
Showing posts from April, 2020

New documents appear to show how FBI handled Gen. Michael Flynn's investigation

OK So a federal judge unsealed documents on Wednesday that included handwritten notes from the day of the Bureau’s interview with President Trump’s former National Security Adviser and communications between FBI officials. Gen. Flynn pled guilty in December 2017 to making false statements about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. However, Flynn’s lawyers argue he was framed and he is seeking to withdraw his plea. How they planned to get Flynn removed: 1) Get Flynn “to admit to breaking the Logan Act”; or 2) Catch Flynn in a lie. Their end goal was a referral to the DOJ not to investigate Flynn’s contacts with the Russians. — General Flynn (@GenFlynn) April 29, 2020 The documents unsealed, including handwritten notes 1/24/2017 day of Flynn FBI interview. Transcript: “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” Read transcript notes, copy original just filed… This folks is an outrage, and a

President Trump destroys Yahoo Reporter

This is how a boss does it folks watch the President destroy the Yahoo reporter trying to spread miss information… Like usual FAKE NEWS! I mean seriously folks this is how fake news spreads, and people believe The fake news, and the horrible idiots on “The Spew!” This is very funny to see Trump and the good Dr destroy that idiotic wannabe reporter. [fvplayer id=”50″]

Remdesivir Shows Promising Results as a Covid19 Treatment!

Well according to reports “Remdesivir” is showing major results as a treatment for Covid19. Fauci expresses optimism regarding trial of remdesivir… Gilead, a California-based biopharmaceutical company, released a couple of encouraging reports about remdesivir, an experimental drug that is being tested as a COVID-19 treatment… In one statement, the company said that a  large study  of remdesivir “met its primary endpoint”: this means, that in this case, that the researchers have concluded that hospitalized patients taking the drug appear to improve faster than patients given a placebo. The  study  is run by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health and involves severe patients at multiple centers across the country. Gilead has yet to release specific data from the study but noted in its release that NIAID is expected to provide more detailed results. In another statement, the company released  results from one of it

Chlorine Dioxide breakthrough after Trump says use bleach

Folks wouldn’t it just be hilarious if Donald Trump was proven right about his recent comments about injecting patients with disinfectants? Andreas Kalcker talks about about Chlorine Dioxide breakthrough after Trump says use bleach Taken from and IAMTV broadcast. Andreas Kalcker is a research scientist from Switzerland who has spent 13 years researching chlorine dioxide to heal a wide range of diseases including viruses. Oops? LOL Wouldn’t be the first time the President says something the left turns into something evil, and use it to say hes an idiot, and that he’s crazy. Of course these are the same people who own 24k worth of Asscream. Andreas Kalcker talks about about Chlorine Dioxide breakthrough after Trump says use bleach from andrew hurrell on Vimeo

Out of

The "Out Of Shadows" documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy. This project is the result of two years of work made by a team of professionals. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there.   This project was independently produced and funded. It is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch, share, and download. Please feel free to share this video with your friends and families.   If you enjoyed the information and want to help us continue to fund future projects, Please consider making a donation below.

3 UFO videos officially released by the Pentagon!

So it looks like disclosure might be soon close folks? Maybe the great Stephen Bassett gets redemption for all his hard work all these years, and remember he has been fighting for all this time so that the government started talking. He has to take a lot of credit for them starting to open up about disclosure, and without him we don’t get any closer to what we have here finally. Now this isn’t new footage hell I got another post on this on the site but for the Pentagon to finally admit to this, and put out the info, and videos as legit is major. They authorized the release of three videos containing footage of “unidentified aerial phenomena” “U.A.P” on Monday as it’s now called. Get used to it cause they don’t want to use “UFO” cause well it might have a “Stigma” or two attached to it I guess but it’s the same crap. Shit flying in the sky we can’t ID. Case close that shits been real. The question is what are they? And where are they from? In a statement, the Pentagon said that after a

Dan Crenshaw On Reopening America, PC Culture + More...

Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw joined the Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill to discuss the reopening of America amid coronavirus, his new book “Fortitude” and more. Subscribe to their channel! Become a Daily Caller PATRIOT: Subscribe to our podcast on Itunes and Soundcloud Or visit our website: Check out our twitter: And Facebook: Or follow Instagram: And don’t forget to subscribe!


