
Showing posts from August, 2021

"Stand before God’ Roy demands Pelosi bring Biden officialson to Afghanistan

ONCE More Texas stands up to the wicked witch of the west, and the Biden/Harris misadministration which are destroying our country from within like a Trojan Horse! This time Republican Rep. Chip Roy sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday demanding that President Joe Biden and top officials in his administration “stand before God and the American people” for the “shamefully botched exit from Afghanistan” by testifying in front of Congress. Now remember to Biden GOD is well “YOU KNOW THE THING!” These people Don’t care about “GOD” they don’t care about human lives, and they don’t care about this country or our rule of law. So you think they will even listen? No but Roy said that “While hamstrung and effectively abandoned by their leadership in Washington, our heroic military service members did the best they could as they always do to save as many lives as possible. Notably, those efforts were supplemented by private citizens who stepped up when our own administration off

Eating a hot dog could take 36 minutes off your life? LMAO!

So the un American network known as CNN just reported that Health researchers at the University of Michigan have found that eating a single hot dog could take 36 minutes off your life. How they know this is really… Well… Retarded. The study, published this month in the journal Nature Food, researchers looked at 5,853 foods in the US diet and measured their effects in minutes of healthy life gained or lost. “We wanted to make a health-based evaluation of the beneficial and detrimental impacts of the food in the entire diet,” Olivier Jolliet, professor of environmental health sciences at the university and senior author of the paper, told the Communist New Network. The team came up with an index that calculates the net beneficial or detrimental health burden in minutes of healthy life associated with a serving of food. It’s based on a study called the Global Burden of Disease, which measures morbidity associated with a person’s food choices. Sounds like a bunch of Bologna to me. (PUN INT

Rep. Dan Bishop Mocks Stacey Abrams' Claims About Voting Laws

This is just hilarious as Republican Lawmaker Mocks Stacey Abrams’ Claims About Voting Laws. This bitch and the gap between her teeth is a giant joke! Stacey Abrams and her Judge sister are both morons, and sold out to the left. Cannot believe there are anyone who actually take these people serious. In House floor remarks on Tuesday against Democrats’ voting rights bill, Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) mocked Stacey Abrams’ past claim that GOP-led voting reform laws are “Jim Crow 2.0.” Remember they say that vaccine id’s are ‘necessary’ but voter id is ‘racist’… Now i think this man has a point about abuse and entrenchment, and we know the swamp is deep, and again the “GAP” aka “Stacey Abrams” is a swamp creature, and she belongs in GITMO with her judge sister, and the rest of the SWAP members in Congress, and the Senate which are Democrats, and RINOS! The GAP here refused to concede her loss in GA but liked to trash Trump for asking for there to check into the Voter fraud which is clear that t

POS Nancy Pelosi Is ALL SMILES & giggles At a Speaking Event While Americans Are Murdered In Afghanistan

On the very day that 13 Americans have been murdered by ISIS suicide bombings in Afghanistan, Nancy Pelosi was all smiles at a speaking event in San Francisco to commemorate “Women’s Equality Day” and of course she did not mention the attacks at any point during her babbling SPECTICLE she calls a speech. This dim with was actually all smiles, often cracking jokes. Ironically, the only “attack” she referenced was the “attack on voting rights”. Yes, really. She keeps spreading misinformation that showing ID is some how racist! I’m sorry but she thinks we’re as stupid as JOE BIDEN! Nancy Pelosi jokes around for 6 minutes while completely ignoring the 12 U.S. service members killed by terrorists in Afghanistan. Unacceptable. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 26, 2021 Also she has a mask on and then takes it off but there is no social distance here! LOL So again “Do as we say not as we do” as this bag of old whore does whatever she wants but had that been MTG s

Rabbit Punched Episode #7 "Robert D. Morningstar"

Aug 24, 2021 Rabbit Punched Episode #7 – Featuring intelligence analyst & extra terrestrial expert Robert D. Morningstar and a discussion of the topics of the day. Step into the ring with Angel, Gerald & Spud.

