
BREAKING: Second Round Of $1,200 Stimulus Checks To Be Sent Out Next Week

Senate Republicans under the leadership of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have confirmed plans to send out a second round of stimulus relief checks during the coronavirus shutdown. The coronavirus relief plan was originally slated to be sent out next week, but has been delayed while officials go over the fine details. According to CNBC, the Republican plan will cost roughly $1 trillion, a number which Democrats believe is far too low because they want to add money which will go to their “Green New Deal” while the President wants the money to go directly where it’s needed, and that’s to the poople, and not some bullshit which doesn’t help us right here, and right now. Remember back in March, House Democrats under the leadership of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attempted to push through a stimulus plan that included “racial pay equity,” mandated corporate board diversity quotas, newspaper bailouts, early voting plans, and windmill and airplane carbon emission regulations: Pelosi COV

Scientists reveal first-ever photo of a solar system like ours

This is cool, and none political for once! Heh not that I’m tired of politics but I love science, and space, and well scientists have captured the first direct image of a solar system that closely resembles our own. The new image is a family portrait of sorts, showing two giant exoplanets orbiting a young, sun-like star, roughly 300 light years away. The picture was taken using the European Southern Observatory’s  Very Large Telescope , located in Chile’s Atacama Desert. According to a new study in the  Astrophysical Journal Letters , the system will help astronomers better understand how our solar system formed and evolved. The star, known as TYC 8998-760-1 and located in the Southern constellation of Musca, is only 17 million years old, which researchers called a “very young version of our own sun.” Comparatively, the sun is roughly 4.6 billion years old. Both planets orbiting the star, dubbed TYC 8998-760-1b and TYC 8998-760-1c, are suspected to be gas giants, meaning they are compo

AOC vs Yoho! The gloves are off!

Now we know that AOC is a known liar, and loves to make shit up, and when anyone questions her she cries like a disgusting little bitch. There I said it… Yes AOC YOU ARE A Disgusting coward, and a bitch! AOC is crazy, evil, and a liar… This has been proven, and on FOX Yoho brings it up. Remember her border crisis lies? AOC LOVES to slander others, and loves to spread hate, and then uses the race, and sexist card to prove she’s a victim. So now men can’t question something she says because she’s going accuse them of being “sexist” or her accusing them of being “racist” ? Well from one latino here to AOC again. STFU you disgusting lying crazy bitch! After an exchange of policy ideas that led to accusations of name-calling and accosting, Congressman Ted Yoho responds to claims made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez regarding their encounter. Did he use language unbecoming of professional legislative discourse? – with Newsmax TV’s Greg Kelly

Don Lemon Mocks Trump's "Easy Mental Test" Then Misses a Question! 😂

There is nothing I love more is when one of these leftist morons on tv eat their own words after being proven wrong but now there is something even better! When they self own themselves on LIVE TV and prove just how stupid they are while they’re trying to say someone else is dumb. Folks you cannot script this even for a Jim Carey movie.. The so called best journalistic resources of CNN can bring you, punditry wonder twins “Don Lemon” and FREDO himself “Chris Cuomo” who lied about having Covid19, and nobody questions this idiot over it tried to mock the mental acuity test President Donald Trump took only to miss a question when they tried it on their own. This is hilarious guys! Here is what they’re talking about so you get the background info first. On Wednesday, during an interview with  Fox News  medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel, Trump said that due to the “stamina” and “mental health” requirements of the presidency, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden owed it to

Prominent Black Trump Supporter Bernell Trammell Murdered in Milwaukee... REST IN PEACE

As we know the whole Black Lives Matter movement doesn’t apply unless you have a career criminal background that reads like a mile long manuscript from an ancient land from long ago… Or in other words unless you’re a scumbag loser dickwad who goes out on a daily basis, and does evil acts, and some random white cop so happens to pull your ticket in what was a fucked up to kill someone but hey that’s KARMA for someone who pistol whipped a pregnant lady, and who did prison time for it, and was being arrested and resisted while high, and arrested for passing off a fake $20…  OR if you’re a career criminal who fights two cops who have to arrest you for DUI which is against the law, and you pull their weapon and fire it at their face. So the cop has to kill you to defend himself, and others you might hurt… So those lives matter, the cops be damned, and if you’re a Donald Trump supporter who happens to be black and someone kills you it again doesn’t matter right? That’s what we’re watching ha