OH Rocket man! We’re going to miss his chubby face, and square head… Looks like Kim Jong Un North Korea’s chunky little Rocket man is rumored to be dead, according to a Hong Kong broadcast network, and to think this could probably have been avoided if he had taken a good BM… But remember story goes he doesn’t Poo! . A Japanese magazine is reporting that North Korea’s Kim Jong (make em say Un nana, na na) is in a “vegetative state” after he underwent heart surgery earlier this month. A vice director of HKSTV Hong Kong Satellite Television, a Beijing-backed broadcast network in Hong Kong, claimed that Kim was dead, citing a “very solid source.” Her post on the Chinese messaging app Weibo has been shared widely on social media, according to a report in the International Business Times. Other reports coming in are yet to be unconfirmed also but all attributed to senior party sources in Beijing, said an operation to insert a stent went wrong because the surgeon’s hands were shaking so badly

Miami Fl goes 7 weeks without a homicide for first time since 1957!

Well alright Miami!!! I guess social distance works to prevent crime also, and while people are dying from this terrible virus it does look like it’s got criminals and killers scared also as it looks like even criminals, and murderers don’t wanna catch Covid-19. You see Miami has now gone seven weeks without a homicide for first time since 1957! Folks that in itself is amazing stuff, and this was reported by the Miami Police Department. With everything else happening in the world this is headline news if there ever was in Miami. Only thing in Miami that could top this is if we had snow come down… Not the white Reggae rapper guy. Crime rates in cities nationwide have dropped as stay-at-home orders keep people indoors in an effort to fight the coronavirus pandemic. There were also no homicides during a six-week period for the first time since 1960. “We can say that it’s due to our police high visibility, attributed with the pandemic and the Stay At Home order,” a Miami Police Department

Trump ads are both hilarious, and working

This YouTuber is 100% on the money folks!!! Watch this video. His name is Officer Brandon Tatum, and he’s got a fantastic YouTube CH. Yes folks more, and more people are becoming really “woke” finally, and coming out talking about how Trump is going to get their vote. I love how more once DemocRATS are now not just being vocal that Trump is getting their vote but are also exposing the crooked DemocRATS for what they have become. I’ll tell you what this guy has an amazing CH I suggest we all sub to it he deserves it… Keep watching he’s got a lot of cool videos. HATS off to him.

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Wipes Her Nose & Then Touched the Podium that Her Colleague Use! Gross!

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Wipes Her Nose & Then Touched the Podium that Her Colleague Use! Showing once more that you can have tons of money but it cannot buy you class, and good hygiene. Also this violates the CDC rules set. She looks sick, and could get others sick also. Now the members in attendance did appear to be following covid19 social distancing guidelines to an extent they had seats spaced out and many wore face coverings ranging from scarves to medical masks. As they took their turns at the podium, things appeared to fall apart fast. These are our so called leaders folks… Caleb Hull tweeted a series of photos from Thursday’s session showing representatives on both sides of the aisle having difficulty wrestling with their face coverings. Dude, the mask does nothing if it isn’t covering your mouth… — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) April 23, 2020 You cannot make this up: “We are wearing masks. I’m not wearing a mask while speaking, but as soon as I stop speaki

Another black democrat in congress says he will vote for TRUMP!

Yesterday, he had announced his intentions to resign from office. But shortly thereafter, the out pour of support he said he received was too great for me to ignored so he wont re-sign. “I will not allow the Democrats to bully me into submission. I will not let them win.” You sir are a great AMERICAN… God bless this man. “I will NOT resign.” The Democratic party let me also, and it’s why I voted for Trump in 2016, and will do it again in 2020. Yesterday, I announced my intentions to resign from my office. But shortly thereafter, the outpour of support I received was too great for me to ignore. I will not allow the Democrats to bully me into submission. I will not let them win. I will NOT resign. #MAGA — Vernon Jones (@RepVernonJones) April 23, 2020 I’m a Georgia State Representative and lifelong Democrat. But in this election, I’ll be casting my vote for @realdonaldtrump . I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The Party left me. #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway pic.t

Senator Rand Paul Drops Nuke on Senate Floor + HOT MIC on Covid-19 miss info?

