declaring the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency, as Washington struggles with providing Americans with relief and officials race to slow the spread of the outbreak…. HMMM Sounds like every horror movie I’ve ever seen about an ‘outbreak’ but I have no fear of death. Hell OBVIOUSLY I care little about my health. I eat at Taco Bell often, and drink way to much Mountain Dew Baja Blast for my own good. Not to take this lightly but I went shopping last night for groceries, and Mountain Dew Code RED ironically is my 2nd favorite soda flavor after Baja Blast (which only sells in Taco Bell, and short seasonal national releases in store like Publix over a few months only not a regular flavor…), and well it was SOLD OUT! This is when I knew this was getting serious! But when I knew people were panicking was when toilet paper was all gone also! Which is ironic IMO because we

No more sports for now!

One day ago The NBA suspended the 2019-20 season after a Utah Jazz player, reportedly Rudy Gobert, tested positive for COVID-19. Games in progress on the night of March 11 will be completed. The league postpone Wednesday’s game between the Thunder and the Jazz. The new XFL also has closed down for now on it’s first year also, March Madness is canceled, and now word comes out in a form of statement that MLB also will follow and they have shut down due to the CoronaVirus. Opening Day delayed at least 2 weeks; Spring Training games cancelled… MLB has announced that further Spring Training games have been cancelled and that Opening Day will be delayed by at least 2 weeks. — MLB Network (@MLBNetwork) March 12, 2020 All this and Bernie Sanders still plans on continuing on both his failing campaign, and slandering the President. You know when Trump closed the flights from China, and people calle

Super Tuesday II: : 'Biden vs Sanders'

So it’s the 2nd Super Tuesday, and like we all knew Joe Biden is going to easily win the DNC over crazy commie Bernie… I mean once AOC endorsed Sanders I knew he was done. She’s the final nail in the Sanders Presidential Coffin. Her endorsement is as good as hearing that you have both brain, and ass cancer, and have a week to live. AOC is someone hated by just about everyone except some very stupid teenage girls who I guess have a higher IQ than she does, and it makes them feel like “if this moron can get to congress we can reach the stars!” That’s the most positive thing I can think off when it comes to AOC sorry. But like I said when she backed Bernie I knew he was done, and doesn’t matter how many gaffe’s or mental mistakes Biden makes he’s loved by the leftist crooked media, and they will back him, and cover for him until it’s November, and Trump is re-elected. What will happen who knows. All I know is that either Sanders or Biden is bad for this country for the same reason! They’r

Trump awards Gen. Jack Keane with Presidential Medal of Freedom

President Trump presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Retired General Jack Keane in the White House. Great Americans like Jack Keane don’t come along often, and this is a well deserved medal. Greatest, and this is the highest civilian award in the U.S… This is the sort of man who keeps us American Citizens safe from our enemies both domestic, and abroad. Thank you for your service to our country General, and congratulations. Jack Keane is a Fox News contributor. #PSNRADIO #PSNTV #FoxNEWS