Reporters torch Biden for sharing list of US citizens and allies with Taliban: 'This is insanity'

‘It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean’ said a reporter who roasted the Sniffler and Thief JOE Blow Biden as he was blasted by critics on Thursday over a baffling  report  revealing that U.S. officials provided the Taliban with a  list of American citizens  green card holders & Afghan allies to grant entry into the outer perimeter of the city’s airport, where suicide bombers carried out an attack that killed 12 U.S. servicemembers earlier in the day. “SCOOP: U.S. officials gave the Taliban a list of names of U.S. citizens, green card holders & Afghan allies to grant entry into the outer perimeter of the city’s airport, prompting outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials,” Politico’s Pentagon correspondent  Lara Seligman wrote in a Twitter thread  Thursday afternoon. Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., commander of U.S. Central Command,  confirmed  in a press briefing that the United States “will continue to coordinate” with the

'I Was Doing My Job' Capitol Police Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Speaks Out

Lt. Michael Byrd, the U.S. Capitol Police officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood during the Jan. 6th capitol break in is telling his side of the story. And like the others this makes no sense when you look at the optics, and As Mr. Byrd sat down with NBC’s Lester Holt for a revealing  interview  that aired on the network on Thursday. In it, he recounted the events of the fateful day a horde of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol and opened up about the fallout he’s faced afterward. Byrd said that the shot he fired at Babbitt’s shoulder was the first in his 28 years as an officer. She was not armed, and had police behind her pulling people away in other words they had no reason to open fire on her. But he said that “I spent countless years preparing for such a moment. You ultimately hope that moment never occurs but you prepare as best you can,” he told Holt. “I know that day, I saved countless lives. I know members of Congress, as well as my fellow officers and staff,

This should be the final straw for most!

So the day when the left had spent the most money EVER in this country on a Partisan bill which will not just cripple us now to our enemies but will do so for decades to come. This folks is how they’re passing the “GREEN NEW DEAL” even tho they all once voted against it until they got paid, and now the left are all for it. This should not just make you mad! This should be a call for a real insurrection in the capitol and these people need to be dragged out and tarred and feathered and arrested in the middle of DC. These leftist are selling out our people here, and over seas stuck in Afghanistan and what does Biden do? Makes a joke out of it, and Pelosi robs us blind. This is beyond disgusting folks, and these people need to be brought to justice, and tried for treason. Biden Tells Reporter ‘You’ll Be the First Person I Call’ If Americans Are Left Behind in Afghanistan… He makes jokes when people are dying overseas, in America of the China BUG and the left are passing bills which doesn’

Nothing found in latest socialist witch hunt on Trump!

Nothing shocks me anymore but after Nasty Nancy Pelosi lied in congress all of his 4 years, and fake impeached Trump 2 times she decided to try and tie him into the Capitol so called insurrection. What a joke. The results? NO PROOF that Trump or ANYONE had anything to do with anything. SO What was all the bullshit about for the last 5 years? OPTICS and distractions trying to keep us busy with the witch hunt from the WICKED WITCH from SAN FRANSISCO herself! That bag of drunken bones Nasty Pelosi she’s once again humiliated as the investigation turns out NOTHING! Not just 2 fake impeachments, a capitol bullshit lie, a stolen election in 2020 and a lot of murder, riots, and death thanks to the LIBS during the 2020 Summer of CHOP! Yeah folks Pelosi needs to be euphemized like OLD YELLER! While this cunt allowed all that to happen, and forced it to happen we had the STEAL in 2020 and they took a great President and they formed the real terrorist coup with their lies, and mind fuck of the l

Black Cuban Florida Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio To Do Jail Time

MIAMI – Local Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio must now spend more than five months in jail but why? Now he pleaded guilty to burning a church’s Black Lives Matter flag and  bringing rifle magazines to Washington, D.C.  days before the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol. Though Tarrio was not in our nation’s capital on the infamous day, the judge said Tarrio’s preceding conduct undermined American democracy. So it’s ok for the Radical left to burn, loot, destroy, and murder in 2020 and get away with it! Oh and burn AMERICAN FLAGS but if one BLM flag gets burned by a BLACK CUBAN Proud boy he needs to spend time in Jail? Why? He wasn’t inside the capitol, and he didn’t break in or have anything to do with what happened. The proud boys also are not agitators on the contrary time, and time again they have only shown up to defend our country from the actual criminals. The Antifa & Black Lives Matter domestic terrorist groups who have been doing the real crime. I would like to note th