So we need to see how Senator Rand Paul spoke about what’s happening where the current massive debt we’re creating due to the bill passed, and the one proposed with the next Bill they want to pass, and like reported here earlier what AOC thinks we all should do which is never work again and collect money with a closed economy or “society” as she puts it…. IN OTHER WORDS this is Rand Paul pretty much telling us why she’s retarded in her view with a solid argument as to why it’s not good to keep the economy shut. Now I have not got a penny from the this “recovery” bill as of yet, and I have health issues, and I’m out of work. But also remember folks this is election year and the left would love nothing more than to keep this going, and collapse the economy too the point of no return, and so keeping the economy closed is their agenda. First check out this HOT MIC AT THE WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING! THEY KNOW! This audio was captured on a hot mic before the presidents press briefing on covid-19.

AOC back at her lazy, stupid best!

Retarded Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) in her stupidity said people should just say “no” to going back to work when the President speaks about reopening the economy and society. She said “In an interview with VICE’s Anand Giridharadas” the lazy congress idiot known best as AOC, and or one of the “Fraud Squad” comes from a rich upbringing, and makes millions from her backers (The Young Jerks… Turks, and Socialist Democrat Party) to build on the stupidity they want. Like the “Green New Deal” and so since they want Socialism, and enslavement this is what it is. Nobody has a job, and soon nobody has anything, and the globalist take over, and they control you, and take you further, and further into the rabbit hole. Watch this retard of a woman spew this crazy crap telling people not to go back to work… I mean how would Anything get done then AOC? Who will sell cars, create, and sell food, sell items in store we would like to buy? I mean if nobody is working well what does this do? H

Trump Campaign Releases The Most Brutal Anti-Pelosi Ad Ever!

OK This is a video everyone needs to watch if you think Nasty Nancy Pelosi has your best intentions in heart. She’s a disgusting old woman who has more hate in her heart than money in her bank account, and is as empty of a soul as the actual teeth in her mouth. She’s a fake, a fraud, and she has been raking in MILLIONS for years by selling out to big corporations who give her MILLIONS for her to help them make BILLIONS. To say she’s as bad of a snake as the worst snake on earth is an insult to that snake… The only women I think could possibly be worse are Hillary Clinton, and well take your pick from anyone of the women of the “Fraud Squad” or the “VIEW” these women are evil, and they all have one thing in common. They all love Rosie O’donnell! LOL

Nasty Nancy Pelosi lying through her dentures again!

Pelosi: “My Chinatown Visit Didn’t Downplay Coronavirus. It Helped Prevent It” HOW THE HELL does telling people to come to nasty ass California’s China Town helping to prevent the virus? Especially when California is now known to be one of the hardest hit states… HE GOT PEOPLE KILLED!!!! You can see this lying old BITCH lie right thru them cheap dentures. Notice when she’s asked how she cringes, and clinches her dentures as she sputters out her lying words? She’s a OLD CREAM eating out of touch politician who only cares about herself… Oh and bringing down the President. This woman is a traitor to the country and should be in prison. The so called “House Speaker” claimed that her late February visit to San Francisco’s Chinatown did nothing to understate the threat of the coronavirus pandemic and argued that her trip even helped prevent a worse outbreak… Yeah because telling people that the President is a “RACIST & XENOPHOBE” when he’s actively trying to save people by cutting the fl

Trump might suspend immigration into the US amid COVID 19 crisis

Trump says he will temporarily suspend immigration into the US amid coronavirus crisis, and the US president Tweeted he will sign an executive order to suspend immigration temporarily in order to protect jobs amid growing coronavirus concerns. Trump offered no further details as to what immigration programs may be affected. President Trump on Monday at the White House tweeted that he would sign an “Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!” I’m 100% behind this! We need to stabilize our own country right now, and get rid of this virus or things will just get worse, and worse. This is the right move. “In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter, “I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!” In recent weeks, the Trump administration has said health concerns justified moving swiftly to bar asylum seeke

The new Cobra Commander!

