
Showing posts from June, 2023


So just in Former president has sued E. Jean Carroll for defamation, alleging false accusation of rape.  Well look here friends just when you thought this one wouldn't end well there is a chance Trump gets the last laugh in this B/S back and forth with E. Jean Carroll. She's a crazy person in my opinion who's tried to use a picture she took with Trump to help the Liberals smear his name during the elections as this is all one big lie by the left. We are all aware of what's been happened to the Donald since he ran and won in 2016. But now it's reported he is counter clamming against her! This is hilarious but the  counterclaim against the writer E. Jean Carroll, who  won a $5 million verdict against  him in a sexual assault and defamation lawsuit last month, contending that she has since defamed him. Trump’s filing late Tuesday night in federal court in Manhattan points to instances before and after the verdict, including during a CNN interview, in which Carroll has

Polls say recently that Donald Trump is running away with the GOP! DUH!

So shocking nobody the now so called f ormer President Donald Trump (Only former because he won!) is running away with his lead in the 2024 in the Republican presidential primary, consistently on top by double digits in multiple polls  recently . On the June survey  Emerson College  had Trump lead DeSantis by a 38-percentage-point margin, 59% to 21%. Friends these numbers were worse, however, than his margin in the same poll two months ago, when he led by 46 points. The poll also showed what former Vice President Mike Pence and others looked like and the traitor former VP came in third, at 6%.  The now former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley followed with 4% also entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy at 2%. Not many know about him and he seems like a good enough guy but after Barrack Obama I don't know if we're ready for someone in the white house with a "Muslim Name" again. Not to sound like a bigot but Obamanation might have ruined that chance for another person with a


So while  Capping the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority 2023, former President Donald Trump spoke to a raucous and adoring crowd, stopping to note the previous presidential candidates who spoke during the three-day event did not get the same reception. "No president has ever fought for Christians as hard as I have, and I will keep on fighting. And I'll fight hard until I'm back behind that desk in the Oval Office, as the president," Trump said Saturday night in Washington, D.C., then Trump turned to Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of coalition. "Hey, Ralph. I have to ask Ralph a question: Were your other candidates treated this way?" Trump asked. "I don't think so"... "Actually, I saw one who was booed off the stage." The candidate who was booed was former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has entered the 2024 GOP presidential primary campaign and taken an anti-Trump stance. Pretty much issuing in his Republican ca

Trump Explains 'Ron DeSanctimonious' Nickname for Ron DeSantis

My favorite  Former President   Donald Trump   finally explained why he calls Florida Gov.   Ron DeSantis , his 2024 GOP presidential primary rival, as " Ron DeSanctimonious ."  Trump, who has also repeatedly called the Republican  Gov.  "Ron DeSanctus" along with a good one I like "Meatball Ron," but he finally explained the "DeSanctimonious" nickname during a  Fox News  interview that aired recently. The former 45 also took credit for DeSantis' 2018 Florida gubernatorial election victory, while telling host Bret Baier that he used the derogatory moniker because the governor had shown that he was "disloyal" by deciding to challenge him for the presidency. To be honest I didn't know who DeSantis was until Trump endorsed him and only voted for him BASED on Trumps endorsement. This is why I'm with Trump on this one. Ron needs to wait until 2028. " I got him elected and I thought it was very disloyal when he said 'yes,

The day after... Happy Birthday Mr President. Donald Trump.

This is one of the best speeches Trump has ever given... This is a real birthday delight to watch him demolish the left. This is my President... I will vote for Donald Trump in 2024

Hunter’s Diamond scandal...