Joe Biden REFUSES to take questions on Afghanistan

Not that we needed further proof that he’s not the one in charge Joe Biden does it again! He walks off without answering questions about his mistakes in Afghanistan. But see it’s not a mistake this was all planned out to make the middle east unstable by having the Taliban take over, and this is what the Radical left wants, and this is what they have wanted since 911 and the attacks on our country by these same Radicals. This is ISLAM, Muslim Brotherhood, and the DemocRATS all in cohoots with this Biden White House who are allowing this. Biden is sold out to these people, Russia, IRAN, CHINA, Taliban and Venezuela’s communist gov… They let him talk about masks, vaccines and ice cream but since Slow JOE is mentally challenged the man isn’t allowed to take questions other then those scripted because he’s also mentally handicapped, and not in his prime. He can’t think for himself, and can’t read even teleprompters without fucking that up.. This is making the USA not just the laughing stock

Andrew Cuomo shifts blame again on his departure, and pardons a murderer on his last day!

Disgraced ex New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo who just Monday Blamed ‘Political Pressure and Media Frenzy’ in Farewell Speech then he recommended for parole convicted murderer and member of terrorist organization Weather Underground David Gilbert on his last day in office Monday. Gilbert, one of six individuals who received clemency from Cuomo, was convicted of three counts of second-degree murder in 1983 and four counts of first-degree robbery for his participation in the 1981 Brink’s truck robbery. Two police officers and a security guard died during the robbery, during which Gilbert and his co-conspirators stole $1.6 million from the armored vehicle. “The rulers, the rich, and their armed mercenaries are the only lives valued by this court. We say that if they sentence us to 1,000 years or shoot us at dawn tomorrow, it will not save this social system,” Gilbert  said  at sentencing. Gilbert will not immediately be released from prison, but will appear before the New York State Parole Boar

Ryan Reynolds Backs LeVar Burton To Host Jeopardy following Mike Richards Exit

Badass and star of box office hits “ Free Guy ,” and “ Deadpool 1&2 ” Ryan Reynolds who’s also one of my favorite all time actors has taken a role in endorsing one of my hero’s in life the man himself LeVar Burton and his Campaign To Host ‘Jeopardy !’ Following Mike Richards’ Exit From Role the people running the show is about to pick another replacement, and why not it be someone like Levar? He’s a nice man, and never has been in trouble with the law that I know about, and he’s been someone in the public eye for 40 years. As I also am a fan of his Reading Rainbow show because as a kid I learned to appreciate a good book, and how to read cause of his show. So it’s not cause he was also on Star Trek which I was a fan off also… But this is awesome, and a great endorsement from again another favorite of mines, and someone who’s a big name in movies, and tv. Also he’s got a kick ass side company called MINT MOBILE which I’m signed up for and have service with. PLUS the prices are i

Arnold you have been TERMINATED

So the son of a NAZI Arnold SchmuckNazi as we’re now calling him since well the man said “SCREW YOUR FREEDOMS” and is next to a Russian agent for Putin who committed TREASON on our country, and President over an innocent call he got him impeached. Let’s not forget the optics of that VOIP call that Arnold was on. So the SON of a NAZI sitting next to the Russian is feeling the BURN!!!!!!!!! And no I don’t mean Bernie Sanders is there or that Arnold is in the GYM with his male body building buddies which has always seemed a bit on the alphabet side if you catch where I’m going there. BUTT I’m sure he doesn’t like it in the butt! SO the story continues as now Arnold has been TERMINATED by his sponsor RedCon1… Can’t say I’m mad about this… Arnold the son of a NAZI called us a “Schmuck” for not masking up or if we have issues with the Vax? Now he’s caught without a mask driving his not so earth friendly hummer & puffing on cigars. By his words this makes him a Schmuck? #MAGA #Facts #sc

WOKE Teachers needs to be fired!