Cobra has a new commander! Nancy Pelosi… Guys remember the 80’s and GI JOE? What was the bad guy’s name? Cobra correct? Well guess who’s the new leader of this evil empire? Well let this sink in. For all you missguided souls who think she’s good, and Trump is evil. Let a non TRUMP podcaster like Jimmy Dore here explain away her evil acts. Nothing But a Taxpayer ‘Subsidy to Insurers Is what DemocRAT Pelosi is Floating as her Plan to Backstop For-Profit Healthcare Industry During Covid-19 Pandemic.” These “Democrats are doing exactly what insurance companies want by expanding COBRA. When most are saying “We need Medicare for All now.” She’s looking for a way to make money. Nasty Nancy Pelosi came under fire after it was reported a proposal is now under consideration to backstop for-profit healthcare insurance companies with taxpayer dollars instead of simply opening public programs like Medicare and Medicaid to those laid off or uninsured amidst the coronavirus outbreak ravaging the coun

North Korean leader in grave danger after surgery

So The US is monitoring the so called “intelligence” which considering how the country works to lie to us about everything! But they have said that North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong (make em say) Un, na na na! is in grave danger after a surgery, according to a US official with direct knowledge. Couldn’t happen to a bigger dipshit unless it was the leader of CHINA! Or a member of the socialist congress. But senior Kim recently missed the celebration of his grandfather’s birthday on April 15, which raised speculation about his health. Kim had been seen four days before that at a government meeting… Another US official reported Monday that the concerns about Kim’s health are credible but the severity is hard to assess. A recent scoop said he might even be brain dead (which I thought was a birth defect?) and that his sister was about to be sworn in as Korean Queen Bitch. The online newspaper “Daily NK” which is based in South Korea that focuses on North Korea, reported that Kim received a car


Wednesday, April 17, 2020: Watch LIVE as President Donald Trump & members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a news briefing from The White House.

The Ballad Of Joe

Hilarious song by Creepy Joe Biden called “The Ballad of JOE” hit YouTube, and this you have to watch guys… Hilarious stuff. “Joe Biden wakes up to a strange woman every morning….. he’s confused why they’re always named Jill.” LOL Anyway the video is here below check it out…

Mitt Romney you are the weakest link!!

Mitt Romney the only GOP senator not invited to join Trump’s coronavirus congressional group, and remember Mitt Romney was also the only Republican to vote to convict Trump in his impeachment trial. President Donald Trump tapped every Republican senator to join a congressional group aimed at reopening America amid the coronavirus outbreak! Well not everyone… See Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah didnt get an invite. The GOP 2012 presidential nominee and loser, was the only GOP senator to vote to convict Trump in his impeachment trial this year. Romney voted to convict Trump on the abuse of power charge and to acquit on the obstruction of Congress charge. More than 20 congressional Democrats were tapped to serve on the task force, including some of the senators who voted to convict Trump. Trump participated in phone calls with the group on Thursday. The White House said in a press release that they discussed the needed for more funding for the Paycheck Protection Program, expanding access to COV


Wednesday, April 16, 2020: Watch LIVE as President Donald Trump & members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a news briefing from The White House.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020: Watch LIVE as President Donald Trump & members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a news briefing from The White House.

Cadi & The Bern! Two clowns on facetime!

So I was on FakeBook aka Mark Zuckerberg’s gift to the social media junkies who don’t mind him selling all our info to the powers who run the world for his own profit, and allow his site to get full of spyware that he can sell over to the highest bidders like people China for hearts, and livers. You know it’s all a game for money, and these people are evil. But enough about FACEBOOK now let’s look at this dumb blue hair twit here that got her video on FB chatting with Bernie Sanders of all people. Miami Rapper Trick Daddy posted the video below, and I went ape shit on there schooling people at how stupid not only she is but all her followers are, and I screenshot my posts in case they get deleted. Cardi B on live with Bernie Sanders tonight Posted by Trick Daddy on  Tuesday, April 14, 2020 Here is the YouTube of this incredibly dumb woman, and the evil communist Bernie Sanders… Incredible how stupid this chick is.