So w hen Hunter’s ex-wife discovered that he had obtained something of such immense value, she had her divorce attorney send an “Urgent” email  seeking to determine the whereabouts of the diamond and secure the asset before Hunter could “dissipate” it. Hunter’s attorney  offered  a shady denial: "There is no diamond in Hunter’s possession. I don’t know where Kathleen is getting access to this information, but on this score, what your email purports below is inaccurate." Metadata gleaned from photos of the diamond on the abandoned laptop indicate that  Hunter lied about not having the diamond and he in fact had the diamond with him in Wilmington . The current location of the 3.16 carat diamond remains unknown After the fateful February 2017 meeting with Ye, and around the time Hunter claimed to have moved into the Wilmington house where classified documents were found, the Bidens’ business with CEFC exploded. Nine days after Miami meeting, Hunter  received  two separate wire t

5 UFO-ET BOMBSHELLS! "They're here..."

Friends is the UFO coverup vail is dropping before our eyes? Or is this to start a false flag UFO invasion during the 2024 election? Well you judge but by the multiple military whistleblowers all saying that the USA Has Recovered Dead ALIEN Pilots From Craft of NON-Human Origin! Nothing we have not all known this entire time or speculated about anyway. IF you have followed my work at all over the last 12 years both on Inside Tha Jackals Head, and Skywatchers Radio than I'm sure you know my interest in the subject. Also I will be talking about the things I know in my book coming out soon which deals with this in a few chapters, and I will name names, and blow the lid off some things dealing with the subject.  But the former intelligence officer who claims the US government has recovered multiple UFOs of 'non-human origin' has also claimed that dead pilots have been retrieved from wreckages. David Charles Grusch, an Air Force veteran and former member of the National Geospati

SMOKING GUN: "Document showed two Biden family members received total of $10 million from Burisma Holdings!"

So yes friends "the timing of Trump Indictment Says It All". But lets take a long look at what happened hours before. It's become very clear that we do live in a world where now there is two justice systems in the United States. one for high-profile Democrats and their friends and families, and another for everyone else. And to hell with everyone else, and they will lie, steal and cheat to destroy everyone else except their own.  Only way this can be viewed by the country is as a double standard throughout the last few years as the Justice Department has gone after people involved in the Jan. 6, 2021 event which I will never call insurrection or riot as nobody was with guns inside shooting or stabbing to take over.  COPS as we now know from video footage showing as much which in the end is why Tucker Carlson got fired let's be real here. And the funny thing is all this footage I had seen before it was removed from YouTube and Twitter. Nothing shown was new to me but i

911 call released for report of UFO crash, aliens in Las Vegas!

Oh it's about to come down folks, and I don't mean rain! The next year besides the 2024 election should be interesting if the Aliens are disclosed. Now there could be a false flag thing happening here cause what a crazy coincidence this whole thing is from Trumps Space Force, and the Pentagon's decades of silence finally admitting that UFO's are a legit thing, and now we all know the rumor is that there might be some sort of big event which is a hoax to manipulate people or scare people. But what are the odds that it's happening this year, and might carry over to 2024. IN 2020 we had the CHINA Virus! Could 2024 bring us the Aliens? And if so will they be made to finally tell us why all the anal probes? And how many more interesting things we could ask if this is a legit thing. But let's check out the latest here... IN Las Vegas a 911 call went out to report a UFO Crash! But Aliens are also said to be running around and viewed as "Giants" by the local r

Donald Trump indicted on 7 counts in classified documents probe

So let's get this right "Donald Trump" is being indicted on 7 counts in classified documents probe which he had all rights to take as he was the sitting President, and EVERYONE involved knew he was taking them like all President end up doing. SO Did OBAMA! Who doesn't have the right? A VP... Like Joe Biden, and Mike Pence both took docs but the media is trying to bury the news on both cause they're so crooked that they can't report the facts. They're also covering for Mike Pence since he's now known as a shill of the DemonsCraps or Rino. This folks is beyond corruption at this point they're doing this right in front of you and don't care about laws, and the constitution.... IF Trump gets somehow sent to PRISON on fake charges from either this b/s or the one in NyC it would be a case where not just civil unrest is needed but I think we need to have a real insurrection cause these fucks need to be taken out and sent to prison! Jan 6th was NOTHING