These crazy teachers I swear folks, and I said it during the riots most these Antifa people are part of the “Alphabet Community” and I’m 100% positive A LOT of them were not just part of that group but they also were as from the looks of it “TEACHERS” like these two idiots here that had time on their hands, masked up and went out to commit crime, and have been doing that mentally to kids with their critical racist theory. Their crazy “queer” agenda is in full sickening display on video for all to watch… But the question is how are schools allowing or hiring these crazy people to teach our kids? Here these two are not just a problem they’re a part of a major issue in teaching in this country. They need to be fired along with being put in a padded room or prison cell… Wait they should be sent to prison forget the padded room that’s for just crazy folks but for her hell they’re literally committing what I would consider CHILD ABUSE on a massive scale! Not to mention the potential riots, m

Well Taliban Commander Vows Jihad Against the Whole World!

As you read in the title there the Taliban has made a new statement about the world, and their Jihad! Well as they moved into Kabul and demanded the unconditional surrender of the central government, Taliban commander Muhammed Arif Mustafa told CNN who is on their side as the CNN are communists ran, and this is why they’re in favor of the “progressive” oppressive agenda of the left! “It’s our belief that one day, mujahedin will have victory, and Islamic law will come not to just Afghanistan, but all over the world. We are not in a hurry. We believe it will come one day. Jihad will not end until the last day.” The CNN “journalist,” demonstrating yet again the network’s spectacular misunderstanding of the conflict (which, of course, is shared by the U.S. foreign policy establishment), followed that with “It’s a chilling admission from a group that claims it wants peace.” The Taliban does indeed want peace. It wants the peace that will follow the world’s submission to the hegemony of Isla

Both Trump & Pence Trashes Biden saying ‘Broke Our Deal With The Taliban’

So check this out! Former Vice President Mike Pence just unloaded on sippycup Joe “PEDO/Crackhead” Biden in a scathing oped for his botched withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. In his Wall Street Journal oped, Pence claimed that Biden broke the Donald Trump administration’s deal with the Taliban, which created a “foreign-policy humiliation unlike anything our country has endured since the Iran hostage crisis.” Pence explained that the Trump administration had made a deal with the Taliban that agreed for an orderly U.S. withdrawal from the region in exchange for an end to all attacks on U.S. military personnel. It also agreed on an end to providing terrorist safe harbor, and the start of negotiations with the Afghan government. “By the time we left office, the Afghan government and the Taliban each controlled their respective territories, neither was mounting major offensives, and America had only 2,500 U.S. troops in the country the smallest military presence since the war b

Blow Biden to recommend COVID booster shots for all Americans as cases surge

Biden and his team of morons or um… The health officials he’s working with are expected to  recommend COVID-19 booster shots for all Americans , regardless of age, eight months after they received the second shot, a source familiar with the plans confirmed to USA TODAY. But wait if the “Vaccine” are so good why do we need “booster shots” who the hell heard of this crap folks? This is beyond the norm right now. Blow Hard Biden who’s a complete moron is in charge of the white house, and he’s been messing up the country since he’s been in there. NOTHING he’s done has been positive in any regard so what can possibly make anyone trust him? I don’t.  The news, which will be announced within days according to reports comes as the so called delta variant rages across the country. It also comes amid anxieties about the Pfizer vaccine’s waning immunity and the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of  booster vaccines for immunocompromised people .  The official spoke to USA TODAY on condition

Hope Solo vs Megan Rapinoe!

Hope Solo your our only hope… Wait sorry this is about the Olympics not Star Wars,,, But check this out Hope Solo is not on the same page with her former U.S. Women’s National Team player Megan Rapinoe’s political activism and accused the famous midfielder of “bullying” fellow team members into taking a knee at games. In a recent interview with soccer website  for its program “All of US: The U.S. Women’s Soccer Show,” Solo said she didn’t agree with the current USWNT captain’s decision to bring politics onto the pitch. “I think the rhetoric surrounding this team has been both divisive and inclusive. I guess it’s kind of where we are in politics in this day and age,” Solo said. Megan Rapinoe who has become the laughing stock of womans Soccer, and of American sports. She who just got a gig with Subway! So wait Subway who once had that pedophile guy as their spokes person now has some ugly lesbo who hates America as the new spokes person. Subway need an entire new MARKETING depa