Trump announces halt of funding to WHO pending review of coronavirus response, and I don’t mean Doctor WHO! Even tho that show sure has gone to shit… lol But During a briefing on Tuesday, President Trump slammed the World Health Organization for its response to the global coronavirus outbreak and announced his administration would be halting funding pending an investigation. For years I’ve been skeptical of what exactly “W.H.O” helps in to me they’re nothing more than a global scam put for money, and power. This is 100% the right thing for Trump and the USA to do. Make these fuckers answer the question about how they allowed this shit to happen… China, and all involved need to be brought to JUSTICE. WHO Chief Said In February Coronavirus Could Be ‘Controlled Easily’ What would we do without these experts giving us valuable guidance like this? #Trump #MAGA #WakeUpAmerica — Nightingale Associates (@sa_nightingale) April 16, 2020 After Trump in January declared

Andrew Cuomo admitted Trump was right about one thing that left Democrats fuming

Andrew Cuomo the new “flavor of the month” in the Socialist Democrppy Party, and the “The Fake News Media” loves themselves some Andrew Cuomo! They rub their nipples with each of his daily press conferences and many pundits believe Democrats want to switch out Joe Biden for Cuomo in the General Election. Even tho he’s not ran or even rallied for the job. But Andrew Cuomo admitted Trump was right about one thing that left Democrats fuming, and yes this isn’t shocking since Trump has been right all along on this… But there is now ample evidence the drug hydroxychloroquine is effective in treating the invisible nightmare known as Covid19. President Trump promotes the drug on a daily basis and the Fake News Media falsely claims the President is a con artist promoting a “risky” drug even though the FDA approved hydroxychloroquine for treating other diseases meaning it is safe to take. But that doesn’t stop the FAKE NEWS! During one of his most recent press conferences Governor Cuomo backed

"Please quarantine politicizing COVID?" WTF? & Trump's poll numbers going up? YUP!

‘Please quarantine politicizing COVID,’ says Dr. Tedros on Trump, ‘We will have many body bags’ Another socialist fucktard loser who can’t help it but talk shit when he knows Trump is doing a good job during tough times. Dr. Tedros in the middle of his poll win over at CNBC (who hates Trump) they can’t lie about this one folks. But look how this site is reporting this which has nothing to do with the impeachment! Replying to a question from “ScienceInsider” about “impeached” US President Donald Trump’s anti-World Heath Organization comments, the WHO’s Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus replied, “Please quarantine politicizing COVID.” Why does he need to bring that up? Just to another stupid asshole… But it doesn’t end there… “We will have many body bags in front of us if we don’t behave,” Dr. Tedros added.” Thank you for the enlightening info you dickhead! From Jon Cohen’s story for ScienceInsider: Tedros also indirectly addressed Trump’s criticisms of China’s early handling of the pandemi


Mike Pompeo joins the White House Task Force discussing the World Health Organization. A lot of interesting, and good questions asked today, and Trump updated what’s happening with BORIS JOHNSON! This aired earlier, and try and watch the entire thing if you can. Even what’s his face Acosta had a good question about conspiracies which I posted also. See sometimes he can ask an ok question. But only when it’s not Trump he loves to give Trump a hard time. The question below is about how they answer the “conspiracies” people are talking about on how numbers are being padded by people who are dying from unrelated illnesses, and are still being labeled as victims of this virus.

Feel the BERN! As we say bye to another communist A-Hole

In a move we all saw coming like the end of the 1999 movie by James Cameron Titanic! Senator Bernie Sanders, the communist Democrat from Vermont, ends his presidential bid today. Sanders says former Vice President Joe Biden will be the party nominee. Well no shit sherlock! Oh, and Biden stands no chance of winning either…. I’d like for him to talk about his sexual assault charge from 1993 tho publically. Can anyone in the media bring that up? Why do I think I’m going to be hearing crickets on that from the Media!?? Anyway here is the video below enjoy the laugh as he of course takes a shot at Trump, and says more lies about the President. He also goes on, and on about smoking grass, and listening to the roots or some TREE hugging hippie communist crap. Either way this old fart is now out. 1 more to go, Quid Pro JOE “turn around your facing the wrong way dork the crowd is in front not back of you, and don’t fight with your voters you fool” Biden. Who never saw a supporter he didn’t wan

NEW Poll shows More than half of Americans think China should pay covid 19 reparations!

Americans  have turned  some of their bipartisan ire amid the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic toward Beijing,  a new Harris Poll  survey released Wednesday shows. Per the poll, nearly 90 percent of Republicans believe China, where the coronavirus originated, is responsible for the spread while two-thirds of Democrats surveyed said the same. There’s a little more discrepancy across party lines when it comes to how Chinese President Xi Jinping and his government should reckon with their role in exacerbating crisis, but more than half of Americans believe Beijing should pay some form of reparations to other countries. NEW: -77% blame China for coronavirus including more than two-thirds (67%) of Democrats -71% say American companies should pull back manufacturing in China -69% support Trump’s tougher trade policies with China -54% say Among GOP voters, 71 percent  think  China has a responsibility to compensate other countries for the damage the pandemic has caused. Fewer than


Trump Coronavirus Task Force holds press briefing at White House… President Donald Trump said today that he had not seen memos from one of his top trade advisers warning in January of the consequences of a potential pandemic, but denied he would have acted differently if he had. The president was asked at a coronavirus press briefing about memos from Peter Navarro in which the trade adviser outlined the economic and public health problems that could arise if the virus spread from mainland China. The memo was circulated in late January, the same time Trump was insisting the issue was “under control.” #PSNRADIO #PSNTV

Boris Johnson Moved to ICU

The prime minister of the UK Boris Johnson has been moved into intensive care after his COVID-19 condition worsened. The prime minister, 55, was admitted to hospital in London with “persistent symptoms” on Sunday 5 April. The prime minister had tested positive on March 26. A spokesman said he was moved on the advice of his medical team and is receiving “excellent care”. Mr Johnson has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to deputise “where necessary”, the spokesman added. Political Editor Nick Watt and Health Correspondent Deborah Cohen report and In the studio Emily Maitlis is joined by Boris Johnson’s former adviser Guto Harri and former No 10 Chief of Staff Jonathan Powell. #Coronavirus #Health #Covid19

Total hypocrisy IN FULL EFFECT! Biden & Milano!

@Alyssa_Milano and @JoeBiden #BelieveWomen The perverted sniffer known as Creepy, Sleepy Joe Biden is still in the hot seat, and looking like a hot clown for his comments a seen in the picture, and as we now know the allegations which have out since the 90’s. Check out the picture below here. But speaking of clowns the reason for this post is because the once who’s the boss actress Alyssa Milano who was very vocal against President Trump, and in the “MeeToo” movement is still backing a man who’s a known creep in Biden in the mist of his past actions from 1993 coming back to haunt him. She is interviewed over being quiet until she got called out by Bernie bro’s, and she looked like a moron in the process. So while she wouldn’t give these same chances to others it’s ok to destroy someone’s life until it’s inconvenient for your candidate who has a history of being a gropper, and thus her hypocrisy is made loud, and clear. She said she was all about this movement, and caused a lot of probl

Cruz slams mainstream media: They are rooting for disaster

All I can say is you sure ain’t lying TED! Joe Biden is a fucktard, moron loser who’s been caught again using nothing but political talk, and saying what he says to gain support by trashing the real President Donald Trump. Joe Biden is a hack, and will always be one, and he’s a liar, and a con artist. No wonder his son Hunter is hidden like a church mouse, and who took in how much in cash from Ukraine, China, and god knows which other enemy country we got thanks to Quid Pro Joe over here… Ted sure let this stupid old SOB have it tho while on the FOX Show Ingraham Angle! This folks is hilarious please watch the video below. Senator Ted Cruz, R-TX, weighs in on Joe Biden’s gaffes and the media’s portrayal of COVID-19. #FoxNews #IngrahamAngle

Trump Embarrasses Chucky Schumer again! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

So check this out President Trump Embarrasses Chuck Schumer after he Calls For Military Official to be in Charge of Medical Equipment on Wednesday during an interview with CNN, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer urged President Trump to have a senior military official look over the production and distribution of medical equipment. The President later responded via his favorite social media TWITTER, and he totally destroyed Schumer by saying that it had already been done, while joining CNN’s Erin Burnett, Schumer said “There’s a dramatic shortage of all the needed supplies or most of them, whether it’s masks, whether it’s PPE [personal protective equipment] … whether it’s ventilators. And we have no one really in charge,” Schumer said in an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett. “We have this awful spectacle of governors bidding against one another.” President Trump’s letter to Chuck Schumer 🔥🔥🔥 — Bongino Report (@BonginoReport) April 2, 2020 Chuck